Progress Pond

B-man readers: Note the essential conservatism of gay marriage

In light of the recent coverage of the gay marriage ban again being attempted in Iowa, and the KKK’s rally in support of the ban, please consider this:

Self-proclaimed conservatives standing against same-sex civil unions or “gay marriage” aren’t necessarily supported by conservative philosophy.

(Please read on. It’s brief.)

Same-sex civil unions create households, foster stability, and promote longevity (just as marriage does for heterosexuals), all which make for a more productive society. That’s why more Fortune 500 companies than ever offer same-sex domestic partner benefits.

It is not conservative to foster individualism by providing state-backed disincentives for mutual, lifelong, committed relationships between two people (i.e., legally forcing people to be single!); or to want any law-abiding citizen to remain alone and isolated instead of in partnership; or to codify exclusions from helpful rights and protections for an entire class of productive (and potentially more productive) citizens—especially in a functioning, capitalist republic.

No, such things aren’t conservative; they are just meddlesome and just mean-spirited: two things that aren’t conservative and, I hope, aren’t Iowan.


Please consider writing something like the above in your own words to editors of local papers in states where ban votes (legislative or popular) or ban-related petition drives or lawsuits are occuring 2006: California, Alabama, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Wisconsin, Virginia, Arizona, Florida, Illinois, Iowa, and (lawsuits in the following) California, Connecticut, Iowa, Maryland, New Jersey, New York and Washington state.

I think Iowa and California, where there are both vote or petition actions and lawsuits, might prove particularly key. In Iowa, some moderate GOP state senators (and, I suspect, some GOP state representatives) have come out against the ban. They need to be encouraged.

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