Originally written as a comment on emmajoe’s fine diary It was Bush, where she/he/they wrote a very well reasoned analysis of Bob Woodward’s statements on the Larry Cringe Show last night. An analysis leading to the conclusion that it was Semi-President Butch who was Woodward’s (Unwitting…as if Butch is ever anything but unwitting.) source in the Plame thing.

In my guise and hobby as an amateur spook watcher, I had some things to say about the diary.

And as is seems to be increasingly often the case with me in these interesting times (May you be born into…) they grew from a comment into a diary.

So…here it is.

Read on.


Good looking out.

The only thing with  which I disagree is the general acceptance of Woodward as an honest reporter that is implicit in this post.

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
    Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”
Shakespeare-Hamlet, Act I, scene V

Well…there are more ways for an intel op posing as Robert Redford to skin a sitting President than are dreamt of in ANYONE’S philosophy. (Except of course for the philosophies of those for whom that sort of action is part of the job description.)

Look…Woodward was an integral part…a witting part, more than likely…of a plot to topple one President.

He’s proven his worth to the people who do such things.

30+ years later, and he’s still playing that game for all it’s worth. Never a PEEP about what really went down.

A cursory run around the net will prove that he has extensive intel connections that go right back to his early 20s as a Navy signal officer. Maybe before that, at Yale. (“Friends” w/ Spooky Spook Spook Admiral Stansfield Turner while still an undergraduate at Yale? One of fifteen Yalies to be inducted into a secret society? [Not Skull + Bones. The other one. Skull and Bones is for the RICH spooks.] Yeah. Right.) There have been two fairly extensive posts on this right here on BT over the last week or so…Larry Johnson’s Blowing the Whistle On Bob Woodward and my own Bob Woodward. Where’s The Beef? Where Is OUR Beef? which was first posted in pre-July Massacre times on dKos and is basically a reprint and some comments upon a great article about Woodward’s spook history by a woman named Lisa Pease. (Who I have been told posts often on BT under another name.)

Why would he not be playing a part in ANOTHER game? He’s certainly earned the trust of the real players on this level. 30+ years without a word.

Seeing the direction in which he was leading us on the Cringe Show is almost too easy.

Too perfect.

He lays out a  a trail of info-crumbs that can only lead in one possible direction. Right to the door of the Oval Office. All the while playing hard to get.

Coy like a motherfucker!!!

Straight faced, complete with false stumbles at opportune moments.

What an actor!!!

What a face!!!

What an ASSET!!!

Emmajoe wrote: (Go read the whole diary. It’s worth reading. Clear as a bell.)

“It sounded like the ‘source’ forgot about the conversation until Woodward called him up and reminded him. Who in the administration is that stupid? (I think you know the answer to that…)”


“Bush may finally get to play his pre-determined role of ‘patsy’ for this pathetic, rogue administration run by neo-cons.”


With Woodward once again in HIS role as “concerned ace investigative reporter”.

And the beat goes on…

You KNOW the fix is already in.

A good lawyer never asks a question to which (s)he does not know the answer, right?.

Well.,..a good group of President topplers never lean on a President without knowing with whom they wish to replace him.

LBJ for JFK.

Ford for Noxon.

Reagan for Carter.

Butch I for Reagan.

Butch II for Clinton.

Ain’t Cheney. (See my diary X maks the spot. The Cheney spot for a little interesting news in that direction.)

Ain’t Condoleeeeeeza. Too damned ugly. Can’t sell her.

Ain’t ANY of this admin, I don’t think.

My bet…Butch lame duck-walks through a couple more years. (I mean, after all…without Cheney and Rove he’s just a harmless little fuck of a figurehead, right? Dumb as a stick and twice as useless. Especially without the support of General Big Military Brother.) Then it’s either McCain/Powell (Check out Powell’s boys flogging the airwaves over how innocent HE was of all this shit.) and/or Clinton/Clark.

Whoever can be most trusted not to step on too many REAL power toes.

America…gotta love it.

Democracy in action.

Like in Imperial Rome.

America…love it or leave it.

But…DON’T believe it.


From sea to shining sea.

A sea of shining lies.


Try not to drown.
