I have long maintained that the description of Sadaam Hussein as the most evil of men is propaganda and an American exaggeration.
The lies and propaganda about WMD did not stop there, they continued with the exaggerated claims of Sadaam’s cruelty. George Bush has easily outmatched Sadaam in my opinion in terms of callousness, deprivation and brutality. Bush is worse than Sadaam. .
Sadaam Hussein, who was infinitely more beneficial and less brutal to Iraq than any American politician or serviceman, is about to be executed in an American sponsored show trial. A trial that has received surprisingly little news coverage. The reason is probably because there is nothing so dramatic about the charges against him compared to the rhetoric and propaganda leveled against him by the Bush administration. Bush has been very successful in convincing liberals and conservatives alike that Sadaam Hussein was a mad Hitlerian leader bent on world destruction. Many would argue that description more accurately reflects the image of the hallucinatory visions of the U.S. president who claims he is (like the Blues Brothers) on a mission from God. The Blues Brothers was a comedy. The Invasion of Iraq is a real life Tragedy.
I don’t think Americans should judge Sadaam Hussein. They should judge only their own leaders and their own actions. This would be a good first step in leaving the rest of world in peace.
Sadaam spoke at his trial:
“I am not afraid of execution,” the former Iraqi leader said during proceedings, adding that “execution is cheaper than the shoe of an Iraqi
On trial for crimes against humanity, Saddam told the court, “The purpose of this trial is public opinion.” .
He seemed to express an understanding of the pressure that America has brought about in his country and on the people who have succumbed to that pressure when he told the judge:
“When I speak, I speak like your brother,” he said. “Your brother in Iraq and your brother in the nation. I am not afraid of execution. I realize there is pressure on you and I regret that I have to confront one of my sons. But I’m not doing it for myself. I’m doing it for Iraq. I’m not defending myself. But I am defending you.”
When the judge explained that he was ruling in accordance with the law, Saddam replied: “This is a law made by America and does not reflect Iraqi sovereignty.”
He does not sound like a raving madman. He sounds rationale. If there was ever a time for a raving mad man to show how mad he is, it is at the moments just before his execution. But Sadaam has told the judge instead that he regrets the position the judge and those judging him have been put in by the Americans. This is the language of understanding and even forgiveness. Sadaam has always been a rationale man and all of this war could have been avoided by approaching him in a rationale way. But it was not his rationality that was at issue. It was the rationaily (or lack there of) of George Bush
Here at least it seems Sadaam has spoken the truth.
US would never have propped him up in the first place.
When selecting a native overseer for its client states, the warlords do not go looking for decent upstanding men.
They look for dollahos low and greedy enough to sell their own grandma.
That said, Saddam is correct when he states that he is the president of Iraq, and there is no legitimacy to any of the doings of the invading brutes, neither their “elections” where all the candidates must be approved by Amrika, nor their “trial” show, intended to warn other US puppets that if they put a foot wrong or talk back to Uncle Sam, they too can be removed as swiftly as they were installed.
Abudllah the Hashemite, Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, Jaber Al Ahmad Al Sabah, Hosnikins, Mush, et al., take note.
Has Saddam committed crimes against humanity? You betcha. What would US want with a puppet who did not?
He should be in the Hague, along with his erstwhile sponsors in Washington.
I don’t think there is anything special about Sadaam. Being mean and nasty is not evil. Evil is, as I imagine it, much smoother than Sadaam.
Even George isn’t evil. But I would really like to see George Bush on trial rather than Sadaam.
The Hague for both of em…good idea…let a civil socitety judge them.
Sadly, such low-lifes are far too common, every country has them, and the US is very skilled at selecting the worst of the lot.
I use “evil” in the Arendtian sense, as in the amoral non-thought evident in the casual brutality of a common street thug, or in the case of Mr. Danger, the spoiled rich boy whose developmental disabilities have not stood in the way of his sociopathic disregard for others, be they frogs or humans.
Now I will have the goodness to pimp my diary, as Ramsey Clark says it all so much better and certainly more diplomatically than I am either capable of or inclined to.
I am not sure why I am telling you this….it’s cold blooded…but I believe it to be true. Of course I can’t reveal my sources…ha ha ha
Ramsey Clark’s dad was Tom Clark who worked for Harry Truman as Attorney General. He later became a Superem Court Justice.
There was a scandal called the Willie Bioff Brown scandal in the 1940’s. Mob figures Phil D’Andrea, I believe Paul Ricca and others were convicted of extortion of the Hollywood movie industry through the motion picture operators union. They went to jail.
They were pardoned by Harry Truman.
I was told that Truman accepted a bribe of $500,000.00 to pardon them. Tom Clark as Attorney General recieved the cash from Tony D’Andrea (Phils Son) who left on a flight from Sioux Falls Iowa to Washington and Clark passed it on to Truman.
They were pardoned. That’s a fact and the papers at the time were in uproar claiming something fishy had gone on.
Oh well, that’s the kind of stuff I hear in Chicago. Awful stuff.
Harry Truman is the President they always point to as the last great honest president. ( He dropped the bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki…I don’t think that was necessary even if they didn’t forsee the consequences.
It isn’t just people like Sadaam who is the lowest of the low and who get to be leader of a nation.
I haven’t heard anything about Ramsey Clark. I just wonder what his dad was really like and how that might have affected him.
He sounds very good in the interview on your blog, which I read and found very informative.
Our so called “Reality” is constantly being shattered. Where it ends is in a land with no words, just… awe… I suspect.
PS I just looked the scandal on the internet to get the names right….I thought this was secret stuff but here’s a link .
This follows pretty much what I was told.