What was only a sad set of House proposals regarding Medicaid “reform” set forth, in part, here, has now been accepted in an accord between the 2 versions. And I can’t figure out, and not for the first time, why nobody is screaming.
The accord reached by both houses largely affirms the ugly version of the proposals to change Medicaid put forth in the House bill. And yet nobody is screaming. And I’m starting to feel physically ill.
Medicaid is the health insurance provider for more than 50 million people nationwide. The changes will allow states to charge premiums, to increase co-payments and to deny coverage for services that are
currently covered under the program.
And then there’s this. For those who fail to pay their premiums, States will now be permitted to deny coverage and providers can deny services.
And yet nobody is screaming.
In addition, states can end Medicaid coverage for people who fail to pay premiums for 60 days or more. Pharmacists can refuse to fill prescriptions, and doctors and hospitals can deny services, for recipients who do not make the required co-payments.
So for those in financial difficulty and least able to provide for their own needs, legislators would prefer to make things even more difficult. Kick them when they’re down, so to speak.
Republicans hailed the final budget bill as evidence of their determination to rein in the automatic growth of benefit programs.
Representative Joe L. Barton, Republican of Texas, the architect of the Medicaid provisions, said the higher co-payments were needed to “encourage personal responsibility” among low-income people.
At a time when billions more is being authorized for the sorry spectacle that is the illegal Iraqi invasion, Republicans would cut vital social programs, programs that assist many children. Encouraging personal responsibility amongst the poor, but not amongst power-drunk legislators bent on securing every drop of oil extant for the benefit of big business? But that’s apparently not a concern because none of those damned rugrats can vote. And let’s be truthful here, their parents are, well, poor. So fuck ’em. (I’m beginning to understand why nobody is screaming.)
And how about this further screwing of the poor:
The agreement also gives states new authority to charge co-payments as a way to discourage the use of high-cost drugs…
Because we wouldn’t want goddamned poor people to have the benefit of high cost drugs. Those are only for rich people, right?
But let’s not overlook the concerns of all-important big business. (All bow down!)
Drug makers and health insurance companies escaped largely unscathed. Negotiators rejected several provisions of the Senate bill that would have cut their payments.
And yet, nobody is screaming.
Update: From CNN (Darth Cheney intervenes):
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Republican-controlled Senate passed legislation to cut federal deficits by $39.7 billion on Wednesday by the narrowest of margins, 51-50, with Vice President Dick Cheney casting the deciding vote.
The measure, the product of a year’s labors by the White House and the GOP in Congress, imposes the first restraints in nearly a decade in federal benefit programs such as Medicaid, Medicare and student loans.
So the richest amongst them casts the vote to decide the fate of the poorest. How fitting.
their budget cuts are immoral. Period.
The cost-of-living increase for members of Congress — which will put pay for the rank and file at an estimated $165,200 a year
I just got my COLA info for SSDI, and you know what I’m getting? A fucking paycut, is what I’m getting. My income this year has been $814/month after they take out Medicare premiums. For 2006 it’s a whopping $840, but since they’re backing us all into that horrific drug plan, which is going to cost me about $40/month, I’m going to have to live on about $800.
And people on SSI are getting like half of what I get, I don’t know how the hell they get by.
What, exactly, is it going to take for folks to take to the streets? I mean, I knew it was going to have to get bad, but are we really going to have to see camps before people flip out? Every day, I lean more and more toward, “Apparently, yes.”
I guess not until it starts hurting their pocket more will we get enough voices screaming at the same time.
damn, I’m sorry to hear you got cut like that. It’s wrong in so many ways.
Thanks, I’ll be all right, though. I’m lucky and I have someone to look out for me, plus a little bit of money in savings that I can raid for emergencies, at least for a while. But damn, there are a whole lot of elderly and disabled people who are going to be dumped on the streets in 2006.
The ones who live in these older houses will end up spending the month’s income on heating alone. I’ve been pissed about so much for so long that I don’t know where to start anymore.
What a lovely bookend to the recent bankruptcy legislation. Welcome to the warm and fuzzy US. Perhaps Canadian authorities will need to more closely monitor the border with the US as our citizens attempt to illegally escape there and avoid the tyranny here.
Because Democrats and Republicans are on one side and they don’t want to jeapordize the interests that support them.
Because legislators earn 150,000.00 a year and not minimum wage.
Because politicians know it’s them v us and when put to the test, collectively walk away from ‘us’.
‘We’ are coming to understand that this is the way it will always be.
Once again, an issue affecting the working poor, largely invisible. But their ranks are growing, It might take greater economic misery for people to be full awake. I would hope it would happen much sooner.
But the bottom line issue is the need for universal health care: and the need to dismantle the medical insurance companies.
When will we challenge the powers that be to relinquish their patronage of the insurance companies, and provide what is needed?
Because…the screaming has to start somewhere. And, up until your post, apparently nobody thought it necesary. Thanks for initiating this scream. Will join in with you. (Besides, too many elected officials would much rather address more pressing issues facing this country, like whether to endorse “Happy Holidays” or “Merry Christmas” as the officially-sanctioned Christmas greeting. After all, priorities are priorities. (P.S. first post on this site).
I scream everyday, but I can stop to say welcome!
Stop in the Froggy Bottom Cafe and have yourself a drink.
OK, back to your regularly scheduled scream fest, already in progress.
Welcome to the Booman Tribune!
Head on by the Froggy Bottom Cafe and say hi sometime.
Free snacks and drinks are always available (all the things you keep convenient in the back of your own fridge!) and there is always a pot of coffee on.
And have a free 4 just for making comment.
have been sidelined, drowned out, or swept away with Katrina.
But thanks for putting it out there. Sooner or later someone will hear.
Welcome to the Booman Tribune!
At least the screen name looks new?
Head on by the Froggy Bottom Cafe and say hi sometime.
Free snacks and drinks are always available (all the things you keep convenient in the back of your own fridge!) and there is always a pot of coffee on.
And have a free 4 just for saying:
Whether you are new here or not. 🙂
I’m reaching my breaking point – seriously. I don’t know what happens when I cross it – but I do know that I’m close. Might just be my emotional dysfunction, but I’m feeling like going from screams to tears these days.
But thanks so much for writing about these cuts. I have been worrying about this, not only for the reasons that you identified above, but also because in the county where I live, 25% of our child welfare work is funded by medicaid. Last I heard that program was part of the cuts. I don’t know this for sure, but it really scares me. This means a loss of most of our county’s ability to provide case management for families who have been investigated for child abuse. My skin crawls at the thought of what might happen to these children in the future if our child welfare system crubbles.
Try looking at the current spy scandal this way.
We are already part of a loose target group by speaking out against issues that are harmful to humanity. Those are the main groups that have been surveilled and in extreme cases detained and prosecuted.
The current spy leak could easily be a form of conditioning to get many people to stop speaking out or working in peaceful organizations. It could also very well be a push to see who does go over the line and pursues action that would justify the monitoring and prior claims of threat.
Hang in there and avoid taking that bait. It sure looks like the investigations behind the scenes of GOP corruption are closing in on them and they would like nothing better than easy reasons to clamp down even harder.
On your work- It’s sad that the govt is doing that and eventually it will come back around to what it should be.
Kenyon’s resources are tied up in New Orleans, and I believe Iraq right now, but even if they expand in time, demand is going to skyrocket.
It’s a terrific opportunity for those with an interest in starting or investing in the remains disposal industry.
And anything with “Compassion” in the name will get a big PR plus.
What could be more compassionate than protecting sensitive affluent people – both consumers and business owners – from disturbing sights and smells?
I have been screaming since Nixon- not that it ever did any good.
Thank you so much for posting on this. I wrote a diary about the coming cuts in Medicare/Medicaid last summer (elsewhere – I should have posted it here, but I was ill-informed). The response was resounding silence. I don’t think issues related to the poor get much traction in Democratic circles – we’ve been “middle-classed” quite successfully as a nation.
Living here in the poorest city in the nation (Detroit), my husband and I see the results of horrible health care everyday, and it is getting worse. Every time I go pick up our prescriptions during the daytime, I see people routinely getting only a part of their medication because they cannot afford all of it, and the new medicare “benefits” are causing massive confusion among everyone I’ve seen in this situation.
I think far too many of our elected representatives have no experience whatsoever with poor people, people living on disability, people who cannot afford meds, etc. These folks are by and large NOT lazy. But our reps, dems as well as repubs, find it so easy to stick it to these folks, so easy…
I want to sentence these reps to live for a year as the poorest 10th of their constituents.
Keep on screaming, boran2, I’m screaming also.
How many people need to die on the steps of the hospital? How many of our loved ones must we see commit suicide so they do not burden their already overburdened loved ones? How many people must we watch die because we could not afford to pay for medical care? Before we realize that we have gone too far.
It has gotten progressively worse since Reagan, with a minor respite from Clinton (though he was responsible for “Welfare Reform”), and I just keep wondering, how low do we have to go before people start screaming.
I know that Dodd was going to show up for the vote tonight even though he had said he would not because he was resting from knee surgery.
I give him Kudos for that. Apparently the phone calls he got after MoveOn sent out Emails on the close vote may have helped him to get up and go.
I hope it doesn’t come down to Cheney casting a tie-breaker vote. This is such an insult to the many people that need this money in the budget. All so that some rich person can get another tax break?
There’s a LOT of screaming going on.
It’s mostly being muzzled and what’s not being muzzled is ignored.
The majority ain’t silent; the wingnuts are wearing deadphones AND earplugs and have the white noise turned up all the way, just for insurance.
Sometimes I’m struck by an almost morbid curiosity. What must it be like to live in a world where 99.999999% of the planet would be much better off if you’d never been born? Seems like on some level you’d be aware of that and it can’t be a pleasant thought. (I’m in one of my more benevolent mindsets this morning. The coffee’s particularly good…)
working their two minimum wage jobs or too busy playing with their blocks. The rest of us can attempt to scream for them.