On susanhu’s front paged diary, “I Spy” on Other Blogs, she mentions the WAPO bullshit Froomkin/Woodward brouhaha and the latest “Round up all of the suspects with a name like Novak” thing from Time mag. She speaks of them as if they were real. They are not. They are merely more of the continuing soap opera that is presented to us under the well established disinfo tactic “Let them eat news” or “Give them news and circuses” while the REAL shit takes place behind closed doors somewhere else.
Somewhere very far else.
Bet on it.
Another sleight of mind trick by that master stage magician, Mr. Media.
And then philinmaine replied…quite correctly…
We need a good left hook. We need Howard Dean.
My extended answer below.
If we were to GET Howard Dean…what would we do with him?
Why, we would sit back and complain as the media savaged him once again.
I am SO TIRED of this endless whining about the media in left blogworld.
When are we going to get the message?
Mark Twain once said “Everybody complains about the weather but no one does anything about it.”
Well…DO something about it.
The media is totally crooked. It is the bagman who makes sure the fix is in.
Clever, clever little bagman, it makes sure that the fix does not appear to be TOO in by placing a bet or two on the opposition, but when push comes to shove…it’s always the bad guys who get the best press.
Do you have issues with the Wahingtoon Post? The NY Slimes? Jmmy Breslin’s line comes to mind. “The pekinese of the press.” We spend endless hours sniffing the various lampposts and fire hydrants upon which these running dogs of imperialism leave their tepid piss, hours and hours more complaining about how bad it smells, and yet we do nothing at all about it except get up the next morning and run outside to sniff the same piss on the same lampposts and fire hydrants once again.
Wake the fuck UP, people.
You want to make a difference?
Boycott them.
Pay them no mind at all. OR any money.
Boycott their advertisers.
There was a meme in the black community…just before Bush Senior and his allies totally decimated most of said community by inundating it with crack cocaine.
“Do for self.”
THAT was when these criminals really decided that enough was enough, that these uppity negroes had to be put back in their place. When that community really started to “do for self”.
Well…fast forward to 2005.
We are ALL their niggers now. Bet on it. And all of the posturing in the world doesn’t mean SHIT to them as long as we stay in our rightful place. Working for the man every night and day and rolling, rolling, rolling in the river of shit and disinformation that conveniently pours out of every information orfice in the country 24/7, 365/52.
Step AWAY FROM THE TV with your minds in the air. Put down that newspipe newspaper you are smoking and crack the habit wide open !!!
NEWSTRIKE!!!, goddamnit.
They are not GOING to reform. Not unless they are forced to do so by financial pressure. Their ombudsmern need ombudsmen.
THAT would get their attention.
It is the only thing that will get their attention.
That and/or a massive dropout from the whole financial boondoggle that they are running.
And yes, I am talking revolution here.
It’s an Information Age? That’s what we are told by all the DIS-information outlets.
24/7, 365/52.
OK…let’s have an Information Insurrection.
I DARE ya.
People used to burn draft cards. Remember?
WE should be burning our credit cards instead of using them to continue automatically reupping our subscriptions to Newsweak and HottestThingEver Inc. magazines.
We should be making our automobiles run 200,000+ miles instead of leasing new ones every 2 or 3 years.
Buying inexpensive houses in working class neighborhoods and paying off the mortgages instead of moving up up up in the world every decade or so.
Starve the motherfuckers out.
Lay seige to their fortress of money and their disinfo soldiers.
Do for self.
And watch ’em scurry THEN.
But NOOOoooooo…
I will GUARANTEE that two or three days from now, with the exception of a few sane voices raised in opposition you will be able to log onto almost any so-called “liberal” blog and read the same complaints about the same newspapers and networks that I have been reading since I started paying serious attention to this form of communication in a political sense about one year ago.
There has not been an INCH of real movement in this situation.
Nor of course has there been any movement towards truth in the media either.
“All the news that we are told to print” should be the motto of the Dull Grey Lady.
And the saying “It’s not over until the fat lady sings” OUGHT to be “It is over if you listen to the fat lady sing.”
Her siren song.
Stuff beeswax in your ears, me hearties, and follow Cap’n Odysseus out of this trap.
Or…be turned into swine.
Your choice.
NEWSTRIKE!!!, goddamnit.
P.S. The great saxophonist John Coltrane was famous for his extended solos. As a relatively young man, he once complained to Miles Davis (Who was equally famous for his terse, elusive style) about how he couldn’t seem to bring himself to stop playing once he got started.
Miles’ immortal answer?
“Take the motherfucking horn outta your mouth.”
Well…take the motherfucking disinfo horn outta your ear.
And outta your ass, too.
You be bettah off.
With your minds in the air.
And give me some mojo.
You be bettah off.
WE would be bettah off if we just could get this one message out.
But first…we gotta “Do for self.”
Step AWAY from the TV.
With your minds in the air.
I HATE to pimp my own diaries but when something good seems to be coming from one, I will do so.
The more the merrier.
Concerning the rec list…can someone who is more knowledgeable about this scene please tell me something?
I am in the habit of waking up around 4:30AM EST and writing. That means that my diaries often go online around 5:30 to 6 AM EST. I know that there is some secret formula regarding how long a diary has been up and how many recs it has gotten that governs its initial appearance and subsequent shelf life on the rec list. Would I be better off to wait and post my diaries later in the day when more people are awake and have some free time? Say around dinnertime in the midwest? Straddle the evening hours where most of us (in the U.S.) have enough free time to actually catch a breath and think?
don’t know if anyone else caught it, but FOIA requests will have to face yet another bureaucratic hurdle
Frustrated Arthur? Yeah? Good.I don’t pay attention to the media. I don’t pay for bullshit. There’s enough free bullshit out there if I want to waste my time on it.
Credit cards? Fuck that. They’re like getting foul hooked on some crazy fishing expedition. I don’t want to be laying in the bottom of some corporations boat, flopping around blowing my last financial spit bubbles.
You made another good point. As part of the food chain that supports the top, the blogs have all come to be a part of what the MSM turns to for information.
The blogs have evolved to become revenue producers, which I don’t have any problem with but it becomes a force.
The collective insight and creativity of so many volunteer writers and researchers are indirectly feeding the MSM machine. Even those who receive no recognition for their hours of hard work in researching obscure details that are rarely, if ever investigated by the MSM until brought to their attention are an integral part of the process.
Boycott the MSM disinfo machine by first boycotting all of the blogs. Make the pressure build upward through advertisers and new candidates who are coming to depend on the blogosphere as a means of information and income.
9/11 changed everything, didn’t it? We are shooting the mentally ill on a flight for having a panic attack. Fred Barnes says the mentally ill maybe shood fly in straight jackets, or at least this guy should have. The P/A shouldn’t be extended but it will and be worse. Our society is accepting torture and discussing its benefits. The Pentagon is compiling portfolios on all of us for our simple dissent. One day, that too will not be enough. Chertoff or any future DHS head can waive federal regulation/law-appropriate private property-abuse environmental areas and direct profits to his discretion.
None of this current Islamic terrorist global war makes sense to anyone who seriously considers the contradictions in the evidence.
9/11 changed everything but take an honest look at who reaped the benefits. It’s working beyond their wildest expectations. Now, even we who do this for nothing, wanting only to make a change for the better are indirectly creating more profits for the ones at the top.
Boycott the MSM disinfo machine by first boycotting all of the blogs. Make the pressure build upward through advertisers and new candidates who are coming to depend on the blogosphere as a means of information and income.
I’ll go first and lead the way. I can feel secure knowing the government will know where I am, where I’ve been and where I plan to go next.
Do NOT leave the blogs.
This is our last stand, rumi.
Fight, fight against the dying of the light.
Do not go easy into that good night.
When a blog goes sour…fight.
If it finally turns to the dark side.,…find another.
Start your own.
Unless they close us down completely, this guerrilla info war is winnable, and so far they have NOT closed us down because the free internet is too valuable a revenue producer for this country.
From behind the trees and hedgerows.
Just like our brave Revolutionary War forbears.
A virtual version thereof.
If it gets physical…well, we’ll just have to burn that brige if it comes to us. But for now…
Fight THIS way.
They can’t get all of us.
I just don’t see much progress that we’re making.
I don’t see enough people listening. Are we making a difference anywhere?
The blogs are doing great. I don’t have any problem at all with them. It’s just that the news keeps getting worse instead of better. Something isn’t working.
Niether do I but……
Like my Mama always told me,
Maybe our best measure of progress is that we are still able to do something,…anything, rather than nothing.
Never surrender.
Last week I made a comment that we were making a mistake by protesting in front of the WH. We should be protesting at every news media outlet headquarters. Without the media to spin their lies the cabal would have a much harder time getting their way. I am with you on this one Arthur. The San Diego Union-Tribune is very right leaning so I don’t by the paper. Period!
Is there a major newspaper or network that is NOT “very right leaning”?
Not from where I stand there isn’t.
Flush the whole lot of ’em down the info toilet and let’s start again.
I’m with you Arthur.
Even PBS’s Newshour is right/wrong.
Nothing out there at all.
What do you,mean, “even”?
Check ouit who underwrites PBS.
Corporate America.
“Liberal” wing.
The left wing of the right wing.
Bet on it.
About a year ago I cancelled my subscription to our local paper – the St. Paul Pioneer Press. Its a Knight Ridder paper and is the biggest pile of crap to come along in a long time. They serve up complete pablum for the masses. But I do check in regularly on-line because its the only place I can get information about what our local officials are up to. Of course, lately it seems that all they are interested in is smoking bans in restaurants. What a joke!!
Hey AG,
Most excellent rant, with big ‘ol chunks of snark embedded in it like a chocolate chip cookie!
I especially liked the Miles and ‘Trane bit at the end, LOL. You really should come by on Friday Nights and give us some of those stories.
Back on topic – I think many folk around here approach the MSM the way the Russian people approached Pravda – not taking it as truth, but just checking in on it to see what the powers that be are feeding to the sheeple today. You need to keep tabs on what the opposition is up to so you can oppose it effectively.
Of course, having said that, it’d sure be nice to see a bit more opposition. Oh yeah – I forgot – that left wing of the right wing thing. Time to storm the Bastille of the party, or start another?
Hell, it’s been time since 1980.
I think most of us here are smart enough to spit out the Kool-Aid when passed to us in a wineglass. And view the MSM as an ancillary source of information on a par with the National Enquirer and People Magazine – mainly useful to check the pulse on what we’re being told is the zeitgeist of the week. As opposed to what it is, which you can pick up by visiting greasy spoon diners, bus terminals, or truck stops and just eavesdropping.
NPR has a story this morning that 200 French parliamentarians signed a statement against rap music for inflaming the residents of the suburbs to riot. And it hit me that they got it 180 degrees ass-backwards: The musicians are the voice of the people crying to be heard. A smart ruler would listen (or have somebody listen) to all forms of popular music just to know what his countrymen are thinking. What their wants and needs are, their pains and joys.
But that presupposes a ruler that gives a rat’s ass for his countrymen and country.
Like Pravda.
Me too.
But then…why all of the serious discussions about the media, if that is the case. Serious Russians didn’t try to “reform” Pravda, did they? They KNEW it was a lost cause. It was right out FRONT there.
We, on the other hand, have taken it WAY past the primitive Russian model. Into another dimension. WE have about 40 competing “Pravdas”. 40 competing “Truths”, ALL of which are lies.
Confuses the SHIT out of people.
Y’see…the fiction still continues here that we have a “free press”.
‘Tain’t so.
It’s only as free as it can afford to be, and being a big-money operation, that’s not very free at all.
So it goes.
Turn the lies OFF!!!
It’s the only way.
Sure…you want to glide by Google News or some other compendium of lies and see which way the big news fan in DC is blowing the newswind, in which direction the various media windmills are using the spun hot air to grind the realty of things into predigested pablum?
Feel free.
Even believe in its essential sincerity?
It is ALL spin.
P.S. I don’t much like the word “rant” when applied to what I am writing.
I know that you are meaning to usr it in an offensive manner here, but there is simply too much baggage on that word.
Madmen “rant”.
Rants are…ineffective. Merely a method of letting off steam so that the ranter can climb back onto the ratrace ladder with a little calmer (mis)demeanor.
I am more into felony offens,, myself.
Sure, I have an entertaining way with words sometimes. Maybe if I was a little more sobersided people would take what I am saying more seriously.
Like….ohhh, like Robert Novak or William Raspberry or any a’ them OTHER boring motherfuckers that millions read to watch them shake their meaty jowls over contentless dishes of spun shit.
In the immortal words of Lennie Bruce regarding that greatcCivil rights President Lyndon B. Johnson (paraphrased)…
“Ah CAIN’T DO IT!!!”
“Thet’s as good as it’s gonna git. Take it or leave it.”
Well…I can’t be dull.
Drives me batshit to try.
Ah cain’t say it an’ ah AIN’T GONNA DO IT!!!
But I am NOT “ranting” here.
I am suggesting a perfectly logical and doable alternative to what we are doing now.
The left is a PRIME demographic.
Take our money AWAY from these motherfuckers and watch them fall liker the house of cards they really are.
Try it.
You’ll like the results.
And you will be more sane as well.
Bet on it.
2 MSM sources and one blog that quotes the blogger from “Baghdad Burning”. How in the hell do you make sense of any of it?
The Sunni are a minority so they wanted to disrupt the first election by boycotting? After having been reduced in number and influence, now is the time for our voice to be heard bu voting…..a time to fight and a time for politics?
Zarqawi, the one legged illiterate computer genius with special skills in videography, and …..what else,…..oh yeah,…probably dead but releasing colorful dissertations… attempts to thwart the earlier election by targeting… the minority party? The Sunni were the low turnout. They were the ones afraid to go vote.
Liwa II al Theeb visiting the houses or responsible for attacks that happen to those who oppose the occupation?
It’s all a big fairyfuckingtale that they shape-shift to fit their current propaganda needs.
BlackwaterTheeb? SAICTheeb? DyncorpTheeb? BechtelTheeb? SASTheeb? CIATheeb?
I want Iraq to work. How do you dis-assemble those crocks of of shit without actually doing more damage? My own eyes glaze over when I reach a point of comprehension saturation. How do we possibly get through to people who don’t even want to know the truth?
You write:
“I want Iraq to work. How do you dis-assemble those crocks of of shit without actually doing more damage? My own eyes glaze over when I reach a point of comprehension saturation. How do we possibly get through to people who don’t even want to know the truth? “
Iraq is not GOING to “work”.
It didn’t work when Saddam ran the joint, and it hasn’t REALLY “worked” since the British cobbled it together out of several widely different cultural and racial groups early on during the Century of Oil.
The ongoing accident is already past the point of no return. All that we can really do now is step aside so that we do not get hurt ourselves when the real crash comes and then in a real humanitarian spirit offer to help those who survive in any way we can. A sort of Marshall Plan without the underlying self interest.
And that ain’t gonna happen either.
Even if some miracle happened and it DID, Muslims will not trust the United States for decades or even centuries after this debacle.
So there IS nothing that we can do.
1-Admit our gross error. Our guilt.
2-Offer to pay no-strings reparations to whatever arises and whomever survives the civil war.
3-Start a HUGE national effort to switch from (or at least minimize our reliance upon) foreign energy, raw material and manufacturing sources of ANY kind. Especially from areas where the governments and people are solidly.,,..and usually quite justifiably…hostile to us.
4-Establish a clear rule that should anyone attack us anywhere in the world, especially at home, we will nuke their asses in a NY minute. No more Mr. Imperialist Guy, but no more Mr. Nice Guy either.
Fuck with the bull, you get the horns.
Maybe with a little live televised demonstration. Say remote island about the size of Teheran somewhere, make sure it is uninhabited and then completely obliterate a with one of our thousands upon thousands if atomic missiles.
Show and tell, as it were.
“You are next. Leave us the fuck alone.” And if the pressure gets too heavy on Israel…what the hell. Offer to move the entire population to the U.S. Anywhere they want to go. Think about it. Mavbe 5 million of a group of people who have quite clearly proven themselves to be among the most industrious people on the planet added to our workforce.
The move would pay for itself in about 5 years.
And then get down to the business of using OUR resources…the greatest of which is our own amazingly diverse and talented population…to take care of some real business instead of watching unreal “reality TV” and wolfing down McPoisonBurgers and Coke.
But…that’s not going to happen, either.
So what DO we do?
We try to apply OUR vector on the already many-vectored ship of state so that it sails in another direction, even if we do not believe that it is the ideal direction.
That’s what I’m about, anyway.
Let freedom ring…but not there, or here, it seems.
(Posted above as well to get both the newbies to this thread and those that are just checking back to see what is up.)
I HATE to pimp my own diaries but when something good seems to be coming from one, I will do so.
The more the merrier.
Concerning the rec list…can someone who is more knowledgeable about this scene please tell me something?
I am in the habit of waking up around 4:30AM EST and writing. That means that my diaries often go online around 5:30 to 6 AM EST. I know that there is some secret formula regarding how long a diary has been up and how many recs it has gotten that governs its initial appearance and subsequent shelf life on the rec list. Would I be better off to wait and post my diaries later in the day when more people are awake and have some free time? Say around dinnertime in the midwest? Straddle the evening hours where most of us (in the U.S.) have enough free time to actually catch a breath and think?
It was way back in the early years of the Reagan regime that I became aware of the precipitous slide of the media away from having once been somewhat responsible to the truth in spite of economic incentives designed to undermine this truth-centric integrity; turning instead to bottom-line profits as the virtually sole motivator for how they “reported” the news.
The enormously clever shitbird Michael Deaver set the template for this by first pre-packaging the entire White House presentation to the media every day, complete with talking points, video, and suggestive analysis. Once the news organizations realized they could make the same money and not realy have to do anything for it except to receive the WH propaganda packet, then the whole idea of what news was began to change. Deaver also pioneered and stepped up the use of the extremely effective tactic of punishing news orgs critical of the Reagan regime by rescinding their access to govt. insiders.
Like Pavlov’s dogs, slowly but surely the MSM outfits capitulated, becoming so conditioned by this “reward and punishment” rubric that they never managed to find their way back to the path of truth and integrity.
One other terrible affliction began to really manifest within MSM back then to; the concept of “news” as content within an “entertainment venue”.
My primary reason for perusing the MSM is first and foremost to get a sense of which direction the criminals running the country are trying to take us. There are only a very few publications I read that I actually expect to find relevant, accurate and meaningfully perceptive information in, (Harper’s, The Nation, among others). All the rest I peruse with the idea that I must determine from what’s said, (and more importantly sometimes from what’s conspicuously not said), where the truth of things might be. In virtually no instances do I take what I read as truth on it’s face. Even when I want to believe something is true, I will not accept it as true until much review and cross-substantiation.
So I use the MSM mainly for getting a handle on what the “bad guys”, (the wingnuts, evangelical fascists, and our government) are up to. When I remember to I check out Fox News when Kristol is on that stupid panel of theirs because I’ve found that Kristol, more than any other gasbag pundit, telegraphs what the Bush regime’s positions and behavior is going to be, (i.e. no real troop withdrawls next year, a stepping up of provocative actions designed to make more enemies in the Midle East, and, at some point soon a shift from supporting Sharon in Israel to supporting the lunatic psychopath Netanyahu, as some examples).
Years ago I remember reading a sci-fi novel by Frank Herbert, (I think it might have been titled “The Santaroga Barrier”), in which a small town was insulated from the media influence. In this town people lived and worked in an old fashioned, quality oriented sort of way and there was no crime and people were wise in that way that practical and self-confident people are wise and considerate. Yet, on the perimeter of this town there was a facility where a special group of people “monitored the media streams” just in case they needed to prepare to defend their little town from being assaulted by the bullshit in some new way.
This is how I feel about why there’s some utility in being cognizant of what’s going on in the media and as a result perhaps being better prepared to defend against the forces it enables. Certainly, there are hundreds of participants in the media game whose opinions and expressions are, to me, completely irrelevant and I basically ignore them. Coulter, Horowitz, O’Reilly, Hume, Hannity, Limbaugh, Cliff May, Krauthammer, Frank Gaffney, General Wayne Downing, Mehlman, Gillespie, Barbara Comstock,and all the religious nut spokespeople. These people have nothing to say worth listening to on any level, not even as barometers of wingnut plans. They’re just completely irrelevant. The talking head show hosts, however, are completely full of themselves, (hence full of shit), but as far as their role in performng in tune with whatever agenda they’ve been encouraged to promote, paying attention to their shows can provide a measure of early warning on what the Bush gang is going to try to pull off next. (I actually don’t pay close attention to details in these shows anymore. I look for the trends, the overarching themes being spouted, and from them I determine what I think our adversaries are up to.
Rumi, if you’re reading this try not to get too discouraged. Part of the wingnut propaganda strategy is to completely overwhelm the opposition with a relentless, unceasing barrage of bullshit with the objective being to so demoralize us that we give up speaking out against them. I believe we must resist the urge to allow them this tactical victory, even when we ourselves see little sign our own exhortations are havng any positive effect. There are a lot of unavoidable, really hard and brutal lessons awaiting our society and civilization as a whole in the not too distant future, and I sense that, despite the incredible levels of denial that exist in our society, unconsciously people are sensing big trouble ahead and they are scared, even if they refuse to admit it. And with this in mind, progress is not going to be so easily and smoothly perceived because the upheaval, the degree to which we have to disabuse ourselves of our non-operative beliefs is so great.
You write:
“It was way back in the early years of the Reagan regime that I became aware of the precipitous slide of the media away from having once been somewhat responsible to the truth.”
It happened before that, sbj.
It happened the moment they accepted the bullshit coming out of Dallas after JFK was shot.
They gave up on the pretext that it would be bad for the country if they did NOT give up. Plus the trail of bodies that soon thereafter appeared among the ranks of the serious questioners.
Plus how they ruined Jim Garrison.
Plus…plus LOTS of things.
Like…it was easier and more profitable NOT to probe too deeply.
By the time Watergate arrived the media were thoroughly well trained in the ways of post-Operation Mockingbird mainstream American media.
As they shuffled off to Buffalo and other layers of journalistic hell in their shameless black and whiteface.
Why…they is jes’ another minstrel show now, baby, wid de man calling the tune.
BET on it.
You are right of course. I was remarking that there was a serious acceleration and intensification of this complicity during Reagan’s first term.
It was during Reagan’s rule that this whole dynamic became fully institutionalized across the entire spectrum of the “news business”.
The CIA’s “Operation Mockingbird” had been in place since the ’50s, insuring paid off media complicity in propaganda by chosen writers on the CIA payroll, but it was the diabolical scheming of first Deaver and then the odious Lee Atwater that ushered in the permanently altered shape of the news business as it related to politics.
These names just crack me the hell up.
Mockingbird…naw, they’ll never catch on…ha!
Thanks for the good words elsewhere here. No chronic despair would ever be productive. I just get frustrated at the lack of concern in general by many different parties.
Yes! The CIA seems to be a lot better at stealth than they are at subtlety, and “Mockingbird” certainly is not subtle.
I get discouraged and disgusted frequently, but I learned a while back that, for myself at least, whether there’s a discernible reward for doing or saying what you think is right is irrelevant; that doing what you think is the right thing is, in the end, it’s own reward.
Shine a light wherever possible and those who want or need it will find it.
I swear it feels like a drain of energy and a heavy weight replaces a part of my thoughts when the research necessary goes into the accounts of inhumanity for too long.
Let it out, let it go and move onward.
Remember…the mockingbird is one of the most successful…AND intelligent… species of bird ever to appear.
A male mockingbird learns to sing any damned song it hears, and the more variation it achieves, the more it gets to reproduce.
PLUS…it’s the state bird of Texas. No kidding. Cain’t hardly MAKE this shit up!!!
No dummies, mockingbirds.
Neither are these criminal politicians, on the evidence of their Teflon Don-like success.
And THEY learn to sing whatever song will get them over, too.
It began before JFK. Yellow Journalism, ala Hearst & Pulitzer enabling the Spanish-American war.
NY Times science reporter William L. Lawrence on the War Dept’s payroll publishing propaganda in the 40’s about radiation & the bomb.
I’m no historian, but would be shocked if there aren’t many many more examples that go back even further.
The problem’s structural; the struggle on-going.
The poet Robert Duncan nailed it in the 60’s, conjuring the image of the hydra, a multi-headed, self-regenerating beast.
His clowns come forward to entertain us.
Check it out here.
Thankfully Coltrane ignored that advice & went on to record long stunning pieces like “Peace.”
There were a significant number of years when I didn’t own a tv, and got most of my news from KPFA radio & subs to mags like The Progressive & In These Times. Was I better off? Not really.
I don’t see any gain in walking away from the game. I understand the impulse, appreciate the rant. There’s much more to be gained, though, from critical reading & writing. (Why my friend who have the fortitude to teach HS English are among my greatest “heroes.)It’s crucial to expose the media — & how else do it except through some form of media?
but it’s missing the “what’s next.”
I was mistaken in some earlier comments.
We are making progress. This happened last June but it reminded me of the struggles of principle presented by the current administration.
Maybe the event is more symbolic than we realize.