Progress Pond

Boo! Feminists

I keep thinking that I’d like to see more feminist views at BooTrib but since I lack the time, the talent, and the inclination to write brilliant diaries (like IndyLib), I haven’t done much to help bring more feminism here.

So I offer up a diary of links to posts at various feminist sites.

The diary can be considered as an open thread on the posts I link to, feminism, and political issues that might be of particular importance to women.

This shouldn’t need to be said but I absolutely do not mean this to be a discussion space just for feminists or just for women.


Scribbling Woman hosts Carnival of the Feminists V, another great set of feminist posts.

Bayprairie does a fantastic summary of Reproductive Rights, Week in Review, Dec. 18-24.

Amanda over at Pandagon finds the holidays bring Scattered thoughts on the disappearance of the “traditional” family.

Echidne of the Snakes considers Susan Faludi’s Backlash and how it plays out today.

Twisty at I Blame the Patriarchy has some fun with the names of girls and women sports teams.

Philobiblon (Natalie) discusses Chinese girls and the Pill.

Feministing covers the story of a woman basketball player’s discrimination lawsuit.

Media Girl reports on the EU’s determination that doctors refusing to abort pregnancies violate international human rights.

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