Progress Pond


Have they no shame?  At long last, have they no shame?  Another Republican candidate for Governor going down to defeat resorts to the worst possible bullshit to try to distract voters from issues.

Fucking pricks.  As we read yesterday, Republicans in Virginia don’t believe in the Constitutional right to a fair trial (unless the Defendant is named Scooter).

And today.  Republicans don’t think that people with marital problems ought are fit for office.  Fucking slimy FASCIST-CONSERVATIVE: demanding to get in the way of you and your right to divorce.  If you are divorced, no need to be concerned about your country.  You are not fit to serve.  What’s that?  Eliminating about 50% of the population.  Fucking great.  That must be how they select fucking candidates for neat jobs like the Supreme Court and FEMA Secretary.  Just eliminate 99.99998% of the candidates on prudish, religious moral issues, and then you get stuck with the stupid fucker who can’t effectively run Arabian Horse Shows.

Fucking sanctimonious pieces of fucking trash.  This country’s political system has been trashed to no end, by fucking FASCIST-CONSERVATIVES.  Because their ideas are bankrupt:  A losing war; Trillions of dollars in trickle down debt;  A health care system that is a joke; a Homeland Security system that couldn’t work the night watch at the local junkyard; ruining our environment while telling us everything is fine; demanding that church and state be intertwined; and way too fucking happy to be making decisions about our bodies and our morality and our sex lives.

Fuck them.  FASCIST pieces of shit.  Who is going to stop these keystone brownshirt, moral majority FASCIST who want to take over the world.  Fuck them.  If you see one on the street with a “W” sticker, or a Forrestor or Kilgore sign, I strongly suggest you walk up to them in public and call them a CONSERVATIVE-FASCIST prick in as loud a voice as you can muster.  And tell them they can’t have your fucking country.  Ad lib the rest.  Call Damnit Janet for canned quotes like, “Suit up or shut up.”


I told you people I needed a fucking sedative.  I tried to warn you.

Update [2005-11-3 22:41:51 by BostonJoe]:Just keeping tabs on more FASCIST-CONSERVATIVES in our government. I’m watching C-SPAN right now (because my $80 a month to the cable industry provides nothing better to watch). There is a Pentagon news conference on. A civilian Pentagon official, Lawrence Di Rita, was just answering a question about the administration’s opposition to the McCain anti-torture amendment. I can’t quote for you exactly, but I will paraphrase what the CONSERVATIVE-FASCIST said: “The adminisration will have to speak to that. But in the ‘Global War on Terror’ we need to be very ‘agile’ and we need to have ‘creative’ options available.”

That’s right. For a CONSERVATIVE-FASCIST, “torture” = “creative.” I’d like to get a look at their doodles when they are indulging their creative inner-child. Fucking FASCISTS. Everywhere. Running our government.

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