LONDON (The Independent) Dec. 22 — Britain is to become the first country in the world where the movements of all vehicles on the roads are recorded. A new national surveillance system will hold the records for at least two years. Using a network of cameras that can automatically read every passing number plate, the plan is to build a huge database of vehicle movements so that the police and security services can analyse any journey a driver has made over several years.
The network will incorporate thousands of existing CCTV cameras which are being converted to read number plates automatically night and day to provide 24/7 coverage of all motorways and main roads, as well as towns, cities, ports and petrol-station forecourts.
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UKUSA 1988 – Silkworth – Moonpenny – Sire – Runway – Steeplebush – Big Bird
More to follow »»
Mr Whiteley said MI5 will also use the database. “Clearly there are values for this in counter-terrorism. The security services will use it for purposes that I frankly don’t have access to. It’s part of public protection. If the security services did not have access to this, we’d be negligent.”
I wonder if this is just bs to soften world opinion and adjust to NSA and allies spying on their own nation and individual citizen. UK and USA share same moral values, I’m not so sure either side of the Atlantic is happy with such a statement.
It seems the criminal will not be sitting quietly, but has already his countermeasures in place, similar to the mobile phone swaps. He will just be car hopping over a short duration in time which renders expensive databases useless.
The UK is already one of the world’s worst surveillance societies, with an unparalleled number of video cameras watching citizens as they go about their daily business. And now, it’s about to get worse.
The Home Office has announced plans for a national surveillance system to record the movements of every vehicle on Britain’s roads. Because most people use cars, this means that they will effectively be monitoring the movements of every British citizen.
But this isn’t just about collecting video footage – they’ll be using automatic number-plate recognition software – currently successfully being used to enforce London’s traffic congestion charge – to build a database of every vehicle’s movements for two years.
The application is of course data mining – not just tracking the movements of specific vehicles (and therefore individuals), but which vehicles they were driving with, and of course patterns of travel.
- Re: Big Brother UK
Ironically, the worst first set of CCTV was sold to us as protection from terra… After IRA bombs in the City of London, a “cordon of security” was implemented.
Technology has advanced and now apart from recording (which on a public street is perhaps easier to slide by the public) they can do automatic number-plate recognition.
The horrible question is, how long until face recognition becomes viable?
by Metatone on Thu Dec 22nd, 2005 at 12:43:55 AM PDT
Home Office – Intrusive Surveillance
Britain’s police look set to be the first in the world to be equipped with a new “spy on the street” security camera system, which can recognise the faces of crime suspects and alert officers within seconds.
The system is capable of checking 1,000 faces every second, and its developers say it can see through disguises like hats, glasses and facial hair. But civil rights campaigners today warned that the computer-based “facial mapping” system – known as Mandrake (1998) – may lead to an increase in wrongful arrests, as innocent people are mistaken for villains.
– Scientific and Technical Options Assessment programme office –
on the development of surveillance technology and risk of abuse of economic information.
This study considers the state of the art in COMmunications INTelligence COMINT of
automated processing for intelligence purposes of intercepted broadband multi-language leased or
common carrier systems, and its applicability to COMINT targeting and selection, including speech recognition.
Report by : Duncan Campbell, IPTV Ltd
Edinburgh, Scotland : April, 1999
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
● Airport Security by Israeli Rafi Ron ¶ IDF – Neal Sher & Burson-Marsteller
● IRA-UK Gov’t Spy Ring Case Collapsed ¶ British Undercover Agent Was IRA Officer
Sat Dec 17th, 2005 at 02:17:04 AM PST
● Sir Ian Blair :: New Developments In London Police Cover-up ¶ De Menezes Shooting
Mon Aug 22nd, 2005 at 08:24:46 AM PST
Oui, I am constantly dazzled by you. I like to think I want to know everything, until I think “look at Oui – you need one of those room-size computers, and the ability to make good links if you want to share with everybody.” Can I call you Mr. Amazo?
We’re already used to cameras everywhere, but the technology is only good if someone (as sharp as you) is paying attention.
Thank you for being one of my stubborn readers and always showing appreciation for my diaries.
I used to read newspapers in-depth until the heat of the Kerry campaign in September 2004, when I decided to discover the Internet. I just glance over newspaper headlines nowadays, listen to BBC World Radio and dig deep on the Internet. My eye is focused for the unusual, the item not in its right place and the government propaganda that tips off that they are hiding something.
Still find inspiration in the years and words of former Presidents.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
I knew you would post about this! I just listened to an interview on local Ottawa news station with Steven Connor, the science editor for the Independent. He said that most Britains aren’t put off by this as they have had these traffic cameras for some time now – he said he passes by a dozen on his way in to work.
Connor said the goal of the program is to target illegal drivers; to get them off the roadways. It seems like an expensive system for that purpose. He said that those who have expressed concern, were concerned about the idea of a ‘bad’ administation getting control of the data, that more checks and balances were required to ensure public safety of data.
I don’t know. It seems like an extreme measure. But if the cameras have already been placed over some time, then hasn’t this been the end result?
Pretty interesting democracies we have these days: spying on citizens, monitoring their every movement 24/7. Gee, it’s a good thing they aren’t controlled by ‘bad’ administrations (/snark).
Thanks, Oui. Scary stuff, but it’s already here in the US as well, in a manner of speaking. Between EZpass, OnStar, existing auto cams and black box technology currently in automobiles, they’ve got our backs, so to speak. It’s getting harder and harder to disappear in this world. I’m just surprised that the US isn’t the first to have such a comprehensive system, given our current state of paranoia. Imagine, Bush is surpassed in citizen info gathering. He must be crying into his soup.
You just summed up why I don’t have EZ pass or GPS in my car, and hopefully never will. Why make it even easier for BushCo to violate my rights?
Being an early adapter I got the SF Fast Pass BEFORE they put GPS chips in!
They will phase out the old ones within 5 years but I’m not commuting over a bridge anymore so I keep it for convenience. I’ll give it back before I get a GPS reader one.
There were video cameras in convenience stores, bank lobbies, aimed at users of ATM’s, scanning inside grocery stores and malls and their surrounding parking lots. Even cameras in department store dressing rooms — observed by same sex security personnel, of course.
Initially it was about recording crimes in order to identify the perps. Then, it was about stopping crimes as in mall security rushing out to the rescue of someone being victimized going to their car. Or, grabbing a shoplifter as they head out the door.
And it’s still about crime stopping: Around Metro Atlanta, cameras are appearing above traffic lights to take photos of speeders and those running thru red lights. There are camaera alongside highways for the same purpose and to monitor traffic. The Georgia DOT even has a web site where you can go and see how traffic is moving along your route to work.
This steady march toward total surveillance has been moving forward in tiny, reasonable and banal steps. Even this new system of recording the coming and going of motor vehicles may be a boon to capturing murderers, burglars, etc., after the fact.
Paranoia arises when we consider the changable nature of the Law and its often unfair application. We really don’t mind when speeders, robbers and drug dealers get caught by these means. But, what if assembling for a protest becomes unlawful… The authorities wouldn’t even have to corral everyone on the spot; they could simply go to their homes later and pick them up one-by-one…
Just pisses me off to no end. I imagine the US won’t be far behind in doing what GB is doing. I know about the EZPass and autotag and hidden gps’s in cars and surveillance stuff and all… but it enrages me to no end. WTF??? Hello??? We are not the enemy, per se. You work for us, goddamnit… Do something that is fucking real, you asshole idiots. Do something for us, not against us. Sorry… < /end rant >
just another 61,999,999 voters to convince and perhaps we’ll swing Election 2008 towards our candidate!
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
Just another phase in the Pavlovian conditioning of the masses…things go better with Coke™
It’s 11:00…do you know where your car is?
And don’t get me started on cellphone GPS.
Primal scream time…
Of course the U.S. Forces couldn’t pinpoint the whereabouts of SISMI agent Nicola Calipari! Surprise, surprise who is coming up the ramp tonight, heading for BIAP?
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Not to be flippant about this very disturbing story, but I bet there’s going to be a huge spike in auto thefts in Britain once this creepy scheme is implemented.
Why bother with the formalities… just chip everyone in the UK.
Having said that – it’s funny how easily the UK legislates in parliament what would be an absolute outrage in the US. They just do it legally in England.
It’s the Brits just get on with it – and ignore. I don’t understand it – the apathy on the Gulf War is also confusing.
I read somewhere that the stronger laser pointers can knock out cameras, not that I’d ever do anything like that. Vandals sometimes paintball ’em or spray paint over the lenses. As for me, I flip off or moon every one I see. In our city, some creative types had a tour of public camera sites to show citizens where they are and some other folks stage short plays in front of them then get the hell away. There’s always something a free-thinking person can do. It’s also amazing how many dummy cameras there are-just a battery-operated red light making it seem like it’s on. We found one in surplus at work and set it up to prank our coworkers-it took them a while to discover it.
Another coworker just found a web site that lists cameras that aren’t password protected, an amazing number, and he’s viewed the inside of a car collector’s garage, some random street scenes and some hotel lobbies to name a few. I’ll post the link if I can find it.
Virtually every major city uses traffic cameras to control flows etc. These are an extension of that technology by adding computer number plate recognition. Unlike the US, there is a national database of all motorised vehicles which links to the payment of a road fund payment (the “Tax disc” has to be displayed in the windscreen/on the side of a motorbike). In addition, all over 3 years old require a safety inspection (An MoT certificate). Each has to have a “registered owner” which can be a company but is usually a driver whose licence details are also held on another linked database.
Police can already carry out a police national computer “PNC” check to check if the car is taxed, has an up to date MoT if applicable and the registered owner has a valid licence and insurance. Anyone of those could indicate an unroadworthy vehicle or an unfit/disqualified driver. Previously these checks were carried out by police radioing in the car plate details to a local control, they carried out the PNC check and radioed back. The new technology started off as an automatic variation on this so the police could be stationed at a check point with a camera in their car taking these details and doing the check by direct link so they are alerted only to illegal vehicles or driver. The accepted trade-off for a very minor infringement to privacy is that it enables police to get dangerous drivers off the road more quickly. Since uninsured drivers or those in unroadworthy vehicles are far more likely to be involved in accidents, that is seen as reasonable.
Note that many roadside cameras are to stop speeding and currently are often still film based. These are actually being questioned as fully effective as drivers tend to slow down when approaching them and speed up past them. If you link two on-line plate recongition cameras some diatance apart on motorways (freeways) you can work out an average speed to demonstrate a driver has exceeded the speed limit. Motorists’ organisation of course object to anything that would detect illegality, especially speeding which they seem to consider not to be an offence.
Even with the technology linked to all on-line trafic cameras, it is not possible to track movements at the moment. The congestion charge cameras in London are at the entrances to the charge area so you can only identify when a car moves over the border. Again this is a trade-off between increased overall traffic speeds (particularly for buses) and lower pollution with “freedom of movement”. Remember London with the possible exception of Athens with even more draconian restrictions and vast pre-Olympics investment, is the only world city to have achieved both. Incidentally hybrid and electric cars are exempt from the charge so the scheme encourages green transport.
The next development in both technologies is likely to be road pricing to replace most of the road fund licence. This is likely to be in place in the next decade and will be probably linked to the Gallileo positioning system which will be more accurate commercially than GPS so that a car can be tracked crossing a charge border rather than driving alongside it. Many cities outside London are looking at congestion charging but are waiting for this system to be fully worked out. It will however mean that in truth cars can be fully tracked.
If anything there is a privacy advantage if every car had to have the technology. The sheer amount of data would make casual invasions of privacy doubtful. On the other hand, surely if you had your car stolen and it could be tracked by isolating its data, you would be willing to have it. Also note that the tracking is of the car, not the individual and that joint use is probably far more common in the UK than the US. Finally you might want to consider that the information gathered would also be avaiable for someone arrested to demonstrate their innocence.
Is this the same country that can’t build a decent car on its own?
Is this the same country that wants to significantly hike the retirement age for workers because it claims the government can’t afford their old age pensions?
But they have money and time for THIS Big Brotherish shit.
Free people of England, unite! Grab yourself a hammer and smash a camera!
In their pre WWII Empire, this status was given to an animal in India. Seems like the British have developed some holy cows of their own!
Canada has managed to escape the British laissez faire attitude on social structure within their society. Many European nations have just neglected the asylum and immigration policy. Why tackle the root cause of social failure when one can spend ₤₤₤ on nice technology gadgets.
During WWII in the Netherlands, the resistence groups to the German occupation had to target the outstanding archives in town hall with the administration of all its citizens, the Germans felt quite happen to use it for their merit.
Why spend unknown $$$ billions on NSA, MI5 & 6, CIA and DIA which did not manage to prevent 911, the Bali, Casablanca, Madrid, and London bombings!
Gatsonides radar camera
1990, GATSO Race with no finish,
P Philippa & R Wiedenhoff,
Life & Works of Maus Gatsonides.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
Welcome The Blogging Curmudgeon!
You must stop over in one of the recent FBC café diaries or the present Froggy Bottom Lounge of Cabin Girl.
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
No conspiracy, sorry chap … I got just facts today!
UK Secrecy Act muffled torture docs sent to Boomer – HERE ◊ by gandhi
Nicholas John Andrew Langman - SAS agent
Preceded by yesterday’s revelation of SAS agent in Athens, accomplice in abduction of Pakistanis after July 7 London bombings.
Athens abductions part III – MI6 officer named ◊ by talos
≈ Cross-posted in SusanHu’s frontpage diary & here ≈
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY