So, this is my first post over at the Trib since leaving Chuck Pennacchio (thanks for the support with that!) and Sherrod Brown/Paul Hackett. Before I get into Governor Dean’s op-ed in The Hill today, I just wanted to say what’s up, and let you know that they finally let one of us (the folks generally holding the pitchforks and torches outside the gate) into the DNC. That said, know that I am here for all of you should you have questions/concerns/ideas: tagarist — at — dnc dot org. Consider me a voice for all of us on the inside. — Tim
The future of the Democratic Party is organizing on the local level, funded by everyday Americans, standing together, and working towards things that matter like: providing jobs and health care for all Americans, a strong education system, and holding those accountable who are responsible for the culture of corruption in Washington, D.C. Because of this, we will win House and Senate seats in 2006.
War is peace, stay the course, laws protecting individuals filing for bankruptcy and seeking protection from creditors are “outdated,” terror terror terror, WMD, cut and run, fight the terrorists in Iraq and not here, Samuel Alito and legislate from the bench.
Governor Dean’s full text in the extended entry.
2005 has been a good year for Democrats. The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has trained and hired local organizers on the ground in 49 states. These organizers are critical to our victories in 2006 and beyond.
We’ve shattered the 2001 post-presidential-year fundraising record, despite not being able to collect soft money. Through our grassroots Democracy Bonds program, we’ve doubled the number of monthly givers to the DNC.
Our leaders in the House and Senate stuck together on issues such as fiscal responsibility and Social Security, and they continue to pressure the administration for the truth about manipulating prewar intelligence, sending a strong message that Democrats will fight for what is right.
And for the first time in recent memory, the DNC, the Democratic House and Senate leadership and Democratic mayors and governors are sitting at the same table to create policies and strategies for restoring honest government and fiscal responsibility to America.
The early results in California, Virginia and New Jersey are good. Local races in St. Louis, Parkersburg and Minnesota, where we picked up seats that had been Republican for up to 58 years, are even better.
This is a solid beginning, but there is more we must do. Cutting the fundraising advantage the other party enjoys from 3-1 to 2-1 is good but not good enough. Sticking together on the budget and supporting Rep. John Murtha’s (D-Pa.) great courage are good starts, but we need to continue to work together on judicial nominations, environmental legislation, trade and jobs to send effectively the message that we are again ready to lead the American people with purpose and in a fundamentally new direction.
In 2006, Democrats will take back the House and the Senate. The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee have done an excellent job recruiting strong candidates, and we are already investing in the local infrastructure to ensure they win. But the key to winning is running a national campaign based on our different vision and the themes that Democrats around the country have put forward.
Americans of all political persuasions are tired of and worried about the culture of corruption that Republicans have brought to Washington and to so many statehouses around America. We will offer real ethics reform and election reform so that the Government Accountability Office can report in three years that we can have confidence in our voting machines.
We will offer a program for American jobs that stay in America and for energy independence that will create jobs and wean us off of foreign oil.
The only president to balance a budget in the past 37 years was a Democrat. We will do that again.
We will offer a real tax-reform program that helps the middle class pay for it by eliminating the shocking waste and giveaways the Republican Congress and president have added to the budget and subtracted from revenues in the past five years.
We will join the 36 other countries that manage to include all their citizens in their health-insurance systems while simultaneously balancing their budgets.
We will provide a strong public education system by avoiding bureaucratic federal mandates and taxpayer-funded puff pieces. We will rely on local control while requiring real standards that work nationally.
We will offer Americans real security. We all agree that 2006 must be a transition year in Iraq. While we may have different ideas about tactics and timing, it’s clear we must change course. The vision of strategic redeployment set forward by Brian Katulis and former Reagan Defense Department official Lawrence Korb offers a likely roadmap to success that we can coalesce around.
We will offer the American people a government that is honest in preparing for any deployment of American troops and honor their sacrifice when they come home.
Most important, we will talk about Democratic values, which are America’s values.
The vast majority of Americans believe it is immoral to lets kids go hungry. We agree. The other party cuts school lunches (they just can’t seem to leave that one alone.)
Americans believe it is immoral that not everyone has some kind of health insurance. We agree.
The vast majority of Americans believe that government overreaching into personal and family decisions is wrong. We agree.
Americans believe that it is immoral to leave huge debts to our children and grandchildren. We agree.
Americans believe that using issues to divide us as a country to win elections is bad for America. We will restore America’s sense of community.
Together, America can do better. And in 2006, the Democrats will lead America to do just that.
Great to see you here Tim! I read Dean’s Op-Ed and by the end of the piece, he had my adrenaline pumping. I’m happy to see the formulation of a strategy for the party’s message/values. Mehlman…no comment, I don’t want to make this a R-rated thread.
Thanks again for posting/working on the campaigns, hope to hear more from you in the coming months!
I confess to being clueless about your career change, although I knew you were helping Chuck Pennacchio. Are you a Pennsylvania field organizer now for the DNC? Just a guess.
You may know I’m a big Dean fan. I wore my orange Iowa hat this morning, walking the dog at 6 a.m. through a light snow and thinking how much warmer Colorado is than Iowa. We lobbied the hell out of our DNC voting members here (many hugs to Debbie Marquez in Eagle County for leading the pack) and obviously were successful in helping his DNC run. We got what we asked for, and I’ve been extremely pleased in the way Dean said what he was going to do, then got to work doing it.
But even from a fanboy like me, this editorial was manna from heaven. Howard visits every big issue and frames it well (sorry, BooMan, he is definitely a Lakoff disciple). And he’s making the media rounds in the right places to repeat it.
I can’t ask for anything more from the DNC chair. I upped my Democracy Bond to $40 / month today, and I’ll encourage my wife to raise her contribution as well.
It’s good to know you’re part of the DNC team. It’s certainly a more open organization than before. Suzie Turnbull is #2 there, right? But she has answered my personal emails. Wow.
Thanks for visiting BMT. I hope to see you around here often!
Not a field organizer… check out the DNC blog! Now you gotta start posting over there as well–and bringing people along with you. We are basically starting from relative scratch as far as traffic #’s go.
I am in DC, literally sitting right down the hall from Governor Dean. I admit to being star-struck when I met him face to face in his office for the first time yesterday. It was so last second, Joe Rospars dragged me down the hallway into his office, and well, what can you really say in that situation with no prep time?!? I muttered some lame joke about working for Paul Hackett and Sherrod Brown and he laughed. Oh well.
I’ll be around, often!
I will start posting there, promise. That’s a great gig! Kicking Ass, indeed.
If you catch Howard in the hall, tell him the incredibly faded “Dean for America” sticker still on my jacket gets more smiles and thumbs up today than it ever has. He’s doing a good job, and those who haven’t realized it yet will in 2006 and 2008.
That’s great Tim!
Wow, a bit of a promotion for you! Does this mean good or bad things for Chuck’s campaign?
Cool Tim. Good for you. Kick ass over there for us, k?
Tell Tom McMahon I said hello and that if they are looking for any more hires or for folks in New York to look me up. Even if it’s not the right fit for me I know a few folks that might fit in the mix in various ways.
Cool! One of my sisters works there also (I don’t know how close to the Governor’s office she is though). She loves it there.
I’ll take a look at the DNC blog right now.
Please thank whoever’s responsible for the new design over there – nicely done. From the “never satisfied file”, are you going to have access to streaming/podcasts/videos? Facilities upgrade looks substantial.
Like everyone else, I’m glad you’re there. Gonna be a wild ride to June ’06.
Jay Leno asked him what he thought about Joe Lieberman. Howard said “now I really have to be tactful.” with a big grin. Well handled.
Then he said we all get to march to our own drummers in this party, but he had made his point.
He made some impressions on people tonight on that show. I had a couple of emails from friends who are really impressed.
He said Bush’s speech was just “repetitive drivel.”
He said the party needed to do better about standing up for what they believed before the people would trust them more.
Welcome to BooTrib, Tim. Read your great blog posts.