Imus Smacks down Joe Lieberman
Crooks & Liars has the video. “Don Imus had a long talk with Joe and pounded him with questions about his latest article in the WSJ,” writes John Amato. Among the priceless moments that John spotted:
Imus: “You’re the only person I talked to who thinks things are going well there…”
At one point Imus says:
Imus: “Somebody’s got something on you, this is crazy.”
Go get ’em, Don. P.S.: Mr. Sanity, Jack Murtha, was just on MSNBC’s Hardball. It’ll be replayed at 4pm PT/7pm ET. At the end, Murtha told Tweety that the one thing he most regrets is that he didn’t speak out sooner.
I heard him say that, and I thought he was talking to McCain! Seriously, though, I’ve been wondering.
I’ve never pimped my own diary before, but there’s great news about Rep. Murtha. Nancy Pelosi TODAY endorsed his resolution to get us out of Iraq. At least it seems like great news to me. I hope everyone rallies around Murtha, and Pelosi is an excellent starting point!
Nice. [grins] I still haven’t made it on 3.0.
It was my first time ever! Actually, second ever diary. I’ll probably do another one in about a year 😉 I sure would have done it differently if I had it to do over again. Learned a lot — like I should have said what I was thinking, which was this was a great thing. I really admire Murtha and think he may be the “uniter” we’ve been missing on our side — at least to get us out of Iraq. Prolly too optimistic, anyway!
All the best.
Go Imus! Lieberman is a pansy ass. Never couls stand that whiney voice of his. Why he continues to call himself a dem is beyond me. He has been kissing George’s ass for years. At least one knows for sure that we cannot count on him to vote dem. Yuck!
Hehe funny.
The MSM in this country is pretty friggin disgusting when a shock jock does a better job at getting to the meat of an issue than those jerks could ever do.
And to top it off Imus was actually trying to be nice.
and Holy Joe is off the rails completely.
He has an unreality field around him that rivals Bush’s own. Lieberman deserves no one’s vote, ever.
I got to meet Senator Lieberman at the College Convention. He came across as a self absorbed jerk. When you are a Senator you need to play the part well. He does not.
Kind of OT. But war stuff. Just got in from car. Listening to NPR. Two “analysts” discussing President’s speech. Our new plan for victory. One from “The New Yorker.” The other from “The Nation,” I think.
I almost threw up. It was either that, or bash the windows out of the car with my forehead.
Basically, it sounded to me like this was a great speech. Very specific. Setting us on a new road. If only he’d done it before. Doesn’t matter if the numbers of units he cited were bullshit or not. Now, it only matters if we start making progress on this new plan for victory. Praise Jesus. We’re going to be saved. On our “liberal” radio network.
No specific fact checking of lies told. No real critical analysis whatsoever. Just eating it up.
Have we learned nothing. Are mainstream journalists complete idiots? Charlie Brown to Bush’s Lucy the holder. Do we have to go through three more years of more of the same, constantly re-hashed, and re-branded, and re-marketed. We’re winning now. New and improved — we’re winning now. Winning now — with fresher breath.
There is no winning. Because our mission to begin with was bullshit. Remember. Now, we are simply killing people, insiting suicide bombers, and perhaps dampening the inevitable struggle-to-come between the inhabitants of the land. A struggle to regain some equilibrium that we bombed away. That struggle, a nice way of saying civil war, is going to come. Either tomorrow. Or a month from now. Or next year. Or in ten years. Whenever we get sick of sacrificing 1-5 soldiers as a daily average, and 5 Billion a month. My god are we a stupid people. Or my god, are we a poorly informed people, misled by lying politicians and a lousy press corps. Got to go now, and put some tape over this bulging vein that is threatening to explode out of my temple.
I heard quite a few comments about this being the same ol’ speech repackaged. Most notable was an interview on the local npr station with John Mearsheimer from the U of Chicago. He quietly and objectively pointed out that there was nothing new here and not much that ever made sense. The audio should be up later tonight here.
Give a listen. It will keep the vein intact to splatter the walls another day. For example, the next time Hillary opens her fat mouth.
PS– I’m afraid I have to vote “stupid people”. Non-stupid people have some limit on how often and how easily they can be misled.
Thanks for link. I will listen when I get a chance.
Jack Cafferty / CNN thought it was a big improvement, that Bush spoke well, that he had new plans … and he said later he got bashed by a lot of e-mailers for those comments.
Where are these clowns getting this “new plan” crap from? I listened this morning, and it was the same old story, with slightly changed verbiage…did I miss something?
Thinking of Cafferty — [pop] — There goes vein. I’m bleeding out now.
omg good for the emailers! I heard a part of that and i just thought he spoke with the same mumbling drone he always used.
Nothign new, though. Througout the debates with Gore I kept throwignf things at my TV when the commentators kept insisting that Bush was doing WELL and WINNING against Gore, when it was so obvious he was just a Putz
“no wonder Al Gore’s not talkin’ to you.”
Okay Connecticut, let’s hear you roar. I’d like to see Crazy Joe so low in the public opinion polls that he’d be lucky to run for dog catcher.
Here’s Joe’s moneymen. We can all work off this list:
1 Lehman Brothers $140,650
2 United Technologies $124,150
3 Purdue Pharma $79,800
4 Hartford Financial Services $70,850
5 Irell & Manella $69,200
6 Aetna Inc $61,750
7 UBS Americas $58,600
8 Guardsmark Inc $51,200
9 Plastech Engineered Products $46,000
10 Wise Metals Group $45,000
11 Citigroup Inc $41,500
11 National Westminster Bank $41,500
13 St Paul Travelers Companies $37,319
14 Schulte, Roth & Zabel $34,250
15 Goldman Sachs $32,000
16 NV Perricone Md $31,400
17 Time Warner $29,900
18 Paul, Hastings et al $29,750
19 Merrill Lynch $29,650
20 Kleiner, Perkins et al
Thanks for this. It makes me queesy to see all that money from corporations. I have heard that Big Finance has completely captured the Senators from Connecticut and Delaware, but I’ve never researched it.
[sigh] I’ve got $100 for the first real primary opponent to this foul cretin. Oy, what a disgrace!
Oh my,
He got money from Dr Perricone? The PBS TV health freak doc?
Something about that guy never struck me as right.. now I’m confirmed.
in the center on Jeopardy named Josh is a tribber.
He’s doing well but his clicker is giving him trouble. Tune in.
Final Jeopardy. C’mon Joshy.
What’s his handle here?
You can say who won, I guess .. although it’d be fun not to know.
I’ll leave it as a surprise. He almost never comments here, but I don’t want to blow his cover. He reads us all the time.
It’s not on here until 730 pm! I’ll tell Darcy to come over and watch.
That clicker is the scary part.
This guy has to go. It’s not just about being wrong, but about wilfully, purposefully lying his ass off for the sake of supporting Bush. Either this guy is nuts or abysmally stupid, or some combination thereof. He’s in as big a bubble of wishful thinking and habitual deception as Bush is. I suppose a big part of it is his Zionist bullshit, but that only covers part of what’s the matter with him. “Mistakes were made”??!! for gods’ sake? He even has to echo the very words of his GOP masters?
I want Dems to take back the Senate as much as anybody, but I’ll go all out to help any third-party or primary candidate that goes up against him. If the choice is either getting him out of the Senate or having a Dem majority, I’ll regretfully do all I can to bring about the former. No amount of handwashing will ever take away the dirty shame of having made an X in front of his name in 2000.
That’s a tough one. I’ll have to think about this. Compulsively I want to say of course I’ll take the majority, but every time I’m about to write it I hear and see Lieberman. I can’t do it.
Lieberman has an excellent liberal voting record, you know. His defenders always trot it out when talk arises about a primary oppponent.
Zionism, yes, but even more an egotistical barrier to admitting failure. That’s what I would guess. Lord knows what’s truly motivating this guy. Isn’t good, whatever it is, obviously.
I hope it doesn’t come down to that scenario. When I do the math, though, I come out with either one more predictable GOP senatorial asshole, or one Dem subversive who will serve another 6 years as the proof that Democrats think Bush is right and reasonable. 6 more years of preemptively undercutting every attempt Dems make to show a little oppositional spine.
It comes down to the ol’ long-term/short-term dilemma, I think. Short term, a Dem Senate might hold off a little of Bush’s remaining 2 years of rampaging destruction. Long term, Lieberman’s continuing success as Bush’s Dem fanboy will preclude real essential change in the party for the foreseeable future, thus assuring its continuing failure. This time I have to go with the long term.
I just listened to this and Liberman has his facts wrong, but of course we knew that….but one thing was he said Sadaam wouldn’t tell us he had destroyed his stockpile, but I do recall that he kept saying he did and the US did not believe him…
He also says Sadaam was in cohoots with al-queda.
OMG … i haven’t listened all the way through yet. Now I will.