Is there an innocent explanation for how Valerie Wilson’s name became widely known within the administration and eventually in the bigfoot press corp? Well, I wouldn’t call it innocent exactly, but Woodward’s explanation that “when the story comes out I’m quite confident we’re going to find out that it started kind of as gossip, as chatter…” could conceivably bear out.
But, even if it does, it won’t be innocent. To understand how this might have unfolded we have to go back to the lead up to the war. And what is particularly useful is to revisit the columns of William Safire, who was clearly using Dick Cheney’s office as a major source for spreading lies about Saddam Hussein, and trying to tie him to all manner of evil. Actually, it would be more accurate to say that Dick Cheney was using Bill Safire (who was quietly retired after no WMD or links to al-Qaeda were found).
What is instructive is how hostile and confrontational Bill Safire’s columns were toward the CIA and George Tenet. His ire didn’t stop there either. He accused Brent Scowcroft of conspiring with George Tenet to “seize total control of all U.S. intelligence”. He accused the State Department of “arguing strenuously for no military action to achieve “regime change” and he accused “mid-level generals, fearful of comparisons with our cakewalk victory of a decade ago, (of) infuriating their Pentagon superiors with leaks downmouthing the whole operation.”
Cheney, through Safire, felt as though the intelligence community was trying to sabotage the case for war with Iraq. That is why they set up the Office of Special Plans and the White House Iraq Group to get around their reluctance to make the case linking Saddam to al-Qaeda and for evidence of a reconstituted WMD program.
So, when Cheney learned that Joe Wilson’s wife worked at the CIA, I suspect he became suspicious that the CIA was using him to deflect blame for the pre-war intelligence failures. He may have even suspected that Wilson was chosen for the specific purpose of debunking the Niger claims. In other words, he may have thought that Wilson didn’t go to Niger with an open mind, but an anti-war agenda.
When Wilson went public the administration (through Karl Rove and Stephen Hadley) crafted a message for George Tenet to deliver.
But Tenet’s attempt to take the blame didn’t hold for even a week. People within the CIA began fighting back.
Problem solved, right? Condoleezza Rice and Don Rumsfeld had been triangulating on Tenet since Thursday, claiming the CIA had never informed the White House about the dubious nature of the Niger evidence. Tenet, like a good political appointee, fell on his sword and took responsibility for the error. On Saturday, White House spokesman Ari Fleischer told the press corps that Bush had “moved on” from this controversy.
Not so fast, said the New York Times editorial board. The paper of record for the Western world published an editorial on Saturday entitled “The Uranium Fiction.” The last time the Times editors used language this strong was when Bush, in a moment of seemingly deranged hubris, tried to nominate master secret-keeper Henry Kissinger to chair the 9/11 investigation:
“It is clear, however, that much more went into this affair than the failure of the C.I.A. to pounce on the offending 16 words in Mr. Bush’s speech. A good deal of information already points to a willful effort by the war camp in the administration to pump up an accusation that seemed shaky from the outset and that was pretty well discredited long before Mr. Bush stepped into the well of the House of Representatives last January. Doubts about the accusation were raised in March 2002 by Joseph Wilson, a former American diplomat, after he was dispatched to Niger by the C.I.A. to look into the issue. Mr. Wilson has said he is confident that his concerns were circulated not only within the agency but also at the State Department and the office of Vice President Dick Cheney. Mr. Tenet, in his statement yesterday, confirmed that the Wilson findings had been given wide distribution, although he reported that Mr. Bush, Mr. Cheney and other high officials had not been directly informed about them by the C.I.A.”
The administration had been quietly informing the press about Wilson’s wife for weeks before he went public. But no one published the information until their Tenet gambit failed. In fact, it was probably their attempt to shift all the blame onto the CIA that led to the extensive leaking that proved Wilson’s story was largely accurate. It was only at this point that Novak pounced. So, it is entirely possible that the leaking of Valerie Wilson’s occupation began innocently enough. They may not have realized that she maintained a covert status, even though she was stateside. They thought they could push back on Wilson’s claims quietly, never expecting him to go public. And when he did go public and their initial attempt at spin control failed, they made a grievous error and let Novak blow her cover.
It may not have been intended as intimidation or revenge, but merely as an attempt to put a lid on one of the biggest crimes in American history. Below the fold you can revisit Safire’s columns to see how that crime was carried out.
“Tenet’s Palestinian”, by William Safire
And when we walk back this cat, we find the name of Fuad Shubaki, Arafat’s arms buyer, on many documents. He was spotted in Baghdad with Iraqi officials in August of last year, one month before Sept. 11 and four months after Mohamed Atta’s rendezvous with Saddam Hussein’s man in Prague.
The C.I.A. fails to ask: Who benefits most from Arafat’s decisions to reject statehood, launch a terror war on Israeli civilians and refuse a cease-fire? Surely not Palestinians. The answer is Saddam, terror’s foremost supporter, who gains time to build his bombs while world media fixate on Israel’s self-defense.
George Tenet apparently doesn’t grasp that. He is a likable, patriotic bureaucrat who has President Bush’s trust as he works through Brent Scowcroft to seize total control of all U.S. intelligence. The trouble is that our long-bamboozled D.C.I. is in over his head already.
“Mr. Atta Goes to Prague”, by William Safire
A misdirection play is under way in the C.I.A.’s all-out attempt to discredit an account of a suspicious meeting in Prague a year ago. Mohamed Atta, destined to be the leading Sept. 11 suicide hijacker, was reported last fall by Czech intelligence to have met at least once with Saddam Hussein’s espionage chief in the Iraqi Embassy — Ahmed al-Ani, a spymaster whom the Czechs were keeping under tight surveillance.
If the report proves accurate, a connection would exist between Al Qaeda’s murder of 3,000 Americans and Iraq’s Saddam. That would clearly be a casus belli, calling for our immediate military response, separate from the need to stop a demonstrated mass killer from acquiring nuclear and germ weapons. Accordingly, high C.I.A. and Justice officials — worried about exposure of the agency’s inability to conduct covert operations — desperately want Atta’s Saddam connection to be disbelieved.
They are telling favored journalists: Shoot this troublesome story down. In March, a Washington Post columnist obliged with: “hard intelligence to support the Baghdad-bin Laden connection is somewhere between ‘slim’ and ‘none.’ ” In April, Newsweek headlined: “A spy story tying Saddam to 9-11 is looking very flimsy,” and its Michael Isikoff wrote: “the much touted ‘Prague connection’ appears to be an intriguing, but embarrassing, mistake.”
Whom do you believe — a responsible official on the scene speaking on the record, with no ax to grind, or U.S. spooks who may be covering up a missed signal from Prague about Sept. 11 and are also fearful of revealing their weakness in Iraq?
Hard-liners can play this background game, too. A “senior Bush administration official” not in the protect-Saddam cabal tells me: “You cannot say the Czech report about a meeting in 2001 between Atta and the Iraqi is discredited or disproven in any way. The Czechs stand by it and we’re still in the process of pursuing it and sorting out the timing and venue. There’s no doubt Atta was in Prague in 2000, and a subsequent meeting is at least plausible.”
“What Else Are We Missing?”, by William Safire
In May and June of 2002, State Department officials were arguing strenuously for no military action to achieve “regime change” until Turkey was fully a part of a broad anti-Saddam coalition. Mid-level generals, fearful of comparisons with our cakewalk victory of a decade ago, were infuriating their Pentagon superiors with leaks downmouthing the whole operation.
The C.I.A., having failed previously in a Baghdad coup attempt, could not decide on which indigenous Iraqi dissidents to equip and train for an uprising to support our invasion. To restrain Bush’s hawks, C.I.A. doves denied any connection between Saddam and Al Qaeda, despite hard intelligence linking Mohamed Atta, the leading suicide hijacker, with the Iraqi spymaster in Prague — a fact reaffirmed in June to The Prague Post by Hynek Kmonicek, the Czech ambassador to the U.N.
Shocked Americans would be asking: Who knew what and when? Did the C.I.A. inform the president that Rihab Taha, “Dr. Germs,” had provided anthrax and other biological agents to Saddam’s Republican Guard? Did the president know that an untested atomic device could be detonated to punish invaders along with the Iraqi people? If so, should we have saved lives by going in earlier? Or knowing the cost later, should we have sought to appease the dictator?
“The Way We Live Now”, by William Safire
[NOTE: This if from Safire’s “On Language” column and NOT an Op-Ed piece.]
In my Op-Ed incarnation, I’ve been in a running battle with our intelligence agencies about their all-out campaign to discredit evidence of a visit to Saddam Hussein’s spymaster in Prague by the suicide hijacker Mohamed Atta. I called the torrent of self-protective leaks by C.I.A. and F.B.I. sotto voce spokesmen “a misdirection play,” and defined this as a move by an adept offensive lineman: “He blocks his man toward the center; as the defender pushes back hard, the misdirecting lineman gives way, seemingly overcome by the countercharge — as his running back scoots through the hole near the center left by the defender.”
“Saddam and Terror”, by William Safire
Such verification of data obtained from the captured terrorists awakened C.I.A. bureaucrats who for nearly a year waved reporters away from evidence of Qaeda-Iraqi links lest it justify U.S. action. Belatedly, a C.I.A. team interrogated some of the terrorists held in northern Iraq — comparing what they found with information gleaned from Al Qaeda prisoners at Guantanamo and elsewhere.
Even religiously motivated terrorists crack in dismay at how much the interrogator already knows. When added to prisoners’ family details provided by Kurdish sources, the scope of our knowledge led captives in Kurdistan to talk about poison production and Iraqi links because they figured there was little left to hide.
The new information has changed much intelligence analysis. The C.I.A. has even stopped discrediting reports from Czech intelligence about a different point of Qaeda-Saddam contact: the meeting between the Sept. 11 hijackers’ leader, Mohamed Atta, and a top Saddam spymaster in Prague.
Let’s not pretend we must “make the case” that Saddam personally directed 9/11. The need to strike at an aggressive despot before he gains the power to blackmail us with the horrific weapons he is building and hiding is apparent to most Americans, including those who will bear the brunt of the fight.
“On Playing Hunches”, by William Safire
. . .A hunch is not news and should not be reported as such, but informed speculation can open minds and even lead to news. A columnist should play a hunch now and then, taking readers beyond the published news, using logic and experience to figure out what may be happening now or to predict what will happen soon. . . .
Another example of risk-taking columny: Czech intelligence agents reported that Mohamed Atta, the lead suicide hijacker, met only months before Sept. 11 with a Saddam Hussein spymaster in Prague. C.I.A. analysts covering their posteriors rejected any data establishing connections between Saddam and Al Qaeda, and went to great lengths to discredit the report in the U.S. press.
Because the C.I.A. had refused to interrogate Al Qaeda assassins captured by Kurdish forces in northern Iraq, I had a hunch that our spooks’ overly eager “discreditation” of the Czech report was misleading. After checking with sources in the Bush administration and overseas, I stuck with the original story made known by the Czech prime minister and his cabinet colleagues.
But lo and behold, The New York Times last week reported from Prague that President Vaclav Havel “quietly told the White House he has concluded that there is no evidence to confirm” the Atta-Iraqi meeting. Havel had “discreetly called Washington” to tell senior Bush officials to ignore the reports.
Wow — Havel personally intervened, calling the Bush White House himself to “quietly, discreetly” contradict his intelligence service and fellow officials? That was a news story deserving its front-page play and subsequent editorial. My e-mail screen sparkled with gleeful nyah-nyahs from readers certain this proved Saddam had no terrorist connections and should be left alone. I brooded about my hunch.
But lo and re-behold, two days later The New York Times reported this denial from Havel’s spokesman: “The president did not call the White House about this. The president never spoke with any American government official about Atta, not with Bush, not with anyone else.”
“The Mourning After”, by William Safire
3. When the postwar books are written, a former Iraqi spymaster with knowledge of the suicide attacker Mohamed Atta’s perhaps unwitting connection to Saddam will eagerly come forth to spill all he knows to save his neck or sell his memoirs. Suspected followers of Osama bin Laden like Musaab Zarqawi and Mullah Krekar, if alive, will further link Al Qaeda to Saddam’s mukhabarat police.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Cover blown, network decimated, WMD investigation shattered, people died = TREASON.
Safire was such an ass.
He was one of the oldest, besides Buckley, conservative columnist building a case for conservative (read rock hard conservative) republicans. He traded his intellect, his trust within the public sphere, and his credentials for that power building exercise. One thought only – put conservative republicans in power – seems to drive people like him and others. It is almost as if the idea of power sucks all goodness, all light and all intellect from them.
The media seems to be having fun at the moment creating chaos with Woodwards report. But substantially the case against Libby is still all about subterfuge and lying. Adding more lies only makes the case against him clearer to me. And it says to me that others besides Libby should be indicted with the same crimes.
From Daou — a rebuttal to a talking point I heard over and over yesterday on the talk shows:
Fitz had sand thrown in his eyes, didn’t he?
so pertinent and so necessary. I feel that Woodward should be indicted as well.
There is absolutely NOTHING innocent about this cabal!
“…”when the story comes out I’m quite confident we’re going to find out that it started kind of as gossip, as chatter…”
There is no innocent explanation. The known evidence indicates that it is highly likely that there was intent and malice of forethought involved in what also looks to be a fairly significant conspiracy within the highest levels of the Executive Branch.
As an intellectural exercise let’s go ahead and give them the benefit of the doubt. Let’s say that this all started as “… gossip, as chatter….”
I don’t have the documents in front of me but the wording of the non-disclosure agreements that executive branch employees ALL have to sign states explicitly that such “gossip and chatter” is strictly against the rules…
Loose lips sink ships.
Anyone with an ounce of understanding knows that you simply do not talk about such things unless you know specifically… that it is ok to talk about such things. When in doubt… don’t.
There is no innocent explanation. Gossip and chatter, pillow talk and cocktail party stories are strictly prohibited. There is no innocent explanation.
Let me explain:
Y’got yer right wing spooks, and y’got yer left wing spooks.
Just like in the real world.
As above, so below.
Y’got yer right wing spook media assets, and y’got yer left wing spook media assets.
There IS no monolithic “CIA”.
No monolithic intel community.
Just like any other group of feudal powers, the feud is ALWAYS on. For power, for position, and not uncommonly, for sheer survival. (It’s a rough game, after all…)
And on EVERY level of the corporate media…the asset fix is in.
BIG time.
You want to know on which side anyone is playing at the moment?( Sides, actually, because as in any spook system, there are double and turned agents as well…defectors, free agents, the whole nasty, poker playing, bluff and raise enchilada…) You want to know? Look at what they have said regarding WMDs and the invasion of Iraq.
And remember…there IS no “truth” in this game. It is ALL spin and hype, because even if you yourself were to be the first one who walked into a recently unearthed bunker somewhere outside of Fallujah and saw with your own eyes a pile of ready-to-rumble nukes, all dusty and convincingly “hidden”…YOU WOULD HAVE LESS THAN NO IDEA HOW THEY GOT THERE OR HOW LONG THEY HAD ACTUALLY BEEN BURIED.
Nor do ANY of us know what happened to the millions of lives worth of weapons that the US gave to Saddam Hussein…WMDs or no, if you have enough conventional explosive weapons you can do some serious damage, too…while he was still OUR dog in the Middle East hustle.
So Wilson is on one side, and Safire is on the other.
As are Novak, Miller, etc.
Suddenly…the miracle of critical mass (media version) having been reached by our absolute failure to pull off this particular mudrerous adventure…MANY heretofore pro-Blood For Oil War forces have suddenly turned into ANTI-Blood For Oil folks.
So the OTHER side trots out the pros.
The big guns.
The big reps.
Woodward, in this case.
The Hero Of Watergate. (Sounds of Beavis and Butthead-style adolescent sniggering in the background.)
Nevertheless…out he is trundled to provide yet ANOTHER spin.
In the service of…whom?
Well…first, in his OWN service. Just as it always was.
But who does this particular story serve?
BET on it.
At the end of every neo-con string, and the end of every neo-con STING…there hangs the poisonous little Cheney spider.
BET on it.
24/7 until he is brought down.
You want to end the illness?
You have to eradicate the germ.
24/7 until he is brought down.
I posted a similiar comment over at your cross posted diary, but I’ll say it here as well. Bushies keep files on all their domestic “enemies”, and I bet that there’s a file on Joe Wilson. This whole thing smacks of a Rovian whisper smear campaign gone haywire. You going to take Woodward’s word for it? Woodward’s judgement is clouded by his proximity… he’s been seduced by his access to power.
Nah, I can think of a lot of adjectives to describe what happened, but “innocent” isn’t on my list.
I agree with the basic point you are making — they were going to smear Wilson using her overt status at the CIA as the weapon. But somehow a very deep secret concerning her true status got into the loop. How did that happen? and when? Was it the memo on Air Force One? Or was it another source?
There are really two cover-ups going on right now. The easiest one to see is the cover-up concerning her overt status, which was protected but not in the degree that the administration couldn’t have handled if that were all there were to it. What triggered the Fitzgerald appointment was the blowing of deep cover. Since the players involved are all the same people, and since from a PR view, the two offenses both demonstrate the way the Administration falsely took the nation to war, the investigation has merged the two offenses into one, because the players lied on one or (in certain cases) both counts.
The Woodward admission concerns the first comparatively minor offense. This is a sand-throwing exercise. I can’t help thinking that the deeper offense goes through Bolton/Hadley/Libby/Cheney, and possibly Rice (though she would I think be a witless participant, like her boss).
So to get back to the original point. There is an innocent explanation, but it is so entwined with the not-innocent explanation through the subsequent cover-up that it doesn’t matter anymore. They can’t wiggle out of this one, because it’s now a conspiracy.
I still think there’s the possibility that the main goal of whoever hatched this may have been to blow Brewster-Jennings rather than Plame, because they were getting too close to ARAMCO. A Bush I associate, perhaps? There’s plenty of them around. That’s clear-cut espionage for the Saudis. The whole Plame thing was a convenient way to get the WHIG crew on board. Then once Plame was blown, the planner made sure Plame’s W2’s came to light.
‘scuse me while I adjust the tinfoil hat.
a better man than I am, Gunga Din. I could never read Safire, especially in the last few years, without feeling a strong urge to vomit. Even Abe I’m-Writing-As-Bad-As-I-Can Rosenthal wasn’t that revolting.
In my blog travels this morning, I picked up this snippet, a quote from the Woodward formerly known as a reporter:
Now, who in the White House and environs is known for making off-the-cuff, unscripted, generally stupid comments? The it-was-all-an-accident-at-first (my, I seem to have hyphenitis this morning) theory may turn out to be correct, but a lot of people will have had careers and lives ruined before then.
So what you’re really saying is that this whole thing could have started as just the usual set of whispers from insiders to reporters that reporters keep hidden from their readers, right?
The usual inside gossip that isn’t meant for the rest of us mortals, just meant to give reporters that delicious sense of being inside, and just coincidentally meant to prejudice them against things that don’t serve what the administration wants.
Plausible, if nauseating, and typical of the power media game, it seems.
The big question then becomes why Novak took it public. Booby seems to imply that it was just that darn Novak going off on his own, silly kid. Right. Maybe it wasn’t doing enough on gossip status to damp down coverage of Wilson once he wrote his column.
And BTW, Woodward expects any adult human being to think that when a source just lets something slip offhandedly, that it’s just an afterthought? Has he never watched Columbo?
I agree with you Booman.
It doesn’t make the charges any less serious, but I’m sure that the players involved all saw this as a higher and higher-stakes poker game, and the pushbacks got nastier and nastier. I’m willing to bet that Operation Blabbermouth in June (where the WH leaks “Wilson’s wife works at CIA” to any and every reporter coming along) was just intended as an inside-the-beltway smear campaign. I don’t know if anyone knew Plame was NOC at that point (probably Cheney, Fleitz, and some of the higher ups did, maybe Libby didn’t), but there was a concerted effort to associate Wilson and his wife with the CIA, and suggest that they are merely proxies in the latest CIA vs. admin battle.
And I’m sure this all got back to Wilson and the CIA, and they were royally pissed about it, and decided to go public with Wilson’s op-ed on July 6.
That forced Cheney to enlist Rove in a classic Rovian smear of the messenger to discredit him. Rove and Libby worked in tandem with the calculated leaks to journalists who can’t keep their traps shut (naive journalists, like Cooper), with the information that Wilson was sent by the CIA, not by Cheney, and maybe his wife was involved. In some cases, Rove and/or Libby might have directly said Wilson’s wife worked for CIA, in other cases the journalist may have volunteered that info (as it was being passed along like a game of telephone during Operation Blabbermouth).
I’ve speculated that Chris Matthews, not Russert, was one of these leak recipients, and what Libby ascribes to Russert telling him was actually from his discussion with Matthews, which Libby may have discussed with Russert on that day. Matthews is a notorious blabbermouth, and I think would be a perfect person to “leak” to.
And they try to get Tenet to fall on the sword and blame the CIA for Wilson. But he doesn’t, so they activate Novak.
Which brings us to the real crimes committed by Novak. Who are his sources? How did he find out, 1) Plame’s maiden name, 2)Her NOC status, and 3)the Brewster-Jennings association. Was she really so careless as to list that in the FEC publically-accesible records, as Novak claims is his source?
I think these are the questions Fitz has been trying to answer these past two years and he still isn’t satisfied with the answers and the stonewalling. Hence the multi-layered investigation trying to trap the participants into finally revealing the truth.
The question is why now has the CIA finally decided enough’s enough? What is so vital that it needs to be made public now (other than the 2K+ US solidiers dead and countless thousands of Iraqi civilians)? What other secrets lie in this web of deceit?
BTW, if you haven’t read them, I suggest looking at the Lemony Snicket books. Yes, children’s lit, I know, but the parallels between the factions of the secret organization at the heart of the plot and the current turmoil at CIA is uncanny, to say the least. Just a teaser: one faction is in the business of putting out fires, and the other faction is in the business of starting them.
Yeah, I think you have it about right.
At least, this is plausible.
I would only note that Tenet did fall on his sword, but then leaks starting coming out that made it obvious that Tenet had warned them, and his sword-falling become inoperative.
Right at that moment Plame’s name was published.
So it looked like payback to the CIA for not allowing their leader to take the fall.
And it could have been. But it seems just as likely that they merely panicked when the first line of defense crumbled.
At first they were leaking Plame’s name when Wilson was still anonymous. Yeah, it was classified info, but they didn’t intend for it to be published so the risk of outing Plame was minimal. It was a crime, but one that would cause no harm and was unlikely to be discovered.
However, as the rumors made their way around Georgetown, and Wilson went public, people started asked questions. And someone may have failed to realize that they couldn’t allow her name to get printed.
So, Woodward sees it all as innocent, but that ignores the reason Wilson was speaking up, why the CIA refused to take the fall, and that Plame was a real-life NOC.
In other words, it might not be quite as sinister as Wilson assumed at the time. It might have just kinda happened.
I remember reading that Rove was pissed at Libby and Cheney when he realized he might have committed a crime. Could be true, could be spin.
Thanks, glad to see we’re on the same page.
There’s definitely more to this. The CIA-OVP war continues unabated with I’m sure recent salvos including the leaks over the secret prisons, the closed Senate session, Cheney’s recent speech upping the rhetoric, etc. I just don’t like where all this is going, and I hope there is a peaceful resolution soon. I have this sneaking suspicion if Cheney would just resign and clean house, the CIA would go their merry way. But maybe I’m wrong.
There was an interesting detail to the election donation entry into records. Pimcus reported in Oct of 2003 that the form established that she had worked undercover within the past 5 years.
Leak of Agent’s Name Causes Exposure of CIA Front Firm
It also looks like Novak made a determined effort to out the company too. He could have avoided that.
Here’s the mention, in the last paragraph, that stuck with me.
“The question is why now has the CIA finally decided enough’s enough?”
The war between the administration and CIA is only between the admin and the analysis capabilities of CIA. The whole bush family history, and the personal leanings of both bush and Cheney, strongly lean to covert operations. They love covert ops. It’s how regime change happens most of the time. What they can’t stand is actual intelligence from the field. It might have too much reality in it.
Where this links to Plame and Brewster Jennings is that they may look at counter-proliferation as intelligence despite its being on the operations side. As for Plame herself, they certainly look at analysis done at Langley as disloyal. So Porter Goss’s job there is to complete the destruction of intelligence and analysis, and unleash the guys with the exploding cigars. They may have burned BJ deliberately.
What if…within this spectrum of perceived effective policy there exists specific groups of various ideologies as to the proper order of all of it? Any one of these groups could find like-minded groups in other governments and private industry to form unseen coalitions seeking to achieve common goals.
This orange link has some interesting stuff in it
That’s a pretty damning speculation considering the WSJ usual perspective.
You aren’t kidding. One of the most conservative rags out there and they are speculating that a blow up might happen. What I also found interesting is that it brings Card into the Woodward equation.
They don’t reveal the latest “X” factor, but why did they bring Card in? Considering Rove is supposedly battling Card behind the scenes at the White House, do you smell a Rove smear in here somehow?
And note the mention of the White House “spokeswoman”…
Is Ralston a “spokeswoman”? A likely candidate to do Rove’s dirty work, no doubt.
I saw Card’s name way back long ago but haven’t seen it much until now. At one point it was also mentioned that he would be one of the few left standing, in that he was at odds with Cheney.
There’s been a new face as spokeswoman and I’ll find her name. She’s not brand new, I don’t think, just different. I don’t think Ralston would be speaking for as deep as she’s into this.
All hell is breaking loose on other investigation fronts and I’m sure she’s part of those too.
Here’s a refresher list of the ones involved
23 Administration Officials Involved In Plame Leak
Well, we already know that Ralston has testified to PFitz’s new Grand Jury AND the one for the AIPAC spies. Though I am not sure how she is tied into the AIPAC investigation. I just know that she has testified there.
From what I have read it looks like Card may be PFitz’s ace in the whole, pun intended. (Or at least he seems to be one of them?)
Are they saying that no one knew she was covert, and that makes it all OK? Just because they may have been ignorant dos not make them innocent. Oops, sorry about that, seems like a pretty lame excuse to me. Fitz may have the opportunity to use the same line after the convictions.
Let us not forget, the intelligence was cooked, and Plame was outed.
For what it’s worth and just my opinion
I think Cheney, Libby and a few other dedicated zealots had a bigger agenda in wanting to derail BJA and Valerie because they had a different way of doing things in running the GWoT. Part of it would involve plans similar to earlier schemes like Iran-contra with many of the same people back in positions of power.
To do this, they exploited GWBco and Rove’s contempt for the media but also assuming the protection of source would play out. It was an easier plan when Ashcroft was at the head as AG but dedicated career people in several agencies pushed to get the better investigation. I don’t think anyone planned on Fitzgerald being what he is, unless Comey foresaw the results we are seeing now.
Fitzgerald had a long successful career prosecuting terrorism but the new plans incorporated the manipulation of terror suspect evidence/participants so GWB was worked in a way to send Fitz away from the district right before 9/11.
One thing for sure, 9/11 changed everything. Woodward would be a perfect choice to work into a few book deals to get many wanted messages across. A hero of the left, shining light on some admin flaws but still controlling the message of damning the CIA-which was part of the plan to control the future of these covert plans by a small group.
So, maybe Woodward is honest when he says they thought it would not be as a big a deal as it is…thinking Ashcroft and the journalists would keep it sealed. That’s why the disclosure was so convoluted and involved so many journalists. The bigger picture still isn’t addressing the main piece of damage in what was done to the antiproliferation of the bio-chem-nuclear weapons. Big money in battling that created threat.
Rove jumped on the chance to burn Wilson but really he was just unwittingly doing the dirty work for the neocons.