I’m getting reports that there’s some bashing of DKos or its front-pagers here. We don’t do that here. People are free to bash DKos on other blogs, if those blog owners allow it. But not here. If your blog has issues with DKos, discuss it at that other blog. Not here.
If you disagree with a position stated on DKos’s front pages, I think you should be able to discuss that, but solely from an analytical POV, not with any bashing or personal attacks on any DKos authors.
Also: Such bashing breaks BooMan’s one rule which I can recite from heart because it’s so damn simple, succinct, and plain as can be:
Don’t be a prick.
As BooMan wrote on November 25 in “Everyone Loves Daily Kos“:
by BooMan [Edit User]
Fri Nov 25th, 2005 at 10:54:49 PM EST
Okay, here is the place to get it off your chest. If you have a problem with the ‘Orange Place’ post about it here. Get it out of your system. If you think it has been taken over by some DLC/NDN cabal of corporate interests, if you think that it been stripped of all intelligent life, if you think they are out to get you, if you don’t buy into the ‘New’ Armando, write about it here. Please, get it all out on the table. And if you think the virus is infecting this site, please say so. Get it all out. They hate progressives, they hate dissent, they are all about votes and not principle. Just say it!
And once you’ve said it, let it go.
If you continue to have trouble letting it go, please return to BooMan’s Nov. 25 story, and post your concerns there. But not in any story or diary since November 25, 2005.
And, because it’s wonderful reading as well as wise, here’s BooMan’s etiquette post, which he first published last June, and which I reprised in September … BELOW:
He wrote, “BooTrib looks like Daily Kos, but it is a different site. Below are the two relevant rules … From the FAQ:”
If I don’t consider myself a Democrat, am I welcome at the site?
Yes. You are. Everyone is welcome at the site regardless of political self-identification. I don’t care how you are registered to vote, who you have voted for in the past, or who you plan to vote for in the future.
The only restriction on non-Democrats is that they be respectful of the mission of this site, that they don’t post Bill O’Reilly-like talking points, and that they don’t engage in trollish behavior.
If you are pro-life or anti-gun control, no one should down-rate your posts or make you feel unwelcome at this site, or in the Democratic Party. This site is not for the enforcement of any orthodoxy on its members. Principled disagreement is always allowed. Just don’t act like Sean Hannity and be an idiot.
From the comments:
Post Script: Today I have had to try to arbitrate my first dispute here at BooTrib and it wasn’t a process I particularly enjoyed. But it comes with the job.
And I just want to disseminate a new rule based on my semi-collected thoughts:
Not everyone is as smart as you. Not everyone one is as well informed as you. Not everyone writes as well as you.
And I don’t care how dumb, ignorant, and illiterate you are, there is someone, somewhere who is more so.
So, when it comes to having disagreements and debates and discussions…this is the rule:
Don’t be a prick.
Don’t act in a way that would get you punched in the face or thrown out of a dinner party. Don’t treat other people with disrespect even if you think they are stupid and ill-informed.
Don’t mock someone because they have trouble expressing themselves.
Don’t be a prick.
That’s the rule.
Full disclosure: I’ve bashed some too. But, BooMan has been a good influence on me, and I’m now dedicated to not doing that.
And, the bottom line is that all liberal blogs, no matter their specific FPers or issues, share our larger goals.
Hell, we even have Republicans posting on THIS blog who share our larger goals.
Let’s spend our anger on those who deserve it most: That monstrous Bushco regime in the White House and its neocon cabal.
If it is not cool to ask that a diary be deleted in the kindest of ways, please let me know that this behaviour is not accepted here, as when I did so I was told this was Orange behaviour and was also told to “Please keep Orange’s bizarre little customers over there”. This is rude behaviour that a few members here display that is problematic in my opinion. I have been around this place from day 1 or day 2, am a member in good standing and will continue to post here and at Dkos. I will not let a few people try and kick me out of a place I call one of my two homes on the blogs. Why are a few of the members here so bitter and nasty? I have not troll rated or downgraded anyone recently. Here are the comments in question thanks Susan et al. btw/ the diarist I asked politely to delete, has no comments here at BTrib and this was their 2nd diary. My history here speaks for itself.
Chill, eh?
The quote was bizzare customs not bizarre customers. But heck, your version is more inflammatory, and does a better job of sparking some kind of victim war, right?
Ah well, don’t let the truth get in the way of pursuing your agenda, Chamonix.
my dictionary has only one word in it. spelled bizarre meaning strange, odd, so I am not sure of your point. If you have a defination of “your word” please let me know. I also have no idea of what you are talking about in regards to “my agenda”. You seem to be hell bent on your obession with Dkos. I have not bashed Bootrib there and have not bashed Dkos here. Methinks you are the one with an agenda. Booman has spoken about his wishes, if you and your friend continue your behaviour we will see who is left standing here.
Were you too busy picking at spelling errors to miss the chance to admit you purposely misquoted me?
Its kind of a big deal — you deliberately misquote me, to make it seem I’m opposed to individuals (customers), instead of actions (customs).
Here’s the entire post. I quote it here to point out how petty and ridiculous your actions in this diary really are:
First I see folks downrating a comment they disagree with.
Now you’re asking a diarist to delete a diary?
What’s with all this orange behavior? This place is the green. The green is different.
The orange is back up and limping. Please keep orange’s bizarre little customs over there.
Thank you.
You pick a diary with a lot of attention, and attach your purposely mischaracterized comment to the topmost comment to attract the most attention, go into your typical “I’ve been here since day 1 and am a member in good standing” nonsense, and now you’re playing the put-upon victim?
And what’s your reaction when called out on your bush-league behavior? You point out I mispelled bizarre. Which is kinda obvious since I spelled it correctly three words later in the same sentence.
Point by point:
So, you take this opportunity to seek my banning over your false and out of context quote of my post? That’s special.
customs/customers, you are right I was wrong, I was reading to fast and apologize..however, it was not on purpose. I just don’t understand why several people here cannot abide by Boomans requests. Your comment continues to perpetuate the rival gang mentality that Booman has asked to stop and this diary has asked to cease.(that might just be the reason I posted my comment here and put it up to so the author and front pager could see it and answer my question) Why do you do it? Booman has asked very little of this community and I just don’t understand why several people cannot either play by Boomans rules or go find another playground where they can trashtalk about anyone till their hearts content. You started with me the ORANGE/GREEN thing in your comment. I am clean in regards to Boomans wishes. Once you play by the little rules that are set here by the owner, I think we will have a better chance at becoming friendly. Thanks. You comparing me to “Bush-league behaviour” is laughable to anyone who may know me on the Blogs. You must have had a wicked childhood. Whatever your problems might be I can only hope you will find peace someday.
Your behavior is ironic.
Which part of don’t be a prick don’t you understand?
I guess in your universe, personal attacks are justified if they’re done in the name of the greater good.
Booman Tribune is my home. We don’t have silly rules like 1 diary per day, or no duplicate diaries. Silly rules you tried to enforce on a newbie.
Personally, I think its more open and greeting to new members to make them feel welcome than it is to chew them out, however politely, for breaking rules that don’t even exist.
But my actions were all about supporting the green. Maybe in your book its wrong to have pride in your blog community, but I think there is really nothing wrong with it.
Maybe they do things differently “on the Blogs”. But its a bit rude to come into a small town and tell folks they should run their affairs the way they do it the big city.
Some folks are perfectly happy in the small town, and don’t envy the big city — in fact, maybe they’re quite content with the way of life they’ve established, and wish they could go a week without hearing how much better everything is in the big city.
Maybe this is your vacation spot.
This is our home.
Please be respectful of us, too.
when you stop attacking members here and stop trying to divide Orange and Green you will be welcome and be playing by pretty much the only rules set down by the Owner. (oh yeah…and not being a prick) You and your gang are always looking to pick a fight with some Dkos & bootrib members that go back and forth and consider both places home. Perhaps SusanG was right in her comment, maybe the bashing of Dkos here will never stop…still you won’t get me to leave. I am finished with you.
referred to Protestants and Catholics in Ulster. Did I miss something?
< / end snark >
I think I must be a sick person…….oh yeah, I am right now. Is anybody else out there rolling on the floor to all of this too as much as I am or do I roll alone?
Well, yeah, it was. You’ve made an issue where none needed to exist. So parvenu was AFK for a couple of days, had trouble getting on dKos and panicked. What’s your problem with that?
This isn’t a mega-site where territory is precious. His question was answered and his diary could have slowly scrolled on down the page without further comment. S/he may have even decided on their own to delete the diary.
Why embarrass this person? Why didn’t you post links to the other diaries so parvenu could catch up on everything that happened? You could have been helpful instead of critical.
I don’t believe people should be asked to delete their diaries except in cases where the content is really noxious. Even then, I usually just click onto the next one and forget about it. Let and let live, you know.
all Parvenu had to do, based on the time stamp of his diary, was to click on Daily Kos and see that it was working. Second, the comments above mine talked about the 5 other diaries that had been posted yesterday. Third, delete the dairy after seeing that Dkos had been back up an running for over 24 hrs. I couldn’t have been kinder, however several of you insist on making me out to be the bad guy. Also you say he/she was AFK for a couple of days. This is the second diary this person has posted since being a member and has no prior comments? Am I missing something here? I guess you don’t believe in bringing out your garbage either?
Actually I got nothing but a blank screen when I clicked on dKos shortly before parvenu’s diary. I believe it’s been on and off quite a few times since yesterday. Just because your routing works doesn’t mean that someone else’s isn’t still being log-jammed. But, all that is beside the point.
Yesterday, we did indeed have 3 or 4 diaires about dKos being down. Did you notice that no one asked for any of those diaries to be deleted after the first one had staked out the topic? Booman hasn’t established restrictions on duplicate diary topics here. It hasn’t been necessary before and it’s not a problem now.
So what were you doing? Think about it. You were applying dKos rules here, putting yourself in a superior position to someone who hasn’t been a fully participating member here before and now you’re comparing this person’s need-to-know to garbage.
kindly for the diariest to CONSIDER deleting their diary and I have to deal with this shit from you and your gang who have resentment for people that blog here and there. This is something that Booman has asked to Stop. The other diaries that you write about were posted after Dkos went down which was over 24 hrs before the lastest diary was posted. I see no problem with asking someone to consider taking down their dairy. You and your gang will not stop me from blogging at Dkos and here. I am finished with this entire conversation. You support the Dkos bashers on Boo’s site which is something he has asked to be stopped. I am now and have always been clean on this pressing issue.
I am not part of a gang. You’re becoming offensive when all I’ve asked is for you to look at your behavior and consider that it was inappropriate here at the Pond.
consider deleting a diary (titled: Is DailyKos Kaput, 24 hrs after it has been up and running) is NOT INAPPROPRIATE. What gives?
It was the diary title you wanted deleted! You thought this person’s question was a thinly veiled criticism or something? You know what? When I first clicked on it, I thought, oh no, more dKos bashing. But, instead of finding a rant about corruption or censorship, I found a simple question that appeared to be asked in a panic without scrolling down thru the previous day’s diaries. And, I laughed. But, I am laughing even harder now — at you!
Like I said previously, dKos has NOT been running smoothly for EVERYONE for the last 24 hrs. There are NO DIARY TOPIC LIMITS HERE. So asking someone to delete a topic previously covered is INAPPROPRIATE HERE. I know other blogs have the same restrictions as dKos but, so far, WE DON’T. Get it?! We’re nice to newbie participants here. Get it?! We don’t, even politely, ask them to delete their first diary.
I see no problem with belonging to two blogging communities except when you apply the rules from one to the other and violate the welcoming nature of this one. So, please, try to separate yourself from your holy crusade in defense of dKos and see what you did HERE and why I’ve objected to it. It’s got absolutely nothing to do with dKos. It’s about you and the way you behave here.
I asked kindly for them to CONSIDER deleting the diary and prefaced it by saying “I have never asked this before”. I am not bring Dkos rules here, look at my past history here. Comments like your will continue to divide this community. What is with the few DKos Parinoid people here? This has nothing to do with my kind approach to the diarist and everything to do with a few folks here and there problem with Dkos. Just look at the new supporter you have troll rating me and siding with you and the other few that are making this about Dkos and not about a simple considerate request that I kindly made. I am finished with you and the rest of the folks like you. I continue to play by Boomans rules. As you should.
the idea of asking people to delete a diary (once again a small group of people here try and split the sites as Them=Bad Us=Good) and as far as the diary title in question 1.) Wrong and way out of date 2.) announced the question IS DKOS KAPUT??? 3.) I couldn’t have been kinder by asking to Consider deleting it. Done.
Its amazing how whiny and anoying you Kossacks are. Oh how you hate to be criticized or confronted! But it’s okay to kick people off your website who you disagree with.
Clean your own house before you go around telling other people that theirs is dirty.
And to the top poster, get some spine!
support this kind of behaviour? If indeed he does, then and only then will I leave a place I have called home since the beginning. Once he supports comments like your and the rest and let’s me know I will go. I cannot believe he does.
this seems to me to be a troll…just checked the comment history and this person has has only commented three times…. check it out for yourself guys…and the bio as well.
just my 2 cents
this is indicative of this blog at all and i thought that i would point that out. we don’t do this here.
This is not indicative of this blog…
bowing back out now
agree or disagree with me I am not a TROLL. If you continue this abuse I will ask for your banning. This is no way to arrive at a new blog.
Please, GoEagles, respect the rules of BT etiquette: here we don’t downrate people when we disagree.
I find this behaviour particularly inappropriate from a newcomer.
We have had a number of idiotic attacks on Chamonix’ very reasonable request earlier today. To top it off, we also have an entirely new member abusing ratings. Stop it!
I agree with you Ask and this new person said in info he is disgruntled former Kossak, tired of being troll rated. so here he comes doing the rating thing.
There is no GoEagles at Kos.
I think someone is gaming the system…
that was my thought as well as soon as I looked at the bio. Glad to know that I am not alone on that one.
I can’t tell from your diary what “bashing” you’re referring to, but it seems to me that you are mis-stating the policy. Unless something has changed, Booman has not prohibited bashing of other bloggers. He simply requires that such bashing, be taken to the source, as well. I specifically asked him for clarification on
another diary and I will quote it.
You seem to be taking this to another level and it all takes down a slippery slope to infringement of free speech. While I realize that blogs are privately owned, the irony of a blog that attempts to maintain our American principles, while stifling open, honest communication is not lost on me. And I agree with dblhelix, downthread. Kos and other prominent bloggers are media figures, at this point. They should be subject to the same scrutiny of any other public figure. The “sacred cow” status of some prominent bloggers starts to feel uncomfortably clubby to me.
I know I would not wish to live in a country where, say, the owner of a webhosting company could come in at any time and say, “President Bush is my friend, and I won’t allow the bandwidth of my company to be used to bash him.” And it makes me uncomfortable, in this environment, when I’m expected to hold some allegiance to people I don’t care for, to make those who have the power more comfortable.
Not only that, but I don’t agree with the original policy as stated by Booman (which SusanHu now seems to have changed so that it is a “no bashing, period” policy).
We know this site is monitored by Markos, Armando, et al–because any time there has been a diary legitimately criticising their actions, they and other Kossacks have swooped in here to defend themselves–with the vitriole, profanity, and smugness we have come to associate with DailyKos.
Those folk have posting privileges, and can come here to defend themselves.
I also assume that, if he so wished, Bob Woodward could register here and come to defend himself if I wrote a diary entitled, “Bob Woodward Is a Soulless Media Whore”. Or do I have to cross-post that at the Washington Post? What about Robert Novak? Can I write a diary titled “Robert Novak Is a Right-Wing Prick” without getting myself invited on whatever television programme he’s hosting this week so he can defend himself?
I see no difference between Markos, Armando, Woodward, and Novak. None.
Except that the first two characters have business and personal ties to this blog’s owner and the last two characters do not.
And that’s all it comes down to.
And no, I’m not comfortable with this arrangement at all. I have no interest in attacking Armando or Markos or any other prominent Kossack at this point, because I consider DailyKos irrelevant. It is a nonentity in my life.
But others don’t think so.
Well, once again–this is not a community. It’s private property. Do as the site owner says or get out. That’s what it comes down to. If you’re comfortable living inside those restrictions, fine. If you’re not comfortable, then you need to go.
If that’s the case, then “don’t be a prick” translates to don’t piss off the owner or the supervisors. A rather sad commentary if that’s all this blog amounts to.
Often, those in power don’t wish to hear what they need to hear. That’s why the great strength of a democracy is that dissidents are legally protected from retaliation by the powers-that-be.
On a privately-owned blog, those who disagree with the blog owner can be swept away, as Parker has, for any reason at all, or no reason whatsoever.
And I know some of you are saying, “Well, surely I won’t be banned. Parker was annoying and quarreled with Booman, etc. So I’ve no concern in the matter.”
Oh, really? What if you wake up tomorrow and find yourself banned from BoomanTribune. What “right” of appeal, what “process” do you enjoy in this “community”?
None whatsoever. This isn’t a community. Divest yourself of that fantasy, tread cautiously on issues important to the site owner and site management, and you’ll be fine. That’s the reality of things. It may not be pretty, but there it is.
I just asked the question of Susan in the open thread.
Unfortunately, we can’t get Parker’s view of why she was banned because, well, she’s been banned. So we must rely entirely on the story of those who banned her as to the reason why.
Seems a bit unfair to me. But I’m neither asking for, nor expecting, fairness. Merely making an observation.
If Parker would like to share her side of the story, I will gladly post it on my blog.
I will let her know. Thanks.
No prob at all.
Oh, really? What if you wake up tomorrow and find yourself banned from BoomanTribune. What “right” of appeal, what “process” do you enjoy in this “community”?
I harbor no illusions regarding my status, as it were. I’m not a partisan Democrat (feeling largely abandoned long ago by that party), hence I’m on the outs from the get-go among a large contingent here as I would be on any other partisan site. I’m sure I walk on a thin line under the best of circumstances. In a sense, I feel a bit like a person in exile, and as such I’ve grown accustomed to “going it alone.” Truth is, that I don’t hold the Big Orange or the Dem Party as sacred cows. Perhaps some here do. If so, you will not like me. You will not like what I have to write.
Some reports?
Please specify.
I think that that’s counterproductive. And I don’t want to single anyone out. That’s uncomfortable for everyone, including me.
It’s better to just remind the community of BooMan’s heartfelt wishes for this site.
I second what Susan said, and Susan hi to you dear one on this fine day. How are you doing and how are things going for you…Seems I never get a chance to chat with you lately, so I thought I would stop over here and just do that.
Booman’s heartfelt wishes, yes we should always remember that, every single day….
I think that that’s counterproductive. And I don’t want to single anyone out. That’s uncomfortable for everyone, including me.
Look, what’s counterproductive is not having any idea what you’re talking about. Is this something that a couple of people are doing? Or are those unacceptably critical of DKos legion at Boo? What generated this? Were you receiving emails from certain DK front pagers? See, I think that one or two FPgers on DK are sending emails to you complaining about posters here.
As it is your admonitions aren’t going to have much of a productive effect because, after all, lots of us don’t recognise or respect the inflated notions of status held by some FPgers because they’ve consistently treated others in a shabby manner. So, all this does is leave me puzzled and mildly annoyed.
You ain’t the only one feeling a bit confused and annoyed. The whole issue strikes me largely as belonging in “tempest in a teapot” territory.
That said, I do think that the more of a fuss that gets made about what is thus far a minor “issue” at best, the more self-fulfilling that fuss will become – keep calling attention to alleged slights aimed at Big Orange, the more they will occur. If Armando or whoever is leaning on Boo over said non-issue, my friendly advice to him would be stfu. I imagine my advice will fall on deaf ears. 😉
You ain’t the only one feeling a bit confused and annoyed.
I’m somewhat less confused this morning as I just woke up to email informing me that Madman had been banned from DK and Parker from here and Plutonium Page is celebrating by indulging herself (typically) in woefully ignorant psychological diagnostic labels.
In deference to Boo’s prime rule I will not write about what set of emotions beyond weary disgust has replaced my confusion.
I didn’t realize Parker had been banned here. Jeesh. Folks need to lighten up.
If this is actually the case, I may have to be on my way — I have gotten into it with Parker anbd I often think her tone puts people off, but she has TONS of excellent things to say about a wide variety of subjects — if she has been booted. I protest, no matter what the perceived slight may be.
This weekend has really opened my eyes about a lot of things in the blogosphere (I think I knew them already but was giving every thing/one the benefit of the doubt…). There is something SERIOUSLY dysfunctional going on, not just here, but everywhere, and I don’t mean it in the simplicitics, condescending ways that pete richards write about either….I may have to go away for a while and think about it (or not think about it at all! lol)
Hope all is well with you and yours, JB!
Thanks for the well wishes. Back at ya! 🙂
My short take: the blogosphere is merely a microcosm of our aching planet. The dysfunction we see played out here is the same dysfunction we see in what’s left of the Dem party, and really in the way we function as a species in relation to each other and to our planet. Unfortunately I know of no quick fixes. I’d hope the frog pond would be a bit less dysfunctional, but perhaps that’s asking too much.
Parker’s banning comes as a surprise to no one. Parker was high on my list of those who would be banned. I predict many such bannings in the future–seen it on other blogs, including DailyKos and the Smirking Chimp–as the site owners weed out those who will not hew to their orthodoxy.
They learned not to give warnings, though, as that gave the exiles-to-be time to rally their supporters and stir up a row.
No, the warnings come in the dark of night, without warning and without explanation. The site owners aren’t required to give one. This isn’t a democracy, where one has “rights” or a process of appeal.
All progressive/liberal blogs are privately owned property and all of us dwell on them entirely at the sufferance of the owner and site management. Let us abandon all talk of “community”, because such a word does not describe the true arrangement.
I received a private email from Parker stating that Parker has been banned from BoomanTribune.
I will not reproduce any part of that email here without Parker’s permission, but Parker HAS been banned from here.
Why was Parker banned? Ask the site owner or site management, which would be Booman or SusanHu. I’m not in a position to explain their actions.
This weekend has really opened my eyes about a lot of things in the blogosphere
I haven’t seen Big Orange, so I won’t comment much except to note that Plutonium Page is not a licensed psychologist, and shouldn’t be making assessments of mental health as she’s not qualified to do so. And before anyone craps a brick, I’m not stating an opinion, but merely fact. You can guess my opinion, if you read between the lines. 😉
You can guess my opinion, if you read between the lines. 😉
It’s unfortunate that, due to lack of discernment and genuinely peculiar and unjustified notions of status, the opinions of the ‘leadership’ at DK infect the culture here. A fatal flaw, I think.
An opinion that I’m sure is shared by many… 🙂
I don’t know anything about madman and DK, but I don’t think Parker has been banned from here. Usually when there is a banning, if the person’s comments and such don’t disappear, they appear as a bunch of xxxxxx’s. All of Parker’s stuff is still there tho, diaries and comments and everything.
Also, someone usually announces the banning and the whys of it. Last I knew, there were two people that this has happened to.
There may have been a software change and so I could be wrong about all that, but there has been no announcement, or anything. Susan will no doubt clarify when she gets in.
Certainly I hope that’s the case. The sheer pettiness of the so-called “liberal” blogosphere lately has led me to some rather sad conclusions – including the conclusion that even the frogpond is no safe haven.
Personally, I think something’s in the water ;).
Dunno… a lot of people seem to be on edge and on a hair trigger, but I don’t know why. Political or personal frustrations, combinations of both, maybe.
Anyway, hopefully things will smooth out, at least here. It takes effort, of course, and many people working together, but it’s not impossible (I hope!).
Parker HAS been banned from Booman Tribune. I received a private email from Parker informing me of the ban.
Why has Parker been banned? Ask Booman or SusanHu.
my vote amounts to shit…but I don’t think Mad or Parker should be banned!
If Armando or whoever is leaning on Boo over said non-issue, my friendly advice to him would be stfu.
Probably not so simple when the Liberal Ad Network is administered by a group of peer bloggers. Can’t really shake your fist at ‘da man’ when site survival may be at stake.
I run my own business and therefore am very sympathetic to the realities of conflicts of interest.
One example might be balancing the goals of political activism with the business of growing a high-traffic web site. If you demand purity in mission, you may not be able to optimize site traffic by operating in a more free-wheeling environment.
Very recently, while arguing with Parker (surprise!), BooMan commented that:
“Everytime someone says something negative about ‘the Democrats’ I take it as a personal insult.”
to which I responded that it was time to start thinking about how to balance the two objectives here . Unfortunately, he did not grace me with the courtesy of a response. I wrote, in part:
It is completely understandable and reasonable to me that you might feel personally offended if your party identification is someting you feel strongly about. I don’t think it’s anyone’s intention to insult or attack you personally — I don’t sense that. Perhaps what you need to think about is what is more important to you: activism for your party vs the online presence you are building.
If the former is more important, then you might consider an editorial policy re: criticism of Democrats. It is well within your control to shape the site as you best see fit, in agreement with your ideals and (end) goals. If the latter is your priority, then you must accept diverging views on the state of the party and its future evolution, and most importantly, accept that these diverging views are not an attack against the site’s proprietor.
I see a theme developing here. The site admin gets upset and “takes it personally” not only when his ‘friends’ are criticized here on the site, but also when Democrats are maligned (whether justly or unjustly).
I 100% agree with Spiderleaf’s comments about BooMan’s right to shape the site as he best sees fit. As you can see, I echoed identical sentiments a while ago. What I am uncomfortable with is these ‘bannings’ of non-conformists. You do understand that ultimately, a banning policy is completely arbitrary from your perspective precisely because complicated relationships, both formal and informal, may be playing a role in the background? “Don’t be a prick” doesn’t cut it any longer.
Now that Parker’s banning is out in the open, I will state that I agree with the posters here who feel that more bannings in the future are inevitable. I probably am not interested in much future participation at a site where posters are gagged with respect to discussing other blog sites (and yes, sometimes inappropriate comments are made — that’s just what happens sometimes) and are not free to criticize Democratic strategy. What’s the point?
Rather, I’ll be at the site where Parker is posting.
Where is the site where Parker is now posting? I want to go there, too!
Similarly, I am disappointed at the choice to ban a poster from this site for something as vague as ‘being a prick’ in the course of criticizing another site. I’m used to the “banning of those by whom we feel insulted”, BTW. I observe it a lot on the Rightwing sites I monitor.
Oh, and by the way: Fuck the Democrats. Fuck the Republicans even more, the scum, but from where I sit, there is nothing worthwhile left in the Democratic party. We need a new party.
The Democrats as near as I can figure are roughly equivalent to England’s Tories; the GOP to England’s National Front. We get a choice between center-rightwing and hard right-wing. Yeah, the Dems might be a bit more “humane” about the way they do genocide when compared to their Rethug counterparts, but that ain’t exactly much of a selling point for me.
Da Big Chill is on. I’ll be curious to see how long I last.
“I think that one or two FPgers on DK are sending emails to you complaining about posters here.”
Actually, I think the whole thing had a lot to do with this comment of mine. Note the reply to it, to which I have no intention of responding. I also had neither the time nor inclination to enter this fray yesterday.
I’ll just add that I’m in the process of deleting every one of my old diaries at Big Orange, an empty gesture I find necessary and comforting, kind of like cleaning out your desk after giving a hated boss your resignation. Not that I’ve said anything to anyone there, why bother? I plan on simply leaving. I’d obliterate all of my comments if I could. It’s always possible I’ll succumb to the urge to go back, but I intend merely to lurk and read what interests me, until I find that nothing does. Then I’ll sign off forever, much as I did when I got sick of another website I won’t bother mentioning.
I have no desire to do a GBCW notice, although I guess this is an oblique way of doing it.
gee, I wonder who it could be? <bats eyes and smiles coquetishly>
Well if you’re right then I need to rethink my priorities because all I saw and attempted to address after being called out, was the usual disgusting display of gutter low name calling.
I hope you are wrong.
Look, what’s the problem? An unspecified number of anonymous sources reported to SusanHu that they are unhappy in some way with certain unspecified people for this or that here at BoomanTribune.
That should be enough for you!
“I’m the commander–see, I don’t need to explain–I do not need to explain why I say things. That’s the interesting thing about being the president. Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something, but I don’t feel like I owe anybody an explanation.”–Resident George W. Bush, quoted by Bob “Ducks Grand Juries” Woodward in “Bush At War”
I proposed a corollary to Boo’s commandment last night in the FBC; didn’t know if you had a chance to see it:
After reflection, I realized that my comment to you in one thread in particular might have been better said in an email, and I wanted to apologize for not taking that approach. I probably do not have as global a view as you of what’s happening in toto on the site as I don’t always have the chance to read all diaries.
That’s a very good point.
You needn’t apologize, KP. You weren’t alone in your reactions to my statements in that thread. And I probably could have found better ways to say what I did. But, in one phrase, you hit the nail on the head, and for that I was very appreciative. I have written e-mails to all concerned, and we understand each other now.
well, you goes don’t tend to bash from above, unlike some other “communities” …
Still peeved about getting banned today? You asked for it.
this was posted hours before that. Moron.
My thoughts here. Why are people upset here.
Thanks for wasting my Sunday diary. I won’t be able to respond, I’m busy reactivating a long time client’s email so her husband can send out death notices. Happy Holidays.
And I see you- you’re on my list.
Last night on the way home from seeing some beautiful holiday lights, the spouse and I were listening to a local talk show. The guest was a professor from Sonoma State who was one of the founders of Project Censored. One of their top unreported stories of the year is the voting irregularities in the 2004 election.
Guess they’d be banned as well.
When all the hoohah about the “conspiracy freaks” originally went on, I wrote that the most telling feature was not that people believed that there was a conspiracy, but that we had a government that made such a conspiracy plausible. Why aren’t people willing to discuss that?
Just a thought…
and it still seems a little harsh, but I will take away this-
…Wouldn’t that be, “long overdue death notices?
that I don’t? Have you met any of her 3 children or 7 grandchildren? Have you had any of her cookies or heard her laugh at your jokes or laughed at hers?
Long overdue? Still hanging on thank you very much and when she recovers I’ll be sure to share your concern with her. She’ll get a kick out of it.
I guess I missed out once again on something!!!! Not that it matters tho…
Again, if you want to go the the others sites to read, stay there and comment. Do not bring it here..I for one do not like that. I left over there of my own free will and wish not to be reminded of such an ordeal. It was not pleasant, to say the least! Now if you find a good article and need to refer to it, I suggest you do so as a link. I can either choose to read it or let it go by. I do both in my ADL’s. I glance to other sites and some I do extensive reading, but there in that other place, I do not stay…some if it is repetitious anyhow.
I love this site for it is my home, in a matter of speaking….ribbit, ribbit….and here is where I shall stay until such time I am asked to hop away to better ponds to ribbit in….;o) (((which I do not think will ever happen, BTW))))
Anyhow, welcome to all new comers and I am so happy with the old frogs that have been here forever! You all bring such great joy to my heart as I continue to learn…and that is what it is all about for me anyhow. HUGSSSSSS ribbit ribbit……
I just don’t think it’s going to let up, frankly.
And as much as I love the posters and commenters here, one of the reasons I’m not as active here as I’d thought I’d be is the anti-Kos comments that seem to enter into every conversation, no matter how unrelated the subject.
Aside from the ethical (loyalty) and practical (strategy) problems I have with that, it just gets plain old-fashioned boring.
But I certainly salute you, Susan, and BooMan for trying to keep it under control. I think you’ve done just about everything possible to make it clear management here doesn’t condone the bashing, and I think that’s all you can do.
Did I mention I had to visit a client?
Not directed at you
or Boo.
You know who you are.
Wow, SusanG. That’s a sad commentary on the community. I’ll keep hoping we can put an end to this.
I have a LOT of faith in the good — make that exceptionally wonderful — core group here, and trust that they’ll enact BooMan’s admonitions by challenging every instance of bashing they encounter.
Like I said in my comment above, I’ve been guilty of it too. And sometimes for what seemed like good reasons.
But, it is counterproductive in the long run, and — as is the case usually with such bashing — it makes the basher look worse, in the end, than the bashee.
Please keep checking back, SusanG. We love your writing and your comments.
I read here a couple times a day, frankly mostly because of you. I think you are probably one of the premier bloggers on the net, doing the most with the medium that can be done — fast, savvy, analysis combined with breaking news. I think probably only you and Georgia10 are in that league for prolific quality.
So I always visit and read, at least a few times a day. But I’m not tempted much to dive into commenting waters because it seems useless when it veers off into orange-bashing, which it does more and more.
I have an incredibly, incredibly deep loyalty to Daily Kos. I rarely voice it — and it certainly feels unsafe to voice that here because without a doubt, someone will label me a sell-out and I will convince no one otherwise — but I am often deeply offended by the comments made about Daily Kos, Markos and Armando. I also think it shows a kind of juvenile preoccupation with the bigger site, like an adolescent who just can’t get over being jilted by her first boyfriend or who discovers her guy just ain’t perfect after all.
I can understand if the size and tone of the Daily Kos site make certain people want to move on to smaller watering holes. And I think Markos himself has encouraged a sort of seed-bedding of other liberal blogs. But the opportunity that site has given to many writers — including me — to tentatively find a writing voice, to have the space and place to improve and gain an audience and become more of what we can be … well, that’s something I will never forget and that I will always be loyal to. Because it’s an uncommon phenomenon in this old world.
Shit, if you think it’s unsafe commenting here, try being a BT’r who gets blanket labeled as juvenile, jealous, hypocrit, Kamikaze, progressive poseur to name a few. Wait, I forgot scumbag, piece of shit, lowlife, and fucking asshole.
I saw that. I thought you handled yourself very well.
I’m sorry you went through that, and that I missed it, or I would have said something. But, it wasn’t here …. and that’s good.
Don’t be sorry.
It wasn’t all directed at me. Some was directly, much more indirectly and the rest was directed at another, not necesarilly Bt’r, who pissed off you know who.
It’s only a flesh wound ;o)
I am often deeply offended by the comments made about Daily Kos, Markos and Armando.
Well DUH…ditto…
People don’t hate Kos because he is beautiful.. he is hated because he is a little pompous twit who thinks he has the right to offend anyone and everyone that conflicts with his business plan…
It is like saying the Democrats hate the GOP because they are jealous. Close your eyes all you want to the real reason for the rancor… and by all means “Stay the course”… and swiftboat dissenters who do not see Orange Square the end all and be all of progressive politic… Geez… Jiacinto the GOP wingnut is now “mainstream” in the orange zone.
I hope you won’t give up on Booman Tribune. Your loyalty to Kos is commendable, and your contributions to both sites are a major asset.
Keep what under control…
I am sorry but this is bunk from someone who resides daily on Dk.
Or did you miss Kos bashing Kaine just days before his election because he felt slighted about blogads. Or recently the FP bas about Kerry… Lieberman. Or the perpetual bashing of Naral… now Pooty and Co have their feelings hurt because people are feed up with their GOP lite bullshit.. It is not this blog who hates DK go to any left blog that is not paid by Advertise Liberally and you will see how much rancor Orangee Square has garnered in the blogosphere.
You pronouncements are as ridiculous as the GOP stating the the truth with enable the terrorist… NO what enables the rancor for DK are not a few bad Apples talking about them badly… but just as the Iraqis get pissed off being lied too and indiscriminate pot shots taken on them so to does the average every day blogger get sick to death of the vile and spew coming from orange square on everything that has not been approved by the republican sponsored “Do Not” Think Tank branck of the DLC… the NDN.
Then last night Armando had the nerve to proudly proclaim that Freedom of Speech is for other blogs…
It is getting sickening that so called democrats have a problem with Democracy in action.
The ONLY REASON people are sucking up to that twit is because he seems to have been given the reigns to pass out potlitical favors in terms of Blogads for the upcoming elections… other than that he is not worth spit.
You couldn’t possibly have made my point better had I written it myself.
Adios, amigos. I’m outta here.
Typically DK move… pivot and blame instead of answering the query…
SusanG is not your enemy. SusanG is an outstanding blogger who has high ethical standards. She just happens to disagree with you constantly getting personal in your attacks against Markos et al. She has every right to choose not to engage in debate with you and to feel differently than you about the site.
We don’t all march in lockstep over here you know… and you certainly aren’t going to change people’s minds by attacking them.
You should understand that many of us don’t want Booman Tribune to be turned into a permanent dKos-bashing place.
I do not appreciate many things about dKos, where I still go regularly for reading, but BT deserves better than becoming a place where frustrated Kossacks come and vent their anger.
If you need such a place, please create your own anti-Kos blog but, please do not take this community hostage of your issues.
Nobody’s said it better.
Well said!
It is getting stale and I see no productive purpose.
Not to offend my atheist friends here, but…
Jesus, people!
I thought dissenting via ratings was a ‘over there’ trait, not something we do over here?
Why is it whenever the topic is ‘the big orange’, the behavior around this place becomes just like the big orange?
Anyhow, I get that this was a stressful week for a lot of people, and we had a lot more guests from the big orange when it went down for a time. This week I’ve seen 3-4 diaries on the big orange going down, 1-2 on “don’t talk bad about the big orange”, and…. zero diaries critical of the big orange. What did I miss?
Is this about comments critical of the big orange? Sheesh. How is that any different than the anti-religious people commenting on pro-religion diaries? Seems like that caused more of a row amongst the regulars than anything orange related.
Why the super-sensitivity on the one, but not on the other? Why the double-standard that requires moderator ‘caution’ diaries and calls for special ‘forbidden topics’ rules?
There is a difference between censorship and politeness. One of the things I like most about Booman is that personal attacks and hijacking of threads is rarely tolerated. That is as it should be. Susan Hu and Booman are to be applauded for maintaining a site that cherishes civility among its members. Maybe that is why a lot of people consider this place “family.”
Thank you jpol. You speak for me!
This week I’ve seen 3-4 diaries on the big orange going down, 1-2 on “don’t talk bad about the big orange”, and…. zero diaries critical of the big orange. What did I miss?
Same here. I’m genuinely puzzled because, contrary to SusanG’s perception that almost every conversation is devoted to Kos bashing I have read very little of that here and particularly of late. There has been a fair amount of conflict and a good deal of meta-gaming. I’ve no idea who SusanG was talking about, no idea who this FP post (why FP? Is this supposed to be interesting?) was directed towards. I’ve no idea what event(s) Susan Hu is responding to or in response to what person/people. Perhaps folks should just speak plainly and clarify their issues rather than issuing general adomitions about perceived tendencies towards prickdom because, frankly, I’ve no notion what susanH is talking about in this diary or why it’s on the FP.
because upon being reminded about the siteowner’s preferences that members work to make this site better and stop making it their anti-Kossackian outlet, in response Parker did it again and I am sick of it.
Now I have a sincere question to those who hate something so much: Why do you go there? Why give it your hits? Why feed your hatred and anger?
Inasmuch as it impacts on the FrogPond, I wish you would stop.
but you get what I’m asking I’m sure.
Amen Lil.
While I agree with much of what you write, you’re way out of line. The proprietor of this site requested that visitors stop pissing all over the furniture. You’re not being a particularly good guest.
Let me make it perfectly plain: I owe absolutely zero “loyalty” to Markos, Armando, or the brand name of DailyKos–just as I owe zero “loyalty” to the New York Times, the Washington Post, or CNN (other media outlets, like DailyKos).
Loyalty is for cults. We’re not members of a cult, are we? Because I missed that memo.
Oy vey! I’d say that it appears that I missed something, but I don’t “miss” those types of discussions.
We are not the anti-kos here, just a bunch of little frogs looking to bring sanity back to our country.
Maybe the regulars need to use those ratings a little more judiciously to chase out these types of comments. Troll rate ’em into oblivion. It sounds mean, but the kos bashing really demeans this site.
I hate the kos bashing. If you don’t like it there, don’t go there. On the other hand, I am not very fond of the kos praising and cheer leading either. If we wanted to be at dkos we would be.
One thing I really don’t care for and go out of my way to ignore is the attitude that BMT is a place to come when kos is down and to act rudely and give no concern for the members here who could care less about dkos. Call me old fashioned, call me crazy, but why would you go into someone elses place and act rudely and be disruptive? I don’t like it. So I stay away from it. But really, is it too much to ask that occaisional visitors here give our home a little respect?
Just my opinion and I’m staying out of the no-controversey, controversey.
Well.. i made a comment earlier that I never went to KOS because Boo was my favorite haunt. I didn’t see that as bashing at the time but i can see how it might be taken that way now. So, sorry if i helped give Boo a bad rep, Susan.
If that’s what you said, I don’t consider that bashing at all! You’re expressing your preferences and loyalties.
And lucky us you like us as your favorite haunt. I love your posts even if I don’t reply that often.
Thanks Susan! and honestly, I like the people here, and I just don’t have time for both places so here i am grins !
as much time on dKos as I used to — I’ve found BooTrib to be far more welcoming, friendly, and open to opposing views if argued cogently and sanely. It’s also a slower pace — the diaries drop slower so there’s more time for an actual discussion before they drop off into the Ether(net). A few of mine have even wound up on the “recommended” list, God(dess) knows how…and I even got my very first troll! 🙂
However, I’m not here to trash dKos…but if I see actions I think are unwarranted and hurt the community, I have no problem calling out the people involved. To me, it’s just like nailing a politician involved in dirty tricks — just as crooked politicians give the good ones (yes, Virginia, there are such things as honest politicians) a bad name, so does some of the words and actions of the liberal blogosphere tar the rest of us with the same brush.
A sensible approach and statement. Thanks, CaliScribe.
Oooh, Cali! Did you really get a troll? Totally cool! A rare and exotic event here at the BooPond.
Was it cute? Did you keep it in its own little cage? Hope you didn’t feed it. 😉
The honour of feeding the troll was all mine 😉
and i enjoyed taking the troll out
Thank you Cali Scribe. You said it all. We come here to discuss, not coerce.
No, of course not.
Who exactly are these people who have nothing better to do?
Who are these people who keep informing Susan and Boo reports of negative opinions of our beloved netroots orange bloggers!?
Who are these brave souls who defend us from those who would question our orangy leaders, or point our their mistakes, or dare imply there is a pattern or a motivation to otherwise ‘random’ mistakes, mistatements or ‘mischaracterized’ positions?
These people are what keeps this place together. They promote peace and harmony. They deserve a medal. They’re doing a heck uv a job.
To those who protect the perfect orange from heathens, heretics, and dissenters — we the progressive people salute you!
Ugh. Is it just me, or was this place both happier and more productive before the weekly lecture to worship the big orange, as if loyalty to over there was a requirement to be over here?
I thought the Republicans were the ones obsessed with controlling their press vs actually earning good press via their deeds.
No worshipping has been requested or is sought.
Just civility.
Like I said in my story, it’s cool to go after any ideas expressed at DKosor any other site — and reply with one’s own ideas and thoughts — as long as one isn’t a “prick” in so doing by bashing a site or its writers.
as long as one isn’t a “prick” in so doing by bashing a site or its writers
With all due respect, this make no sense to me at all.
I am not as familiar w/ the earlier dkos-related “dust-ups”, but I’ve spent some time catching up recently. It is fair to say that it is a high-traffic site that is positioning itself to gain an FEC-sanctioned “media exemption”.
Since when is it not ok to bash media figures, particularly when they’re being prickish? Doesn’t the real problem go back to the subject of Boo’s earlier diary — he felt uncomfortable because people bash his friends?
The problem here is a conflict of interest. It’s great to have friends, but when your friends are public figures, you’re going to hear things you may not like. At this point, determining what is “prickish” behavior becomes arbitrary and capricious.
The comments I’ve read about Maureen Dowd pale in comparison to what is said about the writers at the big orange “media” blog site. How many times I’ve heard the word “presstitute” thrown around here?
I see that some felt the need to downrate Parker in this thread. Since when don’t we point out that advertising corrupts mission?
Thank you for mentioning the downrating.
I rarely if ever check ratings but that caused me to.
I have dispensed 4s, which is all I ever rate.
Pity about ratings, they serve to support shunning societies and to enforce manufactured consent.
Chomsky served me well at 20 and still does.
y’all take care. LOL
My own opinion is that tone is everything. I personally don’t believe in down-rating any one. I’ve only done it once, and not at this site. I did it to someone who seems to delight in handing out “1’s” to any one who expresses any opinions they disagree with (and predictably that person gave my comment defending a person he attacked a “1”).
I think the people who downrated Parker’s comments were reacting more to the tone of the comments than the substance.
I would be surprised if comments critical of Kos would encounter difficulty over here as long as they have substance and are presented in a form that does not represent an attack. Negativity may give one a degree of personal satisfaction, but in the end it contributes little to rational discourse. I personally prefer the high road.
One point booman made when he requested people not to use this site to bash kos and company was that if one has an issue with armando or kos or any of the people there, and not just their ideas… that if they post about it here, it’s also posted on the kos site.
His point was that people should have a chance to answer any accusations against them personally, and that this should not be the place to sort of go behind someone’s back and trash them. (I am paraphrasing greatly).
So, anyway, he’s made clear that using this site as the ‘anti-kos’ makes him uncomfortable, not only because they are his friends (mainly armando, I guess) but that if people had issues with him, booman, he’d like them to bring them in the open so that he could answer them as well, and he would like to afford the kos folks the same courtesy.
Or something like that, I’ve confused myself.
Or something like that, I’ve confused myself.
I can co-sign this. If you’re not heavily invested in the ‘friends’ angle (and I did not read dkos until recently) much of this makes no sense. It’s a matter of perspective. So a lot of this is coming across as site censorship, plain and simple.
I don’t have the ‘early days’ warm fuzzies. I just see a large site, organized as a media outlet and openly advocating for a media exemption. And “don’t be a prick” is just too arbitrary when similar comments are fine about other media outlets, their business structure, their perceived motivation for editorializing; and the journalists/editors themselves.
His point was that people should have a chance to answer any accusations against them personally, and that this should not be the place to sort of go behind someone’s back and trash them.
Booman’s wish should be respected on this site, but it should be pointed out that there isn’t really an outlet for disagreeing with Kos or Armando. If you disagree with something on dKos, where they have a chance to defend themselves, Armando attacks in response and the offensive comments or diaries are deleted. There isn’t any point in disagreeing with the orthodoxy on dKos itself because the comments will disappear forever before anyone reads them. Persistence generally results in the disagreeing person getting banned, which solves the problem from their point of view, but hardly makes for a vibrant community.
Very good points from DoubleHelix (as usual)–you cut to the chase and ask a rather inconvenient, impertinent, and important question: What makes Armando or Markos different from Maureen Dowd? From Bob Woodward? From Judy Miller? From any of the other media figures we bash mercilessly all the time?
The difference is that the owner of this site isn’t personally nor financially connected to Dowd or Woodward.
This is a COMMUNITY–except when we want a voice in running things, and then it’s PRIVATE PROPERTY and if you don’t like the rules, get out. I’m glad we’re reminded of that simple fact again and again, because some of us tend to forget it, and to act as if our opinion matters in how this site (or any of them, for that matter) is run.
I agree, Yaright. Those people are doubleplusgood!
Ok, I hope I don’t come off sounding like a prick here but I am really get tired of seeing Kos stuff here…if I wanted to hang out there I would. I am not Kos bashing it’s just not my preference and the only time I do think of Kos is when it gets mentioned here..
I don’t much believe in bashing anyone although when something very specific comes up relating to DK and Bootrib I suppose it has to be addressed. I’m only wondering why it has to be addressed over and over. DK has it’s place, Bootrib has it’s place, occasionally the twain shall meet in hopefully good discourse or political action and that should be it.
telling others like myself that they are not wanted here and to leave and go back to the Orange place. Please see my comment above CSI, then perhaps you will understand my concern. I don’t bash Dkos here and would never bash BooTrib there. It is not in my nature, however some here don’t feel one can be a member in both places and asked some that are to leave here and stay there. Just uncalled for.
As someone who doesn’t belong to a “gang” and also, really doesn’t care about dKos, well, heck, everyone else has given their opinion, so I’ll give mine.
I don’t think Chamonix deserves to get down-rated for his/her comments upthread.
I also don’t understand why Chamonix felt the need to play diary cop and ask for the diary in question to be deleted.
It’s like, we all have too much time on our hands today, including me! Actually, I’m just procrastinating. I don’t feel like folding my laundry.
Lisa, you may recall the same thing happened to you not long ago when you posted an excellent diary on White Phosphorous at Kos and the diary police jumped all over you even though your post contained some excellent material that had not been previously covered in other diaries. I agree with you that neither down-rating nor diary policing is welcomed here, especially since the rules of this site encourage neither practice.
That was Real History Lisa 🙂
JPol, that was the other Other Lisa – Lisa in Los Angeles.
I read “duplicated diaries” because I haven’t really found one that was a complete duplicate. I like being here where people feel free to “put it up there” and not worry about whether or not they are duplicating something all the time because let’s face it……..the worry could get in the way of their words and their investigating of whatever their diaries are about. Somehow diaries that are important to many find their way to the recommend list and the diaries that are important to fewer find their needed audience too. Free Love Baby!
Hey Cham, I had missed your comment upthread and I obviously didn’t read that diary but I followed your link and can only say that the response to your comment/request was uncalled for.
Talking about Kos anymore is almost like bringing up religion, too many people can’t seem to discuss Kos without a bunch of crap being said. But I still wonder why it has to be so contentious. It’s like sibling rivalry or something gone bad and certainly nothing good comes of the continued sniping. Like I said above sometimes certain issues have to be addressed but it always seems to be the same old crap.
And just to reiterate for anyone just reading this, I’m not bashing Kos just stating that I don’t hang out there and so what…I like it here and some of the other sites I visit.
By the way Cham, did I ever mention that I of course love that letter you added to my moniker-why wouldn’t I, huh.
I was starring in the movie “Gaslight”. It has really been unbelievable for me here today. I have now gotten about 6 troll ratings for defending my comment in kindly asking someone to “Consider” deleting a diary. They have accused me of bringing Dkos behaviour here and making a mountian out something that had nothing to do with Dkos, and trying to get me to leave. I really cannot believe the venim here by just a few people that insist on the Dkos/Booman bashing bandwagon. I have never done it there or here. At least I have several old time friends here like you that make me feel at ease and welcome. It is really out of control and something has got to happen soon in regards to this outlandish behaviour, accusations and treatment of Booman members here by our own people. Good to hear from you my friend…My CSI friend.
retrograde, but seriously…..some of this was just funny as hell to read…..SNL needs to do a skit on it or something!
Life has a way of separating the serious from the pointless.
I’m also tired of the kos stuff. I’m equally tired of the much ado about next-to-nothing regarding so-called kos-bashing, which all considered is fairly minimal (and would probably be near non-existent if so goddamned much attention were not drawn to the little that does exist). So when I read all the complaints about all the so-called kos stuff I find myself once more tempted to repeat my usual rejoinder: tempest, meet teapot.
I’m another DKOS refugee, and I’d like to be able to use this forum to dump on Kos. I’ve explained some of my hard feelings in other posts. But if BooMan and his closest allies here do not accept that, I don’t think I have any choice about trying my best to abide the request. I do understand that there are real human beings involved with lots of complicated relationships.
Then why don’t you start an eblog just for that….I really think someone needs to do that.
Good idea, Diane. And there is the November 25th story that I linked in my story — where people can still go and write what they’re feeling.
There’s also e-mail.
(I can dig why people might feel a need to vent — god knows I do when I’m upset — but it’s good to find, or found, a venue where such conversation is appropriate. It’s not really appropriate here since we have bigger fish to fry.)
DKos and Bootrib are linked–not only philosophically but economically and personally.
Philosophically: As far as I can divine, the founders of this blog more or less share the DLC-style “centrism” of DKos.
Personally: Booman has repeatedly said that Markos and Armando are his chums, and he doesn’t like people bashing his buddies on this site.
Economically: Cross-posting on DKos, as well as having this site on the DKos blogroll, helps build site traffic for BoomanTribune.
So for these three reasons–philosophical, personal, economic–it’s not wise for people to criticise DKos or prominent Kossacks here. I personally have no interest in DailyKos whatsoever…or rather, I lost interest in the site because I found it spectacularly boring. The frontpage of DKos, when last I looked, was an exercise in tedium. Congressional candidate X has polled at 46% in the 13th Congressional District of Iowa–stop the presses! Not my cup of tea.
BoomanTribune is NOT a democracy. None of the blogs are. No one here has any rights except the site owner, and everyone here is at his sufferance. You can be booted off this site, or any of the progressive/liberal/Democratic blogs, for any reason whatsoever–or no reason at all.
That’s the reality of it. There’s no use complaining about how these blogs are run; they are private property (except when they need contributions of funds to keep operating, and suddenly they become a “community”) and it’s the owner’s way or the highway.
I read Parker’s statements. I don’t think it’s overboard. I understand that you don’t want to get personal because then everything becomes petty. But criticizing Daily Kos is legitimate and using tough talk shouldn’t create such sensitivity.
Look at what everyone here says about Republicans….about Bush. You don’t want to stop people from calling him a creep, I don’t think.
let’s give “Freedom of Speech” a chance.
We can always ignore what we don’t like to read and nobody will know.
I haven’t yet seen anything that offensive that warrants a harsh response like admonition, downrating or banning.
Well said Susan!
I used to teach Basic Business Communication at a college. Please forbear my “teachy” side.
Discussion (purpose of the comments) is COMMUNICATION. Communication is the art of getting an idea, feeling, concept or view point from one point to another. The receiving point may, or may not, agree, understand, or even want to hear.
Name calling, bashing, flaming, asking people to delete their diaries are negatives that turn people off and they simply stop listening. Anyone who does this is saying volumes more about themselves than about the person they are attacking. And it ain’t pretty what you are doing to your own reputation. None of the former is Communication.
Irregardless of what blog you are on, we all need to remember that Progressive blogs are all on the same team trying to reach the same goals and outcomes.
Stirring up hard feelings is non productive and a real turn off. All ideas have some value, if we take the time to explain WHY we feel, think or believe something. Personnel attacks, no matter how stated NEVER work. No matter how couched, they are a form of abuse.
Words can heal, sooth, agitate, or seriously wound. I have yet to meet anyone in my 60 years who has not said something inane or stupid at one point or another. Would any of us like being attacked for bad moments? We all have them, and we need to treat others as we want or need to be treated.
Otherwise we are no better than Karl Rove who has developed these types of attacks to the lowest possible forum for the use of words.
Well, they sure don’t mind doing it THERE:
Page is the WORST offender — maybe someone should ask BooMan to alert Armando so that he can take her to task on the frontpage?
Good lord, people, this is freaking sad — combibe that with pete richards attempting to do stealth “resarch” on online community dynmamics and…well, ICK, oh, and whatever!!!
OK…than could you explain this comment I received yesterday with about 6 troll ratings here at the BooTrib. It cuts both ways. Also SusanG came by here over the weekend and some members practically chopped her head off. I was treated worse here this past weekend (with the UID’s hovering over 2,500) than I have been over at Dkos (70,000 uid’s) over the past year (as a matter of fact, I have never been treated this way ever on any blog). As a matter of fact, I am now getting my first troll ratings ( 0’s) at Dkos by members from BoomanTrib that go over their just to troll rate me. It is really out of control at both places and I fear it will leed to the dismise of this place if it keeps up. If things don’t calm down..This could be my last post here.
Re: WTF are you talking about?? (1.00 / 4)
Go away DKos moron.
by GoEagles (always.howling@gmail.com) on Sun Dec 4th, 2005 at 06:05:24 PM EST
[ Parent | Reply to This | none0-Mega Troll1-Troll2-Warning!3-Good4-Excellent ]
Yeah, that crap was beyond the pale.
Well, think about what you just wrote here:
I was treated worse here this past weekend (with the UID’s hovering over 2,500) and ask yourself how many of those treating you badly are actually regulars here, or people coming over to get their “fix” ’cause dKod was down — I saw a lot of them here this weekend.
They were actually authored by the American filmmaker Woody Allen:
Esposito: From this day on, the official language of San Marcos will be Swedish. Silence! In addition to that, all citizens will be required to change their underwear every half-hour. Underwear will be worn on the outside so we can check. Furthermore, all children under 16 years old are now… 16 years old!
Fielding Mellish: What’s the Spanish word for straitjacket?
I’ve started wearing my knickers on the outside (see? clean!), sent away for my copy of “Swedish for Dummies”, and informed my 13-year-old son that he is now sixteen years old.
I’m in full compliance with all rules!
Btw, the Spanish word for “straitjacket” is “camisa de fuerza”.