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Real Reason for War in Iraq
by sww92498 [Subscribe] [Edit Diary]
Sun Dec 18, 2005 at 02:32:56 PM PDT

Here’s an interesting piece from AlterNet that demonstrates the real reason why we are at war in Iraq.

The article is about a CEO whose bonus bloated compensation package has increased over 13,000% since 9/11 and the start of hostilities in Iraq.  God Bless America.

Of course, the most obvious war profiteer in America is VP Dick Cheney who makes millions in blood money from Halliburton’s overcharging the US taxpayers for services delivered either not very well or not at all.

Brooks rivals Cheney for war profiteer sleazeball of the year.  


sww92498’s diary :: ::
The Bush government has passed the point where it can be defined as turning the US into a fascist country.  Bush’s adminstration and its policies are the quintessential definition of fascism, complete with its accompanying distorted lunatic right wing Christianity to serve as its ideology.

The staged “spontaneous” riots at ballot counting locations in Florida by staffers of House Republicans, the faudelent use of electronic voting machines in Ohio and possibly other states to steal a second election in 2004, tax cuts for the uber rich,  a prescription drug plan that only benefits the drug companies, privatizing social security to provide a huge bail out of Wall Street, the obscene war profiteering, Bush’s personal corruption and illegal authorizing of electronic eavesdropping of US citizens by the NSA, the drive to “militarize” government so that Bush can cover his illegalities with the Comander in Chief title, the thuggery of their campaigns against Democrats and even Republicans who don’t march in lock step with the Party line, the Noise Machine of talking heads and Fox News all of which are basically Party propaganda organs, the equating of nation with party and with der Dubya, all of these are the markers of fascism a la Bush, Dobson, Rove, Cheney, Falwell, etc.

It seems to me that any defense against Bushism must address both the transfer of public money to private corporations and the distortion of Christianity that serves as the go-juice to get millions of Americans to idiotically vote against their own self-interest.

Unless we can somehow educate the American electorate, that electorate will keep sending fascists to power because they think it will keep their marriage safe from gays, and their neighborhoods safe from Arabs, at least until the Rapture when they’ll all get whisked away to a Heaven that looks suspiciously like Mayberry.

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