Which would you condemn, a president that feels a need to manipulate his phallus while in the Oval Office or one that cannot control his conscience? Would you rather rescind the privileges of a President that knows right from wrong, and; therefore tries to hide his folly, or do you believe impeachment is a process meant for leaders that think they are above the law?

We had a President that questioned the definition of “is” and now, we have one that defines all terms for him self.

There was a President that felt our pain, one that responded to our hurts immediately.  Under Former President Bill Clinton the Federal Emergency Management Agency was changed; customer service was the primary focus.  Clinton and his appointee James Lee Witt managed FEMA well because they knew how to do this.  Witt was the first Director that actually had experience with emergency services.  For Clinton and Witt, the people were their clientele; they cared to serve them well.  Nevertheless, William Jefferson Clinton was considered immoral; some even thought him insensitive.  

Now, we have a President [GWB] that cannot be bothered to change his vacation plans as Twin Towers burn.  However, people think him a savior.  Many are convinced that terrorists dare not threaten America again because Good Ole Boy Bush is at the helm.  Numerous people believe that our current King is extremely powerful and absolutely proper; they think this so true, they voted him back into office.  

This President pours his heart and soul into his work.  He hires those he knows and loves to fill positions of note.  He delegates authority to family and familiars, qualified or not.  Eighty percent of his appointees have no experience in their field of supposed expertise.  Nonetheless, this leader is considered a great Chief Executive Officer.  He has a Masters degree in Business Administration, bought and paid for.  Daddy and the Bush Dynasty saw to that.  Nothing stops the Junior Bush.

This proud President enjoys his holiday as millions move out into the streets, their homes buried under water.  Yet, he is considered compassionate and moral.  He is considered a good Christian, a man that speaks to God.  Sadly, he communicates less well with “real” people.

George W. Bush does not feel the grief of a common man; nor does he understand their poverty.  He has never experienced either.  When confronted with his own shortcomings, and subversion of the law, Baby Bush justifies these as righteous.  This man is never wrong and if it is others say that he is, he will clarify.  His reasons were just.

George W. is the Commander and Chief.  He writes the commandments, numbers one through ten.  When his writings violate principle, as was recently discovered, one can only ask, will Republican compatriots violate the eleventh?

You might enjoy others views on the same.  Please indulge and read . . .

*The Gospel According to Bush, Good Christian George?. By Charles Sullivan

Betsy L. Angert Be-Think