I do not consent to a search of my person, belongings, home, or vehicle. I retain my 4th Amendment Rights, and all other Rights under the US and State Constitutions.
Signature ______________________________
Date, time of notice (optional) _______________________
(back, snip here)
The 4th Amendment
The right of the people to be secure in their person, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and siezures shall not be violated, and no warrant shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the person or things to be siezed.
Recycling is cool.
From: Ben Masel <bmasel@igc.apc.org>
Newsgroups: talk.politics.drugs
Date: 09 Jun 93 16:58 PDT
Subject: 4th Amendment Card
Message-ID: <1484000239@igc.apc.org>During the 6 mos last summer and fall during which i could not get my tailight to stay fixed i was pulled over a total of 14 times, asked for permission to search 11. I refused each time, producing one of these cards along with my license. I always had a large supply and explained to the officer that after producing and distributing thousands of them I could not set a bad example “for the kids” by consenting myself. Result… not one search.
It also helps to present an ACLU membership card, heplking to cast you as someone refusing not because of something to hide, but because of a fanatic dedication to the Constitution.
I’ve since put the text on Tshirts, see photo, caption
Also works as an 8 1/2×11 on the front door.
Good idea and cool pix also.
Thanks for the reminder! I like the idea of the cards…they would be handy and look more above the boards.
I once didn’t have a current registration sticker because I lost it. I was pulled over three times in one month for the silliest reasons. I was never asked to submit to a search, though. Ugh.