Hello FrogPond.
OK. So I gone and done it, dammit.
I’m sure you all know the story of the Wide-Mouthed Frog, and, while the details are fuzzy to me now, and I don’t have time to look it up, I’m starting to feel like that story is the story of my life (actually, I’ve always felt that way, so I guess it’s no coincidence that I ended up landing here in this Pond).
So, in the interest of diminishing the ongoing ripples and ruffling of feathers, I have decided to do the deed….
It’s very bare bones at the moment and I’m learning as I go, as they say.
Yes, I fully intend to be adding links and buzzers and bells and all that, but for now…here ’tis. Ignore it, abhor it, adore it or just shake your head and walk away.
FWIW…introdcucing….my blog
Historical Footnotes
Historical Footnotes:
From the State Department of Corrections to the University of Chicago in Forty-Four Years of the Best and the Worst of Times
Well, so here it is. Here I am. Officially blogged on, and I can’t even tell you what this blog is supposed to be or is going to be about. A place to write, I guess.
Why write?
I don’t know, either; all I can say is that I write because I cannot not write, and this has been the one constant in a life that has been in constant flux. A life lived on three continents, in two and a half languages (at least), one that has been a precarious balancing act between various strands of ethnic identity and cultural involvement/affiliation, from one end of the economic spectrum to the other: From the State Department of Corrections to the University of Chicago in Forty-Four Years of the Best and the Worst of Times.
Three continents: Africa, Europe, and Turtle Island.
Two and a half languages: English, German, and a half-assed, vaguely intelligible French–enough to get from the airport to the goat market in Guinea, West Africa, I suppose. Not enough to get me in (or out) of any trouble, and that’s probably a good thing.
Various strands of ethnic identity: German-Jewish-Native-American(Ojibwe)Female. A volatile mix, I suppose, but not as atypical or exotic as it may seem to some.
And cultural involvement/affiliation: African drums and cultural arts, literary and historical translation (German to English), academic (PhD, Germanic Studies); original, creative writing from a (mostly) Native American perspective.
I am a published writer. But what does that really mean? I don’t know either, I only know that, every since I began writing at the age of 9 or 10, that’s all I ever wanted to be. A published writer. I never did and still don’t have any desire to be a “best-selling” author, but I do want to be an author whose words are read, or at least whose words are “out there”–in print–and available for anyone in the world to see. And they are. It’s all icing on the cake from here.
There isn’t a writer out there who can honestly say s/he writes “just for him/herself.” Writers write with the intent of being heard. If they didn’t, Microsoft Word and a mega hard-drive with enough gigabytes to contain lifetimes would suffice–there would be no need for Blogger or Blogspot and the entire Blogosphere would be an uninhabited wasteland that would put T.S. Eliot to shame. Writers write because they think of themselves as “good” writers. The false humility of those who would preface their words with bullshit qualifiers like “well, I know I’m not the greatest writer in the world…” (or variations thereof) seems utterly transparent to me, and usually the first sign that I’m not going to like half of what this particular writer has to say. To me, it is as much a turn-off as the false pride of jingoistic nationalism we see parading across our TV screens like tickertape in the form of that pathetic piece of “human waste” that is GWB & Co.
If you’re not writing with the intent of being or becoming a “good” writer, if only by your own standards, then throw in the goddamned towel. But if you do write with the intent of being or becoming a “good” writer, you will question your every word, you will search and re-search the dictionary, the thesaurus, you will follow etymologies and allusions (literary, historical and above all personal), you will scour the archives of your own memory and mind–for the better word, the perfect word, the word that is like porridge and “just right.” You will be a relentless self-editor. You will be ruthless: with your readers and with yourself. You will trim and pare, tweak and tweak–and you will not be averse to looking back at what you’ve written and say to yourself, “this is a piece of shit!” and hit “delete.”
(That said, be advised that this piece, too, could disappear tomorrow just as quickly as it emerged from the ether this morning.)
OK, so we write because we think of ourselves as “good” writers, and I suppose the only advantage of being a “published writer” is that someone somewhere has validated that sneaking suspicion all writers share: I think I am a “good” writer. I think I have something important to say. For me, after about thirty years of thinking that and thirty years of betting on that nagging suspicion that keeps me glued to the keyboard, the day that first letter of acceptance came on the heels of about 175 rejection slips–well, it was a momentous day, one I shall never forget. And in 1999, when (in my capacity as assistant editor to the German Quarterly) I arrived at the “privileged” place of writing the rejection/acceptance slips, the memory of that moment served me well. Gentle with the rejections. Jubilant with the acceptances: lay it on! Bring it on. Yeah. Dear Author: We’re going to print this. Have a great, great day. Enjoy.
For the past few years–and this happened pretty much imperceptibly–I have been a “professional writer”–that is, I make my living as a writer, mostly in the field of translation. It’s not all that I do–I am also an occasional professor (of German language literature), a performing artist and arts educator: writing, especially the kind of writing I do, is not exactly worth its weight in gold.
Many hats to wear in world which, despite protestations and proclamations to the contrary, is hostile to diversity in any real sense of the wor(l)d. Too many arms of experience reaching from one hemisphere to the next can seem like a threat, especially to people who fear and at the same time confine themselves to the narrow constricts of their own four walls, and don’t worry about what the rest of the world would look like if it were to be paved over with American strip-malls. Onward! Immer gerade aus! Los! March.
Freedom on the March!
The Freedom to Shop, or as Donald Rumsfeld once so aptly stated, “Free people are free to commit crimes.”
The freedom to descend into criminality, lawlessness, mindlessness. The freedom from accountability.
None of it interests me.
Freedom is overrated, at the expense of justice, at the expense of sanity, at the expense of critical thinking; freedom, at the expense of peace.
By way of introduction, readers interested in getting a better idea of what I’m about are encouraged to have a look at my most recent piece, which includes links to many other pieces I have been scattering here and there on the Internet and in the print media for the past couple of years.
The Ward Churchilling of the Radical Left: It’s OK When Libruls Do It!
If you manage to get through that without taking offense, calling the FBI or reporting me to my employers, well….then feel free to come back and visit. I’m sure there will be plenty more where that came from.
You will note that there is no room for comments on this blog. I’m tired of fighting with anonymous cyberfictions over everything from the color of my underwear to the thickness of my skin (alternately, the color of my skin and the thickness of my underwear). Anyone who is interested in commenting on this or conversing can strike up a conversation with me in one of the public forums in which my work is posted. If we hit it off, well, who knows, maybe there’s room for us to get real. If not, live and let live; you go your way, I’ll go mine. Whoever you are, I wish you the best.
You are free to ignore me. You are not free to beat the shit out of me because you don’t like what I have to say. That’s all I’ve got to say–for today!
Got it bookmarked.
Note to you James: You were the catalyst. Thank you.
You’re certainly quite welcome!
Congrats stark! Bookmarked for me too, looking forward to reading you regularly.
Oh, and actually, it was the whole FrogPond which finally put me “over the edge” and yes, I do intend to link you all up, but shit, I’m still having a hard time even getting in there myself and ….time is getting rather limited here.
But thank you to all who read, and who write and who have graciously put up with my stomping through the puddles over here (sorry, old habits die hard!)
Ya might want to go into the settings and turn your comments on there… Unless, of course, you don’t want people arguing or agreeing with you on your bare bones blog?
I have deliberately turned off comments.
I’m serious about not having any interest whatsoever in conversing with “anonymous cyberfictions”–at least not “one on one” and not in “my space.”
I am a regular poster both here and at ProgressiveIndependent, where I will continue to post. If people want to comment, they’re welcome to do so in these forums, but after the responses I’ve received to some of my writing: No, I’m not willing to jump in a room behind closed doors with anyone and everyone who is out there in cyberspace.
As I said: pls feel free to disagree, but anyone who thinks it’s ok to beat the shit out of someone (even if it’s just in cyberspace) is not welcome in my “private space.” I don’t open my door to strangers here at home, and I’m not going to do so in my blog.
Not wanting to hear criticism or disagreement is not the point: I will not subject myself to abuse, and, since everything about me–my name, place of employment, details of my personal and political history, is now “out there” (with a little help from my “enemies”)–well, before I get “down and dirty” with anyone in my private space, I want those coordinates from them so that the playing field is level.
I will not allow that space to be defiled with “fucking assholes” and “go fuck yourselves.” You take it or you leave it. If you want to discuss it, let’s go to the “bar” or “the cafe” or some other public forum, not in “my home.”
That’s all.
my name, place of employment, details of my personal and political history, is now “out there”
I am somewhat in the same position. All of my information is out there and easy to find. That is of little concern to me. But everyone is different.
In our town politics gets dirty and abusive. (Slashed tires, bar room fights, and even the occasional pushing and shoving at town meetings) Fortunately they leave me alone since I don’t take sides. I make fun of them all!
Also, I tend to deal with politics on a national level, something many of the locals either don’t have a clue about OR don’t seem to care about.
From what I can see, most of the things I am talking about getting “beat up” over have very little to do with politics, actually–yeah, politics is dirty, but it’s no excuse for abuse.
I’m not even sure where the blog’s going to go–I am by nature a political animal–and there we are back at that damn “personal is political.” I guess I take my politics too personally for some tastes, and that might be what invites the personal attacks. Dunno. Dunno what invites them actually.
All I know is they happenin at Historical Footnotes!
oops….they AIN”T happenin at HF.
It’s about time and thank goodness! Sometimes I get weary tromping through the wildersness to hear that voice “crying out in the wilderness.” Great to have it front and center with all the attendent loudspeakers attached.
I have learned more about “voice”, yours, mine and everyone’s in the past two days than I think I consciously knew in this lifetime. Lots of teachers the past couple of days. I thank you each and you know who you are.
I am not going to slop praise all over you about the quality of your writing and the quality of your passion and all it contains. You know How I feel about it. And if you feel you need or want praise slopped all over, you know how to contact me ;o).
I admire your “no holds barred voice” even if once and a while it makes me wince. I really do understand it, and I think at one time I wanted a similar voice. But having found my voice I see that what I really wanted was something else and I am very happy with what that is. All the voices together create the chorus that keeps the universe in constant motion.
Got you on my “Important Places to visit” toolbar.
Bon Chance, Mozel Tov!
Best wishes for your success Stark.
Your writing is very powerful and I’m inclined to believe that it comes more from natural born talent and life experience than not. You either have it or you don’t. You have it.
Thank you for your kind words, Supersoling.
In many ways, I agree: as with most art forms, you either have it or you don’t. BUT………………….
I have to qualify that:
I was, and I kid not, “rhythmically handicapped”–by nature. My first guitar teacher threw me OUT because, as he told my foster parents, “this kid has absolutely NO sense of rhythm.” He was right. Absolutely.
My drum teacher knew that, but he didn’t throw me out. Instead, he said: “Practice what you cannot do, and you will become the best.” Well I practiced, believe me, I did. I practiced my fingers bloody and I am not exaggerating. I’m still practicing! (Those goddamned metronomes NEVER work you know. harhar).
Today, I’m certainly nowhere near “the best,” but, suffice it to say that I’d love to run into that old guitar teacher someday! š
I have a lot of young drum students who are extremely talented: I always tell, them: talent is not enough. You gotta work it, man.
And I don’t tell them this, but I believe it: if you don’t “work it” (whatever it is), you’re spitting in the face of the creator who gave you the gift.
(Oh, and I never give up on kids who “have no sense of rhythm”. — Once, I did, after about a year and a half, it just was not happening and was holding the whole group back: So I made her our “stage manager” for productions, and she was damn good at that and loved it. Everybody was happy.)
You are a good poster. Thoughtful. Not running with the pack. Too bad you cant keep it real here, where the need is so critical and clearly evident.
Oh well. Good luck. I hope you attract some readership.