What if there were no need to have abortions?
There is something happening here… what it is ain’t exactly clear
According to a New report from the Government Accountability Office: the FDA ignored scientific data and made a politically motivated decision on over-the-counter sales of Plan B Contraceptives
A congressional audit released Monday cited “unusual” steps in the FDA’s initial rejection of over-the-counter emergency contraception, including conflicting accounts of whether top officials made the decision even before scientists finished reviewing the evidence…
Hager told the group that he had not written his report from an “evangelical Christian perspective,” but from a scientific one — arguing that the panel had too little information on how easier availability of Plan B would affect girls younger than 16. The FDA later cited that lack of information as the reason it rejected the application.
“I argued from a scientific perspective, and God took that information, and he used it through this minority report to influence the decision,” Hager said. “Once again, what Satan meant for evil, God turned into good.“
Here is my question… is this just a coincidence that:
- Suddenly pharmacists are “choosing” who gets birth control and who doesn’t which increases unwanted pregnancies
- Push for abstinece only education — which increases unwanted pregnancies
- Open warfare on abortion rights which increases unwanted pregnancies
- Turning up the volume of the “Shame Game” of female sexuality which increases unwanted pregnancies
- Refusing to legalise and OTC contraception that would bypass steps 1 to step 4 which increases unwanted pregnancies
If I didn’t know better I would swear the wingnuts are trying to increase unwanted pregnancies. They are turning our girls into Third World Villageoises… uneducated and pregnant. This is a vicious cycle that is being played out. There seems to be a method to their madness. One can only conclude is that the wingnuts are herding women into their skewed perverted image of womanhood with limited choices:
- stay chaste and marry and procreate
- be a slut and procreate in sin sentenced to a life of misery and shame because they are also the moving force behind cutting welfare supports
- or die trying to abort
Wouldn’t all of their nonsense be in vain if abortion were no longer nessecary?
- If girls were taught how to be sexual and protect themselves from unwanted pregnancies and disease.
- If access was given to OTC contraception like Plan B
Just these two actions alone would dramatically reduce the need for abortion… of course there will be exceptions and these will should be provided with safe abortions…so what the fuck is the problem????
Why are winguts (Rep and Dem) tripping over themselves trying to enslave women. Kerry and Hillary co-sponsored the “Right for Pharmacist to Discriminate Bill” with Sanatorum. The Democratic Leadership are bending over backwards looking for wingnut anti-abortion Dems to run…while kicking out progressives. Now Dems wants to spend MILLIONS of tax dollars to federally fund CPC’s… this is madness.
Just give’em the damn books and the pill
The light is finally being shed on the REAL reason for attacking abortion…
It’s the WOMEN…. Stupid
Women stay in their places better with children attached to their ankles… the largest and poorest people (and most exploitable) on this planet are mothers.
It is just a hunch but companies like Target and Walmart seem to be preparing the ground to refuse to sell Plan B even if it is approved by the FDA…next look out for sudden restrictions of Internet sales of contraception.
“Right to Beat the Living Shit Out of a Pharmacist” bill?
Or the “Why Don’t You Take Care of my Unwanted Baby, You Fucking Pharmacist” bill?
Or the “John Kerry and Hillary Clinton are no Goddamn Democrats” bill?
They are outing themselves attacking contraception which is in direct opposition to their “supposed” beliefs of abortion. A normal sane person should be greeting Plan B with open arms to reduce abortions yet they are doing everything to keep it out of the general population via not letting it be OTC and wingnut pharmacist refusing to despense any and all contraception.
This is a planned attacked to enslave women.
It’s even worse than that. Here are our ‘progressive’ allies
How do we even talk about this crap?
of those comments even addresses the issue that Motor City Blue brings UP int he diary, not one!
calling a woman unchaste=defamation
Indeed, how do we talk about it if everyone misses the damned point?
of those comments even addresses the issue that Motor City Blue brings UP int he diary, not one!
Well, my comments didn’t because the unjustice of the law was far from my first, second or even third response to that diary and thread.
I’m just sitting here trying to imagine a world where Alito is confirmed, the religious right controls the government and our male ‘allies’ deeply admire the Gene Simmons of the world. I really have no idea how to talk about these cultural trends but it seems to me, perhaps unfairly, that the degree of dehumanization and depersonalization and genuine dislike of women on both sides of the politcal spectrum in this country is roughly equal. The fact that it manifests is slightly different ways does not render these guys (and the women who support them) any less offensive. Don’t hunters talk about ‘bagging’ the animals they shoot?
Well… DiFi met wtih Scalito and patted him down. Just this am. I heard her jsut now on the 11AM local news coverage here in SF. Bascially DiFi declared him to not be carrying any concealed weapons. He’s got a license to hunt coming up is my take.
The Catholic Yoke. Casey to Roberts to Scalito and their enablers and enforcers. The hearings will be amusing. Lots of senatese and bad theatre. I suspect Feingold passes him too. We shall see. But why break a winning streak.
Democrats will be passing a man known to oppose Roe (and all that supports Roe) on constitutional grounds. But he told Di he just said that to get a job. Long ago and far away under Reagan. Yeah sure.
Well and truly raped. Being painfully fucked is over. It is now rape.
Fucking outstanding. Another LIAR on his resume nominated by Bush. (Don’t care if it wasn’t actually on his resume, it’s essentially the same thing).
And DiFi finds this acceptable? Hmmm… perhaps he wasn’t lying then and is lying now? Inconceivable? I think not.
She stood there at the mic and said, very clearly and in two different sentences that she believes what he said to her about his statments to get a job. She smoothed the way for him.
To be brutally frank, and I stated this directly to Armando in the late spring in a NARAL/Chaffee/RI thread at Dkos… I have to consider (well by now the internal debate is over, my statement preceded the tape of Schumer being released) a deal between hard liner pro war christianists, the AIPAC lobby and the Democratic Leadership, the pro war pro business Democrats. The Dems wanted to be free of rights and responsibilites to real coaltiions, traditonal base and to to my mind they wanted to deal it away. Make a deal. And voila! Casey. LOL And a;; the statements from post election (Clinton, Bill and Kerry) to Hilpac in Jan to then more from Clinton to Kerry to Dean and so on.
By now I have no question about it any longer. They all conspired with the Unified War Party, Red State Dems, hard liner Catholics (I mean notice the majority coming up on the SC) and wahcked Fundies….
Dominion … And the poor Democrats think they will win votes thru this “deal”.
Reid is suffering from “Base Envy”… the only way we will win in 2006 is if the GOP doesn’t show up.
I wish i could decipher this post MCat. But I can’t, it is too dense with too much shorthand. Care to spell out your theory a little more clearly?
I recommend to you the current issue of The New Yorker. The article on the Casey machinations is not online. It requires reading with a critical eye and long and close observation of the party and their electoral systems. Article by Peter J Boyer, staff writer for the New Yorker.
I paid particular attention to how the story of the ’92 convention wrt Casey sr is presented.
A January issue of Harper’s about the shifts the Dems were embarking on wrt to support for Choice, a concurrent LAT article on the same concerns and related discussions (in Harper’s) about their platform, also not on line… A March 10 Democracy Now transcript (that is on line but the link is not at hand) of KIm Gandy and Phil Singer of the DSCC is intructive as well…. a long list of sources and much thinking…
I assume you availed yourself of the tape of Schumer that was online earlier this year wrt to gaming Casey and other races (Marc Crispin MIller had a tape link that was avaialbe for about 30 days) and leaving behind pro choice as a platform in terms of recruiting candidates for office….
I’ll be frank Booman, I very much doubt you are interested in my views of the party (whose ticket I have voted for since ’72) and its internal strife, sturm and drang. Had you been interested in any such thing, you might have replied to the Jane Mayer/America Prospect article I posted wtih regard to the hard realities of supposedly valuable majorities in congress.
The Democrats cross the aisle in thousands of ways… The hard truth that with Biden as Chair of the Judiciary we got Thomas. Critical thinking outside party exhortations, as prsented by Jane Mayer, a respected political writer and author, does not suit soft sell retail Democratic Party political endeavors. It just does not.
You have a very pleasant day…
I honestly didn’t understand why you were referring to a Strom staffer from the Thomas hearings 14 years ago as indicative of what is going on today.
Thomas should not have been confirmed. But those were different times. Politics were less bruising and the Dems were not unified around opposing nominees on ideological grounds. Actually, they still are reluctant to impose litmus tests because what goes around comes around.
But the court has shifted so much since 1991 (in large part because of Thomas) that the stakes are much higher.
In any case, I’m still not sure what your overall point is. I’m not really disagreeing with you about anything. I just am not getting it.
It’s been coming around for well over a decade now. Or are we supposed to pretend the GOP didn’t stonewall on the federal bench appointments during Clinton’s presidency?
Or that Miers wasn’t withdrawn over litmus tests?
It’s like they’re being more deliberately obtuse about the kinds of judges being packed into the courts than Bush is about global warming.
no, I don’t think we should pretend that. But I am responding to some kind of theory of official complicity or conspiracy that crosses party lines.
I’m not sure this is even about the Alito, Roberts, or Miers nominations.
Somehow Thomas’s confirmation is being used to prove a point that I don’t understand.
Thomas’s confirmation doesn’t indicate a conspiracy to me. It indicated a lack of resolve to block a nominee who lied about his position on abortion, to delve into nasty accusations of perversion, or to shoot down a minority candidate. Biden blocked Bork despite all predictions. Letting Thomas through was a mistake, but it came more from a desire to defer to the President than in some kind of cabal opposing abortion. At least that is how I saw it.
Today is a different culture and a different court.
THE most cynical move ever by Poppy was to replace the great Thurgood Marshall with pond scum. I truly believe now that Justice Thomas believes he’s really working on behalf of African-Americans…which may be more self-comforting than knowing he’s a sell-out.
Anyway, the “high-tech lynching” thing, I’ll never forget. And I won’t forget some Black folks who argued for us to take a chance on a fellow African-American, which is also what I think helped to pave the way for Senators to vote for him.
Well, I could see where this was going a mile away. Anyone who would shit on their own sister for being on welfare (to care for a relative at her personal and professional expense b/c that’s what was expected … of her) in front of a bunch of wingnuts to prove his conservative credentials is a mofo you don’t want on the Court. That and the fact that he’d only been a judge for 2 years.
and don’t forget that he’s dumb enuff he’d cheat off of Bush’s test if they were in class together.
Domestically, that means that there’s extreme pressure on everyone to toe the wingnut line. And the Dems are knuckling under. It’s like because they lost K Street, they lost their cajones.
Abortion is legal, yet this shit happens.
I don’t give a fuck about conspiracy theories. I see what’s happening. And it’s evil, conspiracy or happenstance, it’s evil.
Democrats will wait until thousands of women have died then complain that they were “fooled” by the right wing wingnuts… just like Iraq … they don’t have the fucking balls to do the right thing… they would rather surf in the wake of the GOP… than actually DO SOMETHING besides just “lightening” the load on the boat… that takes no talent… just stupidity…
It’s not that hard.
It has been well established that the Fundi Xtian right has made a pact w/ the AIPAC/Likud Jewish right, a lobby/interest/dysfunctional fascist bloc that has a great deal of influence in the Democratic Party (See Liebermann, Biden, Clinton(s), Schumer, Reid et al).
Both of THESE groups have strong ties with the military/industrial complex, which is increasingly entangled with other parts of the corporate structure in this country thanks to mergers, holdings in each other’s stock and boards which share many of the same (generally) men. As the “leadership” of the Democratic Party is increasingly beholden to either the corporations, AIPAC or both, they are under increasing pressure to keep the other “partners” happy, the whole gangbang described here as the Unified War Party.
How’s that?
No, this isn’t a “conspiracy theory”. People who dine together, send their children to the same schools, use the same financial advisors, cruise the same cocktail circuits will have a shared network of influences and friends. People tend to act similarly to people in the same circumstances.
Slap the tin-foil hat on me if you like, but it’s all there right before you on the morning chat fests on Sundays, if you care to look at it and quit buying the focus grouped buzzwords and hoping for the best.
careful… you are not suppose to mention the
or the
* C word
or the
* J word
Oops… that wasn’t suppose to go out….
I sometimes write to myself
What did Obama say: “It’s just one vote out of many”…
On Jon Stewart last week, he was lobbed the biggest softball: “Republicans are on the ropes. What’s the Democrats’ plan?”
He flubbed it completely. It was something like “We need to talk about the concerns of real Americans…have the discussion about the issues…talk about…blah…blah…” From rhetorical hero to windbag. His voting record’s not terrible, but he’s no leader to me.
Of course they want to increase the number of unwanted births by poor, uneducated girls… they need cannon fodder for the perpetual war.
Not so cynical when you look at how many African American children are OWNED by the state in foster care.
Wasn’t there recently a story where the federal government sold the rights of AA kids in care to a pharmacuetical company to test their HIV drugs… (let me try to dig that up)
There was that one and then there was the more recent one allowing pesticide companies offer $900 and a video camera to poor families so that they could use their children in tests….
That one is around somewhere too — too lazy to dig up right now.
It is almost impossible for African American kids to be adopted.
First of all the cost of private adoption for a newborn is minimum 15,000$ CASH. AND THIS IS THE REDUCED AA RATE white babies are more expensive. It is not like buying a car with 4 year car payments. This in itself discourages would be AA adopters. The tax break only allowed the adoption agencies it increase their fees to absorb the “break”.
Most AA girls do not want to deal with the state public agencies because it is almost like being treated as an ex-con their lives are envaded. So the 12 year who has a kid inevitable has it “taken away” because she can’t take care of it… duh… but then the bureacracy is so bad that these children are NOT available for adoption until they are 5, 6, 7 years old by then they are RUINED by the foster care system and no one wants them… eventhough the public adopt is free-ish…
It is a racket… to keep kids owned by the state. The case in Florida where they wanted to deny the girl to get an abortion as her legal guardian…. is suspect.
When wingnuts push adoption, Black children are NOT what they have in mind.
Yup. It’s the new “Southern Strategy”. Get them pregnant early, force them to marry early, cut off their access to birth control and divorce, fill their entertainment with sex sex sex sex sex. Keeps them poor and uneducated, cuts off opportunities for the girls, ensures the perpetuation of the underclass, forces the men into the army and off to war… Or into indentured servitude to large corporations.
On this subject, has anyone else seen the trailers for the current crop of holiday movies? I swear that there are at least four comedies about how wonderful life in absolutely massive families is. We’re talking 10-12 kids per family per movie. Anyone else disturbed yet?
Wasn’t the Ohio special election (or another one) because the GOPer got the job in Hollywood as Chairman of some kind of ethics board for movies….
Yes–I saw the preview for one and just thought it was weird. And apparently, there will be another King Kong movie, complete with blonde damsel in distress, in a white dress.
Clearly, I’m not the target audience for the one, either…
You think the preview for one’s bad? Try the previews for no less than four.
I was unnerved after the first, creeped out after the second, and thoroughly disgusted after that.
From the long post;
Despite the obvious reluctance of women to bear children because of socioeconomic conditions, the Ceausescu regime continued its crusade to raise birthrates, using a somewhat more subliminal approach. In 1986 mass media campaigns were launched, extolling the virtues of the large families of the past and of family life in general.
This is NOT a coincidence…
But Peter Jackson’s doing King Kong. With Jack Black as the reporter. I am very much its target audience, and I hate big-budget Hollywood crap. It’s going to be great.
I noticed Jack Black, which would ordinarily be a saving grace for me, but still. Another King Kong movie?
But have fun. Maybe I’ll go see the movie with with the 18 kids.
dont all girls have sexual fantasies of king kong?
wearing a pretty see thru dress and tied to that bamboo frame waiting for the big black animal to come ravish you.
if they play up the sexual overtones of this story i predict a huge hit…if its more like that charlize theron monkey movie it willl bomb.
dont all girls have sexual fantasies of king kong? wearing a pretty see thru dress and tied to that bamboo frame waiting for the big black animal to come ravish you.
Ummmm…NO. In fact, hell no. That one particular stereotype never got me off.
Like I said, I’m definitely NOT the target audience here, crazy-ass Jack Black or no.
I’m more looking forward to Jackson’s production of “Halo” …
The crazy thing is, the 18 kids preview was shown before Jarhead, which, BTW, I highly recommend.
Think I’ll also see Walk the Line and Capote. Still haven’t seen Crash yet. I still haven’t decided on Hustle & Flow (I LOVE Terrence Howard but hate the subject matter–I understand the story but it’s still so goddamned stereotypical to me. I’d rather see him in The Crusader about Thurgood Marshall. And while I love biopics, can I see one focusing on a woman? How about Rosa Parks? Ida B. Wells-Barnett–now THERE’s a movie I’d be happy to see, for she was and forever will be, fierce.)
Other than that, there’s not much else to be excited over, except Good Night and Good Luck and Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.
Take his brain! (Those who saw the Hitchhiker’s Guide will understand.)
I just watched Crash on pay-per-view this weekend. Wonderful/depressing movie.
Also check out Maria Full of Grace if you haven’t seen it yet.
I tend to go for the brain candy, so I’m thinking I might go see Aeon Flux. I want to see Memoirs of a Geisha, but it has NOTHING to do w/ the crushes I have on Michelle Yeoh and Zhang Ziyi.
I think that’s why I’ve taken my time w/ Crash; I know it’s well made, well acted but still … I like brain candy, too, but some shit you don’t necessarily want to see and/or re-live.
Can I get another Matrix movie? So I know I can’t, but I’m just sayin’ … I LOVE those movies, and I’m not a geek*/into games/remotely into sci-fi flicks. I just love a damned good story; esp. a layered one that asks philosophical questions, a la Contact with Jodie Foster.
*I say that lovingly and admiringly, for I am married to a proud geek.
In that case, “V for Vendetta” might be up your alley, based on a book by that most literary of comic writers, Alan Moore, though it could be mediocre like the other stories of his that have been turned into movies (“From Hell” & “League of Extraordinary Gentlemen”). It opens next summer.
i loved crash and maria full of grace
i saw in her shoes this past weekend…my girlfriend was in tears for most of the movie (sister and mentally ill mother issues)…i thought the city of philadelphia looked great….i hate the food at the jamaica jerk hut though and dont know why they picked that place….and i cant believe they tried to pass off toni collette as a fat girl…what is she a size 5? that really pissed me off. get a real fat girl next time for gods sake.
the geisha movie is coming…im so excited…ive waited so long….i have read a dozen geisha books in the last year….i started to learn japanese….i spent thousands of dollars on geisha art….im totally obsessed…i want to BE a geisha and i kind of am in a way (although some geisha and their enthusiasts will scream bloody murder if you relate them to prostitutes)….just from the trailers the other night i noticed the makeup is all wrong….im afraid i will be completely disappointed in this movie and pick it all apart for authenticity which will really suck. i just want to calm down and enjoy it.
well, even japanese-made “period” movies aren’t always authentic … so I try not to focus on that stuff too awful much.
I watch every Zhang Ziyi movie I get a chance to. She’s such a throwback to a time when actors both conveyed character and also brought glamour to movies. I am deeply worried about how that movie turns out though, more so after watching some interview w/ the director.
He said something like “This is just like ‘Chicago’, it’s a generational rivalry btwn two women!”
That’s mixing two cultures in a completely wrong way, like “Shogun” did by focusing the story through a very western conception of “love”.
And we’re supposed to somehow believe that this man wrote his report from an unbiased scientific perspective? How, exactly, does he propose to get this information about how “easier availability of Plan B would affect girls younger than 16” if the FDA will not allow them to have access to the drug? That’s not scientific in the least! “I’m arguing this, and I’m arguing against performing experiments to disprove my argument. No need, really. Just believe me!”
Also, am I the only one who finds his quote indicitive of a man who desperately wants to believe in God but doesn’t, and so parlays that disbelief into a statement of his own importance? It seems that practically every theocrat I’ve ever heard or spoken to has somehow felt that they were special.
As an aside, this is Yet More Evidence about why voting for misogynist candidates (like Casey) and idiots who promote abstinence-based sex ed is a stupid idea.
I purposefully left out the most contraversatial part… he is the guy whose wife divorced him because he kept anally raping her when she had her narcoleptic attacks.
Dr. Hager’s Family Values
Can you imagine what the hell is in Casey and Sanatorum’s closet… I shudder to even guess… any man who hates women that much is a freak of nature.
it’s that Dr. Hager. Wife-raper. I’m so sorry it took her that long to get free of him.
it’s that Dr. Hager.
This is the same guy who used to advise his patients suffering from PMS to read the Bible?
Yup… the WH knew who to call to help them with their little “Woman Problem”
But you can’t rape your property, now can you?
What does CPC stand for?
I think it’s Crisis Pregnancy Center?
Basically, they are places that bill themselves as places for women to go for help and counseling about an unexpected pregnancy, but they do not do abortion counseling or referals and pretty much insist that the woman carry to term, while plying her with religious bullshit and “shaming materials”.
At least that is how I have come to understand them.
Anyone feel free to correct me where I’m wrong.
Neither do they provide birth control or family planning information. Nor do they provide care or counseling or anything after the child is born. Take that back: some provide a little baby clothing, a car seat, or some such. Nothing substantial.
Now they are trying to set them up in universities federally funded of course.
Thanks. I see poster ads for those on the bus all the time. I always have to restrain myself from ripping them down.
Nope. You nailed it … so to speak.
And now they want federal $ to provide a “service” that basically says, “You stupid ho. Now take your punishment.”
Crisis Pregnancy Centers (CPCs)
Link didn’t work. But the others described … thanks.
try this… it is a good dairy on the subject
brinnainne’s correct on both counts. here’s some more info:
Crisis Pregnancy Centers Seek Public Funds and Legitimacy
some more info here:
Thanks to federal funding, anti-choice “pregnancy centers” are on the rise.
and here’s a first person account of what the experience is like:
How They Deceive Women: My Visit to a “Pregnancy Resource Center“
basically the story is these are your tax dollars at work going to fund fundies. i also hate to inform you of this but they do receive some democratic support. not a lot of support now from our side, but seems to be growing.
Thanks for this excellent post, recommended. These days, one of the few reliable agencies is the GAO. My prediction is that this will be the agency’s undoing as it has recently been a thorn in the side of the wingnuts.
If you want to know where we’re headed take a look at what happened in Romania under the Ceaucescu regime-mandatory pregnancy tests for women, promotion of unprotected, unsafe sex begat unwanted kids living in crappy orphanages and under bridges.
My new bumper sticks will say: Teach your kids birth control OR I WILL!
I always believe that there is a method to the madness. What were their real intentions of increasing unwanted pregnancies…or were they just lunatics? They had to have had a goal in mind.
I found this… it is long but worth the read:
And today Romanian abort 75% of all pregnancies…
They only economic benefit I see in increasing the population this drastically is to permanently lower wages and to destroy unions…Oh my.
Now I can’t shop at Tar-zhay anymore. I expected this type of bullshit from Wal-Mart but Target? I read about that a few days ago and was just pissed.
I’m just so sick, sick, sick of these wingnuts…
Great diary, Parker. Are there no limits to their fear and hatred of women ? I’m waiting for the One Family, One Vote Amendment next.
A friend of mine insists that “Sex and the City” scared the shit out these wingnuts… women are not meant to be independent have money and have sex and leave men who did not satisfy them…like it was… yunno… normal.
They absolutely HATE women for their independence
There is no other way to explain their outright contempt to take reproductive control out of women’s own hand … down to even contraception…
Added to the list… that freaky bill in Ducktape’s diary of trying to outlaw assisted reproduction out side of heterosexual MARRIED couples…
Even destroying public education system in favor of homeschooling… WHO HAS TO STAY HOME???
Folks it is time to wake up and smell… the binds of oppression … this is way beyond pro-choice… it is now a matter of basic freedom.
Men know, Parker, they know in their hearts that if women were ever free to choose sexual partners solely based on DESIRE, (when we have power and money and status and equality; when we’re free from the threat of violence; when we can care for our children without them)that the uptight, always right, woman hating pricks of this world would NEVER GET LAID. Women would spit on them. They would have no sons to send to war, no daughters to trade, no one to inherit their accumulated wealth and positions of power. Woman’s freedom to choose with whom she sleeps and whose children she bears threatens the the entire patriachial hierarchy. They will fight us to the death.
Why do men prefer virgins?
Because they can’t stand competition.
For wingnuts, this is true in every sense: they don’t fuck with (literally) a woman who knows her rights, wants to be satisfied sexually, and brooks no bullshit by kissing their asses.
So let’s see if we can buffalo someone else … and vilify the rest.
they just want control of sex
thats the bottom line
any sex that is outside the relationship of a husband and his property, i mean wife, makes jesus cry.
They DO want to control sex.
And that translates to controlling women because their perception of sex is perverted. The anti-women’s-automomy crowd believe that sex is something men GET from women. Bad women supply it to men serially or concurrently, who rent or lease them. Good women supply the sex, the children, and care for them for one lifetime owner.
Unfortunately, even some men on the left, who are supposed to be on our our side, have this comsumer/commodity, predator/prey model of sexuality. Free, healthy sexuality is not something one person does to another, or that one gets from another.
It’s a duet, a pas de deux.
There have been rape diaries that pointed this out, wherein women kept insisting that rape is about power, and some men arguing that sex was part of rape, too. Most women view mutuality as inherent in sexuality. Any act that precludes mutuality strips it of it’s sensual, pleasuring nature, and renders it an act of power over. Too many men can’t or won’t accept this most basic of human rights, that sex isn’t sex unless both people want it. If they did so, they’d have to give up power over women and treat us like human beings instead of entitlements, and would be SO inconvenient.
they just want control of sex
thats the bottom line
They want a codified second class, subordinate status for women. It’s more like a giant fantasy with strong sexual overtones. They want power which is a different thing entirely.
They want institutionalized dependency sans responsibility.
to the fifties but I think they hunger for the world of the victorians where middle/upper class women were the powerless angels of the house, carefully tucked away so they wouldn’t interfere with men’s lives and lower class were available to be used in any way men wanted because they had absolutely no resources and no recourse.
Yeah they are trying to go back to fuedalism… hence the destruction of the state and the welfare safety net.
Good point, colleen. Makes me thing of Why I Want a Wife by Judy Syfers (1971).
How would it feel to come home from work and find my dinner cooked every night, my clothes washed, mended and hanging in the closet, my things tidily arranged, groceries and sundries purchased and put away, my children cared for, the pets groomed and fed, the bills paid, my doctor’s appointment made, the plumber supervised, a birthday card sent to my auntie….
Oh, yeah, I remember. It would feel like being a CHILD.
And I wouldn’t enjoy it because I’d be ashamed to let another human being wait on me without reciprocating.
I’m waiting for the One Family, One Vote Amendment next.>
That wouldn’t work to their advantage. It would be more like women being unable to vote without proof of marriage and evidence of having sought ‘guidance’ from their husbands or fathers. Not permission, mind you, Guidance.
Single and divorced women, well, that’s another matter.
… but not feel guilty about it.
Teenage boys do not. See it’s natural for them. Somehow, it stops being natural for us.
I’m still pissed that I was expected to fight my feelings and needs and his. WTF? I can’t be horny, too?
Of course, that actually came in handy, but still. Boys can explore and encouraged to do just that. Girls can explore…but it better be with a boyfriend … or incredibly mature partners who don’t get off more by running their damn mouths.
So glad I have a license now …
Herein lies the rub…
Having Plan B available OTC when they overturn Roe pulls the rug out from under their “pro-life” bullshit ideology and makes their case against abortion MOOT. It is like that saying “What would happen if someone threw a war and no one showed up”.
The projections show that if Plan B were to be available today with Roe still barely inplace it would cut unintended pregnancies by 50%….when they overturn Roe and if Plan B were widely available unintended pregnancies could drop by a far larger percentage to 80 – 90 percent… because women would be HIGHLY AWARE THAT safe and legal abortions were no longer available therefore more apt to make sure to take this pill.
That would leave the wingnuts all dressed up for an abortion war… and no one showing up.
More importantly Plan B ironically in conjuction with their intentions of overturning Roe will take away their biggest club in which they hammer their right wing unmoralistic ideologies… supposely now they have a case for abstinece and chasity until marraige… which will be moot with Plan B and even mootier when they overturn Roe… as in the case in Romania which now sees more than 75% of pregnancies being aborted as a backlash from the oppressive pronatal history…
This is just too much power in the hands of the little ladies….
Yup. It’s kinda hard to harass someone if you don’t know where to go.
And for that reason, I think they hate this almost as much as they want to criminalize abortion.
It just … FRUSTRATES them. (Heh, heh, heh–I couldn’t resist.)
Taegan Goddard’s Political Wire
November 02, 2005
Views on Abortion by State
Survey USA releases an excellent new survey showing opinions on abortion for all 50 states. The most “pro-choice” state is Vermont (70%); the most “pro-life” state is Utah (61%).
Overall, 56% of Americans consider themselves “pro-choice” vs. just 38% who are “pro-life.”
Oooohhhh…. so close
These same advocates also oppose a 100%-effective cancer cure, because they want the cancer as a weapon to deter sex.
I swear, if there weren’t already cures for syphillis and gonnorhea (sp?) they’d be praising those diseases, too.
These people clearly are mentally ill, and enemies of the people.
‘nuf said:
“The Centers for Disease Control says the healthiest time for sex should be in a lifelong, monogamous, faithful relationship. Mom and Dad call it marriage.”
Has that woman not looked at the (admittedly conservative) statistics that show that 40-60% of people cheat on their spouses? Marriage is not the cure-all for unintended pregnancy…just look at the incidence of domestic violence against pregnant women who are in relationships.
Oh wait, pregnancy is supposed to be a punishment for having sex according to these people, so who cares if pregnant women are the victims of violence, as long as the fetus is unharmed…I forgot.
They are sets of a priori faith-based rules.
The rules are fixed before any of us enter the game, and they must be followed. If you’re looking for an explanation, there is none, because rules are not logic. They’re rules.
Liberalism is a system. It’s intended to achieve sets of results and therefore the rules within liberalism are fluid. Liberalism like any system is based on logic and is heavily dependent on feedback systems to monitor the results so that the rules can be adapted as necessary to improve results.
This is why I insist there is no debate on any topic with either conservatives or fundamentalists.
Liberals must get this through their heads: it doesn’t matter to Republicans what the results of Republican birth control policy are. They’re not trying to achieve any results. They’re simply carrying out their mission to set up more of their rules. There are large groups other than Protestant fundamentalists who are rules-based and this applies to them too.
In governing, they are simply not engaged in the same activity we would be. They may conquer, or they may be defeated, or sometimes they may work together with us on isolated projects. But that’s just a cooincidence. They’re not fellow citizens at their core, their co-occupants of the continent.
I think the most common mistake on liberal blogs is that we CONSTANTLY project our methods and purposes onto the Republicans. They don’t share our methods and purposes, they only share isolated goals on occasions.
This is about half of what’s brought us on the edge of extinction.
I agree the anti-abortion is just one part of a far more sinister plot. We have seen time and time again the anti’s don’t give a shit about babies… they picket a clinic in the morning then rail against tax funded welfare and education in the afternoon.
If I were to put on my fundi cap and think like them and not like me… given the clues we have in front of use
Putting this altogether… I’d hazard a guess that the PNACers have another unpublished study somewhere indicating that for the US to remain number one it has to increase its labor force and lower wages… that way they can “bring home” their factories from China… and not pay for the rising fuel cost for transportation.
This is how I think… they think.
that is INCREDIBLY well put. Thank you.
the liberals are also to blame
plenty of them are anti choice and anti gay rights
and many who arent are supporting candidates who are (rendell and schumer shoving casey down our throats)
show me which progressive politician supports an end to the prostitution laws? gotta keep sex free for the guys out there.
its their right not to have to pay for sex.
i heard barney frank is supporting the annointment of casey and lobbying local gay community leaders to join him….so im wondering if casey was for repealing the lawrence decision would barney be all up his ass? why is it ok to support a candidate who is going to actively work against the privacy rights of women? i dont get it.
Is doing Hilliary’s dirty work… I guess she thinks that him being gay makes him immune to a liberal backlash… although his support of Casey is tantamount to the Log Cabin Republicans stupidity.
Pharmacist told me that he head/read something where somebody got 100 grand for a study trying to prove that women were more likely to get pregnant when they are drunk!!
Who’s the idiot who thought that study up???
why dont they do a study on how many men get women pregnant whenthey are drunk?
if you really want to make abortion rare just pass a law that any man who gets a woman pregnant unintentionally and it results in an abortion, is castrated immediately…just leave him with a little pee hole…that should do the trick.
Here’s Bill Ritter, the only Democrat running for governor in Colorado:
” I am pro-life as a matter of personal faith. If Roe v. Wade is overturned, and the decision of whether or not to legalize abortions reverts to the states, and if the Colorado Legislature passes a bill banning abortion, I will sign the bill only if it provides protections for women who are victims of rape or incest, or to protect the life of the mother. However, should the Colorado Legislature pass a complete ban without these protections, I would veto that bill. That said, Roe V. Wade is the law of the land and abortions are legal. As Governor I will act in the same way I did as DA. I will respect the law as it stands, and I will not act to undermine the right of a woman to choose to have an abortion.”
Here’s the piece that stands out to me:
” if the Colorado Legislature passes a bill banning abortion, I will sign the bill only if it provides protections for women who are victims of rape or incest, or to protect the life of the mother”
So… so long as Alito doesn’t become a member of the Supreme court then we’ll be safe. Otherwise many women will lose their right to autonomy.
You see, the problem with anti-choice Dems is that they won’t stop at an Alito because losing reproductive rights doesn’t mater to them. Increasing their numbers is horrific for women.
(link: http://coloradopoliticalnews.blogs.com/colorado_political_news/2005/06/bill_ritter_qa_1.html)
I see no difference than what Kaine “promised” …
If I had to pick a difference, it’s that. Holding him to his word means that not only will he not pass TRAP laws, but he cannot campaign against Roe V Wade.
I think that’s a stance I can tolerate. It seems to come down to the following points:
Point #4 is the key here. Because of point #5, if the law changed, this individual and I would become bitter enemies. However, because of the other 4, we can be allies, if reluctant ones.
I have a faith-based opposition to abortion. As governor, I will work in good faith to reduce abortions by:
1. Enforcing the current Virginia restrictions on abortion and passing an enforceable ban on partial birth abortion that protects the life and health of the mother;
He specifically states that he intends to pass an abortion ban that “protects” women… this is the same bullshit as stated by Ritter.
This is why FurryJ has been insisting that Kaine is pro’choice… “off the record” because on the record he states the same as every other wingnut…
The only difference between Ritter and Kaine is that Kaine threw in the “partial birth” strawman and Ritter just told the truth…he’d ban abortion period…how they both can say that they are “protecting” women is the biggest LIE on earth
Like I said, if #5 ever happens, that individual and I become bitter enemies. Prior to that, Ritter’s stated stance is… Acceptable.
I will agree with you that the “protecting” women shit is disgusting.
if #5 ever happens, that individual and I become bitter enemies
Why do you think this is NOT happening while we speak:
Look at this shit…even gay Barney Frank jumped into the soup… I guess human rights is NOT a universal value to him.
Can’t you see that this is a set up… just like how the Dem Leadership set up the Roberts vote… looks like they have hired Rove as a tactician… spreading the vile votes amongst the mor liberal Dems to take the heat off of the Republicrats and the Democrats for Life idiots…
What a coincidense… Kaine just promised to ban abortion the same way as the elected Democratic congressmen…
Kaine was a set up….
which is why McAullife tried to empty the DNC coffers into Kaine’s campaign as he was walking out of the door… it all hinged on Kaine pulling off the lie…
Er. Stated stance assuming the 5 points listed in my interpretation – especially #4 – are true.
If they’re not… BITTER ENEMIES.
Sure, but once he’s elected he can do #5 with impunity. A recall would likely be expensive and ineffective.
We need to vaccinate against this ahead of time.
Bill Ritter sounds like a real piece of work. Have you read Dr. Warren Hern’s dismissal of his candidacy? Dr. Hern had a meeting with Ritter at which they discussed reproductive rights. Aftwards Hern wrote a letter which he has made public.
Here’s an excerpt, but please, read the entire letter.
Hern to Ritter
there you go. There’s the question the future governor of Colorado isn’t qualified to answer, Hell Ritter doesn’t even know how contraception works, he’s clueless (but willing to pass laws).
Who decides whether the life of the woman is in danger?
Bill Ritter?
that believes that if one doesn’t have experience one is innocent. Thus they send their kids to college without having had one drink and voila the kid gets alcohol poisoning when he goes to a campus party.
TV and movies and ads (absinthe anyone?) give these kids plenty of experience all in the name of commerce. They see it, they are told that they can be fabulous if they wear the proper jeans with just the amount of skin showing between tops and jeans. And then they are told that they (young girls) deserve getting raped because they dressed lasciviously. Pulease. The Christian Cultist who run the country now are the extremists and terrorists and the majority of the country is too doped up with too many big macs and can’t read between the lines.
This is the Aytollah’s Cultural Revolution happening under our noses… and people are too busy strategerizing on who to throw overboard in order to win an election seat…