Progress Pond

Booswarm Request II: Operation Yellow Feather / Froggy Pond

All right.  There seems to be enough interest.  I’d say “Operation Yellow Feather / Froggy Pond” should be a go.  But I think we should have something ready to go to the web by noon Monday.

After listening to all your thoughtful posts, here is what I suggest.  On noon Monday we release a diary on Booman that describes our protests.  It shows examples of the chickenhawk art we want to send.  It has a couple of pdf (that’s adobe, right) files that can be printed off with the art.  It provides addresses and fax numbers for Schmidt, Bubp and Hastert (just because he is their leader).  It explains the story briefly, and asks the reader to print off a form (or make their own creative chickenhawk), personalize it and mail or fax it to these public servant cowards.  Also, it asks that they send a copy to their local media with a press/release letter, to publicize our cause.  Selected Bootribbers then go out and post / share our work on the blogosphere.  Somebody with a good name posts it at the orange place.  Maybe we have Winger post it on My Left Wing, etc.  We of course notify our own anchor, Oberman.  And sit back and hope we hear about our efforts on the nightly news.
All right.  That’s a little grandiose.  But a guy who can draw as good as me has to dream.  Still, there is a lot to do before noon tomorrow, if we are going to hold to that deadline.  I’m going to list the tasks I think we need to get done.  Please volunteer if you can do one or two or a hundred of these things.

  1.  Recommend this.
  2.  Unrecommend the original.
  3.  Can play with any of the images using photoshop, so they are one page size, with the propert logos, sayings.
  4.  Convert any or all of the images to pdf that is downloadable from diary.
  5.  Get permission to use any of the images below.
  6.  Able to contact a source at progressive blog or site that can publicize our protest (or in the case of dKos, who can diary it and get on the list).

I’m sure I’m missing stuff.  Feel free to help me amend the list.  A swarm is such a flexible thing.  And a terrible thing to waste.

Here are the images that we will use tomorrow, pending approval of by a source.

First and foremost, my beautiful artwork:

The very popular, but still needing clearance on use:

The simple, yet cowardly elegant (and still needing clearance I think):

The classic, and most likely to get us sued unless we have clearance:

And of course, we’d still like to see others.

So.  Do we have a swarm?  Or what?

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