I think I caught the wave outta here
said the surfer through his teeth
There’s too much time wasted here
And not enough comic relief
All the people
They cyber whine
While the rich ones gain more turf
Maybe if we stopped whining and got back to work
We could achieve something of true worth
All inside the Kos Tower
They all maintain the view
That everythings reversible
Even a dumbass like you
And outside in the distance
The clones fight for market share
Where some perceive a difference
Others see only more hot air
I’ll kinda miss ya,
Don’t expect me to kiss ya.
Happy Web Holiday to You.
Happy holidays to the great state of Kansas and all the great Kansans out there, whether they be red, white or blue!
Would you like to have a marching song to sing while you (temporarily) leave? I believe you’ll recognize the tune. . .:)
Farewell to my web-reading friends,
Where “Anon” may be somebody’s mooottthhher.
Farewell to my friends in the swamp–
Where the weather’s warm and daaahmmp.
Farewell to my pals in the pond!
Though I am fond,
and it’s really been great knooowwing. . .
Farewell to my friends on the web!
The time is late
And I must really
be a-goooing.
(Take bows to resounding applause. Exit stage Far Left.)
Ok one more then I really gotta go!
Goodbye cruel world
I’m off to live in blogland
Please Mr. Moulitsas dont ever offend me!
Cover that woman’s tits with a blanket–
I dont care–
Let the righties laugh at me hyster–
I’ll tell the world that I am blogging!
For freedom ‘cross the land!
Just like the founding fathers
With laptop and vanilla latte in hand!
Ignoring carpal tunnel
Like the true warrior that I am!
I’ll keep fighting the good fight
Right up until the day that I’m banned!
–to the tune of “Goodbye Cruel World”
I’ll not join in the lyrics – I’m both a bad poet and bad singer!
Have a great holiday – whichever you may celebrate!