Progress Pond

More Poll Nightmares for Bush

Last week’s ABC/Washington Post poll was a nightmare for George W. Bush. One would think he had hit rock bottom, but the new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll (subscription required, but if you get there fast it is free this week only) is even worse. One gets the feeling that this administration is coming apart at the seams, and is in a free fall from which there may be no escape. This was the fifth consecutive major poll showing Bush’s personal job approval rating falling to an all-time low below 40%. Making the matter worse a new FOX poll has Bush at 36% job approval, so that makes it six in a row.

Tonight on MSNBC’s Hardball, Laura O’Donnell indicated that both Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan had rebounded from lower numbers, but that is at least a debateable claim. According to Media Reagan’s all-time low rating was 35%, in a Gallup Poll from January 28-31, 1983, and Clinton’s all-time low was 36% according to a Yank/Time/CNN Poll from May 26-27, 1993. Bush is currently at 35% according to CBS, 36% according to Pew and FOX. Moreover, all the signs suggest he has not bottomed out.

Details of the NBC/WSJ poll follow:

The new NBC/WSJ poll was conducted November 4-7, 2005 and consisted of 1003 adult interviews.It reports Bush’s job approval rating at 38%, an all-time low. 57% disapprove, an all-time high. In the wake of 9/11 Bush was at an88% approval and 7% disapproval rating. He has suffered a startling 100-point reversal.

As was the case with the ABC/Wapo poll, Bush is suffering on the issues. His job-approval ratings have hit an all-time low on every issue asked about in the poll:

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