It’s funny how things work out sometimes. Last night, my wife asked me if I wanted to go out and get something to eat. I did. I started driving downtown, but with no firm destination in mind. I started probing: “Do you want Indian? Fish and chips? Mexican? Italian?” She couldn’t make up her mind, so I just kept driving straight until we were in Center City. I found a spot to park and we started walking. We finally decided on a place called Tequilas that has high-end Mexican food. It was an excellent meal.

Then on the way back to the car she suddenly opened the door to a bar and walked in. I said something like, “Oh, we’re going in here.” We grabbed a seat at the bar, ordered a couple of beers, and then my wife asks the bartender if they sell cigarettes. “They’re in the basement.” So, off I go to the basement, where I discover a party for Young Philly Politics. The crowd was a mix of people I know from Philly for Change and Drinking Liberally. Here I am with Charles:

The party was thrown to celebrate the one year anniversary of the site. It took an amazing amount of chance occurrences for me to stumble upon it by accident. But I stuck around and had a lot of fun.

I suppose everyone has some stories like this. What are some of the best you’ve heard?