Progress Pond

The plot to bring down the Brooklyn Bridge

Oh my God. Oh my God.  This guy was going to bring down the Brooklyn Bridge!  And our president stopped him, with his decision to let the NSA wiretap domestic foreign communication.  Thank goodness.  I go that way, every day I go to work.  (Actually I go on the subway over the nearby Manhattan Bridge, but still, the Brooklyn Bridge going down is sure to make a real splash!)

From the NY Times article yesterday: “Several officials said the eavesdropping program had helped uncover a plot by Iyman Faris, an Ohio trucker and naturalized citizen who pleaded guilty in 2003 to supporting Al Qaeda by planning to bring down the Brooklyn Bridge with blowtorches.”  Source here

Get a grip, people.  This guy was going to come from Ohio, in a truck, and bring down the Brooklyn Bridge with a BLOWTORCH!  Don’t you think that might have taken awhile?  It is a pretty big bridge, after all.  Don’t you think someone, say, one of the many workers who are always working on the bridge, might have noticed?  No!  Undoubtedly this guy would have succeeded in his nefarious scheme.  (I will let the writers here comment on the probability of this plot.)

Thank God for our president. <snark>

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