Crossposted at Howard-Empowered People
Paul in Illinois for passed along this link in an open thread earlier today.
John Aravosis is angry, and rightfully so, at the talk (probably puffed by Kerry’s office), that he is in great shape to run in ’08 because he boasts an e-mail list of more than 3 million. Obviously, those 3 million weren’t fans of Kerry per se–they just wanted to get rid of the Dear Leader. Kerry wasn’t an awful candidate, but he certainly wasn’t a great one. He’s had his chance.
Fortunately enough, there’s an easy way for all of us in the netroots to fix this problem: unsubscribe from Kerry’s list. It’s easy, it helps to clean out your inbox, and it will send a very powerful message to Massachusetts’ junior Senator that he should make other plans for 2008.
Demetrius and I were talking about this in the car on the way home from lunch, and we think the netroots should do one better than that. We need to challenge John Kerry to validate his email list.
See, after I read the excerpt above, I stopped to think whether or not I am one of the names on that list. When John Kerry was doing some pretty major Dean-bashing in December of 2003, I wrote him a polite but firm letter cautioning him that he needed to lay off. I suggested that if somehow he actually became the nominee (which did not look remotely likely at that time), his behavior now was going to make it harder for some of us to support him later.
Pretty much as I expected, I got back a form letter that did not remotely address the concerns I had expressed. But then I started getting campaign emails from him, as if I were one of his “supporters”. I tried to use the unsubcribe link, and got an error message. Eventually I managed to unsubscribe once and for all, from that address, anyway. Once we were heading toward the general election and I wanted to be able to comment on the blog of the Democratic nominee, I registered to be able to post on that site. But I didn’t use my regular email, because I didn’t want his junk in my inbox. So I used a throw-away addy from Yahoo. Which one? Darned if I know. It’s not one I still use, I know that.
Is your address listed among Kerry’s 3 million supporters? Or, maybe you’re listed under more than one address. I was on his list for sending a letter of complaint, which he, of course, did not adequately respond to. Others remain on his list, as mentioned in the excerpt above, because they were part of the anti-Bush masses in 2004. And, as I mentioned here, some people are added to his list when they sign his petitions about issues that matter to them.
So yes, I agree with the suggestion that people who do not wish to be considered part of Kerry’s 3 million strong army of grassroots supporters unsubscribe from his mailing list. But I also believe that we need to press the issue that the onus is on John Kerry to validate that list. Are all of the addresses on it still valid? Are people signed up more than once? Because if he’s going to publicly float numbers like that as evidence of his wide support, we’re going to have to have some proof that this claim is accurate. Got any, Senator Kerry?
I got off of both his and Senator Clinton’s list a couple months ago, after they stepped in and took credit for something the grassroots did. I told them the same thing I say about another site I sometimes visit but don’t agree with: Just because I hit you doesn’t mean I like you.
It’s a great point, but one that may be of better use after November 2006. The presidential primary season starts (more or less) Novemeber 8th.
Anyone with an email list or an e-list of any sort of “supporters” should be strongly challenged to validate that list before using it as a means to show strength. It’s an empty bogus number otherwise.
And you can damn well bet I’ll harangue any Kerry boosters at Jan 16th’s off-season Iowa caucuses.
I can’t imagine why Kerry would take an e-mail registration as support. Personally, I’m registered at a number of sites just for the purpose of keeping informed. I’m sure that amongst those registered with the Kerry site are individuals (Republicans) who just want to see what the enemy is doing.
I run several email lists, and I am much happier with one of 100 people who want to be on it than with one containing thousands who ignore it.
If you’re not a John Kerry supporter, help him by getting off his email list.
I actually enjoy being on his stupid email list to see what stupid thing he’s going to say next.