I received this email from moveon.org that is putting together a picture petition against the cuts up before congress.

It is called Face America.

send a photo with a message to



Top Republicans in the House of Representatives are now vowing to vote on their reverse Robin Hood budget proposal within 48 hours. Your work has helped erode their support, and the vote is too close to call.

That’s why today we’re launching our “Face America” photo petition–calling on Congress to literally look us in the eye and do the right thing.

We’re aiming to collect thousands of photos of ordinary Americans with homemade signs, asking Congress to oppose the Republican plan to cut services for poor while handing tax breaks to the rich. To make sure you’re heard, we’ll deliver every photo to every member of Congress before the final vote and run some as online ads in the newspapers Congress reads.
That’s why today we’re launching our “Face America” photo petition–calling on Congress to literally look us in the eye and do the right thing.

We’re aiming to collect thousands of photos of ordinary Americans with homemade signs, asking Congress to oppose the Republican plan to cut services for poor while handing tax breaks to the rich. To make sure you’re heard, we’ll deliver every photo to every member of Congress before the final vote and run some as online ads in the newspapers Congress reads.

To join the photo petition, just attach your photo (or photos) to an email, and send it to:


This is a new kind of petition. Let Congress see real faces of those of us who will be affected by all these cuts. Maybe it will strike a compassionate chord.

One can hope.