George Bush’s lack of success in his business endeavors is well known. Take away the surname and his daddy’s financial helpers and you’ve got a ‘business leech’ who can barely manage to tie his shoes while simultaneously sucking the life out of any ventures he embellishes.
Well, this is a match made in hell because Dick Chaney also turns every enterprise in his life to s**t.
Yet both doofuses continually get rewarded.
It’s literally astonishing how this pair became financially successful and rose to important positions of power while being a lifetime f****ps?
Can’t you see it now–want your company to be devalued? need yout company’s stock to plummet? Get me Bush/Cheney’s the man.
You’ll understand why I am typing this after reading the Cheney article below. And be sure to read the entire story because just when you think Cheney can’t dig a deeper hole, he absolutely does.
Curiously, there is a question posed underneath the cartoon/picture that accompanies the article. It asks: “Everything he touches fails: Is Bush next?”
Remember, this was prior to Bush’s re-election. And obviously prior to the current woes and rockbottom ratings for the entire Bush Administration. of which Cheney receives the lowest marks.
T.D. Allman wrote the following article in August, 2004 for Rolling Stone.
It received miniscule notice. That’s not surprising considering the subservience displayed by Russert, Matthews, King and that ilk. Their need for ‘access’ to such failed figures of power and prestige as Cheney comes with the journalistic equivalent of the medical doctor pledge to do no harm. I dare anyone in the mainstream media to ask Cheney about his ‘accomplishments’ depicted here.
The Curse of Dick Cheney
The veep’s career has been marred by one disaster after another
Should George W. Bush win this election, it will give him the distinction of being the first occupant of the White House to have survived naming Dick Cheney to a post in his administration. The Cheney jinx first manifested itself at the presidential level back in 1969, when Richard Nixon appointed him to his first job in the executive branch. It surfaced again in 1975, when Gerald Ford made Cheney his chief of staff and then — with Cheney’s help — lost the 1976 election. George H.W. Bush, having named Cheney secretary of defense, was defeated for re-election in 1992. The ever-canny Ronald Reagan was the only Republican president since Eisenhower who managed to serve two full terms. He is also the only one not to have appointed Dick Cheney to office.
This pattern of misplaced confidence in Cheney, followed by disastrous results, runs throughout his life — from his days as a dropout at Yale to the geopolitical chaos he has helped create in Baghdad. Once you get to know his history, the cycle becomes clear: First, Cheney impresses someone rich or powerful, who causes unearned wealth and power to be conferred on him. Then, when things go wrong, he blames others and moves on to a new situation even more advantageous to himself.
“Cheney’s manner and authority of voice far outstrip his true abilities,” says Chas Freeman, who served under Bush’s father as ambassador to Saudi Arabia. “It was clear from the start that Bush required adult supervision — but it turns out Cheney has even worse instincts. He does not understand that when you act recklessly, your mistakes will come back and bite you on the ass.”
Cheney’s record of mistakes begins in 1959, when Tom Stroock, a Republican politician-businessman in Casper, Wyoming, got Cheney, then a senior at Natrona County High School, a scholarship to Yale. “Dick was the all-American boy, in the top ten percent of his class,” Stroock says. “He seemed a natural.” But instead of triumphing, Cheney failed. “He spent his time partying with guys who loved football but weren’t varsity quality,” recalls Stephen Billings, an Episcopalian minister who roomed with him during Cheney’s freshman (and only full) year at Yale. “His idea was, you didn’t need to master the material,” says his other roommate, Jacob Plotkin. “He passed one psych course without attending class or studying, and he was proud of that. But there are some things you can’t bluff, and Dick reached a point where you couldn’t recover.”
Cheney might have been flunking in the classroom, but he excelled at making connections. “Dick always had this very calm way of talking,” recalls Plotkin, now a retired math professor at Michigan State University. “His thoughtful manner impressed people.” Forty years before the son of a U.S. president picked Cheney to be his running mate, the son of a Massachusetts governor picked him to be his sophomore-year roommate. Mark Furcolo, whose father, Foster, had been elected governor as a Democrat, invited Cheney to Cape Cod for a visit. “Dick came back enraptured,” Plotkin says. “He was fascinated by the official state cars and planes. The trappings of it got him.”
It could have been the start of a brilliant career — in the Massachusetts of the 1960s, it would not have been too great a leap from the Furcolos to the Kennedys. Instead, after only one term as a Yale sophomore, Cheney dropped out. “Dick never had the experience of learning from his mistakes,” says Tom Fake, a Natrona classmate who also won a Yale scholarship. But he learned something perhaps more important to this future success. “He found a path that got him into powerful positions” is how Plotkin puts it.
After leaving Yale, Cheney had one of his few experiences working in the private sector, on a telephone-company repair crew. He showed no interest, one way or another, in the Vietnam War — until a Texas president, nearly forty years before George W. Bush, turned a remote foreign struggle into a catastrophic, unwinnable war. Thanks to Lyndon Johnson’s escalation of Vietnam, lounging around was suddenly no longer an option. Cheney snapped into action. First he enrolled in Casper Community College; then he went to the University of Wyoming. That kept him out of the draft until August 7th, 1964, when Congress initiated massive conscription in the armed forces. Three weeks later, Cheney married Lynne Vincent, his high school girlfriend, earning him another deferment. Then, on October 26th, 1965, the Selective Service announced that childless married men no longer would be exempted from having to fight for their country. Nine months and two days later, the first of Cheney’s two daughters, Elizabeth, was born. All told, between 1963 and 1966, Cheney received five deferments.
To read the rest of the article, go here:
impressed with the Rolling Stones’ interviews, they have been consistently good. Thanks for the link Cogitator.
This is good stuff.
If the media would have challenged the outrageous myths of the Republicans, perhaps we could have avoided this mess.
Who was presented with Dick Cheney saying he was a self-made man, and just laughed and accepted it as truth?
Oh yeah, Joe Lieberman.
Seems a simple “How can you be self-made if your money was made off the backs of the US Taxpayer? And, didn’t your government contractor company actually lose value during your tenure as CEO?”
Don’t get me wrong, I love that the media is just starting to do their jobs. I just wish they hadn’t taken a decade off.