Raise your treasonous hand.

Lott may have pronounced you all guilty of taking part in a treasonous act.

Booman covered the opening of this scandal here. Apparently Senator Lott had a lot more to add to this than even he thought before he discussed his little treason.

Follow the reasoning down below the fold.

“We can’t have leaks of classified information. It’s not in our nation’s interest.” – President George W. Bush, 10/9/01

It certainly isn’t in our nations interest.

Just who was at the weekly meeting where Lott said the classified information about CIA torture was discussed? Almost the entire republican Senate, right?

They are all guilty of sharing classified info.

Seems to me most of them had their “Secret” clearance revoked with the bush clearance purge…

So at this slightest whiff of evidence that information was being leaked, President Bush pulled classified intelligence access for 92 senators.

Some of those 92 Senators just might have been at the weekly republican senators’ meeting, eh? You know… The typical treasonous republican types. Someone forgot to tell Lott and all of the other republican attendees that most of them don’t have the clearance to discuss these matters I guess?

Lott may have stepped in it. He may have dragged the entire republican side of the Senate into it with him. Is every GOP Senator, and their aides, that attended guilty of partaking in this treason? Maybe… Certainly the ones that had the security clearance to know and that shared the information with the others that don’t have the security clearance are. Anyone got a better explanation of what they did?

Well, It wasn’t a treasonous conspiracy until Lott confirmed all of that classified info to the media and the world, was it? lol

Did I mention that Cheney was there too?

Am I getting ready to celebrate the NEXT SEASON OF TREASON a little too early?

Update: Apparently I am not the only one thinking there is something very fucked up with the Lott announcement.

Josh Marshal at TPM Has this:

TPM Reader TF checks in…

I don’t think anyone has mentioned this but didn’t Trent Lott himself continue to leak classified information in his comments off camera to CNN today?

If he was in that Republican only Senator’s meeting with Cheney last week and then confirms today that what was in the Dana Priest article last week was classified and discussed behind closed doors with Cheney, the CONFIRMATION of classified information has occurred.

As I recall from the whole Rove / Libby issues even the confirmation of classified information is a violation. Lott has basically confirmed today the off the books CIA prisons are real and that he got a classified briefing from Cheney. He basically confirmed the entire Wapo article, which I believe might be a violation itself!