A lot of words have gone down on this site in the last few days, on my diaries and others and I thought I would offer my day after view of all this.
Seems that Diane101 popped her cork, and I am hoping that you won’t hold it against her as she rarely does it. There are times when one must stand up and say their piece for what they feel is right and just…That’s what I did..
In the rough and tumble and heat of the moment I admit to over reacting at times, took some people’s words wrong; I also heard a lot of good people stand up and speak the truth, I changed some of my views of this site, reinforced other views I already had…
I am offering an apology to anyone who’s words I misunderstood and took offense from as I reflected on it all I think I may have a time or two…You all know I am sure that in the heat of moment and the flying comments, things are said that are not your best words, other things are said that are good words and they should be said, cause someone has to.
Anyway I thought a lot about the makeup of a place like this and finally came to the conclusion that it’s like a neighborhood bar…you have all kinds of people, you have the happy bunch that hangs out by the bar, usually chipper and laughing, and that would be the cafe…they are also usually the peace makers and they come flying when they see a fracas here or there.
Then you have the group over in the corner, talking politics, starts our calm but before you know it the voices get louder, then faces get red, next thing you know someone get shoved, others rush to help, blows are thrown….oh you know, how that goes.
Then you have the people by the pool tables, the ones playing are all business, at least I hope they are when I am playing them, and don’t want to be bothered with the shouting and shoving in the corner, they just want to play the game in peace…hard to do with the happy crowd getting happier and louder and the fighting crowd getting roudier and louder, but they plug on with the game until someone from the fighting crowd bounces into them during a big time shove, then oh boy, you got problems…
Well you get the picture I hope, and really boils down to we are just a great big group of all kinds and temperments of people, varied education levels, various belief systems and so on and they just simply are not all going to agree on hardly anything, hardly ever.
So what do we have, a mini democracy, where the majority rules and life just seems to break down in that way. Except in the bars we don’t have elections, it’s just the people and I have seen over and over again how the groups manage to control themselves, mostly due to the vast numbers of moderately tempered folks (the majority) who almost always keep things in check, that is unless the bar is invaded by a band of hells angels..self government.
Bottom line is most of the time the bar is big enough and generous enough for all to exist in and celebrate community, other times it’s not, but it’s all part of the twisting and turning of our path through this life, it all smooths out in the end.
So I love you, all!!!
Gift baskets for all!
Ok, that enough from me, want to share your reflections and or wisdom along these lines.
By the way, this diary is dedicated to the Happy Folks at the Froggy Bottom Cafe, today and everyday…
Diane, I only met you and Shirl the other day when I first introduced myself so I was surprised how much it upset me that the two of you were upset. This post is such a relief. I have to agree with the commenter above that you are a Wise Woman and I hope that if I ever get into the same type of situation I remember this post and do the same. The world needs more people like you.
What did I miss???
WOW!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
You did it! You showed me what a Wise Woman does! You are AWESOME!
My spirits are lifted and my heart is dancing!
Blessings sent and hugs, hugs, hugs…
I wish I knew how to make words bold – I am stuck with exclamation marks which always makes me think of Helen Gurley Brown of the long ago Cosmopolitan magazine 🙂
Helooo tampoo, and that is one of the best compliments I have ever gotten, thank you so much.
to make letters in bold you do this >b< before the words and >b<, after but you have to turn the arrows the other way to actually use this, but that’s the only way I can post it. Keep in mind that the first one opens the code, the second one closes it and that’s why you have the..you can see more of these codes under the new comment posting section.
Correction/clarification: add / to last code, ie: <“b”>word</”b”> (remove ” marks “)
and be sure you’re in ‘Auto Format’
to make a word bold I just put an * before and after it.
Don’t you love when something turns out to be way simpler than you thought?
Yep… a / before and after the word should give you italics
Whoo Hoo…love learning this stuff. Thanks!
Hey! I didn’t know you could just use “/” instead of “< i > ” Kewl.
So how do you underline and strike through? Don’t know how to do that here. Thanks muchly!
Hey you all, don’t go streching this thread all over the place like the one yesterday..lol, and would you mind taking all the coding things to the cafe…thanks…hope you don’t mind and Iknow I started it but heck I know how those thread go…lol
Of course. Didn’t mean to hijack!
Darn it all–I’m always susceptible to going off on a tangent!
Good word to check out how to be *BOLD
Hi, my name is Pete and I am an internet addict.
Other than stealing my blogsite-as-barroom motif (unwittingly I am sure), I must admit I agree with most of what you say.
But one thing: remember, people who hang out in bars, even the “happy” ones, tend to hang out more than they should at God knows what cost to their lives and the lives of their familiy members.
The good time Charlie drunk is still a drunk.
Hi pete and I am an internet addict as well, is there help?…did you use the bar analogy, must have spun into my head, but as a frequent bar addict in earlier years I just kept thinking that, and have for the last week or so as I searched for a way to explain to myself what blogs were about. I wrote it much better in my head last night as I was thinking about this, but in the morning you know, words are a little stiff and hungry.
Yeah too much time I spend in this Boobar, that’s for sure and people in the bar scene do get caught up in the total bar life and lives.
My view of blogs is a bit–no a lot–darker. Not sure if there is help out there, but there is always self control to fall back on.
Its always best to do it yourself. I am limiting myself to an hour a day, before breakfast and after dinner. Rest is spent on real world pursuits, like career and family. Sometimes, because of work, I go weeks at a time without looking.
One good thing about blogs–like soaps–you can skip for weeks and come back one day to see nothing has changed much, except a few of the particulars.
You can fit right back in. As many would guess, I like the soap villains the best. 😉
Good to see this diane. Now my stomach can settle down!
Of course things sometimes hit people right in the gut, and tempers are lost, words are said and conflicts arise… but there is always hope when things settle down that there will be a chance to listen and learn from each other.
Well, after we knock them out ;).
Love the bar analogy, by the way.
I don’t know if you saw it or not, but before Boo left to take care of his move, etc., he asked us, among other things, to “take care of Diane and Shirl.” Not that he meant you need it, just as an expression of affection. I’m not sure we’ve done a very good job of that! Thank goodness you have talent for healing yourself.
Brotherfeldspar says it’s official Hug Day, so here’s one for you and another one for you to send to Shirl, if you please.
lol just what I was thinking yesterday. A specific request to take care of Shirl and Diane, and whats the first thing that happens? They almost get broken.
Good thing he didn’t leave us the good china as well.
lol! He should never tempt us with the good china. Although, personally, in my high dudgeon days I never hurled the good china, only the everyday.
Well, thats why it’s good to keep Tupperware around… doesn’t make the satisfying crash and shatter, but they are the nerf balls of the kitchen ;).
Funny you said that, Shirl and I talked about that several times, and you guys did just fine, fact is I was proud of this site…it was all pretty civil, I did a few flip outs that I could have done better, but I did what I did and I will go on from there.
Always remember majority rules in the real world and we should never let the minority take over.
I did have almost constant communication with Shirl during the last two days, every few hours I called her and in between we were connected by chat lines.
Those calls were not all bad, we always laugh and carry on no matter what so I wasn’t over here suffering after awhile, you know, but I think she probably is exhausted from me. After I wrote the crying comment I was pretty fine, had some sense of calm then..Lots of things came out of that, that were good, just a little tiny bad, so overall I think it worked out for the best.
Very happy to see this Diane. Pls tell Shirl, tho, that I’m holding her to the promise she made in one of her comments to my coat story, and she’s going to have to haul her ass back on down here–one of these days. 🙂
I keep my promises, but. . .really that’s a lot of ass to haul, stark. However, since Nan has provided me and my alter ego Xena with the pink tutu and a promise of “flounce” lessons. . .it might be not such a heft job as it would have been.
Like I promised, tell me where you are and I’ll be there! Cuz I have a lot I can learn from you and I just damn well like your style, wise woman.
Hugs and playful shoves
OK, I have since gone underground here. Come on over and have a look at my Christmas tree if you like! (No hurry, either, I’m sure it’ll be up for awhile!)
Unfortunately, I really do have to get back to the REAL world of work, so won’t be spending too much time admiring the lights on the tree (I hope)….hope to be stopping by your place in the near future too!
Stay strong. Keep shining your lovely lights on the world!
Not that I mean anything by this or anything…
I’m just sayin’…
Nanette, that it hilarious, I just got it, the pink tutu on Wonder Woman Zena, aka Shirl of the Stars, wait till she sees it she will as she says roar…
Wish I would have had that pic the other day with my diary about her.
Thanks Nanette for being you, hugs and they are special are sailing out to you, right now..
If I forgot hugs for anyone, You know I am sending to all.
Another thing about bars, they do have good make up scenes after a fight, at times…I’ve seen it.
LOL, I hope she does laugh. I couldn’t resist putting this together, after she mentioned a tutu when she was proclaiming her innocence of knowing how to flounce.
Special hugs and pats to you too, and thanks a great lesson on how it (walking back from the precipice of anger and squeezing good out of it) is done.
Did you miss my comment saying I pictured Shirlstars tiptoeing through the tulips in a pink tutu…all 6 feet of her.
Yes, I did! LOL, well now you have her. No tulips, but still… ;).
Oh yeah, get all innocent on me. I hope I can stop laughing soon because my ribs are killing me. Really! That is the best ever, Nan. I am going to have to Knight you or morning you or something for that bit of brilliance.
lol no no, keep laughing (ribs heal easily ;). Glad you like it… flouncing lessons included!
Well… after I look them up 😮
Upon reflection I realize that I very much over reacted to your posts and for that I offer my direct apology to you. I hope you will accept. I could have written my responses much better, but couldn’t see the stream for the water at times. Hey it’s early and my analogies are not up to par.
So parker special hugs to you, I hope we can put this behind us and be friends.
With this particular post you have added greatly to my already substantial degree of respect for you.
I’m just on my way out the door for my business trip, but I wanted to pop in quick and give you a hug; you cannot know how happy I am to read this today.
Look forward to seeing you and the rest of the gang from Atlanta, at least briefly, if the hotel has internet hookup.
I did not intervene because I discovered the thread late and found it not timely.
I have a great esteem for your openness and wisdom…
Accept a Frog’s hug
Thanks Melan, hugs to you over there in France!
Thanks for posting this, diane. And like those people in the bar after a few drinks, they won’t even remember anything about it. 😉
Wow, Diane, I could not believe how much this was bothering me last evening. It’s like you guys are real people or something and these friendships that are forming all the time are not just imaginary and fleeting!
I was at a Christmas party and half the time I was wondering how you and Shirl were doing, and why everyone seemed so hot headed and mostly I was sad because I thought nothing would ever be the same here.
And then I was thinking of writing a diary about how special you and Shirl make this place but I didn’t want it to seem like ass-kissing or worse, to fan the flames again.
You are such a gracious woman, and an exemplary model to all of us and your ability to come back from such hurt feelings and mend fences is just amazing.
Hugs to you.
I just got done writing my brains out on the old thread, only to refresh the page and find our it wasn’t even necessary..:)
I don’t know anyone who doesn’t “lose their cool” on occasion, and yes, that includes old wise women! (Which is why it’s a very good idea to NEVER put anyone on a pedestal, ever, as long as they still put their socks on one at a time.)
As for internet “addiction”. I believe this is a very real pitfall that its easy to fall into. I fell way into it myself for quite awhile. I lived alone, in an isolated setting, and the internet and the people I got close to became my main world for several years. When anything becomes that important, ones emotional investment in it grows accordingly. Mine sure did, and when a few places I had invested heavily in went down in flames, so did I.
It’s all about balance, I think, (now that I’ve found some of it, finally!) My very last go around with “overinvestment” (emtionally) online, was the pie wars. That did it for me. The end. No more investing so much of myself anywhere online that my whole life gets consumed by whatever the hell happens there.
I really like the Frog Pond, but it is only one part of my world, and one segment of my personal “community of people”. I’d miss it if it were to disappear, but I’d still be ok. I finally figured out that it’s a real good idea to never have only “one pond” in ones life.
Anyway, glad to see waters calming, so the lily pads can stretch out and get on with blooming.
Diane…You are a good person with a huge heart. I am so happy this morning to see that you have taken the high road on this issue. I am also happy to see the special apology to Parker, who after reading all the past diaries/threads in regards to PastorLincoln, was just trying to help PastorLincoln with creative ideas and means that are already in play for that part of the world. I think if anyone would have gone back, as I did, and read everything posted by PastorLincoln they would have seen the last diary he sent was nothing like his past diaries and probably was a mass emailing that he sent to everyone on his email/buddy list. His call for clothing and ideas (on how to make ends meet) early on kinda proved to me he is not a scan artist, but someone who was born into a bad situation and was just trying to dig his way out. Regardless, your dairy this morning is a perfect example of someone is one heck of a classy person, if only I could hold the people running our country in the same regard as I do you. Keep setting an example for us younger ones to follow. Thanks for making the world a better place.
Oh Cham, you are making me cry with your words..I read your comment last night and I was going to answer you more fully today so I’ll just do it here.
As I have gone though these ideas with and about Lincoln and tried to figure out the best ways he could help himself and other could help if they were willing I found out some things that led me to the project idea.
One of the first things I thought of doing was sending packages to him then I check mailing costs and woohoo they are high, way high, 10 lbs. is like 25.00 don’t remember the exact figures. so I thought do I want to waste that money on mailing or would it serve him better to just send cash and that’s what seems the best to me. The costs of Western Union are high as well, but it makes better sense if you are sending say 100 rather than 50 cause the costs are the same, so pooling money would work best for most cost problems.
Second, I knew that when I have been down and out gift packages that my sister would send were very welcome but very often they did not supply my most pressing and immediate needs. I would rather have had the money she paid for mailing rather than her used clothing, or bits and pieces of things.
It is interesting to note that after sending a Christmas gift to Lincoln and receiving his reply with details of how he had spent the money and how happy he was walking home the day he received it and then his family was just shouting in joy. After paying his rent, he purchased tea and sugar, and that’s what was important to him, that little extra we take for granted, is a big deal to him and to his family…a little treat they do not often have.’
But the real way out for him as I have seen is to help him to start something that will provide for his future.
He has expertise in some areas, computers in particular and his extended clan has much passed down knowledge of a varitey of things, crafts and others. That is the foundation I sought to build on, not to go there and say look here, I have it all figured out for you so do this, this and this…Well I want him to plan this from the bottom up and that’s what we worked on with my extensive and instructional emails about how just to do that.
So then we have something that is his, theirs, that they worked on and built as a unit, for the benefit of just not one, but many more in an ever expanding circle of hope and success, not something that a group came in and planned for them..
He is an intelligent man, capable of learning far more than I could teach and he will find that knowedge and build upon it, it will be his and his accomplishment..
So you see that is where I am/was with all of this.
Thanks Cham for your kind words and your interest in this.
I’m trying to figure out which one I am…
probably the one dancing by herself to reggae, drink in hand… when I song comes on I don’t like I flit over to one group or the other to see what’s been goin’ down… but then a new song starts playing and off I go again…
I knew you’d find your balance. ((((hugs)))))
A neighborhood bar! Puh-leaze, we’re not all sipping alcoholic beverages all the time. LOL!
So maybe our community blog is more like a big neighborhood restaurant with a cafe/bar in the back. Up front there are tables of different sizes (diaries) where people pull up chairs and talk about whatever is on their minds, even make plans and carry out political actions.
Sometimes they argue in a civil fashion. Sometimes they don’t and the owner or his hostess come over and try to mediate. Failing that, they ask them to step outside and cool off. Sometimes, someone goes so out-of-control they get asked to never come back.
In the back of the restaurant, there’s one of those big wrap-around bars with stools on all sides. A shifting bunch of regulars assemble there most days to swap photos and talk about what’s going on in their lives. Toward evening, they switch from coffee to cocktails and get silly and have lots of fun. Sometimes one of them breaks down and cries over a problem or crisis in their lives and the group rushes over to comfort and advise them.
Anyway, that’s how I visualize our community. I come in here everyday and I know almost everyone in the place. I wander around the tables, listen to what’s being discussed, cruise on by, drop a comment or pull up a chair. Usually, I make it back to the cafe to shout out an “Hello” then circle back thru the tables in the front. Toward evening, I tend to settle down at a table or around the bar in the back. Almost every day if gives me a good feeling to belong here and be able to participate.
What I learned this weekend reading through the angry threads is that, as I mentioned months ago, there truly are multiple communities on this site that are barely on speaking terms with each other. I learned this weekend, as I had suspected, that one group considers themselves to be more priviledged than all others. And I see that this group feels that their ideas, and that of their chosen friends, should be above any criticism.
I am having a hard time trying to find where you are coming from….and who you are accusing, is it me, and “my friends” that you think feel above criticism, if so, well I am sorry but I think that is way out of line. Are you wanting to start this up again or do you have some beef with me…personally…
I’ll let you clarify before I respond further.
I certainly don’t feel I am any sort of priveleged person here or anywhere else for that matter. And as for criticism, I am certainly not above being criticized and I expect people who really care about me to tell me what’s on their mind and let me take a look at where I may be falling short of my intended actions. If you have a criticism of me, bring it to me and I will give it my full attention. God knows I am not one whit better than anyone else about anything and I have plenty of faults, just ask Diane, she doesn’t hesitate to enumerate them to me. If it is valid, I will be the first to admit it and tell you that you are right.
So please, bay, don’t hesitate to tell me whatever you feel I should know and how you feel I could do things in a better way. Sincerely, I can take it and I will. If you don’t want to do it publically on this thread or some other, send me an email. You know you are one of my all time favorites around the blogs and I will listen with special interest to anything you have to say.
Hey Shirl, I rarely comment to you on this site as I talk to you so much it seems redundant, but I am hoping that this diary won’t deginerate too much, if Bay has some serious grips with us or anyone maybe she will put up a diary or email us privately, but as I have no control over this, I guess I just have to wait and see.
And Shirl your faults are small, no tiny, ..so there! and I love you.
Oh Diane. . .you and I both are very aware of what my faults are, and I never stop teasing you about yours. Tiny? I don’t know, but at least we are aware and willing to look at them and sometimes I even try to change some of them, but not too often. . .you know how I love my faults and stubborn ways. LOL!
So that’s why you don’t ever reply to me on these threads? I know how you hate redundant. And it isn’t like we don’t talk to each other 3, 4, 6, 8 times a day! Heh! LOL. . .Now let me tell you about the time. . . .What? You’ve already heard it? Shut up and let me tell you again anyway. . . .(Diane puts fingers in ears and sings lalalala un huh) LOL!
You can see why we laugh so much.
Love you too
why you two don’t just move in together. The love you have for each other is inspiring. If I was either of your child I would be so happy my Mom had such a special friend. Both of you are a real inspiration. Please keep spreading your love to make the world a better place for all future generations.
Oh Cham. . .ROFLOL. . .don’t think we haven’t had this conversation. Our opposites match very well, however can you imagine how untenable it would be to have two head/heart-strong women who are ALWAYS RIGHT living in the same samll space like a house or apartment??? YIKES!
We both highly value our alone time and our not having anyone else in the imediate area to have to consider or compromise with.
We are not even sure that the same neighborhood would be a very good idea. LOL some more.
At least on the phone, Diane can tell me she is hanging up now, and there is no way to describe how hard that makes me laugh. . .and yes she does hang up on me. After all, there is only so much of me that anyone can take and I am very aware of that! But it makes me laugh all the more.
But thank you for your kind thoughts and big hugs to you.
We do occupy the same energy wave in the Universe, and that works out very well, as you can see.
I don’t know, shirl. At least get together and make some spaghetti sauce. I bet you could get it on Pay-Per-View.
OMG ductape! This is the best laugh of the day, right up there next to Xena in the pink tutu!!! I am screaming with laughter!!!
However, I think you are right. It would make a great TV show! Watching us cook together and disagreeing over our favorite ingredients in every darn thing we cooked. It would be fabulous fun and we would spend half the time wiping away our tears from laughing so hard.
Diane! You need to think about this. We would be fabulously famous…Two strong women in the midst of food fights! OMG. . .too, too, too funny!!!
Shirl please correct, I do not hang up on you, I say I have to go and by and everything, it’s just I get to a point I cannot talk anymore….so don’t say these things missy, that sounds like I am rude……KKKKK
Love you…
Okay everyone, pay close attention to this. . . and I quote, “Okay shirl, I’m hanging up now.” That is where I start screaming laughing. . .and I say okay, bye and I love you, she responds likewise. It does not matter if I am mid sentence or mid word, when it is time for her to hang up she does.
Surprisingly, there is nothing rude about it, and I am not in the least offended by it. But it is absolutely the best laugh provoking thing there is. I also tell her I am done talking and we just end it right there no matter where we were in the conversation. It is all just fine and very up front acceptable for both of us. But it is a hoot! I can’t think of anyone else I know where this would be so easily accepted and no hard feelings. It works well for us.
And I love to tease her about it and a million other things.
Huggies, Diane
(or are we at the depends stage now?)
what the h-e-double hockey sticks did I miss this time???
Real Life has its advantages…
I see BooTrib, and the Internet overall, as a community; you’ve got the crabby old person telling the neighborhood kids to stay off the lawn, the neighborhood gossip, the creepy guy that you just want to stay away from, the politician who’s out gladhanding everyone, and the folks in town who do all the work and never get any credit. Eventually, you learn who to avoid, or if you can’t avoid them, at least how to get along without strangling each other. 🙂
Of course, that’s just my opinion…YMMV…
First off, you have no idea what a burden it is to be so closely attached to and interacting with the Wise Woman of the Universe. Geeze! Sometimes I could just throw something at her because she is so damn reasonable, caring, logical and RIGHT about every damn thing! And we have had that very conversation dozens of times and we always are laughing our butts off about it. A gosh darn amazing woman our Diane is, but you already know that.
I was connecting with Spidey about which character in the bar I am. . . I’m the one intent on keeping everyone laughing. And when the trouble spots boil up and spew out on others I am the one that stands up quietly and goes over to those losing their cool and says, “Knock it off, guys.” For some reason I’ve never been able to figure out, it almost always works. Don’t know if it is my tone of voice, the look in my eyes or the hands on hips 6’tall 210 pounds of me that is somehow intimidating to a few. Although I have never been hit or have never hit anyone in my life. . .and wouldn’t. Tried to once but the thought of it made me laugh so hard it was no use.
I attempted to apologize a few times in the threads of those diaries. It is never my intent to be rude and obnoxious to others. I do not apologize for my stand and my repeated efforts to direct the conversation to the topic of respect and civility. I was not very successful in that attempt.
I am far more a peacenick passifist than probably anyone else here. . .I also have a nasty, ugly, unreasonable monster temper if I ever unleash it. I don’t. Ever. I diffuse it in other more healthy ways. I did lose my cool a couple of times when I felt like I was talking to a wall, and for that I do apologize. It is not the way I normally behave.
The funny thing about me is, you can call me names, you can tell me I’m full of shit, you can insult me, and I don’t really care that much. . . .on the other hand you cannot treat my friends and family or an innocent person (pastor lincoln) that way without me in your face defending them.
And I know I have expressed to you all how much I love and care about you and that includes parker and madman and anyone else I may disagree with. . .and I am sure by now that I have expressed that love and caring so often that many of you are about to throw up by another mention of it. But get over it. It is where I am with all of you.
I have the suitable hangover today, and since I don’t drink I have to guess it’s from Diane’s bar analogy. Heh!
I am not angry with anyone. I am not hurt by any of yesterdays nonsense. I am not running off in a huff, but I am considering learning to flounce and now that Nan has provided the pink tutu Xena, I can start my lessons right away. Nan, you are a treasure! Just like everyone else is in their own way here.
If I had followed my own rules of engagement on blogs yesterday, I would not have been in anyone’s face for more than one comment. So see, I learned that I need to stick with what I know is the proper way for ME to behave.
I do have a lot of things I need to tend to that I have not been giving their proper attention this past week, so if I am not as visible around here, know it is because I am working on other important things.
Now Nan, show me how that flounce thing goes again. . ?
Hugs everyone (and wow, did you see our Diane passing out hugs like a pro! Hot diggity!)
I dont mean to sound dumb and stupid here, but what is this all about???!!!! First over on the front page and now here.. I feel left out of the discussion and it does seem important enough for me to ask this question..
I’m as confused as you — sounds like something over at Orange Empire that’s getting folks up in a kerfluffle (not to minimize anyone’s legitimate upset). Just hang in there…this too shall pass.
Sounds like you’re working too damn hard from a previous post…make sure to take time for you this holiday season… 🙂
2 diaries, pastorlincoln’s and then mine yesterday, one is a monster size wide as hell so you don’t have to go there unless you are a masochist, suffice it to say it was about respect, not about any orange place anywhere.
In any case we are now in a healing mode so hugs to you friend.
a/In any case we are now in a healing mode so hugs to you friend.a/ well I am certainly glad about this! I hate distention among friends. Discussion, yes, but not angry words….this is not good!!!! NO NO NO>……….
I can tell you are a nurse by your comments, distension, and no neither distension or dissension is good….I think you write a lot of medical records, Brenda and it spills over sometimes and is so cute. Gee I just know someone will say dissension is good too, btw I just had to go and look up how to spell dissension (brain drain) and I think I am having a little distention right now.
OMG!!!!! u r right on that one, my Friend!!!! I am spending way toooooooo much time on work!!!!! God how that makes me feel like……well you know a little like feces for brains here….:o) Hugs Laughing so hard…some of the things nurses say…someday that would be a very intersting diary for sure……
Hey diane, thanks for the gift basket, I’m gobbling down some cheese/apples as I speak. You could say I am being rude and talking with my mouth full….
Your diary to today is lovely, gracious and a soothing balm for everyone here.
I’m sure if I keep digging into the gift basket I’ll find some chocolate under there somewhere won’t I?
You know your basket was made of chocolate and filled with chocolate and some hot chocolate to go with it…
I bought a huge container of baklava the other day and I am working my way through that so you can have all the chocolate today, just want my little bit on the ones that are covered with it..
Oh maybe I should share the Baklava, all right, anyone want some, now I am going to have my Starbucks coffee almond fudge icecream, yummmm.
Why thanks diane..I’ll just melt some of that chocolate and dip the fruit in it. Chocolate really is the number one food group for anyone who wasn’t aware of that absolutely swear to God true fact. And there will be no discussion of this fact-when I’m right-I’m right.
I must’ve been shooting pool and missed the controversy by my concentration. Glad to see peace and love prevail throughout the airing of grievances.
It must be a Festivus miracle!
Can I share in the fruit basket anyway? 😉
Completely. I don’t know where I was in the bar. But whoosh. Right over my head. I’ve got dibs on the pineapple, though. Mmmm. Fresh pineapple.
You are so much more gracious than I am Diane…perhaps in a few years I can walk with such generosity.
Words heal or harm as much as actions. I seek no harm to anyone…but will watch quietly and carefully from the sidelines for those that seek otherwise.
Blessed be…watching quietly to care for those that care for others.
Thanks Sally, my idea always is to turn negatives into positives and I think sometimes negatives if turned properly to positives can lead to some great new insights and understanding.
Just had this conversation with Shirl earlier today, reg. problems with children, I tried to use that method for discipline. Not punish, but teach, teach a different way…Don’t punish the wrong but teach the right and have children act out and practice it.
Thank Sally for being you!!!!and did you get your gift basket.
There are those that have the ability to reach across and teach others – and you are one of those special people. You walk with a graciousness that is very special – and for some of us not yet attainable.
I am not angry or hurt or disillusioned. Just a pragmatist.
History has taught us that there will always be those that do not wish to hear or listen. Based on the politics in the U.S. today, alternative perspectives are not acceptable – and are abused by words or actions. This attitude is reflected in the blogosphere.
Perhaps I am too sensitive to the oppression of other ideas…perhaps…
It is time for me to apply the same standard here that I do with all other arenas:
Be ever vigilant – and fight when necessary. We may forgive others but we shall not forget.
OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH, so you have a birthday!!!????? well,……<<clearing throat>>>>
Happy Brithday to you,
Happy Brithday to you,
Happy Birthday to you, Sally cat,
Happy Brithday to you…and many many more……Hugs
It’s a great birthday – 50 years of experience on Tuesday…
Lots of celebrating…and reflection. Not nearly as good as Diane’s 60…still a work in progress.
Hi Sally,
Some things are starting to make more sense to me now. 😉 Even though I completely missed something… time off can be good and healing too.
Be well Sis. Soothe and breathe. Hugs and smooches.
Oh… Happy Birthday too!!
feeding the good wolf is so much more satisfying, isn’t it ; )
KUDOS lady….peace
But, I didn’t see it at all until this morning.
Diane, thank you so much for writing this.
I think this calls for:
4s for everyone!