cross-posted at dkos.

Listening to Bush attack his doubters during his Veteran’s Day speech today it dawned on me that today is the day that he lost America.  It hit me like a ton of bricks.

Bush, who had bullied his way to reelection with a toxic combination of lies and bravado had finally gone too far.  He had stepped off the cliff.  He had burned his bridges.

He took the occassion to launch yet the same raft of shit about our duty to support the war in front of a crowd that was sick of his bullshit and could smell its stink.  For the first time,
it felt like he’d played this bluff one too many times, and it was so obvious not even his greatest loyalists could buy it.  

The tipping point has been reached.  The nation sees this man clearly, and doesn’t like what it sees. He’s lied us into war and gotten our sons and daughters killed for no good reason. Now, finally, he is revealed as a liar everytime he opens his mouth.  The troops know.  They may not say it straight out, but they know.  

Those who question this war are on the soldiers’ side.  They care about their deaths and wounds, and they want to know why they had to happen.  They aren’t Republicans or Democrats.  They are Americans.  They are us all.

Welcome back, America.  Now let’s begin the task of getting our country back.

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