this diary is dedicated to all who suffer because of war and other disasters
we honor courage in all its forms
cross-posted at DailyKos, Booman Tribune, European Tribune, and My Left Wing.
2 images and poem below the fold
Adnan Ezaldeen talks to his four-year-old son of the same name at the Air Force Theater Hospital in Balad, Iraq, 80 kilometers (50 miles) north of Baghdad, Thursday, Dec. 22, 2005. Mortar shells missed American targets in Haditha, Iraq, but landed near the Ezaldeen home, injuring the 4-year-old and killing two of his brothers. A child as young as Adnan is not unusual in the military hospital, which admits about 1,000 patients a month.
(AP Photo/Jacob Silberberg)
Victoria Morberg poses for a photo as she cradles a photo of her son Army Pvt. Joshua Morberg at her home in Sparks, Nev., on Friday Dec. 30, 2005. Pvt. Morberg, 20, was killed by an explosive device on Tuesday, Dec. 27, 2005 while serving in Iraq. Morberg was the 15th Nevadan to die in Iraq.
(AP Photo/Debra Reid)
from Masters of War
by Bob Dylan
You fasten the triggers
For the others to fire
Then you set back and watch
When the death count gets higher
You hide in your mansion
As young people’s blood
Flows out of their bodies
And is buried in the mud
– – –
put a meaningful magnet on your car or metal filing cabinet
read Ilona’s important diary at MLW – Returning Vet PTSD – One Soldier’s Story as well her comprehensive series on PTSD and Iraq War vets.
view the pbs newshour silent honor roll (with thanks to jimstaro at booman.)
take a private moment to light one candle among many (with thanks to TXSharon)
support Veterans for Peace
support the Iraqi people
support the Campaign for Innocent Victims in Conflict (CIVIC)
support CARE
support the victims of torture
remember the fallen
support Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors – TAPS
support Gold Star Families for Peace
support the fallen
support the troops
support Iraq Veterans Against the War
support Military families Speak Out
support the troops and the Iraqi people
read This is what John Kerry did today, the diary by lawnorder that prompted this series
read Riverbend’s Bagdhad Burning
read Dahr Jamail’s Iraq Dispatches
read Today in Iraq
witness every day
Click on the candle to copy the image into your own comment (you can leave it on my server), and/or rate this one – not for mojo, but to leave a small mark after taking this moment.
” I know. But I do not approve. And I am not resigned.”
from Dirge Without Music
by Edna St. Vincent Millay
Light A Candle For
Peace, Tolerance, Understanding
and For The Children – Innocence Lost!
Citizens Impeachment Commission – Formed
ImpeachPAC Forms Citizens Impeachment Commission
Troops sound off
Military Times Poll finds high morale, but less support for Bush, war effort
Bush Says, Bring It On; The Critics Will
The NSA operation – and particularly Bush’s decision to bypass the generally amenable Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court for authorization – has drawn fire not only from liberal Democrats but also from some of the most conservative in Bush’s party.
Dahr Jamail | Open Letter from an Iraqi
Dahr Jamail publishes an open letter to Mr. Bush he received recently from a friend who lives in Baghdad. “While there is deep concern about the possibility of civil war, the common talk between all groups now in Iraq is the poor infrastructure, poor electricity, deficiency of fuels, bad drinking water, poor health services, poor education and extensive unemployment.”
Thank you Rub for doing all that you do for us here. Stay well and safe this new year. Hugs….
Out of Iraq Now!
Iraqi workforce oppose privatization of oil assets – suddenly the oil faucet starts dripping …
Note that the 20-30,000 employees of South Oil felt impelled to start a web site and write letters opposing privatization. Three southern Provinces have opposed and apparently have refused to implement the Gasoline Price Program forced on Jaafari by the IMF.
“Any extra barrel for this country, I encourage it, providing the interests of the Iraqis are kept,” said Jabbar A. H. al-Ueibi, director general of the government-owned South Oil Company. “We should work day and night to increase our production.”
Workers fix equipment at Daura
oil refinery, Baghdad, Iraq. (AP)
An official of the Oil Ministry in Baghdad told ISN Security Watch, on condition of anonymity:
“We do not know the exact quantity of oil we are exporting, we do not exactly know the prices we are selling it for, and we do not know where the oil revenue is going to.”
● Top Dog Wolfowitz – President of the World Bank
● “Plan for Victory” and White House document “National Strategy for Victory in Iraq”
Dems’ Template for Success: Follow Jack Murtha …
LEAVE Iraq to the Iraqis
“Treason doth never prosper: what’s the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Seven die in Iraq suicide blast
Light A Candle For
Peace, Tolerance, Understanding
and For The Children – Innocence Lost!
Check out the ACLU’s new New York Times ad about government spying.
Pass It On: As Nixon, So Bush
by the ACLU
A new ad in The New York Times connects the dots between Bush, Nixon and government spying.
US Rep. Murtha says he wouldn’t join military now
James Starowicz
USN ’67-’71 GMG3 Vietnam In-Country’70-’71 COMNAVFORV
Member: Veterans For Peace
VFP ‘Declaration Of Impeachment’
Sign On and Pass Link To Others
Guide to Impeachment and Censure Materials Online
Jurist Law-Legal News and Research
Impeach Bush Coalition-Sign On
Impeach Bush Checklist-Impeach Bush Coalition in html format so that everybody can easily cut and paste it onto their own blogs.
Granny D says – “Impeach The Son of a Bitch”
IMPEACH PAC Iraq War Lies… Increased Terrorism… $3 Gas… USA Patriot Act… Global Warming… Rightwing judges… Illegal Spying… Transfer of Peoples Treasury to the Few… Had enough of Bush and Cheney Corrupt Cabal?
Censure and Impeach
Research Impeachment
ImpeachBush / VoteToImpeach
Articles of Impeachment
ImpeachPAC Forms Citizens Impeachment Commission
I am so stoked. I bought a Peace car magnet from one of your links Jum and it came today. It is a beautiful white dove that says support the troops/bring them home!! Mike even wrote a little note on the invoice that came with it. We CAN do this together!
There’s ore ‘Together’ than there has been in Years!!
But Remember this is Still going to be an UpHill Struggle!!
And the Toughest is yet to Come, Rebuilding what we have Lost and trying Once Again to Gain the Respect of this World, and that means Making Amends for All We Have Killed and Destroyed!!!!
Amen brother Jim! You inspire me!