So you ask, “why is Brokeback Mountain being reviewed on a liberal website”? The answer is because gay film is political by it’s very nature these days with the fundies and the Repblicans trying to vilify us on a daily basis. This is a film every one of them should see but we’ll probably have to settle for their young adult and teenage kids this weekend. If we’re lucky they’ll Netflix it so no one will see it being delivered.
I saw the film on opening day here in NYC with a sold-out audience (the entire day was sold out at the theater I was at and it was showing on 3 screens). The audience seemed to be more than half straight and many ethnicities were in attendance which was wonderful to see. The audience applauded during the end credits so it’s safe to assume it was well received by the majority.
The acting was completely on target on all counts and these two men will only benefit from appearing in this film and that alone will knock Hollywood’s conventional wisdom on it’s collective ass and it is about time. The reason Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger will rise with this experience is because they are wonderful actors and this is a seminal American film. Watching this I felt as if I was seeing something akin to “Coming Home” or “Midnight Cowboy”, a film that was originally perceived to be daring but the when the public embraces it the media backs down. It’s a film America has been ready for but Hollywood has yet to deliver until now, kind of like our pull-out from Iraq which again the politicians are way behind the public. ABC tonight was referring to the film as the most sexually explicit film ever released which was the biggest bunch of hooey I’ve ever heard. This film is an American love story pure and simple and there (as always) is more straight sex than gay sex and there isn’t that much of either. The only good thing is that this kind of journalistic pablum will only increase viewership, you would think Disney had a financial stake in it.
Brokeback Mountain is essentially for straight people in much the same way that “Philadelphia” was. Gay people know this stuff in shorthand as they live it every day so they don’t need it written out in longhand. Brokeback Mountain will be praised and lauded this year because it does what so much film doesn’t anymore, take you inside the human experience in a new way. Today we mostly go to new places in film via special effects and while that can be exhilirating it isn’t emotionally as satisfying as seeing the basic human experience from a new angle.
I heartily recommend this to all who think you might like to see it. Supporting a film like this on Opening Weekend speaks volumes to Hollywood (who bottom line understands only $$’s) and the large numbers will tell the media that there is a larger group out there than the Fundamentalists, who this weekend will be showing up in droves for “The Chronicles of Narnia”.
Brokeback Mountain is not listed to open here in NC. But I can vouch for the number of evangelicals coming out to see Narnia. I was surrounded by schools of them last night. My sons and I were a little uncomfortable and ended up leaving the movie early because it creeped us out. Not saying it’s not a good movie, it just wasn’t for us.
I’ve heard that Heath Ledger is phenomenal in Brokeback Mountain and I will see it when/if it comes here.
I think you’ll like it SN. It’s hard to figure out who does the better performance, they’re so different and yet both very accomplished.
That’s sad to hear that it’s not opening in NC, they are probably thinking it’s better to wait until January when it has some award nominations under it’s belt.
Yes, you can imagine how hard it is to sell a movie “promoting the gay agenda” down here in Raptureville.
Hey wilfred. This movie has been getting nothing but incredibly wonderful reviews for both actors and the director Ang Lee also. I’m not holding my breathe that it will show up in the area where I live.
Hopefully CI it will be in your hood once it gets a slew of Golden Globe nominations and hopefully more after that. It may even gets some good National Critics awards when they start coming out next week.
Brokeback Mountain is playing in “limited release” this week, but should open in full release on more screens soon. It wasn’t in any theaters in the metro DC area this weekend, either, and I cannot imagine that film NOT doing well here.
So give it a bit of time, it should be more fully available soon. The reviews have been very promising, and I am really looking forward to seeing it.
Looking forward to Chronicles of Narnia too… I loved that series as a child, and it never occurred to me why they were in the church library. They’re really the classic British children’s fantasy series, very much a Wizard of Oz type of story.
there is an undercurrent of a very old-fashioned Anglican view of Christ (in the character of Aslan) but it’s very focused on the importance of individual ACTION and good works. NOTHING like American evangelicalism. C.S. Lewis would have been appalled by these people, IMHO.
…for the review. I’ve been really looking forward to this release. I re-read the story by Proulx a while ago when I heard it was being made into a movie. The story is both beautiful and haunting, and I really enjoyed it. I have been a little hesitant about the screen adaptation though, as Proulx’s other book-to-movie (The Shipping News) didn’t translate well in movie-form. Thanks for the feedback. I too have been hearing good things about it.
your welcome Olivia. I too enjoyed the story when it was published in the New Yorker.
The secret to this working when the Shipping News didn’t is twofold. One is Ang Lee who is incredibly gifted and the second is Larry McMurtry and Diana Osana’s screenplay. The man who created Lonesome Dove and Terms of Endearment knows this territory well.
…definitely ‘knows his stuff’, so that is encouraging!