I’m going to keep this short, a talent I lack almost completely.

Most of you probably saw some of the debate on C-SPAN yesterday.  A whole lot of Republicans very nervous about the lies and deceptions of the Iraq War coming to light.  A whole lot of Chickenhawks who want to spill more innocent blood, because they are too afraid to be accountable for their misjudgment, and to hold the administration accountable for the fraud it has perpetrated on the American people.
Of course, if you watched, you saw the most glaring example of the new McCarthyism.  The tactic whereby the Chickenhawks attack truly patriotic opposition members by calling them terrorist-sympathizers and cowards.  Cedwyn commented on it, and posted the clip in this diary if you missed it.  During the debate, Chickenhawk Republican Jean Schmidt, R-Ohio (the Chickenhawk who only narrowly defeated Paul Hackett), had the audacity to challenge the patriotism of Rep. John Murtha (D-Pennsylvania) because he has sensibly called the Republicans on their two-and-a-half year folly in Iraq:

[A] few minutes ago I received a call from Colonel Danny Bubp.  [Ed. note:  Bubp is a partisan Republican serving in the Ohio state house, and a part time soldier in the National Guard.]  He asked me to send Congress a message — stay the course. He also asked me to send Congressman Murtha a message — that cowards cut and run, Marines never do.

Rep. Harold Ford (D-Tennessee) flipped out, as did what sounded like the entire Democratic half of the house.  Ford ran over and did some aggressive finger pointing.  He won my support in his Senatorial bid in Tennessee for that alone.

I’m outraged by the Chickenhawk liars.  The fascists who have lied and taken us to war, are lying to try to prolong a war to save themselves politically, and are supporting an administration that should be impeached and brought to justice in an international court for the lies that have cost the lives of tens of thousands of innocent human beings.

I want to support Rep. Murtha’s common sense efforts to make America a reality based community.  A policy that allows America to start to regain a position of strength in the world community.  A position of strength that has been undermined by loss of respect we have faced because of the lies that were told.  A respect that will only be gained when American’s hold their leaders accountable for their misdeeds.

I know it is very hard to organize an effective protest from the Internet.  But I want to try.  Someone needs to answer Chickenhawks like Jean Schmidt and Ohio Rep. Bubp (who clearly needs to resign his legislative seat immediately and volunteer for a front line position in the Active Duty Marine Corps fighting the War he so dearly loves).

I thought of a protest by sending Rep. Schmidt and Bubp small replicas of Henerey Hawk, the cartoon chickenhawk who dogged Fog Horn Leghorn for all those years.  But they are too expensive for a massive protest.  So I wanted to suggest that some very artistically creative Bootribber make us up a chickenhawk graphic, with perhaps a protest slogan, that we could all print out and send to Schmidt and Bubp early next week.  We could write our personal notes of disgust on the back.  And we could share our efforts at protest on all the Liberal blogs, so we might have a massive protest.  Let’s bury these chickenhawks in likenesses of themselves.

I don’t mean to be a lazy protest organizer.  I would make the art myself, only I am to art, as Bush-43 is to foreign policy.

If you are interested in this protest, we will need an art volunteer, and a recommend.  And once this diary goes off the air, someone will have to re-diary it to keep the protest moving forward.

There.  I guess that is as short as I can be.  Fuck.  Lawyers talk way too much.  Okay.  Good idea?  Can we do this?  Or am I just listening to too many cartoons in the background on Saturday morning.  (Got to run on Saturday errands.  Will check in later for interest).