[From the diaries by susanhu with inconsequential edits.]
Just when you think that Bushco can’t sink lower, there appears a new low watermark. This time it involves foodstamps.
Five states requested increases based upon increased home heating costs. As a result of energy price increases, low income families will likely be faced with difficult budget choices this winter.
WASHINGTON — The Bush administration has denied requests from five states to increase food stamps for low-income families facing higher heating bills this winter. Maine, New York, Kansas, Virginia and South Carolina sought to raise monthly food stamp allotments by projecting what families will pay to heat their homes. The increases would have ranged from $8 to about $30 a month for families who pay their own utility bills.
The choice will be between heat or food.
Continued below ….
State officials and advocates for the poor said the decision will make it hard for needy families to afford both heat and food. The Energy Department has forecast 25% average increases in heating bills this winter. Research shows that when utility bills rise, some poor families reduce food purchases.
Foodstamp benefits are not reflecting the current dire economic situation.
Robert Greenstein, director of the liberal Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, said federal food stamp law says benefits should reflect current costs. “It’s effectively cheating low-income families,” he said. If the five states’ requests had been approved, many others would have followed, he said.
But wait, the Agriculture Department has a solution.
Jean Daniel, director of public affairs for the Agriculture Department’s Food and Nutrition Service, said states can seek an increase in food stamps if they document higher utility bills. That way, she said, the government can “make sure that each individual is getting the right benefit amount … not too little, not too much.”
Maybe I’m just a little crazy, but does there really need to be documentation at a time when fuel/energy prices have hit record highs. But perhaps I’m alone on this, just another bleeding-heart liberal, willing to jump on any old cause. (Of course, Venezuela did not need documentation when they agreed to assist Massachusetts, but hell, that’s just a rogue nation, right?) And by the time the costs are documented, families will likely have suffered in the cold or without food for some time. But we wouldn’t want to help the needy without proper documentation. In triplicate, of course.
But, hay, what about this?
State officials and advocates for the poor said the decision will make it hard for needy families to afford both heat and food. The Energy Department has forecast 25% average increases in heating bills this winter. Research shows that when utility bills rise, some poor families reduce food purchases.
So is this a case of one hand not knowing what the other is doing? Couldn’t someone at Agriculture simply call the Energy Department?
you know if “these people” were really cold, all they’d have to do is to go stay in their condos or ranchettes in one of the warm weather states. If they’re going to stay at home in the cold weather, then it must be because they really enjoy winter and don’t want to lose any opportunities to go skiing
Yes, that’s it. Even now, they’re all waxing their snowboards for the season.
Why don’t they escape from the cold? G-d knows they have seen the weather forecasts, why don’t they leave???
If they are so stupid and so lazy not to go on vacation during the winter then they should just STFU and not try to blame everything on Bush. He has to get on with his Christmas. Don’t they care about other people?? Don’t they know that we’re trying to forget and just go on with our lives?? They sure are selfish aren’t they!!!
(I was playing devils advocate)
gawd I hate the Red Regime. May they rot in their own hell SOON!!!!!!!!!!
Well, the choice between heating and food is easy, because the solution is obvious! Everybody knows that when you eat it raises your body temperature. Voila! Two poor people, one stone.
Stone soup?
they should know better and just move down to NOLA and work for free on reconstruction… hey, at least they wouldn’t have to worry about the cold… just all the poisons… but you gotta suck it up sometimes.
Why why why would a person advocate increasing food stamps (that just encourages poor people to eat) after all, remember that story about the Grasshopper and the Ant? “Those people” (Welfare Queens?) are just grasshoppers eating up our (read: corporate insider’s) tax dollars! If these people (Welfare Queens) TRULY needed help they could go to the local Mega Church, be saved, and get a hot meal! Twofer One!And why shouldn’t southern states get more oil during the winter–why That’s Where The Oil is? Shouldn’t they get to keep what they have? </snark!>
The inhumanity of this is remarkable especially at this time of year. Didn’t the boy in the manger grow up to give speeches saying, “I was hungry and you fed me; I was thirsty and you gave me water; I was a stranger and you invited me into your home; sick and in prison and you visited me?” (Matt.25:34)
I guess they really are having a war on Christmas and on the very spirit of it.
There have been times that I have had to go to a SVDP society in order to get food coupons. Had to go again last nite after paying for car repair–was in an accident that could have been a hell of a lot worse. Hit a patch of black ice and skidded off the road, fuel filter, and fuel line cracked. Car was leaking gas and I didn’t know it, until I pulled over and looked to see wtf happened. (Thought I just went into a skid at first.) Am ok and the car is ok now.
Glad you’re ok and car is fixed. And this is exactly the kind of thing that can push someone from being one step ahead of hunger(or as the Ag. Dept now stupidly calls ‘food challenged families’)or not being able to pay heating or electric bill…one little thing can push you into having to go to food bank or apply for food stamps or even becoming homeless…and there seems no way out of this cycle…no real safety net for people to be able to get out of this situation and become self sufficient.
Thanks! And dealing w/social services is a joke–I am still having a battle w/them re: joke rehab. And the private organizations are severely limiting the types of assistance that they offer. Like you said, it’s just one little thing…there are times I would really like to see the idiots who vote for restricting/elimintating social services live on what I have to. They wouldn’t last!!!
Where I really saw Christmas in it’s true form was about three weeks ago when a small community scheduled two benefit dinners for an elderly couple who’d lost their home in a wildland fire. People in town and on the reservation pulled together to put on benefits for this couple. No millionaires here, no one who spent $10 million on a bas mitzvah, no one who’s worried about capital gains deductions; and no one failed to bring something for the couple and no one left hungry. The school provided the copier and paper for the publicity, two churches made sure the publicity got all over town, and the community board donated the use of the hall. “Dear Mr. Bush: This is America. Not your inside the corner office clique of corporate cronies, not your trickle down and pee all over economic theory; no sir. This is America.”
It’s American when someone who’s stuck with expense car repairs can get a hand. It’s not American when the corporate insiders of the auto industry get a hand out.
That would tie in with statistics I’ve read that said that the largest bulk of charitable giving is done by regular Americans(even marginalized Americans)as compared to the percentage of what the wealthy and large corporations donate.
Similar in Maine. Church suppers and donations jars beside store cash registers in aid of local people who have had difficulties, sometimes burned homes, sometimes for medical bills.
Also, all fall I’ve seen donation jars in stores with signs saying they’re collecting for victims of Katrina and Rita, or signs promoting benefit suppers. The folks who put a dollar or five in those jars tend to be salt-of-the-earth, conservative-small-c, and–as my car mechanic describes himself–“disappointed Republican.” I suspect a number of them will think hard about how they’re voting next time.
In an area like this where neighbors take care of each other, there are also a number of locally-run support systems, such as food pantries. There’s a lot of stuff off and under the official radar, which does not excuse the inexcusable Bush administration.
I think you’re right on target here. In fact, IMO, it makes the Bush Administration all the more inexcusable. Here’s a country from California to Maine, in which ordinary Americans make extraordinary efforts to help each other. Ordinary people who know that the difference between making it and not making it through a rough patch can be just hand up here and a dollar there, but these people do not make up Bush’s America. In Bushlandia rich parents bail out kids who mess up (Harken & Arbusto?). In Bushlandia they ‘know’ that the poor just don’t work hard enough, or aren’t ‘equipped’ to get the best education for their children; and, they just don’t know how to ‘network.’ In Bushlandia God Forbid that these ordinary Americans call for single payer Health Care, or for the recognition of unions, or for a living wage bill. “They” just want a “welfare-nanny-state.”
The real America wants what Jimmy Carter wants: A nation that’s as good as its people.
I can relate to this. I have cut way back on groceries because I need heat to stay alive- severe Raynaud’s with scleroderma- I am on disability and my husband works for Home depot so there’s nothing extra moneywise.
For awhile a few doctors thought this may have been my medical problem until that was apparently forgotten about after some nerve conduction testing. Hope you will be able to do ok this winter.
It’s interesting that we all react to this with sarcasm. I think it’s because it is too awful to really consider the actual thinking that puts a higher value on tax cuts for the wealthy and pork-barrel highway projects than on keeping people adequately fed and sheltered.
Two words:
Heartless Bastards!
Bush is tired of preznidentin, he doesn’t give a fuck. “Why, I’ll just keep thumbing my nose where it don’t belong til those dumbfucker libruls make me go home. It’s not my fault they haven’t made go yet.”
that you can contribute to that provide some degree of assistance to needy families in the company’s service area.
However, as with most such programs, they do not, nor are they intended to address actual need.
Another thing you can do, if you know of someone who could use some help, see if the utility company will just let you donate directly to that person’s account, anonymously.
Or you can reverse rob them, if you have stealth skills and a sense of adventure. It is quite fun. 😉
Some also charge a fee to participate in them!
rule, the more direct approach. Writing a check to a giant org may offer a psychological benefit to the donor, but it cannot compare with the satisfaction of knowing that your donation, whether in kind or monetary, went directly to the recipient, with no forms, fees, or administrative costs.
Verizon apparently has a program whereby low-income people can get reduced basic phone rates. Don’t know all the details, but I think you have to prove low income and/or food stamps and/or something like Medicaid. The person who told me about this said it reduces the base rate from roughly $25/month to about $12-15. Worth checking out.
which usually stands for Some Bastard Company around these parts has a similar program — even though we waaaay don’t qualify, we got the annual notification (they send it to all customers which is actually a good idea, as you never know when someone’s situation has drastically changed over the year). I think it may have been some sort of requirement in exchange for deregulation, but it’s nice to have it anyway…
I’m on that and it’s less than that…if you qualify it’s less than 10 dollars a month.
Ratbastards of course doesn’t begin to describe these uncompassionate pricks.
Also if you happen to know of anyone who will be forced to cut down on their heating..this is a very real hazard that many people aren’t aware of…do not make use a small barbque inside your house to help heat it….speaking from experience when I was a kid my Dad tried this and we all ended up very very sick with carbon monoxide poisoning….just lucky that we woke up at all really.
SIDs – or slumber deaths from so many blankets to keep the newborns warm…
I remember our doctor telling us to not worry about blankies or such but to just turn the heat up in the room a bit more. Less chance of suffocation that way.
Bush the mass murderer. His MO is so diverse. War, Famine, Hunger, Drowning and freezing his victims. May he and his all rot.
There’s article on buzzflash that goes along with this diary…it’s about elderly people who are selling half of their pain meds to pay for either heating or food. One lady in her late 80’s who has an oxygen tank for breathing and sometimes has to use a wheelchair was arrested in her home and dragged to jail for doing this. According to authorities(this happens to be in Kentucky I believe)they are seeing more/more old people on SS arrested for being ‘drug dealers’ in this fashion.
You have to halfway wonder if she’ll be better off in jail — at least she’ll get regular meals and a warm place to sleep. It would be funny if it didn’t make me want to cry.
The thing I had heard about from my m-i-l who is in a retirement community is people cutting their dosages so they can make the medication last longer. Of course, this makes their health problems worse.
Just remember how much the cabal is spending DAILY on the occupation. I am so ashamed of this country and those that voted for these idiots. If they just had to live in these poor people’s shoes for a week.
It is funny, I have a box in the office for donations to the food bank. There are 70 people that live here and the box is nowhere near full yet. It has been here well over a week and they all received a flyer. I mean how much is a can of corn or fruit cocktail or a box of mac and cheese for cripes sake. It amazes me folks, this is a fairly high income rent district.
We’ve had a grocery bag for Second Harvest sitting in the trunk for a couple of weeks — it came with the morning newspaper. We’ll do our food bank shopping this weekend…
Another thing–w/the changes re: Medicare D, and Medicaid no longer paying for rx’s, the choice will be between heat, food and rx’s!
The TV version of the story below included the interesting fact that in no county in the US is it possible to afford housing earning the minimum wage.
Susan, thanks for frontpaging this post. It was put together rather quickly and is a little rough. I nearly fell over when I saw it.
Noticed that MI wasn’t listed.
Newsflash to Jenny Graholm: It gets colder in the winter and there are several inches of snow on the ground!
Oh, silly me, that DINO is more concerned w/being re-elected!