I detest wasting any time talking about this slime. I hate to even put his vile visage on this august site.
So I’ll be brief.
From the “there you go again” file, we have another reason why we should not only reject but also fight the theocrats who wish to lord over us.
As most of you know, Dover residents on Tuesday ousted members of their school board who wanted to force the so-called intelligent design on school children. It seems to me that voters didn’t look too kindly onto an act of state religious indoctrination. Imagine.
But that was apparently too much for ole Pat:
“I’d like to say to the good citizens of Dover: If there is a disaster in your area, don’t turn to God, you just rejected Him from your city,” Mr Robertson said on The 700 Club.
And a parting shot:
“If they have future problems in Dover, I recommend they call on Charles Darwin. Maybe he can help them.”
How dare he wish evil upon them … or anyone? Forget the weasel words of “if there is a disaster in your area”–he is actively wishing evil upon them. So did the folks who died during the tornadoes in Indiana do so because they didn’t believe in “intelligent design” enough?
Of course, that puts the lie that “intelligent design” has everything to do with science and nothing at all to do with religion in stark relief. Notice that ole Pat is mum about whether or not God would extend His protection if a school board rejects phonics.
It’s insane to have to mention that natural disasters are going to happen whether Pat Robertson likes it or not. That’s why they are called “acts of God.” Wishing them upon people because they reject the authority that he thinks he represents and he thinks we should bow down to are acts of Satan.
God does not need Pat’s help. Or mouth. He’s likely tired of him, too.
Just enough already. He is an evil, from-the-segregationist-manor-born cretin with blood-stained hands and a God-complex. He is malicious. He is so far beyond any standard of decency that he should be shunned for the rest of his sorry existence. And anyone who willingly associates with him ought to have their humanity–as well as their sanity–examined.
that’s just pathetic that Pat Robertson is continuing to encourage his flock to see natural disasters as punishment for sin. That was the bedrock principle that led Calvin to support burning heretics. If you don’t, pestilence will visit your village. It’s a very ugly belief system.
It’s a kind of extortionism with ‘faith’ replacing protection money.
And we have got to start calling him out. This is just unacceptable.
O’Lieley said today or yesterday that the terrorists can attack Sf and no one would care, again.
I’ve been reading some historical novels about these evangelical religious groups lately and it is really fascinating. I never knew that evangelicism was such a major part of American history. I still don’t understand why people believe such bizarre things, but I do understand that is is vital to them.
They believe it cause it’s their sole raison-d’être. Without it they’d vanish as fast a pricked baloon.
We’ll call on the real God any time we need to.
Twenty years from now, it will be illegal to portray Jesus except as a blue-eyed white man in a three-piece suit, standing in front of a flag, urging the adoring youngsters at his feet to hie themselves to an Army recruiter.
There is no greater evil than the kind men like this inflict in “the name of God.” Feeding and then exploiting the fears of those only trying to be faithful, for personal glory and gain; using the exposure they purchase with the money they’ve conned out of those seeking comfort in their faith. It is mind control of the most lethal type. This is the kind of evil creature who ruled the world I grew up in, who had me completely convinced by age 5 that I could be struck dead by a angry vengeful god at any moment.
I was convinced god couldn’t see under the big grand piano, so that’s where I spend a LOT of my time.
What goes around, comes around, sooner or later. This evil bastard will deserve it all, in spades.
There is no greater evil than the kind men like this inflict in “the name of God.”
I’m pretty sure that there’s a passage in the Gospels backing this up.
I’m not a Christian but I’m always amazed by the Grand Canyon sized gap between the manner in which Christianity is and usually has always been practiced and the indisputable message of the Gospels.
This sort of stuff is what made me go to another religion entirely (Eastern). I just got so fed up with the idea that God could hate people different from the “norm.” and heap so much vegeance on people who just merely wanted to think for themselves. Every time i wanted to question liberally apply Christianity (you know.. interpret for myself, what God is) some thumper would come up and tell me “someone else has to decide for me. Deciding for yourself is HUBRIS.” Well, that just about did it for me.
Now, I know that there are millions of Christians that walk the earth everyday that don’t subscribe to that sort of nonsense..and they are genuinely good people… but as I was growing up the ones that did made such a lasting impression upon me that X anity itself just leaves a nasty taste in my mouth.
It’s in the interest of Christians everywhere to get creatures like Pat off the world stage. Keep guys like that up there long enough and who knows how many people they will alienate from Christianity?
What amazes me is how they portray God as a parent–and then assign the most vile vengeful acts to him, things no real and sane and loving parent would ever do in a million years.
is how they focus on the blood and guts and gore parts of the old testament and ignore the peace and love messages in the new testament.
For all the talking they do about Jesus, the Religious Reich really seem to be stuck in the Old Testament, with rules and regulations, and God as Punishing Parent.
The Old Testament portrayed humanity in its infancy and childhood in its relationship with God. When you’re a child, you have to be told what to do and what not to do, because you don’t know any better. But now we’ve matured, and need to go beyond that mentality into a more adult relationship with God — we’re expected to use the judgement and free will we’ve developed for the good of humanity, not for our selfish ends.
You don’t tell your adult child to look both ways and hold someone’s hand when crossing the street — you expect them to use good judgement and not step out in front of an oncoming semi. The adults who do still have to hold hands when crossing the street are pretty much those who are developmentally impaired…and you can pretty much say the same about the ultra-Religious Reich, who are developmentally impaired in their relationship with God.
Sorry for the sermon…
And AmericaBlog noticed it:
Sometimes the most obvious point just flies over our heads! lol
For those of you interested in the interaction of religion and government I suggest reading Sam Harris’ book “The End of Faith.” He argues that all organized religion is detrimental to a peaceful society since each claims to have the only true word. This leads to conflict.
He also runs a lively web site forum:
where these issues are debated frequently.