I know that I am preaching to the proverbial choir when I say that the people who call themselves “pro life” are rarely anthing of the sort. Certainly these are people who seem to push policies that support lots of abortion, and as an ideal would like these abortions to be as expensive and dangerous as possible. Like this:

“Under President Bush, the decade-long trend of declining abortion rates appears to have reversed. Given the trends of the 1990s, 52,000 more abortions occurred in the United States in 2002 than would have been expected before this change of direction.”
Politically Connect Pro-life? Look at the fruits

Therefore I am thrilled and very very happy to point you to an actual Pro Life bill.
Notice that this bill does nothing to reduce access to abortion. It does nothing to limit access to contrception. It is not anti-life.

Note that I learned of this bill from BitchPhD. All Hail The Bitch.

This week, pro-life lawmakers introduced the Elizabeth Cady Stanton Pregnant and Parenting Students Act of 2005.

Ten million dollars for child care in universities. Hooray!!! Having a child in high school blocks single parents from attending college. Why? Because we as a nation have failed miserably to support parents anywhere. Esp young parents. Of course, Ten Billion would be closer to the mark, or even the hundreds of millions for the bridge to nowhere. But hey this is a wonderful start.

Here is the goal:
“To establish a pilot program to provide grants to encourage eligible institutions of higher education to establish and operate pregnant and parenting student services offices for pregnant students, parenting students, prospective parenting students who are anticipating a birth or adoption, and students who are placing or have placed a child for adoption”

The colleges can spend it on family housing!!! Child care! Baby formula! Maternity clothes! All the things that a humane and decent country would do for a young woman who is pregnant and wants to CHOOSE to be a parent and a student at the same time.  A meaningful offer to support a woman who wants to make a choice, as opposed to a punative desire to strip women of choices.

Of course, 10M is small change. But it is a start, and an important start.

I am no fan of Dole but wouldn’t it be nice if we could take this grand-standing and force a voice vote? Let’s really count the people who support life.

A graduate school with a day care.

I have to go somewhere now and faint out of happiness.

Reality. Can. Be. Made. Better.