Woodward and Bernstein were heroes of mine as soon as I saw All the President’s Men. I was probably ten years old when I first saw the movie. It made a permanent impression on me and, looking back, it informed my whole moral universe. The President is not above the law, he can’t ignore the courts, and he serves at Congress’s pleasure.
Nixon was brought down by two dogged reporters (and the editors that backed them) who were unafraid of pressure and threats. At least, that is how my ten year old brain interpreted the movie. And now my boyhood hero’s image lays in tatters. You might as well tell me that Don Mattingly used steroids.
Bob Woodward is a BushCo. shill and a liar.
This is going to be another Plame diary, and we will have to delve back into the timeline. Bob Woodward (.pdf) has been revealed as the first reporter known to have learned about Valerie Wilson’s employment at the CIA. I will excerpt some relevant passages from Woodward’s statement. We will look at what he says, what he does not say, and what it means for the Plame investigation:
…I was first contacted by Fitzgerald’s office on Nov. 3 after one of these officials went to Fitzgerald to discuss an interview with me in mid-June 2003 during which the person told me Wilson’s wife worked for the CIA on weapons of mass destruction as a WMD analyst.
Fitzgerald asked for my impression about the context in which Mrs. Wilson was mentioned. I testified that the reference seemed to me to be casual and off-hand, and that it did not appear to me to be either classified or sensitive. I testified that according to my understanding an analyst in the CIA is not normally an undercover position.
I testified that after the mid-June 2003 interview, I told Walter Pincus, a reporter at the Post, without naming my source, that I understood Wilson’s wife worked at the CIA as a WMD analyst. Pincus does not recall that I passed this information on.
The first thing to note is the date of the interview. Woodward inexplicably refuses to divulge the exact date. He leaves it vague: ‘mid-June’. He goes on the discuss interviews he conducted on June 20th and June 23rd, but he can’t do us the favor of giving us a date for the interview where he learned about Wilson’s wife. That’s just a punk-ass omission. All we know is it was before the 20th, in something that would qualify as the middle of the month. So, let’s put this revelation in it’s proper context:
May 6
- Nicholas Kristof in “Missing in Action: Truth” for the New York Times mentions Joseph Wilson‘s trip to Niger to investigate claims Iraq sought purchase of ‘yellowcake’ uranium (no names mentioned) and that the fabled 16 words in George W. Bush‘s 2003 State of the Union Address (SOTU) came from forged documents.
June 1-7
- During the first week of June, Washington Post reporter Walter Pincus makes an inquiry about Joseph Wilson‘s trip, with the CIA public affairs office. That office contacts the Conterproliferation Division (CPD) at the CIA, (Valerie Plame‘s unit), but no report is produced. These events are later reported in Time magazines Sunday, Jul. 31, 2005 article, “When They Knew”
June 8
- Then National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice appears on Meet the Press and attempts to refute Kristof’s claims in his early May article.
June 10
- A classified State Department memorandum is drafted for Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Marc Grossman (from Carl Ford‘s office) containing information about CIA officer Valerie Plame. She is named in the memo in a paragraph marked “(SNF)” for secret, non-foreign (i.e., not to be shared with foreign agencies, even allies). Plame — who is referred to by her married name, Valerie Wilson, in the memo — is mentioned in the second paragraph of the three-page document, which was written by an analyst in the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR).
June 12
- Walter Pincus of the Washington Post writes “CIA Did Not Share Doubt on Iraq Data“, about Joseph Wilson‘s trip without naming the retired Ambassador. Pincus also reports that according to an administration official neither Dick Cheney or his staff learned of its role in spurring the mission until it was disclosed by New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof on May 6.
- After the June 12 article by Pincus, “there was general discussion with the National Security Council and the White House and State Department and others” regarding Wilson and his trip, says a former intelligence officer. Source: Time Magazine, “When They Knew”
June 13
- Kristof responds and sticks by his claim. Joseph Wilson is again not named in the article.
June 23
- Judith Miller has a conversation with Scooter Libby pertinent to the Plame case; this conversation and the existence of notes pertaining to it are reported through a leak to the press on October 8th, 2005. New York Times article (may be subsciption only.)
[Some linked timeline items can be found at DKosopedia.com]
The second thing to note is Woodward’s claim that “after the mid-June 2003 interview, I told Walter Pincus, a reporter at the Post, without naming my source, that I understood Wilson’s wife worked at the CIA as a WMD analyst. Pincus does not recall that I passed this information on.” Here is Walter Pincus’s response:
“Are you kidding?” Pincus said. “I certainly would have remembered that.”
No shit he would have remembered it. He had contacted the CIA during the first week of June, inquiring about Wilson’s trip. He wrote an article on the 12th that said:
seeking to buy uranium in Niger one or two years earlier, the CIA in early February 2002 dispatched a retired U.S. ambassador to the country
to investigate the claims…
I think Pincus would have remembered learning that Wilson’s wife worked at the CIA in “mid-June”. As for Woodward, he acted as though he had never learned it.
Downie said he could not explain why Woodward said he provided a tip about Wilson’s wife to Walter Pincus, a Post reporter writing about the subject, but did not pursue the matter when the CIA leak investigation began.
That’s right. Woodward did not pursue the matter of the outing of Valerie Plame, even though he knew exactly who had leaked the information.
Let’s skip ahead to October of 2003. But first, let’s look at some of the events of September.
September 14
- Joseph Wilson publishes “Seeking Honesty in U.S. policy” in The San Jose Mercury.
September 16
- The CIA notifies the DOJ that its investigation is complete and recommends that the FBI undertake a full criminal investigation.
- Scott McClellan at a White House press briefing, is asked “Now, this is apparently a federal offense, to burn the cover a CIA operative. . . . Did Karl Rove do it?” He replied, “I said, it’s totally ridiculous.”
September 23
- The CIA submits a standard 11 part questionnaire used by the DOJ to determine whether an investigation is warranted. (Milbank and Schmidt, “Justice Department Launches Criminal Probe of Leak, Washington Post, Oct. 1, 2003 at A01).
September 26
- John Dion, Director of the DOJ’s Counterespionage section decides to pursue a criminal investigation.
September 28
- A source in the administration confirms that two senior administration officials contacted at least 6 reporters about the identity and occupation of Wilson’s wife. The Washington Post quotes a senior administration official saying “that before Novak’s column ran, two top White House officials called at least six Washington journalists and disclosed the identity and occupation of Wilson’s wife.” … “They [the leakers] alleged that Wilson, who was not a CIA employee, was selected for the Niger mission partly because his wife had recommended him.” (Wilson 385)
- The source also claims that, “Clearly, it was meant purely and simply for revenge.” He stated that he was sharing the information because the disclosure was “wrong and a huge miscalculation, because they were irrelevant and did nothing to diminish Wilson’s credibility.” (Allen and Priest, “Bush Administration is Focus of Inquiry,” Washington Post, Sept. 28, 2003 at A01.)
- George W. Bush‘s aides promise to cooperate with any DOJ inquiries, but admit that “Bush has no plans to ask his staff members whether they played a role” in the leak. (Allen, “Bush Aides Say They’ll Cooperate With Probe Into Intelligence Leak,” Washington Post, Sept. 29, 2003 at A01).
- MSNBC announces that Justice Department has begun its investigation.
September 29
- The DoJ requests the FBI investigate the leak.
- On CNN‘s Crossfire, Robert Novak explains, “Nobody in the Bush administration called me to leak this. In July I was interviewing a senior administration official on Ambassador Wilson’s report when he told me the trip was inspired by his wife, a CIA employee working on weapons of mass destruction. Another senior official told me the same thing. … They asked me not to use her name, but never indicated it would endanger her or anybody else. According to a confidential source at the CIA, Mrs. Wilson was an analyst, not a spy, not a covert operative, and not in charge of undercover operatives. So what is the fuss about, pure Bush-bashing?” (“Crossfire,” CNN, Sept. 29, 2003).
October 12
- Washington Post article by By Walter Pincus and Mike Allen entitled Probe Focuses on Month Before Leak to Reporters. FBI agents are asking questions about events going back to at least early June, the sources said.
[Some linked timeline items can be found at DKosopedia.com.]
In that October 12th piece, Pincus revealed something important:
The ‘Post reporter’ was Pincus. Pincus later explained why he didn’t report the story:
I didn’t write about that information at that time because I did not believe it true that she had arranged his Niger trip. But I did disclose it in an October 12, 2003 story in The Washington Post.
And it was in this time period that Pincus recalls Woodward first intimating that he might have known about Valerie Plame before Novak’s column.
That is a far cry from Woodward’s claim that “after the mid-June 2003 interview, I told Walter Pincus, a reporter at the Post, without naming my source, that I understood Wilson’s wife worked at the CIA as a WMD analyst.”
The bottom line is that I don’t believe Woodward ever told Pincus that he knew about Wilson’s wife. Not in June, and not in October. He withheld that information from his own supervisors. And he has been poo-pooing this investigation for years.
“When the story comes out, I’m quite confident we’re going to find out that it started kind of as gossip, as chatter,” he told CNN’s Larry King.
Woodward also said in interviews this summer and fall that the damage done by Plame’s name being revealed in the media was “quite minimal.”
“When I think all of the facts come out in this case, it’s going to be laughable because the consequences are not that great,” he told National Public Radio this summer.
He also told Larry King:
After watching this performance, our own Larry Johnson noted:
CIA Yet to Assess Harm From Plame’s Exposure
So, either you had real news and didn’t share it with your reporters or you are just making this up? I personally suspect the latter. I have spoken to some people who are in a position to know. There has been damage. My source, however, declined to share classified information.
Let’s face it. It is a sickening sight when a man who got his start in Washington as a take no prisoners investigative journalist has decided to join the prisoners and excuse their conduct as they destroy national security assets and lie, bald face lie, to the American people. Heck of a job, Bobby!
A heck of a job indeed. Woodward has been spinning this story as much ado about nothing, all the while hiding the fact that he was the first reporter to be contacted about Wilson’s wife. And he testifies that:
Well, how could he testify otherwise, after insisting that the investigation was ‘laughable’?
Finally, you might want to know why this information is coming out now? I don’t really know. Libby’s lawyers are touting this revelation as exonerating, because it (allegedly) reveals that Scooter was not the first person to slip up and reveal classifed information to a reporter. But this information does nothing to exonerate Libby of making false statements and committing perjury. It’s a sideshow.
Meanwhile, Woodward is disgraced.
As I watched Woodward on Larry King I felt like I was seeing my hero suddenly stripped of all of his clothes and standing there, naked and flabby, wearing nothing but black socks and a watch. Something inside me sank.
Same here. Another one of those screaming at the TV moments.
Guess now we all know what that was about.
He’s basically whoring (no disrespect meant to legitimate prostitutes) himself out so he can write some books that are probably going to the remainder bin fairly quickly.
thanks for making that (whoring) distinction
wouldn’t allow him on their block with those creds.
I was on Kos last night howling on Mando’s diary with the rest. The mighty have been paid off mightily.
I just saw Pincus on C-Span the other doing an interview. This subject didn’t come up but he talked about a few times early in his career when he worked in the intelligence field. He gave the impression of being credible and that he approached that work with integrity.
I didn’t pay close attention during the Watergate years. Since Woodward reappeared on the scene with his Bush book and numerous interviews, something has been ‘off’, including the revelation of the original source. Is there any opinion that all of that back then was an organized effort with a controlled source for Woodward and Bernstein throughout?
I always thought Bernstein did most of the heavy lifting and fact-checking as the “senior reporter” on the team and that Woodward just wanted to be a star.
When Deep Throat was finally revealed it wasn’t Bernstein who was hightailing it to every talk show and demanding props, it was Woodward… Bernstein seemed to realize that he wasnt a hero, he was just doing his job.
Woodward sold out a long time ago. He became his own biggest fan, and the end of his reportorial integrity followed immediately on the heel of that.
His book Veil, which contained widely ridiculed deathbed confessions from former CIA Director Casey, seemed to put the nail in the coffin of Woodward’s reputation, but Woodward vampirically rose from the dead.
For those hungry for details — any details — about what’s going on behind closed White House doors, Woodward delivers. And for those in power, he delivers something even better: endless flattery. He merrily plays the role of court scribe, and, largely on the basis of Watergate, everyone pretends he’s a maverick investigative reporter. It’s a lucrative and effective shtick for Woodward. It’s also just one of many inside-the-beltway circle jerks that dominate the way the RWCM covers politics.
So I think this disgrace will soon be forgotten. Woodward is just too valuable to too many folks.
Through a technique that’s akin to blackmail: “Either you can talk to me, or your worst enemy will. Whoever does talk to me will have their version of events treated as Gospel.”
God knows what’s going on here. I have no idea, other than the possibility that Woodward is trying to protect his “scoops” for the new book from being broadcast to the world before he can publish it.
Just as Iran/Contra was far more serious than Watergate, this scandal is far more serious than Iran/Contra. It will probably end up ruining the careers, reputations, and lives of everyone mixed up in it, and leave the American public even more cynical about its system of government than ever before. The whole symbiotic underground of crossovers and interconnections between the world of politics, journalism, and espionage is liable to end up being exposed, and with it the agendas of spooks and paid propagandists masquerading as journalists. This is getting like some crazy amalgram of a novel dreamed up by Graham Greene, John Le Carre, and Don Delillo. When the story is finally told, I wonder if we’ll have a system of government left.
Yes. Woodward has become a tabloid style narcissistic predator, threatening his targets in order to get them to talk. With the Bush regime, he appears to have simply sold out for access to the inner sanctum, (such as it is), of the Bush administration, promising no unauthorized stories in exchange for their complicity in elevating Woodward’s status in the world of (so-called) journalism.
Woodwards massive ego is destroying what little credibility he may have as a newsman. It’s sad because I regarded him and Bernstein as heros for so long.
“. . . I regarded him and Bernstein as heros for so long.”
That really was a long time ago.
sometimes he has articles at Common Ground. He’s from old lefty-progressive stock. He knows what the deal is.
hmm I dunno.
He is one thing in print and another on the hoof. He was all over cable during the death of one pope and elevation of antoehr. I had never bothered to read his JPII book (not my thing) but for over two weeks he pushed every Republican and Catholic talking point with fervor and conviction (including some anti Democratic smears of longstanding) AND he got in some pro Reagan stuff, as Reagan and JPII’s love affair was often up for a rehash.
It was beyond disgusting. Whatever these people may begin as (and at one time I certainly did differentiate between Woodward vs Bernstein) they end cushy cosy with power, hard of hearing and with poor vision.
I think they can see to the next lunch where the tab is picked up for them and the next book contract. Whatever it may be they write about or push.
Basically shells of people.
Oh, well. I stand corrected then…
or Graham Greene on this cast of clowns.
I said this was like a book that Greene, Le Carre, and Don Delillo had collaborated on, some mishmash of Our Man In Havana, The Spy Who Came In From The Cold, and Libra.
By the time this sordid drama is played out, there won’t be a single institution in government, or the MSM, that won’t be shown to be uncompromised. I could definitely see some kind of constitutional crisis erupting over this, one that won’t have the “happy” endings of Watergate and Iran/Contra. If nothing else, we may find ourselves going through the same sort of quasi-revolution the French experienced in 1958 when the Fourth Republic collapsed and DeGaulle took over. Trouble is, who in this country is of a comparable stature to DeGaulle?
No one I can think of.
This is big trouble already, and it’s just getting started.
No, he ain’t a prince of darkness yet. Unless he starts getting come-ons from Faux and WSJ.
story (cross-post). I’ll put up a blurb + link on PoliticalCortex right now.
Nice story Boo. As always, you’ve done the good research. You are my new Woodward archetype. A gritty guy in Philly who is not afraid of the truth, no matter how many times he misses flights due to baseless detentions at airports in middle-America.
If these peopel (Woodward, Powell, etc.) would have stood up during this dark time in our history, the worst of it might have been avoided. Or, then again, maybe they would have been steamrolled just like the other opponents of BushCo, and we’d be right where we are. But at least we could still respect our old heroes.
Mattingly. Nothing but spit and pine tar. Ah, those were the days.
Is Woodward really the first reporter to hear about Plame?
Isn’t he the first reporter, chronologically, to have been exposed via the testimony of an unidentified official?
This smacks of a Rove WH plot to me–with Woodward a pawn or a willing participant.
The reason Woodward has free access to the highest officials in the land, and their permission granted to underlings to talk to him: he writes stuff the WH can live with, maybe even benefit from.
He’s the new Judy.
Oh my, if I were Judy Woodward, I’d be worried about now. 😉
or Judy Miller?
We used to call Woodward & Bernstein, WoodStein, after Ben Bradlee’s moniker for them.
Maybe this is a newie. Judy Woodward.
It fits.
oops. Yeah. I knew there was something amiss with my memory, but couldn’t put my finger on it. So yeah, “Judy Woodward” that’s a keeper.
Washington Post:
While Rove is certainly capable of lying, at this point everything he says publicly is going through a sieve being held by his lawyers. It’s hard to believe they allowed this statement without checking it out thoroughly.
We know Woodward is Bush’s buttboy. Does he have the same relationship with Cheney?
Sorry Booman – just noticed that this is the same article you linked.
Mea culpa, mea culpa.
Woodward has shown his true colors this past year. I saw him on both MTP and Larry King. His poopooing of the significance of outing Valerie literally turned my stomach.
You have laid things out in great depth Booman. Too bad we cannot get the so called “journalists” to do the same so the nation will know the truth instead of what some paid shill like Woodward spews.
If the leaks are coming from anywhere it’s Libby’s lawyer. I think it was mentioned that Libby wasn’t Woodward’s source.
There’s a struggle going on now between Libby’s lawyers and Fitzgerald for disclosure of evidence to the public.
In addition, while it looks like Jeffers is trying to discredit Fitzgerald, it will probably backfire.
This illustrates the justification of the obstruction charges and does nothing to dispute the perjury charges. Combined with Woodward’s earlier statements it looks like an attempt to discredit Fitzgerald. It won’t work if that’s what it is. It might affect a future juror though.
Boo….Who are your heroes now?
They too will fail you.
Steve Clemons has some very interesting things to say on this subject.
There is potential here for Woodward to be more than disgraced. He could be in deep doo-doo.
IF he told the investigator that he told Pincus mid-June and Pincus denies it then Woodward may be up for lying in a deposition.
you were 10 when this sh*t happened. I was in college, already in a journalism program.
Journalism departments doubled after WoodStein did their thing.
Applicants wanted to be just like WoodStein.
Maybe that was the problem.
Investigative reporting is one of the most thankless jobs in America. Which is why it pays so little and why we don’t see that much of it on today’s TV, radio and newspapers, except on the progressive side. The real deal.
It doesn’t make money for anybody. It sure does make enemies out of folks.
Now we see who wanted to make money and have contacts.
(shaking head and sighing)
A while ago, I ran across some item about how Woodward used to work at the Office of Naval Research. I wish I could remember more details. Has anyone heard this? The implication was that Woodward was certainly no liberal and there may be more to him than there appears to be.
Also some people have questioned Woodward’s retelling of the Deep Throat story, saying, for example, that the signal used by DT to indicate he wanted to meet — a flower pot placed on a balcony — would have been a physical impossibility due to viewing angles.
Anyway, the stray thought was, what if his role in exposing Watergate was an inside job — what if someone put him up to it and supplied the needed info to bring down Nixon, cuz some group wanted it done. And now he’s been called to duty by the “Aspens” again…
These things are never straightforward, there are many tangled relationships and power struggles going on even among people who are supposedly in the same camp.
You just now realizing this about Woodward?
His ONI creds have been no secret for a while now. He knew spooks in the FBI and CIA.
I wouldn’t be surprised if the rat doesn’t have some kind of security clearance still.
There was a book published sometime in the last 10 years or so that went through All The Presidents’ Men, and listed a bunch of exaggerations and probable lies in the parts that had to have been written by Woodward. Some seemed trivial, like saying that Weather Bureau records showed that it didn’t rain on an occasion where Woodward said he was walking through rain showers (I’ve lived in the DC area for 10 years, and local showers are frequent, i.e., it rains heavily where you are while 2 miles away not a drop falls), others more interesting, such as Woodward’s claim to have passed the time one evening watching the Linda Lovelace film that provided the alias for Mark Felt; according to this book, there was no theatre showing Deep Throat in the DC area at the time.
But the most alarming was that, IIRC, Woodward claimed never to have met Al Haig, but at one point prior to his working at the WaPo, he had an assignment while with Naval Intelligence where he would have delivered a daily report to some person either at the White House or the Pentagon, and for several months that person would have been Al Haig. Apparently this was not something where he might just have popped in and handed it to some clerk in the outer office, he was actually supposed to personally deliver it to the person in question, and give a brief summary of the more salient points. So not only would he have been acquainted with Haig, he would have spoken to him on many occasions, and probably developed some kind of working relationship with him.
I don’t remember what the name of this book was or who wrote it. As time goes by, it becomes apparent that there is more to Woodward than meets the eye, and reason to suspect that his real job all these years has had little to do with newspaper work.
I am very interested in this
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