There is going to be a Yearly Kos convention June 8-11, 2006, in Las Vegas.
A) are you going?
B) should we have a BooTrib conference?
where should we hold it? Take the poll.
Update [2005-11-9 23:11:24 by BooMan]: This guy wants to go:
There is going to be a Yearly Kos convention June 8-11, 2006, in Las Vegas.
A) are you going?
B) should we have a BooTrib conference?
where should we hold it? Take the poll.
Update [2005-11-9 23:11:24 by BooMan]: This guy wants to go:
I am so voting for Cedar Point. Then I can meet all of you guys during a visit home to Cleveburg.
But only because it is the closest to where I live.
It does depend on what time of year we’re talking, though. If we’re going to meet up in February, I change my vote to Aruba.
I’m with you. America’s Roller Coast–might as well double up on the fun!
I think that I’m going to Yearly Kos. For sure Boo readers whould meet up there…
I love the idea of a yearly Boo. Do it BooMan! Besides being able to meet all of you lovely people I would be able to harass Arthur Gilroy in person. 😉 The Adirondacks got my vote. Do it BooMan! (BTW, I am hoping to go to YearlyKos.)
between the Adirondacks and wherever Lebowski fest is…wait, isn’t there an amusement park in Cedar Point?
When’s the party?
Well, that changes things…but I already went and voted for the Adirondacks! Can I change my vote?
The best amusement park. Your boys would love it.
They do it right, and all ages would love it.
Aruba sounds good.
And how about Deadwood, South Dakota?! HUH?! 🙂 We could invite Ian McShane to be our keynote speaker.
Well, if it can’t be Fargo, I guess Deadwood will have to do.
Somewhere towards the middle of the country that is still kinda of blue. Chicago comes to mind. Maybe just after Labor Day? (Hopefully when the Cubs are in town, then I could finally take in a game at Wrigley Field!)
Ann Arbor?
Middle of the country.
Blue as blue can be.
I’ll buy the beer. Seriously!
It certainly is closer to Madison.
BTW, why not Mad City?
Not going to the first Yearly Kos, but attending Boo’s would be cool.
if it were in Madison.
Though in my experience parties there do have a tendency to get a bit out of control…
No more public partying until New Year’s Eve, I think.
By that time, people are doing winter break.
Good morning!
Doesn’t A2 have an annual hash festival? (I used to travel to your neck of the woods quite frequently, and I vaguely remember something about lax weed laws, along with some type of yearly bash.) Hey – was that it? “Hash bash”?
There is an Annual ‘Hash Bash’ on the first Saturday of April each year.
More info here.
So. . .I’ve often wondered. . .is it the type of event where attendees participate in the subject at hand? And if so, do the authorities simply look the other way?
If you don’t mind sharing, have you always lived in Ann Arbor or thereabouts? I truly enjoyed my many trips to that area. (Well, except for that one night I mentioned in a post awhile back – when I took a wrong turn on the way to the airport and ended up in the middle of the college campus the night before a football game against Ohio state. That, was obviously less than enjoyable. ;^)
I haven’t been down there in a couple of years, but last time I went, there were people partaking in those kinds of activities. The police were there, but they were solely there for peacekeeping purposes and crowd control. They weren’t looking to bust people on possession / use.
I moved here in fall 1996, when I started school at U of M. I graduated in spring 2000, got a job in the area, and have lived in A^2 ever since. It’s a great town, and even after living here for 9 years there are still so many things that I haven’t done or seen.
I’ll probably move on eventually, but I’m not in a rush 🙂
Wouldn’t it be so very much more pleasant, and easier to get together and hang out, to be in a smaller area/place?
At least, that’s been my experience at conferii.
Pigeon Forge TN hasn’t had so many democrats within the city limits at one time since the civil war!
Besides, it’s only a half-hour from me and I’ve never hosted a party for 350 or so before! And there’s Great Smoky Mountains National Park for those of you into such things. We can probably rent out the Knoxville Convention Center for a most reasonable price, and get local press coverage to boot. Make the local red populace’s heads explode.
Seriously, though, do it, Boo. Few if any of the pie refugees will be going to KosFest, and a lot of folks can’t make it to Vegas anyway.
I cast my runner-up vote for Philly, since I can squeeze in a visit with my parents if I don’t drink too liberally… Do they still have midnight showings of Rocky Horror down on South Street, LOL?
How far are you from where they hold the Bonnarroo Festival, Knox?
A few hours (3-ish). If you draw a line from Chattanooga to Nashville it’s halfway between the two. The Bonnaroo folks on their website recommend going to Chattanooga and then taking I-24 towards Nashville, but there are more direct ways from here.
Your mention of TN reminded me of a business trip to Chattanooga in 1992. My colleagues in TN were openly aghast by what they perceived to be sinfully extravagant corporate spending when they found I was staying at the “Chattanooga Choo Choo” hotel. (Which was a really cool, renovated train station)
Given the reaction of the locals, one would have thought I was staying at Trump Towers – when in fact, the cost of the Choo Choo was . . . $45 a night.
Pigeon forge holds a special place in my heart.
Last year, my car died about 2 hours before I was to go hiking in GSMNP. Dead battery. (It’s a good thing it failed before I embarked into the wilderness, but anyway) If I wouldn’t have had a manual transmission, it would have really sucked.
But as it was, I managed to get it started while rolling down a mountain, and made it to Gatlinburg. Of course they had no VW parts there, so I had to try to get to Pigeon Forge. I just made it, and my car died. Fortunately they had one battery left, and the guy there helped me put it in for free.
2 hours later, I was here:
(that’s Great Smoky Mountain NP)
no midnight RHPS on south st anymore
i grew up down the street from the TLA and was there every weekend in 78-79
ive seen RHPS around the country since then including the night in clemson sc when someone set off a bomb in the audience….its not the same anymore.
’79? We probably saw each other there!
Is the TLA even there anymore?
(For those outside Philly: TLA = Theatre of the Living Arts, the avant-garde movie house on the Bohemian side of downtown in the Carter/Reagan years.)
My kids saw Rocky Horror on MTV, and their reaction was: (1)”This was considered risque? How sad.” (2)”You must have lived a pretty lame/tame life.”
When my in-laws were living outside of Ashville we would always pass signs pointing to Pigeon Forge.
I used to wonder – I do these things – how one could forge a pigeon. I mean … aren’t they combustible? If you heat them red hot don’t they turn into squab? Aren’t they kinda squishy when hit with a 5 lb hammer?
How can one well-temper a pigeon, or a clavichord, for that matter.
Things get very confusing when one is a literal.
The Mystery Solved:
The town gets its name from the Little Pigeon River.
I’ll go if its in Boston!
are you hosting the art exhibition of the photo fair deano? 😀
if there is one, sure! 🙂
ladies and gents, we have him on record now. 🙂
How about Idaho where Shirlstar’s camp is? Besides, didn’t she already invite the whole Bootribe out there?
Arf, arf! (Count me in.)
I haven’t decided on YearlyKos, but I’m leaning towards a yes (how can I pass up Vegas?!?)
I’m down to meet other BooTribbers so let me know when ours will be held, or if anyone else is going to Kos.
Philly! the city of Bootherly Love!
For those of us who are going to YearlyKOS, maybe we can have a BooTrib party in someone’s room and do some liberal drinking one night…
for Military Tracy’s room 🙂
as long as its not Vegas. I really hate Las Vegas. And Reno.
But anywhere else and I’ll be there, the fates willing. However, it should be somewhere that the real BooMan (above) is welcome. We couldn’t have a BooTrib convention without BooMan!
It’s a great idea, but I ditto Janet S – I hate Vegas and wouldn’t go there on principle. (So it follows that I’m not going to the dkostivus).
I could go for Philly (spousal relatives there), or DC (ditto), or Chicago, St. Louis.
Not getting me on that roller coaster at cedar point, however, even though its within driving distance.
And I love the area around Dollywood – let’s invade the South – or why not in Nashville.
And if after the Hell Season (May – Oct), doing it in Austin would be lovely: great barbeque, music, atmosphere, stopping by R. Earle’s office to offer our personal thanks,etc., or better yet, going to Brinnainne’s graduation!!
C’mon down! I even have a fenced yard and two nice dogs for BooMan to play with. Well, one very sweet lab-like mutt and a brainless dachshund, but she’s OK too.
Let’s all bring our dogs. Mine would love a trip to Austin. We could go visit friends in Houston on the way.
And of course, being broke, my one and only vote can be for Austin — not that I wouldn’t travel the ends of the earth for you all but it just ain’t in the cards for me in the foreseeable future!
I was going to write something about the diss. progress this week! Really! I was! I will!
Heh. Now you have to keep writing the dissertation, so we have something to celebrate!
If we picked Philly, we could have a campout at the cabin…
writing fests, but I have two kids home sick and the assholes at Ethan’s school are telling me I had better not bring him tomorrow because I made the stupid-ass mistake of telling them that he was running a fever this morning. “He must be fever-free without Tylenol for 24 hours before he can come back to school….”
I don’t care, if he is feeling well enough in the a.m. and has no fever, I’m sending him. Fuck their stupid district policies. I should know better by now than to tell the damned truth to anyone in the administration of a public school.
Grrrr. Just when I get some momentum going on the diss. something like this always happens.
Last spring I spent a few days at a wonderful retreat center in the hills near Austin – Omega Crossing. Its a great “new age” kind of place that has communal dinning with great healthy food and is very enviro friendly. And on top of everything else – they have a spa on site! Great to get rid of all the tensions that have built up over the last five years. I’d love to go there again. And to see the place full of boo tribbers – now that would be heaven indeed!
Notice I didn’t nominate St. Paul – at least not in the winter!!
in YearlyKos, but looks unlikely; it’s right before the spouse and I make our Big Trip next year up to the Northwest. In fact, our current plan is to head up there that weekend, spend a few days in Seattle, then board a cruise ship toward the end of that week headed for Alaska so we can be on the ship to celebrate his 50th birthday.
[Damn, he’s turning 50…how the hell did we get OLD???]
Would love a YearlyBoo in Seattle, but would take just about anywhere; only requirement is either transit accessibility or someone willing to play chauffeur for the time period as I do not drive and can’t guarantee the spouse would be able to tag along…
I suggest to organise a joint Booman Tribune / Eurotrib conference in Lyon, France.
I can make all arrangements for the place…
And we can hold a special workshop on French cuisine recipes with local chefs…
A most excellent suggestion! C’est bon.
The idea of a yearly Boofest sounds like way too much fun however there’s not a chance in hell I’d be able to attend anywhere but if I could the idea of France is a lovely idea.
As for somewhere ‘in country’-there must be some centrally located destination that has great local color, things to do and see after an evening of some progressive drinking(no kool-aide allowed) with the Tribbers solving the country’s problems in a single evening, right?
If you’re going to wish, wish BIG! Lyon in the spring…be still my heart. Maybe even fall, or…when’s the Marsiac [sic] Jazz Festival…man, what a combo that would be.
Dreams aside, it’d be cool if it were located centrally, ie: Kansas City, Lawrence anybody…an oasis of Blue in a state of insanity…might even coax Ghostdancer out!
Colorado would be very cool, as long as it’s not anywhere near the Springs, plus it’s home…Boulder? Estes Park? Lots of cool facilities that could probably handle it.
Keep the thoughts coming. Personally, I’d love the chance to meet as many of you as could…hell, I’ll even bring a camera.
As we can see from the Yearly Kos experience, more than a year’s worth of planning and a lot of cost considerations went into it. In the end, it will be prohibitively expensive for most; and it is dominated by the stars of the democratic party.
My hunch is that if a Boo Converence takes place, it will be more accessible in cost and not dominated by the stars of the democratic party.
So my suggestion for a place that is reasonably priced, can accomodate a smaller scale, more alternative conference, and does so with some frequencey, is Hampshire College, in Amherst, MA.
The MA political bloggers will be glad to have ya!
is something you can plan into a conference
…dominated by starlings of the Democratic party. And certain members of the dkos community will circulate with large rubber hammers in order to WHACK the unruly back into line.
Whack-A-Boo will be strictly verboten at Yearly Boo, right?
(sorry for the bad humor, I just couldn’t resist).
well of course i say philly
philly is celebrating the birth of franklin for the next year or so
can you imagine what kind of blogger franklin would have been?
i often ask myself, what would franklin say?
rumor is he was a flaggelist too
if you pick philly i will host a sex tour (swingers clubs, SM clubs, Leather Bar, strip clubs, sex toy shopping etc)
See? there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to go to Vegas! Philly has it all.
Plus hot pretzels and better cheesesteak.
<interrupting this thread for something silly>
ok guys I just had to show this to everyone. I had to look up Flaggelist…so I did and this what I found. Frickin Hilarious.
Guy Talking to a Troll
Yes to a yearly Boo! I’m not going to Vegas, that’s simply too far to take the baby and too much commotion. I think somewhere in the middle of the country, so the two coasts have to travel about the same distance.
What if we bugged Phelps and gang in Kansas, or Dobson and lemmings in Colorado?
We’re right in the middle anyway. We could harass Dobson (great idea from Teacher Toni), visit the brewpubs and wind up at Mesa Verde looking at ancient civilizations.
Hey- maybe we could join Abramoff and pimp Bush to pay for everyone’s trip!
I had thought about going to yearlyKos, and I even checked with the wife and she had said sure… BUT I really have no interest in going to Vegas since I would be likely to have the kids in tow.
No matter how kid friendly they try and make some of the hotels there, it is still not the kind of place I would go with kids. Not to mention that my wife would likely lose our house at the gaming tables! (lol JK! No, she doesn’t really have a gambling problem…)
My wife and I run an online travel agency if you need any help to organize something like this Booman?
Yes, yes, yes to a YearlyBoo gathering. I voted for other. San Diego is a beautiful city with reasonable places to stay, camping areas on the ocean, The best zoo in the world, gorgeous beaches. I know the waest coasters we love it, especially me…lol.
If San Diego isn’t acceptable I would like to see it held at a lodge in the mountains somewhere. NOT Vegas. Let’s do it Booman. Can’t wait to meet you all. It doesn’t have to be the “big” convention that yearlykos is turning out to be just a get together for the community here.
Sitting here with curly. We’re both game if the time and place fits. Not Vegas, though.
Since the Kansas City contingent hasn’t put in an appearance yet, I’ll point out that K.C. is about as centrally located as it gets, and had great music and barbeque. But weather-wise we’d be limited to the spring (don’t mind the tornadoes), or the three days of fall that they get, LOL.
I’d take you all out my mother-in-law’s place, but that many progressives and freethinkers descending on the place at once would make her Republican / fundamentalist head explode, and the neighbors would get out their rifles – although we could hide among their cattle for protection! (At first I said “behind their cattle,” but too much walking behind cattle is not good for your shoes…)
Centrally located, and we can all take a bath together.
Or the original fountain of youth is in my county. I haven’t been there yet, it’s on my hope-to-visit list as are most of the suggestions.
I love Melanchthon’s idea of France – we could charter a plane. You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.
Good luck getting this all together, Boo. Maybe the scheduling should be planned first. The very idea of a party is so thrilling, you’re gonna have some cat-herding to do.
yes its there
not a movie house anymore
live concerts
I’ll cast my vote for a Boo convention. No interest for a number of reasons in going to the Kos do in Las Vegas.
With enough time and planning, we could probably make most any place work. Air fares can be worked out, drives combined, places to stay arranged. Given that the number of participants would be smaller than at the other place, it might be easier to organize.
I do like Frederick Clarkson’s idea of Hampshire College. No need in that area to worry about appearing too liberal and upsetting the local populace! On the other hand, I’d vote for France, too.
If things work out we plan to attend the KosCon in Las Vegas.
A BooTribe get together/converence sounds fun. I have no preference to the location.
Couldn’t help but notice – Boopup and the woman on the cover of the Gabriel Garcia Marquez book make a very lovely couple. (Creepily, that brings Santorum to mind)
(I’m with many of the posters above – in that I’d be interested in a gathering – but definitely not interested in Vegas.)
The lovely Asilomar conference center at the beach in Monterey has reasonable conference rates including three excellent meals per day and is walking distance to Monterey Aquarium, a short drive to Big Sur (spectacular scenery, camping, hiking) and Santa Cruz, and a few hours from San Francisco.
I’ll go where ever it is if it’s Boo. Kos is a maybe and depends on the state of the household and it’s accounts, stuff like that.