I suppose I should start this lil’ tale with the date of September 11th. My mother worked nights at a convenience store and I am an isomniac. We were up all the night on the night of the 10th playing Final Fantasy 9 together. (A weakness for the both of us. Ever met someone who plays video games just for the story? That’s me and my mom.) I had just turned the Playstation off and switched to the news when we both saw the first tower on fire. Both of us were confused…..not sure if it was a movie or reality. One asking the another….WTF? (Yes my mother is fluent in computer geek speak. 🙂 Then we both realized when the anchor came on (I think it was Peter Jennings can’t be sure…flipped through every channel at first while the first tower was burning.) came on and started explaining what we were seeing, that something terrible had just happened.
And then the second plane hit right in front of our eyes. I still can’t find the words to describe what I felt at the time. Shock, disbelief, and anguish just seem to pale in comparison at my thoughts and feelings at the time. I grabbed the phone and immediately called my good friend in Wisconsin and told her to turn on the news. She didn’t believe me when I told her what I was seeing on the teevee. She tuned in and immediately wanted to call a few friends of hers that were in New York at the time. (They ended up being alright) I got off of the phone with her and my mother tried to call my sister in New York to see if she was home and was seeing the same we were. No answer on the phone….we weren’t particularly worried…she’s not that close to the towers. I then called my aunt and everyone else I could think of to tell them to turn on the teevee.
Fast Forward a lil bit….
Now, I will be the first to admit that I believed that bastard that is in “charge” of our great country. When I saw him with that bullhorn on that rubble…I thought to myself at the time, “You had better do something….” (To clarify a bit…I am from the south…Florida to be specific. Let’s just say that the “Get ’em” mentality was running quite strong at that point.) I didn’t vote in the 2000 election. Call it apathy, call it disinterest. Call it whatever you want. I call it a mistake. Either way, let’s just say I already didn’t have much faith in the man. I saw him as one of the “good ole boys”. I dislike “good ole boys” immensely. 😉
Ether way, I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I thought that (naively) he would bring the people responsible to justice. (To clarify again…I was 21 years old….I was weaned on Clinton 😉 I expected us to go to Afghanistan…I didn’t expect Iraq however. When the decision to go to Iraq was made was when I finally started to question what was going on just a tiny, teensy bit.
Fast Forward just a lil bit more….
I found out I was pregnant with my son on February 6th 2003. (Yes I remember that date!) I had my son, and 3 months after his birth, my husband lost his job with the small company that he worked for. His boss had been struck with colon cancer and couldn’t continue with the business. We then started to look into moving to the state of Maine. That’s where he is originally from, all of his family here…yadda yadda. We moved when my son was 6 months old. Just the 3 of us and a U-Haul. 😉
Fast Forward just a tiny bit……
We got hooked up with the cable company and purchased broadband. (Hubby won’t live without it!) I was surfing the web one day, and I googled Margaret Cho…… She’s one my favorite comics. I came upon her blog and started clicking the various links on the page that she had listed…and then I came upon Atrios and Media Matters. The world kinda seem to explode from there. I read Atrios religiously….my husband thought I was obsessed! I then happened upon First Draft, and then the Daily Kos. I was literally a sponge….my son was still small at the time, so I could get away him sitting on my lap or in his walker while mamma got her fix. 😉 Then the “Pie Incident” happened. I saw that my favorite authors from DK were moving here….and I followed. Catnip, SusanHu, Lorraine, and so many others to name…it was only natural I went wherever they went.
Now with the recent smear attempts on Booman and Jerome, I felt that I had to post this….so that people could see what these sites do for people like me. A new whole world has opened up for me. I have gone through so many changes in the way that I think and feel about quite few subjects that it’s astounding in my eyes the information that’s available out here in the “blogosphere”. Now granted, mine is just one story….but just think of the people available to me to talk to. To show them what I know…proof of these bastards wrong doing.
The Booman Tribune has been a whole another experience….this pond holds a special place in my heart. I feel at home here without even having to post a damn thing. Most of the time, my feelings are already expressed in the posts here….all I have to do is rate them.
Woohoo! I’m glad you wrote, I know it’s been cooking in your brain/heart for a few days. I came here via Booman’s invitation on the day the site opened and haven’t left, it has been magnetic for me. The humanity, the continual campaign for peace and justice, the snark! I can’t get enough of it.
Peace to you, Cake. Now where’s your tip jar? 🙂
Wow you are fast! LMAO!! I am glad that you held me to it. 😉
There’s more coming I think though….been going through kinda of a black period lately and I feel some inspiration. 😉
to hear more from you regarding your perspective on politics as a person from the South. Geography matters.
As someone from the Southwest, I have certain positions regarding immigration that may be the same as someone from Maine, but I will bet our reasons are different due to where we live.
Can’t wait for more!
Well I have been thinking lately, with everyone so angry with the South (just the random comments I encounter on the blogs in general) that maybe a Southerner’s perspective should be added to the discussion. I didn’t think that I may the person to do just that…but what the hell!
And as far as immigration goes…I am still not quite sure on that exactly and am quite willing to learn everyone’s opinions on that issue.
Although, just to warn everyone…I am under the influence so just disregard the horrible grammar that I just encountered in my diary!
I am from the south also and I would love to hear your views about things below the Mason/Dixon.
One thing you wrote: I feel at home here without even having to post a damn thing. Most of the time, my feelings are already expressed in the posts here….all I have to do is rate them.
I agree completely with that. Sorry I would have bolded in what you wrote, but I haven’t figured that out yet.
Anyway, please do write more.
You can either:
put an asterisk on either side of what you want to bold,
use (I hope you can decipher this! I can’t actually type it as code without making it disappear)
left carrot b right carrot and then left carrot slash b right carrot.
Or. . .to put that another way. . .IGNORE THE COMMAS:
<,b,> your bold words here <,/,b,>
Thanks Kansas
Heh you mean Manson/nixion line? 😉 Yeah still trying to work out which subject is going to be first….
Wow Nixon…come on typos!!!
Cake you just write and I’ll read.
Well I hope you not waiting on tenterhooks! Seriously though…I write very rarely. Most of the time I lurk like you. 😉
Maybe we can help each other come out of our shells. 😉
I guess I’m a lurker also, although I thought that was someone that just read and didn’t join or comment. I have things I’d like to write about, but I have to admit I am kinda intimidated by how smart so many people are here. Hopefully, you and I will come out of our shells.
It’s still kind of nice down here – 50’s today. So I have to go out and rake up the pine straw, pine cones, and leaves. Oh boy how I always look forward to that ;).
Take Care.
Yeah that’s what I would call a lurker. I rarely, if ever comment. It seems to come and go for me. If it’s something that I feel that I could add to the discussion, then I do so. But most of the time all the great and wonderful people here have already done so. 😉
I know what you mean about the intimidation factor…sometimes I think that I have grown a lil smarter just reading the different blogs out there. Doesn’t say much about the education system down in Florida does it? heh. Maybe that’s the next diary…
Oh my. . .I remember when I had those very same thoughts.
“Wow, so many smart, articulate, excellent writers here, I sure don’t think I’m up to that caliber. . .I better just hang back. . .besides, I don’t write political stuff.” ~shirlstars said. . .
Heh! and ha! I sure know how you feel, but one day very soon you are going to just decide you want to get your toes wet in the pond, and we will all be here cheering you on. Every voice has something to offer. Every voice is welcome here. And you could hardly ask for more “living proof” than me. If you check my diary history, you will see I don’t write political stuff. . .but everyone here seems willing to let me continue in my endless wordy ways.
By the way, Thanks everyone. I am constantly amazed at your acceptance and tolerance of me.
I will pass on the advice that was given me when I first started blogging. . .write for yourself because you want to say something. Don’t write to be recommended and don’t write for your tip jar to be overflowing with 4 ratings. This is not meant to be a popularity contest. Don’t take any of it personally.
It has worked well for me. I am always surprised if one of my posts ends up on the recommended list. And that’s a nice thing.
Sometimes no one much seems to read what I post, and that’s alright too. I was the one who needed to write it.
Thanks for the advice. 😉 I guess that’s pretty much how this diary got started. I was just sitting here thinking of how I got here, and then it kinda went from there.
…yes, come out of the shell and jump into the pool! The water’s fine.
Cake, what a beauitful diary. Thanks–a lot.
So I hear I am supposed to post one of these huh? 😉
LOL. I’ll give you a recommend and a four.. just for having Eddie Izzard as your tag line.
Cake… or death..?
Umm..cake please.
Great diary!
yeah lol I love him!! Been wrestling with the name though….all this death lately, I am thinking of switching to Just Cake…
Yup. What he said! I smiled the first time I saw your handle and sig.
As someone who doesn’t always follow the seething undercurrents of the blogosphere, may I ask for clarification as to what is meant by smear attempts against BooMan and Jerome?
This right here is what I am referring to…
The diary in question
ummm… I know this has nothing to do with this diary or anything, but since there isn’t an open thread…
There are naked people all over the CBC news right now… like seriously naked people here… no blurs, no anything… this is why I love Canada… 😉
btw, it’s all about nude anti-war protests in the US and Canada so it ain’t porn or anything… 😉
Just thought I’d share…
(and good diary Cake, thanks for this, I was really steamed about Boo’s posting and needed a chance to cool down… until of course the naked people showed up on my teevee…) 😛
Where!!! Nekkid people RAWK!!!!
(Lest you lil’ Tadpoles forget….the alcohol has a hold of me now…..)
That’s totally awesome!!! I so envy all of the naked people!! As a matter of fact…<grunt…grumble…fucking socks….there!> AAHHAAAa!!!
I am so close to Canada that I am jealous! (Portland ME) WOW!! It’s chilly out tonight as well….
hee hee!
This is what I’m saying hon… seriously nekkid people still on my teevee… it’s like a documentary or somethin’… and now they’re on to wetlands preservation and nekkid people… who knew?
Now this is an anti-war march I can get behind… (hehehe)
But you are spot on about the cold… no way in hell anyone is doing this in the dead of winter in Winnipeg or anything… 😉
Hell….what channel is it?!?!
I am in Maine so take that into account hehe! And as for the weather reference… I am from down south so you can imagine what Maine weather is like to me…but I would still do it. Fuck what the in-laws think; 😉
k, it’s CBC Newsworld… not sure if you get the feed… I’ll try and find out the name of the show, I was a bit distracted… shame on me, they had a serious, important message and this damn 5.5% beer is keeping me from discerning it… 😉
Ha! Can’t say as I blame ya for being distracted with all the Nekkid people on teevee. hee hee. I don’t think I get that channel anyway…doesn’t ring a bell. It’s good to know that we aren’t alone though isn’t it?
Even if our MSM bothered to cover it (heh, heh!!), they’d blur the bodies.
For the sake of the children, you see. Y’all remember the mass hysteria of a 3-second breast flash.
My story…eh, a little less interesting. During one of the frequent incidences of Daily Kos going down on April 28, I signed up for this here site. Apparently I broke some unspoken rule and posted a comment before introducing myself in Diane101’s Newbie thread. Oh well.
I haven’t participated at all since July because 1) I’m lazy, but 2) I feel incredibly intimidated by this very smart audience. I need to change that. And I do read the site everyday.
(And note: I am a former moderator and somewhat participating member of NIT. Based on the incident in Jerome’s thread on Daily Kos, y’all are probably going to chew me a new one.)
Any rule you don’t like, no problem: we’ll debate the issue and at least have fun in doing so. Whispers @BooMan’s don’t go far, the listeners will amplify for all to hear and rebut.
Your introduction was credited with 13 ‘4’s – my lucky number, so that’s a good start. Just a single comment and you have to turn a new page in archives beyond 50 in number. It’s the loyal reader @BooMan’s Place I treasure, be sure to drop in occasionally in the FBC diaries and get splashed with ‘4’s. No threshold in the cafe and everyone is welcomed at the entrance.
It’s a great cafe to rest after a hard day of chores or an unruly boss you survived.
«« click on pic to enlarge
Montmartre - my favorite place
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Though I didn’t realize people were so interested in my comment history! Heh, heh…
(…gotta remember to lock the damn door…) 🙂
No rule, honest. Lots of people comment or diary for a long time before officially introducing themselves via the welcome wagons or the cafe and some never do that at all. It’s all good.
I always felt intimidated at other places, not because of all the smart people–I don’t mind sounding dumb if I can learn something–but by the very good chance of being stomped on with hobnail boots. Call me weird, but I have never been fond of puncture wounds. Here, I started commenting and diarying right away because people were kind and courteous and seemed to take to heart Booman’s reminder that “not everyone is as smart as you.” I always hope they will remember that when dealing with me! 🙂
…that I could have been obnoxious without letting my presence be known?! Aw, man… 😉
lol! Life’s little missed opportunities. . .
There is lots of collateral damage flowing from that diary…but not to you.
I’m glad you are here as well…
But I don’t think that “calm voice” would not be the right thing to say given that finals are almost here. <cringes>
Anyway, I certainly don’t intend to abandon any of the sites I visit because of a feud between the owners. The content of everyone else in not determined by that.
I’m just lurking almost everywhere…work is 10-12 hour days for the past 5+ months with no let up in sight. I just sneak in here during conference calls and running reports.
For everyone feeling like they are too intimidated to comment much-please don’t feel that way..I know I still feel that way but I barrel ahead and post anyway all the time. But the great thing about this site is the civility of everyone..even if someone may believe your post to be less than stellar they won’t go out of their way to make you feel stupid for posting.
The more comments and new ideas and diaries are what makes the site go round.
You don’t have to start with some long comment, just get your feet wet with some short comments to get the feel of things and go from there.
I used to be a pretty decent commenter around these parts, but I guess I just got extraordinarily lazy with my blogging. Oh well.
Civility is a nice thing, though.
Great diary.
Thanks. This is why I read blogs too.
Good diary Cake, thanks. I’ve been so fond of you just for that darling screen name. It’s great to finally meet you.
I’m in Florida and it’s about 45 degrees here now; no way can I think about protesting anything naked. Well, maybe in a hot tub. I guess southerners do have a different perspective. Don’t know if I am one now, but my body certainly has adapted.
CAKE!!! You’re in Portland, ME? I’m there every now and again. (It’s about 2 hours from me.) I was just there last month for lunch with some dKos C&J folks. I’m thinking of heading over there for some holiday shopping sometime…
Oh wow! We must conspire…must plan…something!!
Conspire… YES yes yes!!! I’ll be in touch.
That would be awesome to meet you!! You’ll definitely have to let me know when’s the next time you are in town.
</evil laughter>
Dear Cake….
Nice diary. What you see here is the same thing I do. I learn a lot every day from the regulars, get a chance to throw in my opinion now and again, and feel as though their is always a vacant lily pad waiting for me. Is that cool, or what?
Nice! I loved being able to read the contrast between our old way of communicating, via the telephone–which I have never liked–and this new one.
Funny you should mention the phone…I have to admit that I’ve developed a bit of a phobia of phone conversations(which is a story in itself)..but being on the computer about 12 hours a day pretty much means I don’t get calls-which is how I like it…and probably no one would believe that in this day and age I only talk on the phone maybe once a month…and I think sometimes it’s even been longer than that.
I gotta say that I am lil overwhelmed!!! Didn’t expect to pass out and to wake up to the top diary…
I know Eddie Izzard already been mentioned upthread but had to put my 2 cents in..he really does rock doesn’t he.
Fer sure… I still laugh at the “Cake or Death” bit, but one of my fav’s is…
“But do you have a flag? No flag, no country, those are the rules… that I just made up”
… remind you of anyone in office right now? 😉
The first time I heard the “Flag” bit I nearly peed myself. It immediately evoked images of our dear leader lol.
Very nice Post here darlin. I remember you so well from the pie wars and the early days of the FBC. I missed you while you have been, lurking? or otherwise occupied. Even sent out the word to froggies everywhere seeking to know if all was well with you.
So, I for one, am very glad to see you here in a visible way and hope you will give us more of your thoughts when you feel like it.
Big Hugs
Oh wow! I didn’t know sorry. 🙁
Yeah been mainly lurking for the most part…the 2 year old is starting to demand more attention. (read: starting to climb the furniture etc.) Plus with my mother-in-law in and out of the hospital…sigh you get the picture. 😉
Who attempted to smear Boo & Jerome?
If you feel like wading into it, I linked to the diary in a comment above. Other than that I am not delving too deeply in it.
Just wanted to say:
10/26/98 and 12/2/02 — the days that I found out I was pregnant with my two sons, now 6 and a half and 2.
….keep on posting — and I’ll keep on reading!
I knew I wasn’t alone in that one! Funny, the things you remember….
I came for the Marmots and Froggy Bottom Beverages.
Otherwise, I’m just another “meaningless marcher”. 🙂
This is a fantastic community! I’ve been writing action alerts lately, but my “best” stuff (stuff that I haven’t had to edit too much) is usually of the personal nature. Raw, real emotions.
Nice siggy 🙂 I have that concert dvd 🙂
dailykos -> billmon -> moonofalabama -> eurotrib -> booman! yay!