What if there were no need to have abortions?

There is something happening here… what it is ain’t exactly clear

According to a New report from the Government Accountability Office: the FDA ignored scientific data and made a politically motivated decision on over-the-counter sales of Plan B Contraceptives

A congressional audit released Monday cited “unusual” steps in the FDA’s initial rejection of over-the-counter emergency contraception, including conflicting accounts of whether top officials made the decision even before scientists finished reviewing the evidence…

Hager told the group that he had not written his report from an “evangelical Christian perspective,” but from a scientific one — arguing that the panel had too little information on how easier availability of Plan B would affect girls younger than 16. The FDA later cited that lack of information as the reason it rejected the application.

I argued from a scientific perspective, and God took that information, and he used it through this minority report to influence the decision,” Hager said. “Once again, what Satan meant for evil, God turned into good.

Here is my question… is this just a coincidence that:

  1. Suddenly pharmacists are “choosing” who gets birth control and who doesn’t which increases unwanted pregnancies
  2. Push for abstinece only education — which increases unwanted pregnancies
  3. Open warfare on abortion rights which increases unwanted pregnancies
  4. Turning up the volume of the “Shame Game” of female sexuality which increases unwanted pregnancies
  5. Refusing to legalise and OTC contraception that would bypass steps 1 to step 4 which increases unwanted pregnancies

If I didn’t know better I would swear the wingnuts are trying to increase unwanted pregnancies.  They are turning our girls into Third World Villageoises… uneducated and pregnant. This is a vicious cycle that is being played out. There seems to be a method to their madness. One can only conclude is that the wingnuts are herding women into their skewed perverted image of womanhood with limited choices:

  1. stay chaste and marry and procreate
  2. be a slut and procreate in sin sentenced to a life of misery and shame because they are also the moving force behind cutting welfare supports
  3. or die trying to abort

Wouldn’t all of their nonsense be in vain if abortion were no longer nessecary?

  • If girls were taught how to be sexual and protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies and disease.
  • If access was given to OTC contraception like Plan B

Just these two actions alone would dramatically reduce the need for abortion… of course there will be exceptions and these will should be provided with safe abortions…so what the fuck is the problem????

Why are winguts (Rep and Dem) tripping over themselves trying to enslave women. Kerry and Hillary co-sponsored the “Right for Pharmacist to Discriminate Bill” with Sanatorum. The Democratic Leadership are bending over backwards looking for wingnut anti-abortion Dems to run…while kicking out progressives. Now Dems wants to spend MILLIONS of tax dollars to federally fund CPC’s… this is madness.

Just give’em the damn books and the pill

The light is finally being shed on the REAL reason for attacking abortion…

It’s the WOMEN…. Stupid

Women stay in their places better with children attached to their ankles… the largest and poorest  people (and most exploitable) on this planet are mothers.

It is just a hunch but companies like Target and Walmart seem to be preparing the ground to refuse to sell Plan B even if it is approved by the FDA…next look out for sudden restrictions of Internet sales of contraception.