by Patrick Lang (bio below)
Cross-posted at
With 897 vehicles destroyed by daybreak Saturday, it was the worst one-day toll since unrest broke out … Five hundred cars were burned a night earlier. In a particularly malevolent turn, youths [prevented] paramedics from evacuating a sick person from a housing project, pelting rescuers with rocks and torching the awaiting ambulance … A nursery school was badly burned …” AP
CRS -SS!.” That was the street chant in 1968 when the students decided to raise hell about tuition increases or something.
“CRS” The “Compagnies Republicaines de Securite.” These are the riot troops of the Ministry of the Interior. They wear dark blue, carry submachine guns generally and are not polite. The students obviously did not like them in 1968. There are a lot of these police troops.
“Gendarmerie Mobile.” (“GM”) These are the mobile tactical reserves of the Military Police, who in France also mostly work for the Ministry of the Interior but, who are actually soldiers. They police the French countryside. In addition to their posts in towns they have large armored units in the GM. These GM units have armored personnel carriers and tanks, real tanks. They wear black uniforms and are called in to back up the CRS if it looks like a situation is “going south.” They usually are polite.
Then there are also “La Police Nationale,” (ordinary cops, usually in cities, you know, Cluseau, Maigret, etc) Not significant in street riots.
If you start to see either the CRS or the GM in the streets of Paris you will know that the government has decided to do something serious against the rioters. So far the poor “pompiers” (firepersons) are taking a beating in trying to deal with insurgents who, at this point, probably think that their hellraising is doing something good for them.
Most Americans claim to dislike France. I have puzzled over why this is true. Were they snubbed in Paris by waiters, department store clerks, abused by cab drivers? Have they never been to New York City? Can they not deal with people like that? Is this visceral hostility a left-over from a millennium of hostility between the English ancestors and the French “enemy?” Is this really a hold-over from the Hundred Years War?
Are we really so small-minded that we are angry with their insistence on following an independent course in foreign affairs?
Do we not know how many times the French Armed Forces have stood beside us since WW2? I do, because I was often at the heart of such cooperation.
… Continued below, and UPDATED with economic statistics:
Americans, who know anything about foreign affairs, often believe that France withdrew from NATO back in the ’60. Not so! They withdrew their forces from the PEACETIME command of SHAPE, the NATO heaquarters in Belgium, but they never withdrew from NATO. Their forces remained firmly embedded in war plans and in position to participate in repulse of the Soviets for all those years.
I confess to liking France, the French language, the cuisine, the whole thing. Sorry folks, there it is. I have actually been to the French military cemetery at Yorktown, Virginia where their valor was essential to the triumph of American arms (and our independence from the British).
When I was in government service I was often the grateful recipient of their help in difficult situations. I have been to the Church of St. Louis in Paris. This is the official church of the French Army. In the Church there is a stone monument about four feet tall and shaped like a bullet. It is carved with the symbols of the United States. There are identical monuments along the roads in northern France from the beaches in Normandy to the German frontier. They mark the route of advance of Patton’s Third Army. This is called the “Route of the Liberation.” The one in Paris is filled with earth from all the American military cemeteries in France. I once spent some time at the US cemetery at Belleau Wood. This is the “Aisne-Marne” cemetery.
The US guardian there lives at the cemetery. He told me interesting things:
- That his predecessor had lived at the cemetey throughout the German occupation in WW2. The Heer (German Army) placed a guard on the place and provided required logistics until the US advance in 1944 “uncovered” the area.
- That his maintenance budget from the US givernment was sadly inadequate and that the way he dealt with this was that he had a list of French contracters who, when called on, maintained the cemetery gratis. If this does not meet your pre-conceived notions on the subject, “Tant pis..” (Too Bad)
Having said this, I am sorry to say that France has a problem involving un-assimilated Muslim immigrants and citizens which the government and people of France have themselves caused over the years.
Simpy put, they have let too many people into the country who came only for economic improvement and who had little or no interest in becoming French. This developed largely after the liquidation of France’s colonial empire. In the immediate aftermath of the independence of Algeria, many partly assimilated Algerians moved to France to escape the rule of the FLN in Algiers. These were the so-called “Harkis.” They wanted to be assimilated and, in the main, have been. The later immigrants were different. By and large, they came to France”for the passport,” and with no intention of accepting the idea of being French.
It has to be said that the French are by and large an ethnic people. (Yes, I know about Corsica and Martinique) They, like the Germans and English have a difficult time thinking of immigrants as really having become them. The immigrants know what the French really think they are. This is a problem. Nevertheless, I have “rattled around” in the “boondocks” in France because I have friends there, and in every town in the provinces I find that these same immigrants occupy most of the low-cost public housing and that their children go to state run schools just like the kids whose ancestors marched with Napoleon.
What’s the problem? The French have allowed this situation to fester. If a lot of people from another culture immigrate to your country and you accept the idea that they will remain something different, then, in the end, you have to expect that there will be trouble when these folks begin to realize the strength that their numbers give them.
I can hear the economic determinists howl. “Not by bread alone..” folks. Nevertheless… According to the CIA “World Factbook.” the population is 99% literate, The unemployment rate is 10.1% and the percentage of residents living below the poverty line is 6.5%. The high (for us) unemployment rate is attributed widely to structural rigidity in the more or less “statist” French economy. By contrast, our unemployment rate is 5.5% and the percentage of people living below the poverty line is 12%. So, I guess we are more productive but have less social conscience. That sounds about right.
What will happen? If the hoodlums in the streets don’t calm down, the French government will finally decide that order must be restored. This will be a tough decision. The post-colonial French treasure their self-image as great humanitarians, and the Left will spin and howl, but self interest will triumph.
The Muslim kids can go home and go look for a job or they can expect to meet the CRS and GM.
The Muslim kids can go home and go look for a job or they can expect to meet the CRS and GM.
Col. Patrick W. Lang (Ret.), a highly decorated retired senior officer of U.S. Military Intelligence and U.S. Army Special Forces, served as “Defense Intelligence Officer for the Middle East, South Asia and Terrorism” for the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) and was later the first Director of the Defense Humint Service. Col. Lang was the first Professor of the Arabic Language at the United States Military Academy at West Point. For his service in the DIA, he was awarded the “Presidential Rank of Distinguished Executive.” He is a frequent commentator on television and radio, including PBS’s Newshour, and most recently on MSNBC’s Hardball and NPR’s “All Things Considered.”.
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“Drinking the Kool-Aid,” Middle East Policy Council Journal, Vol. XI, Summer 2004, No. 2
But as preface let me say I am not automatically derisive of the military, as a national institution. What it has evolved into is something else…
As an example of what to avoid in “mixed company” let me offer:
CRS -SS!.” That was the street chant in 1968 when the students decided to raise hell about tuition increases or something.
Little happens in a vacuum:
A quick timeline. Over view of posters of the time, Paris 1968
And I really do recommend Jerome a Paris, whose post precedes this one, for an excellent overview of La France and the several days in the banlieus.
As I said, sorry to be rude, but derisive is derisive. And I don’t much care for “snap” takes on The Left.
that’s a great point … but just as we can’t make a snap judgment about the left of the 1960s, so too we can’t make a snap judgment about the “kids” who are burning cars, including minimizing what’s going on.
…so too we can’t make a snap judgment about the “kids” who are burning cars, including minimizing what’s going on.
I made none, but Lang has judgements… Derisive ones.
AND,”snap judgements”, LOL (sorry to laugh) to be frank, his close, too, does just that Susan. The voice of authority, at bellow. And in being bellicose he ignores much….
And I do recommend Jerome a Paris. AND I was living in Europe in ’68. The exodus of Czechs, in advance of the Soviet tanks, in particular fanning out thru the cities of Europe, had a tremendous galvanising effect on events already forming.
Or we can just make war. Seems to be what the state does best…
I assume Lang can answer for himself… if he reads the threads to his posts.
Thanks for this.
It’s interesting to me that it’s a right-wing government that is having so much trouble deciding to call in the heavy hitters to restore order. If a Socialist government were in power, this would make more sense to me, but why should Chirac be so loathe to show his strength? Isn’t the government’s dilly-dallying bound to inflame Le Pen’s far-right crowd?
Anyone who can explain this?
News footage from at least the seventh day of the riots has shown the CRS on the streets of the Paris suburbs.
Some Parisians now sem to be calling for the use of the army.
OK, but we’re over a week into this, and again I find the government’s reluctance to use force more ‘leftist’ than ‘rightist’–hence my puzzlement. The fact that force is beginning to be used after a week of disorder is more or less inevitable; what’s interesting to me is that the troops were not called out immediately by a right-wing government.
Jerome? Anybody? What am I missing here?
While at the present time, it is merely a bubble of have-have not underclass consequence, which is to be expected in France and everywhere else where societies have made similar decisions, the youths themselves make no claims to “jihad,” they carry no banners emblazoned with verses about black flags from Khurassan, they chant no names of martyrs and Resistance heroes, they are not even burning Sharon in effigy.
As the WaPo story in the other thread mentions, these kids may pray in a mosque, but they come out of the mosque and par-tay. Not exactly “Taliban” material.
By their own admission, they have no real plan or strategy beyond burning cars for the cameras to draw attention to their plight.
Hardly promising material for anyone looking for fellows with the discipline and commitment to go marching off the ancient lands to do battle with the crusaders and save the Holy Sites, and for extremely conservative clerics who seek to call more into the fold of very devout, these guys are their worst nightmare.
However, and somewhat ironically, once France begins to slaughter them in large numbers, their cause will become a religious one, it will then constitute an expansion of the crusade theatre, and subsequent events will reflect this.
While we constantly remind the French how we altruistically “saved their ass” in WWI & WWII, they are too polite to remind us that this country would not even exist were it not for Gilbert du Montier, the Marquis de Lafayette.
Seems they “saved our ass” on that one.
Oh Pat, those wacky students are always protesting things. What with rowdy kids dumping tea into Boston harbor, standing in front of tanks in China, throwing flowers at soldier in front of the Pentagon in 1967, or burning cars in Clichy, fighting tanks with rocks in Hungary in 56 or with poems in Prague in 1968, it’s tough for the professional guys to do the important and serious stuff.
Tectonic changes often start with little tremors and even forgotten and pathetic street demonstrations can bring down empires. Jaques and Nick and Lionel must all be thinking about that right now.
The worm has turned all over the world.
BushCo and its subsidary BlairCo (although some would claim that the relationship is really the other way around) appear to be going down. CERTAINLY they are in dire straits at present.
In South America and environs, General Bolivar is alive and well. And conferring with Che Guevara as to how best to go about what needs to be done.
China has come out of its protective shell and is flexing its muscles. BIG muscles.
India and Ireland are in a boom state, using cybertech to even up the score.
Russia has perfected its own strange version of “capitalism”… a gangster-dominated kleptocracy in reality, but it seems to be working very well. So far.
Almost the entire Islamic world is in open revolt against the hegemony of the U.S. and Europe in the region.
Only sub-Saharan Africa…poor, raped Africa, whose people were subjected to treatment as literal subhumans for three thousand years, more or less…is still flat on its back in this world today. And watch out…South Africa’s got some muscles, too.
In Europe…in Holland, in Germany, in France, and in Great Britain also…the refugees of colonialism are starting to pitch a bitch as well.
So it goes.
Fuck with the bull and you get the horns.
The hands of France are only marginally less clean in terms of its colonialist history (ALL forms of colonalism…including the contemporary one, the economic variety.) than are those of the other players. It has…JUST like the United States and Great Britain…quite purposely created a permanent underclass withn its borders that is clearly marked by its easily visible ethnicity in order to have a service class that will do the dirty work of a clean and affluent society. (“But…who’ll clean the SHITHOUSE!!!???” in the immortal Lenny Bruce rant) And it has treated them even less well…less effectively, anyway… than has the U.S. over the past 50 years. (A hard act to top, but they have done so.)
The U.S. learned its lessons during decades of urban black riots. It bought off, integrated off, covertly drugged off, media-ed off, prisoned off, politicked off…and whatever OTHER kinds of offing it could get its grubby little hands on…the internal threat to its security in lieu of actually changing the way the society works. And it had the GREAT good fortune to experience (And actually encourage…what you think that the U.S. COULDN’T close its borders if it so chose? Get real.) a Mexican and Central American diaspora that combined a cultural bias towards incredibly hard work and generational patience with an economic desperation only matched anywhere on this globe in the most ruined parts of Africa and in some of the larger cities of the South and Caribbean Americas.
So the U.S has not fallen into a racially and culturally charged, riot-fueled collapse.
Not yet, anyway.
Now it’s Europe’s turn to reap the results of its colonialism.
The Europeans did it the hard way.
They EARNED it.
Will they wise up?
And if they do…in which direction?
Will they see the error of their ways and welcome these people into their culture? (Not likely. Great Britain is doing the best at this. It has become the most multi-ethnic culture in the world, other than the U.S. Must be the language. France? Germany? Bonne chance and viel Glueck.)
Or…and this is SO much more likely…will the iron fist come out of the Dior glove in France? Will the “hoodlums in the streets” (Nice turn of phrase, Colonel. dehumanize ’em some MORE, why don’t you?) get their asses kicked by the CRS and GM?
Or…are we seeing the Battle of Algiers II?
Will the “terrorists” (Some call them anti-colonialist freedom fighters…but not too loudly.) send some little helpers to fan the flames?
Have they ALREADY done so?
We shall see…
We are witnessing the REAL “Third World War” here. ANOTHER battle in the war between the haves and the have-nots. Between the so-called developed world and the kinda sorta ex-colonial Third World. A war that is not being fought exclusively on discrete battlegrounds, but is also coming to the various strongholds and homelands of the historically successful predator nations. A war that has devolved…as almost all wars seem to devolve eventually…into an ethnic struggle.
The Third World War…interfering with the making of baguettes and drinking of Beaujolais Nouveau in a civilization near YOU.
Homeland Security my ASS.
YOU seein’ some HOMEBOY Security now, brother Colonel.
It was SO nice that the Germans were kind enough to have placed a guard on the American cemetery and provided required logistics until the US advance in 1944, wasn’t it?
Do you know what that says to me?
In the long run?
It says that…no surprise, coming from the Nazis…race is more important than war. War is temporary, but race? Race is FOREVER. (Barring widespread miscegenation, of course.) The same sort of thing happened in the U.S. German prisoners were allowed to eat and mingle with the residents of certain towns in the south while the black people who LIVED THERE were not afforded the same (questionable) privilege. (I have this on eyewitness testimony.)
It appears that you have been away for a while, sir.
Do you remember this old piece of black American folk wisdom?
“If you white…alright.”
“If you brown…stick aroun’ “
“If you black…git back.”
Well…the worms, they are a’turnin’.
You say “The Muslim kids can go home and go look for a job or they can expect to meet the CRS and GM.”
And what if these vaunted secret police organizations…because that is what they are, sir, let’s call a spade a spade here…turn out to be just another French Maginot Line?
What if “the enemy” has already slipped around in back and taken the civilization?
What if every non-French menial worker in France went on strike?
UH oh!!!
There goes the local brasserie!!!
And there goes the neighborhood.
(Or is it here COMES the neighborhood?)
Now make no mistake…I am no francophobe. In fact, of all the countries in Europe, I am most happy in France and would LOVE to live there. As you say…”I confess to liking France, the French language, the cuisine, the whole thing. Sorry folks, there it is.”
Me too.
But the fact remains…if France…and the entire rest of the “developed world”…does not back off of the feed trough and let the other critters have their fair share of the meal, there is going to be HELL to pay over the next few decades.
Because them injuns got repeatin’ rifles NOW, podna.
BET on it.
AND…they’re living around the corner.
AND…they’re doing the work that WE are “too good” to do.
Q: “Mr. Gandhi, what do you think of Western Civilization?”
A: “I think that it would be a very good idea.”
Or…the CRS and the GM and the FDI and the CIA and the NSA and MI5 and MI6 and Special Forces and whatever OTHER groups of armed killer poloice SWAT teams can go in and mop this shit UP!!!
WHEREVER it happens!!!
In Compton.
In Fallujah.
In Acheres.
In Amsterdam.
In Brighton.
THAT seems to be working real well.
Time for some Western Civilization.
It’s ABOUT time.
Check it out.
You are a spook, sir. A “retired” spook. That’s what your resumé says. Right. Now…I’m no spookophobe either, but Col. Lang…PLEASE go talk to your boys. They are not getting off on the good foot, here. They may be able to stamp out the little fires, but the fire next time is just going to be bigger for every stomp of the covert and/or police and/or military boot.
We are outnumbered 5 to 1 in the world; we consume a HUGELY disproportionate amount of the GNP of said world, and the other four guys are no longer armed with bows and arrows against our Gatling guns and smallpox infected blankets.
Headed for the Little Big Horn, sir.
Le petit grand klaxon is beginning to sound its siren song.
Tell them.
Larry Verne, 1960. “Please Mr. Custer”. Words and Music by the holy prophets Fred Darian, Al DeLory, and Joe Van Winkle
[Indian drums throughout]
[Indian war whoops]
(That famous day in history the men of the 7th Cavalry went riding on)
(And from the rear a voice was heard)
(A brave young man with a trembling word rang loud and clear)
What am I doin’ here??
Please Mr. Custer, I don’t wanna go
Hey, Mr. Custer, please don’t make me go
I had a dream last night about the comin’ fight
Somebody yelled “attack!”
And there I stood with a arrow in my back.
Please Mr. Custer, I don’t wanna go (Forward Ho!!)–AAAAWWWW!!!!
SPOKEN: Look at them bushes out there
They’re moving and there’s a injun behind every one
Hey, Mr. Custer-you mind if I be excused the rest of the afternoon?
HEY CHARLIE, DUCK YER HEAD!! [sound of arrow whizzing by]
Hmm, you’re a little bit late on that one, Charlie
Hooh, I bet that smarts!
(They were sure of victory, the men of the 7th Cavalry, as they rode on)
(But then from the rear a voice was heard)
(That same brave voice with the trembling word rang loud and clear)
What am I doin’ here??
Please Mr. Custer, I don’t wanna go
Listen, Mr. Custer, please don’t make me go
There’s a redskin a’waitin’ out there, just fixin to take my hair
A coward I’ve been called cuz I don’t wanna wind up dead or bald
Please Mr. Custer, I don’t wanna go (Forward HO)–AAAAWWWW
SPOKEN: I wonder what the injun word for friend is
Let’s see-friend– kemo sabe, that’s it
KEMO SABE!, HEY OUT THERE-KEMO SABE! [sound of arrow whizzing by]
Nope, that itn’t it
Look at them durned injuns
They’re runnin’ around like a bunch of wild Indians-heh, heh, heh
Nah, this ain’t no time for jokin’
[sound of arrow whizzing by]
[sound of arrow whizzing by]
TELL them, sir.
It’s getting seriously late in the game.
Arthur, I gave you a warning.
Nobody reads such long posts, and I think it’s rather rude. It’s especially so since you’ve already posted this long thing as a diary.
Next time, I may erase it without a warning.
Feel free, Susan.
I didn’t see this length thing anywhere in the rules (Did I just miss it?), and it does not seem “rude” to me to post long commenms. Two clicks and it’s skipped if someone is of that mind.
Hardly “rude”.
Yes. I’ll cop to that.
But rude?
Maybe we live in different cyberuniverses.
What’s rude in the Vicar’s tea room is more than appropriate on the battlefield.
I write what I think, in response to what I’ve read.
And sometimes it gets long.
So I leave it on the thread.
And I also post it as a diary, if it seems correct to do so.
I suppose I could simply post a comment that says “See my posted diary for more.” It simply never occurred to me.
Whatever…gotta go to work again. No more time to write.
Do what you think you must.
But remember…everything you do impacts the effectiveness of this forum.
Too many rules…may as well go back to dKos.
Too FEW…well, to tell you the truth I do not think that you CAN have too few rules. I only have my own experience to go on, with a forum I run that is very specialized, one I stated in response to a well established one that had rules up the yin-yang and was dying a slow, kudzu-like derh as a result.
And aside from not allowing blatant spam or flat out personal lying about someone else…I have had no trouble whatsoever for over three years. Some arguments, sure. But I have never had to kick anyone off, and the site is THRIVING.
No moderators, no nothing.
No rules.
Over 1500 different threads. God only knows how many comments.
On everything from God to politics to bebop.
About 750 regular users.
Smooth as silk.
P.S. Is THIS response too long?
Is there a character limit for comments? If there is, please tell me and I will abide by it.
Gotta run…
It’s not a rule but it is something to consider. It requires a lot of scrolling to pass-by super long comments. Since we are pretty lax about what makes an appropriate diary (compared to other sites), it might be a good idea to use a comment to direct the reader to a very long response formed in a new diary.
We also tell people not to post pictures or links that blow the margins. Margins may seem like a trivial thing to some, but it reduces that reading pleasure of most people.
It’s all about etiquette, not strict rules. But if someone doesn’t care about etiquette that can become a problem.
about etiquette is VERY different from either not understanding specific situational manners or having manners in a given situation that do not mesh with those of some others.
I have NO trouble scrolling past things. It simply does not bother me. So it is not a breach of etiquette in MY experience to write long comments.Plus…I have ALWAYS written long comments. On ALL the forums and blogs to which I have contributed. And this is the very first time that I have been asked not to do so.
A request to which I will accede.
But my long comments were NOT because I “did not care”.
They were because I DID care.
About something else.
Arthur, this is a community…. try to think of that when you post. Even though you’re besotted with long comments, the vast majority of us are not. It’s a turn-off to further reading in the comments section, and that’s not fair to the people whose comments land far below yours.
Just think of what BooMan says and comply. Thanks.
It appears that you pretty much agree with what Col. Lang has to say.
Would you use the term “besotted” (talk about RUDE…) here if you agreed with me?
I think not.
P.S. I am complying with your instructions, by the way. “”Besotting” myself as a diarist instead of as a commenter. Thanks for the tip.
Actually Susan,
I look forward to each and every one of AG’s posts. I dutifully read every drop…and still manage to scroll on down to finish the rest. Who is interested in rushing around a blog, anyway? What purpose does it serve to rush? If someone is going to be deterred by having to scroll through a long post in order to finish reading the comments- then they probably have nothing cogent to add anyway. Let them go.
If someone is convinced that another poster adds little value or they tire of her/his writng style, does this technology support an ignore user function?
It’s been my feeling for a while that we are entering a period of questioinng the established order in a way that hasn’t happened since 1968 or 1848. A year that wants to changed the world, when across the planet there’s a general rejection of the the status quo. It isn’t just America, but the sens e of deja vu with a VP who looks to be on his way out to be replaced by an awkward Republican from Illinois, deja vu. Not 1968, but it seems that the Bush adminstration has managed to channel the ghosts of watergate. Spiro Agnew eat your heart out, Dick Cheney looks to be head to the street as well.
Again, though it’s no just America. In France there are the riots, in Germany there’s a tremdously unstable coallition, in Italy Berlusconi seems to have revived the ills of Democrazia Cristiana with a passion. And in Spain the country’s going through that awkard trasnsition that occurs when you realize that you’re no longer a poor homegeneous country, but a wealth mulitcultural society.
France may have an ethnic tradtion, with the Corsicans and the Bretons being the outliers, but if the idea of paramilitaries putting down “popular” (by this I mean street violence) rebellions, this could be horrible for surrounding countries. What the Brits have done in Ulster, and the willingnes of Spanish government to ban parties (and the allegations of torture in Navarra and the Basque country), all this with the idea of violent police action by the established order to keep the ethnic minorities and people who want change down. This is a dangerous thing.
Europe has a terrible angst about violence by the state (see their position vis a vis the dethe penalty) , this beng the legacy of centuries of warfare, and of course the holocaust. Do we really want to consider what it means if that angst and the taboo against state violence is relinquished.?
I agree with this. We are certainly entering an unstable period for the world. It’s truly unfortunate that the US seems to have adapted a foreign policy which is best express by that Vietnam era war phrase “we had to destroy this village in order to save it”. No doubt, if you ask a neocon, they will claim this is not happening, and that’s why they’re all standing in line volunteering to go to Iraq. Not.
The US should be the world’s biggest force for democracy, and peace, but we are viewed right now by the rest of the world as a destabilizing force. Bush is paying lip service to these goals, but it’s hard to be for good when you also claim the need to start a pre-emptive war and torture people in hidden prisons. It’s always been questionable if we can spread democracy with the pointed gun rather than the helping hand.
So in a time when the world should be working together on poverty, terrorism, war, flu pandemics, (insert world problem here) we instead see just how many ways other countries can say “Go f&*k yourself, you loonies” in flowery diplomatic language.