Serial Killer Confesses to 30,000 Murders; Receives Applause
"I done kilt me 10 times as many as old Osama ever done," Exults Bush
From the New York Daily News:
"I would say 30,000, more or less, have died as a result of the initial incursion and the ongoing violence against Iraqis," Bush said…"I made a tough decision. And knowing what I know today, I’d make the decision again."
Knowing what I know today….that there were no weapons of mass destruction, there were not any active programs for weapons of mass destruction, that the weapons of mass destruction had been destroyed in 1991, that there was no Iraqi link to al Qaeda or 9/11, that Iranian-backed theocrats would come to rule the country with death squads and torture, that by his own (lowball) admission, 30,000 Iraqis would be slaughtered and tens of thousands of Americans left dead or maimed….Bush would make that decision again.
Crossposted at Empire Burlesque
Says it all, doesn’t it? Again, by Bush’s own confession, the war really wasn’t about any of the ostensible reasons he offered before the invasion. Because even if those reasons lacked all substance — which even Bush now acknowledges is the case — he would make that decision again.
So what was the war for? Profits. Power. Petrochemicals. And the need of weak, soul-damaged men for violence and death to assert their "dominance" and maintain their illusion of superiority.
"Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood
Clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather
The multitudinous seas in incarnadine,
Making the green one red."
— Macbeth
Kill 30,000 (laughing to self) Iraqis A okay. Kill 2,986 people in the world trade center and spend some time “on the run”. Attempt to kill “W” and eat so much lead you’ll be a human pencil. What a bizarre fucking world!
Bizarre indeed, how do Americans support this Psycho?? EtJ
Swear to God, this whole nation is so zoned out on antidepressants they could be frying and hell and swear it’s Disneyland. We are a pharmacy dream come true, haven’t seen anything like this since Valium.
Well, he sure is making the case in the Hague a slam dunk… oh right, he won’t travel outside the US after he leaves office since the rest of the world just ain’t that interesting for little Bush.
Hague is too good, for this murderous bastard.
I think he misunderestimates himself. The death toll is likely much higher than what he took credit for.
I know the Lancet number of 100K has been very much debated, but that was a number they put out in April of 2003. It’s about to be January of 2006. 30K? Even without counting bodies [as Gen. Franks stated the US Army does not do such things] you have to ballpark it higher than that.
We’re on the same wavelength again, Albert – My immediate thought when I heard the 30,000 figure was of that report also.
Who are you going to believe: W or some bloody British bleeding heart doctors? Me too.
Quite likely that Bush just made that number up on the spot. He knows the MSM won’t question it.
Actually, it is the number provided by Iraq Body count, which has a tally of 27383 to 30892 as of now.
I thought Iraqi body countwas of civilians only. I may be wrong. Bush was replying to question asking for the total number of dead iraqis including civilians, insurgents, police and Iraqi army, so I am still suspicious that 30,000 covers all of those groups.
I can’t stand that they’re all repeating this 30K number now. No investigation otherwise. No looking back at Lancet. No other estimates from sources outside of W’s mouth. At least none that I’ve come across yet in the MSM.
his saying ‘knowing what I know today’…he’s never ‘known’ anything and continues to choose to believe what he wants to believe and ignore any and all facts.
Nice that he learned a new ‘fact’…the 30,000 Iraqi dead(another fact of his wrong of course)that he could dazzle people with to show he’s on top of things..maybe someone should have asked him about the over 100,000 troops from Iraq/Afghanistan who are now having to receive medical care from the VA….and how that is effecting all those families ..crap..what I really wanted to write was he’s just one sick sociopathic fucker who doesn’t give a rats ass about anyone but himself and wanted to play dress up as Commander-in-Chief.
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What a wimp!
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Is that.. a uniform?????
Has anyone ever seen a US president in a uniform before?
Ack shades of tin pot dictators! All he’s missing are the medals!
The dude ends up reminding me a lot of Chairman Mao.
Yeah, that is strange as he is suppose to be the “civilian” in charge of the military. As for the medals do you get one for leaving the National Guard six months early to attend Harvard business school.
Went AWOL!
Only true warriors wear medals …
Value would be degraded when awarded to any U.S. soldier in Iraq occupation.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
G, I cherish your anger. Keep it comin’.
And knowing what I know today
. . . which, one, wonders, is what exactly?
Is this crew really a quantum leap from the past, or is it that their blatant in-your-face aggression holds a mirror to America’s face into which it cannot bear to gaze.
I can’t help but view this as One War, waged since 1991 across three administrations. A fourth (at least) is most likely. W. would make the decision again, Madeleine assured us it was worth it, Daddy B no doubt has some similar self-satisfied remark. The numbers are all worng. The numbers are all . . . obscene. The reality near unimaginable no matter how graphic my reading.
The poet Robert Duncan writing 40-some years ago, conjured the image of the hydra, a multi-headed, self-regenerating beast:
The little jerk’s a sociopath. The dead, maimed, wounded, and injured are only cardboard cutouts to him at best. It also explains his utter disengagement from people and his lack of intellectual or managerial curiosity.
Excellent diary, reminded me of a Talking Head’s song.
Boy bush all the way “
I can’t seem to face up to the facts
I’m tense and nervous and I can’t relax
I can’t sleep ’cause my bed’s on fire “