by Larry C. Johnson (bio below)
There they go again. Rightwing hacks making up facts. The latest comes from retired Generals and Fox News Contributors Paul Vallely and Tom McInerney who went on John Batchelor’s radio show and claimed:
that Joe Wilson more than once in 2002 in the green room at Fox New Channel in Washington D.C. boasted about his wife the “CIA desk officer.” McInerney has the same memory and more, since both he and Vallely were on FNC between 150 and 200 times in 2002 each…
Well boys and girls, I too was a Fox News Contributor in 2002 and spent a lot of time in the Green Room with both Vallely and McInerney. I saw them but never saw Joe Wilson. What is really curious is that I know I spent more time with Vallely and McInerney than Joe Wilson ever did and the subject of my wife (or their wives) never came up.
I first met Joe Wilson in the Spring of 2003 and he did not mention his wife.
We were at a seminar hosted by the Nixon Center. At the time I did not know that Joe had married the woman I knew as Valerie P. Although Joe knew that I worked at the CIA he did not take that opportunity to unburden himself of protecting his wife’s identity. In fact, he said nothing about his wife. Not even a wink and a nod.
Sadly, Paul Vallely and Tom McInerney have a track record of saying silly things on air and getting their facts flummoxed. Vallely, for example, appeared on the O’Reilly Factor on 8 May, 2003 and offered the following ludicrous claim:
It appears from reports that we are getting now that the mobile vehicles that they had, you know they found one up north that was sanitized. They found all the historic data of a weapons program but haven’t found the actual biological or chemical weapons.
It appears that a lot of those weapons were transited out of Baghdad through Syria and now are buried in the Bekaa Valley as deep as 30 to 40 meters. The Syrians are looking the other way. The only way this is going to be validated, Bill, we are going to have to take on that Bekaa Valley challenge some way or another to validate if this is true or not.
Sorry Paul. You were duped.
What is so pathetic is that both Vallely and McInerney present themselves as military experts on special operations when neither has held any position of any importance with those forces. In fact, neither has ever held compartmented clearances required to know about those special programs. Given their track record of getting military facts wrong there is no doubt they are wrong about Joe Wilson.
Larry C. Johnson is CEO and co-founder of BERG Associates, LLC, an international business-consulting firm that helps corporations and governments manage threats posed by terrorism and money laundering. Mr. Johnson, who worked previously with the Central Intelligence Agency and U.S. State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism (as a Deputy Director), is a recognized expert in the fields of terrorism, aviation security, crisis and risk management. Mr. Johnson has analyzed terrorist incidents for a variety of media including the Jim Lehrer News Hour, National Public Radio, ABC’s Nightline, NBC’s Today Show, the New York Times, CNN, Fox News, and the BBC. Mr. Johnson has authored several articles for publications, including Security Management Magazine, the New York Times, and The Los Angeles Times. He has lectured on terrorism and aviation security around the world. Further bio details.
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Larry, we all know that the American ppl know the truth. Fox News can and will put forth lies until the day it demises into non-news,,,,,well, to that extent they already have, so it seems…:o) Everyone is getting the idea no matter what FNC does or how they hire ppl to say the lies they put forth. What the American ppl want to know is what will happen to Libby and Rove an dthe WHIG did and sooner or later it will all come out to the open. This is after all is about the fact that this WH fixed the intel to fit the policy to go to war in Iraq! That is what the ppl care about anyways….
Thanks for posing the crap that the FNC puts out.
Some Americans know the truth. Some believe every word that pases from the lips of Bret Hume, Sean Hannity and Bill O’Reilly (liars all) and nothing can convince them to the contrary. I know. My parents are on that list.
Has someone just ratcheted-up the loony-tune setting on various wing-nuts?
Does Alcoa need to increase the bottom line by selling more tin-foil for hats?
What the heck is going on?
ATinNM, Andrea Mitchell was flogging that “green room” story on Chris Matthews show a couple weeks ago … not as tin-foily a version as this, but she said that Joe Wilson was popping up in every green room in D.C. that he could find, eager to tell his story.
I don’t have cable so I find it hard to keep track of all the various Right Wing hysterics on a timely basis.
I have to depend on the “kindness of strangers.” 😉
Wow! I wish I had that luxury. I would finally find some peace of mind. You have no idea all the garbage and crap you are missing. 🙂
It gets swarmy, doesn’t it, cruz!
ATinM, you can always read the transcripts, if you’d care to, which I’m not sure you would.
If it is from Fox it should go down the toilet. Nobody should waste their time with it.
In this household it is forbiden to even see what is on. Who ever does has to do the dishes for the whole month. 🙂
My lifetime supply of Mental Floss is just about used up.
I figure if I’m real careful I can stagger through the next 3 years before I run out.
cruz: Turn the TV off. Put down the remote. Move away from the couch. Do this & nobody will get hurt. 8)
Susan, do you seriously believe that a former Ambassador to our nation and a very smart man at that would do such a thing? I don’t. I give him some credit after all..Maybe, I am just naive, but that is how I feel.
No way. I think Andrea Mitchell is a talking-points hack.
Whew!!! I thought I was loosing it here for a moment!!!! Hugs
She is reviled as a liberal by the Freepers, but . . .
Her husband is Alan Greenspan, Ayn Rand disciple. She was one of the numerous pilers on during the Clinton era also, always with this disappointed sigh to go with her hackery.