I’m going to keep this short, a talent I lack almost completely.
Most of you probably saw some of the debate on C-SPAN yesterday. A whole lot of Republicans very nervous about the lies and deceptions of the Iraq War coming to light. A whole lot of Chickenhawks who want to spill more innocent blood, because they are too afraid to be accountable for their misjudgment, and to hold the administration accountable for the fraud it has perpetrated on the American people.
Of course, if you watched, you saw the most glaring example of the new McCarthyism. The tactic whereby the Chickenhawks attack truly patriotic opposition members by calling them terrorist-sympathizers and cowards. Cedwyn commented on it, and posted the clip in this diary if you missed it. During the debate, Chickenhawk Republican Jean Schmidt, R-Ohio (the Chickenhawk who only narrowly defeated Paul Hackett), had the audacity to challenge the patriotism of Rep. John Murtha (D-Pennsylvania) because he has sensibly called the Republicans on their two-and-a-half year folly in Iraq:
[A] few minutes ago I received a call from Colonel Danny Bubp. [Ed. note: Bubp is a partisan Republican serving in the Ohio state house, and a part time soldier in the National Guard.] He asked me to send Congress a message — stay the course. He also asked me to send Congressman Murtha a message — that cowards cut and run, Marines never do.
Rep. Harold Ford (D-Tennessee) flipped out, as did what sounded like the entire Democratic half of the house. Ford ran over and did some aggressive finger pointing. He won my support in his Senatorial bid in Tennessee for that alone.
I’m outraged by the Chickenhawk liars. The fascists who have lied and taken us to war, are lying to try to prolong a war to save themselves politically, and are supporting an administration that should be impeached and brought to justice in an international court for the lies that have cost the lives of tens of thousands of innocent human beings.
I want to support Rep. Murtha’s common sense efforts to make America a reality based community. A policy that allows America to start to regain a position of strength in the world community. A position of strength that has been undermined by loss of respect we have faced because of the lies that were told. A respect that will only be gained when American’s hold their leaders accountable for their misdeeds.
I know it is very hard to organize an effective protest from the Internet. But I want to try. Someone needs to answer Chickenhawks like Jean Schmidt and Ohio Rep. Bubp (who clearly needs to resign his legislative seat immediately and volunteer for a front line position in the Active Duty Marine Corps fighting the War he so dearly loves).
I thought of a protest by sending Rep. Schmidt and Bubp small replicas of Henerey Hawk, the cartoon chickenhawk who dogged Fog Horn Leghorn for all those years. But they are too expensive for a massive protest. So I wanted to suggest that some very artistically creative Bootribber make us up a chickenhawk graphic, with perhaps a protest slogan, that we could all print out and send to Schmidt and Bubp early next week. We could write our personal notes of disgust on the back. And we could share our efforts at protest on all the Liberal blogs, so we might have a massive protest. Let’s bury these chickenhawks in likenesses of themselves.
I don’t mean to be a lazy protest organizer. I would make the art myself, only I am to art, as Bush-43 is to foreign policy.
If you are interested in this protest, we will need an art volunteer, and a recommend. And once this diary goes off the air, someone will have to re-diary it to keep the protest moving forward.
There. I guess that is as short as I can be. Fuck. Lawyers talk way too much. Okay. Good idea? Can we do this? Or am I just listening to too many cartoons in the background on Saturday morning. (Got to run on Saturday errands. Will check in later for interest).
but I can at least slap a “recommend” on this bad boy.
Idea: whoever does the “chickenhawk” graphic, make sure he/she/it is wearing a red, white & blue flag shirt, since the Chickenhawks in power are so fond of wrapping themselves in the flag.
How about some slogan ideas while we’re at it? I’m thinking something like “Iraq — our 51st state?”
Just a thought…
personally I just loved the “suit” whatshername coward woman from OH was wearing in the house yesterday.
I was fond of her somewhat mummified and hawklike face.
she reminded me of someone and for the life of me I can’t remember who it is.
Bela Legosi?
close, but I just figured it out.
Katherine Harris.
Ha! (That’s the best Chris Matthews imitation I can do with the written word).
She actually reminded me a little of the “mommy dearest” Joan Crawford kind of thing.
Oh man. She’s got the coat hanger Murtha. And that’s not an abortion she wants to perform.
Yeah. A flag pant-suit or something. That’s good.
complete blank on how to address the chickenhawks. I didn’t know how I would face counter protesters in Crawford either. Once I saw them though and saw the disconnect in their eyes and saw their of service age sons standing next to them it was easy. I pointed to the son and told them to, “Send him to Iraq and then we’ll talk!” I will talk to anybody “doing Iraq” any time day or night too. The couple we had dinner with last night support us staying in Iraq but they are getting out of the Army as soon as they can…..he did one year though and when we sat down to dinner there was more that we all had in common than not. We all agreed that mistakes were made and the mission in Iraq must be clarified! Anybody wanting this war though who isn’t serving or preaching to their family to serve doesn’t deserve the time of day!
I agree with this. It is now my favorite response to Chickenhawks, thanks to DammitJanet, “Suit up or shut up.”
If you say that those serving volunteered then please note that our “volunteers” are getting the fuck out of Dodge as soon possible. The military serving in Iraq is hostage just about as much as the country they occupy!
broken, wasn’t there a survey out there from the military families that showed a majority wanted them all home now? People don’t realize that their well trained military is “leaving” as soon as they can. We are short on recruiting, but just recruiting a soldier doesn’t replace those leaving….those leaving have an investment in training and experience they take with them. It is estimated that you guys have paid out 2 million dollars to train my husband to fly Cobras and Apaches…..your attack helicopters, you have sent him on numerous training mission to NTC and also Iraq……he did a large portion of his troops mission planning toward the end of his tour……..if he leaves tomorrow a pilot fresh out of flight school does not replace him!
Funny how none of the hawks wants to talk about a draft. They’ll compare the modern military, and themselves for supporting it, to the “greatest generation” awful quick. But they would never call for the shared sacrifice that was required to fight and win in WWII. First, because WWII was a just war, and everyone knew it. Second, because the hawks know how fast their ass would be run out of town if they made the appropriate calls for shared sacrifice to fight a just war. Hell, they won’t even share the price tag with the public, still keeping this operation on an “off budget” item requiring supplemental appropriations.
I have faith in my nation that if ever we are in danger that my people will stand up to take the necessary actions. Hell, I know that Janet and I ourselves would go to bootcamp to protect our children. I am not a pacifist….if you are a serious threat to my kids I’m a serious threat to you. People signed up for military service in droves after 9/11, everybody remember that? Then we all waited for Afghanistan to happen and waited and waited and waited and Special Forces went into Afghanistan and the Marines and “they” told us Afghanistan was all good. Then they sent all those people who volunteered to serve their country after 9/11 to Iraq, and there they sit wondering what the fuck is going on??
unvolunteer as soon as they can!
Hey tracy, you mentioned a poll of military families..I had put up that link in the last few weeks and when went back to it page is no longer found. It was taken in Charlotte, N.C. though and on all issues about Iraq/bush the polling was over 50% against bush and his policies on Iraq…if he’s lost the military he’s in much bigger trouble than he realizes..And I’d like to see some honest polls with other military families/bases and see what comes up.
Wish I could draw like my one nephew who happens to specialize in cartoon type characters. He’s amazing and coming up this week for thanksgiving. Maybe I can get him to do some drawings and see what he comes up with. Only idea for a slogan I can think of offhand would be-‘Uncle Chickenhawk Wants Your Family-Not His’.. ‘A Chickenhawk For Every Pot’.
I like both those CI. They are the top two candidates so far. We’ll have to put them to a vote. Where are all those creative Tribbers. Hell. It’s not the quality of the Chickenhawk that is drawn. You send them the protest chickenhawk drawing you have, not the chickenhawk protests you want.
‘Chickenhawks=Deferments R Us’ ‘Chickenhawks-You serve, We’ll support cutting vets funding.’ ‘Chickenhawks-Hawks who Chicken out when called to Duty.’
Could maybe commandeer this one from Michael Moore:
We The Few The Rich The Elite
Born To Kill
Not Serve
Do you think Michael would sue us?
I can’t imagine he’d have any objections…drop him an Email @ mike@michaelmoore.com and shake him down prosecutor…:{)
I don’t want to go all lawyer on Michael. He might documentarize me.
or maybe you’re feature length material…”Batshit Loopy:The Source!“
This has been Up for a Loooong Time, along with the List Of ‘ChickenHawks’, click on Graphic to Visit Site, and a Great One It Is; New Hampshire Gazette; Oldest Newspaper!!
That’s where Mike Got It as well as others, myself included, I use it Alot!!!!!!!
Just change pixel size to blow it up for whatever use you need, you can also write the Gazette, from site, if worried about copyrights, but I doubt if they’s mind as long as you link back or print out URL!!
Print out the Meaning, from site, along with Graphic:
Chickenhawk n.
A person enthusiastic about war, provided someone else fights it; particularly when that enthusiasm is undimmed by personal experience with war; most emphatically when that lack of experience came in spite of ample opportunity in that person’s youth.
Jim. I like this graphic and would like to use it for our purposes. Would you be willing to 1) do the necessary e-mailing to clear our use and 2) do you (or does anyone else) have the ability to convert the file into usable form (right size and what not) and pdf format so that it can be easily printed out by our protestors?
Waiting to hear back, but I don’t think they’d mind as long as their links are posted, printed with Graphic and Definition!
Now on the rest, weeeell I ain’t no Wizz, remember I’m a Senior Citizen, according to ARP, and frankly have never made up a pdf format, never had need especially as to work no puter needed to build buildings just Alot of Extremely Hard Work!
Do know that if Right clicking on Graphic, click on Properties, you’ll get the file format link back. It also gives you the pixels, in this case 234×243. After you type img skip space and put width=” ” skip space and put height=” ” [with pixel size between ” “]skip space and add the src=URL and end with the /a closing tag
I’ll try and make one up, if time permitts, in ADOBE or whatever, and see what happens!
I also know that if you download to your puter you can play with size in any photo software you have for printing!
You lost me at pixel. You may be a senior citizen, but I have the soul of a Luddite. Check out the new Booswarm diary, and good luck getting the permission for use. I like your logo. If fact, if you got permission, and the group agreed, I would be amenable to using it as the sole official protest item. We’ll have to buzz that around a bit with the group, I suppose.
Recommended! I’ll gladly join the protest, BostonJoe. I’m not an artist either so I’ll await further instructions.
I can’t draw a straight line but I sure as heck can address a letter.
All right. I warned you about my art being worse than Bush’s foreign policy. But how about this buzzard.
And then it has the nice air bubble where you can yell at the idiot Chickenhawks who you send it to.
Can people print it from this diary, though? Or is it so god awful that we will actually need a real artist.
Don’t feel too bad, you draw better than I do…I keep envisioning a chickenhawk who looks slightly scary(ala Cheney) with some blood dripping from mouth and maybe the military like A.F., Army, Navy etc written in the blood drippings.
All right CI — I like those ideas. But it is time to put your comments where your Paintbrush program is. 🙂 Give it a go. I could have never made my lowly old, happy bird and put him on the Internets just three months ago. By Spaghetti Monster, activism is not only good for the pasta-soul, it is good for Napoleon Dynamite-like skill development.
Just to remind folks who the chickenhawks are?
oooohhhh! Good idea!
We need the Warner Bros. cartoon character! IMHO! But whatever likeness we end up with GO FOR IT!
This guy as a starting point…
Sorry, no photoshopping skills here…
That is Henery Hawk. That’s who I wanted to use, but I am afraid of copyright violations.
The made me, as they say on the Internet, laugh out loud.
You know white feathers from WWI. What about yellow feathers (with a little note of explanation of course)?
It has simplicity, which I like.
Yellow — the symbolic color of cowardice;
Feather — obviously from the “chickenhawk,” Gallus spizias.
didn’t even serve in combat? The dude that was quoted: Colonel Danny Bubp.
Diaried here:
thanks for this.
You are brilliant!
If someone draws something I can copy via computer or by hand – great.
If not, on Monday, I will draw the best feather I can, color it yellow, and write: “Chickenhawk is a compound of ‘chicken’ as in ‘coward’ and ‘hawk’ as in ‘pro-war,’ thus a chickenhawk is someone who is in favor of a war as long as someone else does the fighting and dying.” Add: “Shame on you!” Sign my name and send it.
To all who are following this – SEND SOMETHING! It is NOT an assessment of your artistic ability.
BostonJoe – your talents are awesome!
jesus general seems pretty handy with the P-shop. this is certainly right up his alley.
in other news, the orangeness beyond reports that mr. mmmmBubp is not exactly “active military.”
I love the idea of just sending a yellow feather along with a letter.
here’s a supplier
It would be such a good story- “Beltway Denizens Puzzled by Avalanche of Yellow Feathers” But then I hear they claim to take all mail addressed to Congress to be inspected for anthrax. Is that true?
I will include that as an option. I just want folks to be able to protest without spending anything more than a stamp. But we could suggest sending a feather as another option. I like it too.