30-something Xicano Democrat in Tucson, Arizona. I have a passion for social justice issues as well as seeking to help ignite a productive dialog regarding immigration reform. Lately I spend most of my time on Tw
soooo glad your back, I missed the hell out of you..whatever that means exactly..the more I read that phrase the dumber it sounds but you get my drift..and I think I need lots more coffee.
I wish the trip was more fluid than it was, but we flew in and rented a car (there was a pseudo-itinerary involved too) I had fun but there’s nothing like a trip that involves open-ended plans, perhaps we can get you to the Left Coast meetup?!? 🙂
Thanks, M.E. Good morning to all! It was in the 60’s in NYC yesterday. (61 degrees, a new record.) I’m about 40 miles north of there. Woohoo! 60 in January! (Although the snow dino is paying the price.)
The weather is acting strangely this year. It was in the mid 70s yesterday here in southern Arizona. You can almost feel the hint of spring in the air.
Quiet morning here on the left coast, a change of weather – rain is on the way, and an intense day of work.
I’ll hang around a bit to drop 4’s then see you all later. Alohaleezy will put together a diary about the SoCal tribber meet-up…sounds like a fun time.
Alohaleezy has posted the meetup diary, it would be neat to meet other BooTribbers. I wanted to make it to D.C. but work issues interfered. Hmmmm, I’m sensing a pattern here. Work trumps Blogging, looks like I need to quit working!
Thanks Manny for linking diary about the meetup. Hope we can all get together. It is rapidly falling off the recent list but what with the hearing today interest is else where as it should be. I have to get into the shower(speaking of work :()! See you all later. Hope you all will consider this chance to get together and it’s not just for West Coasters!!
See, you can say that because you work in an office. Me, I’m alone in my house with nobody looking over my shoulder saying, “Why are you paying all that attention to your peace diary and none at all to your manuscript?” I’m not sure I can diary so intensely all week long and work, too! Obviously, work will have to go. My mortgage company will understand. I mean, jeez, we’re talking world peace here!
I believe the Blue Dot was planning on making a visit to your Thursday diary (she needs some time to find just right iconic image).
Speaking of selling books, I saw an article about how some publishers are setting it up so that author can do book clubs by telephone. Seems like a really great idea for your upcoming book. (And if you do a book tour, The Mystery Company bookstore is just up the road a piece from my mom.)
And there is a fantastic deli near the bookstore which makes it own world-class rye bread, pastrami, wonderfully evil pastries (yum, rugelach), and garlic bagels you can smell across a room (and whole bunch of other stuff that I don’t care about).
BooMan has asked for us all to help out with commenting and recommendations from our great diarists in the pond. Here’s something you may have missed yesterday:
as long as you promise to refrain from fanning me with a palm branch, we’re good to go. That type of treatment is only worthy of the beach, which I am missing at the moment. sigh…
(does anyone else think ejmw should allow us all to tag along on his Acapulco trip next week?)
I realized a few days ago that I needed to take some time off from this blog to process some unexpected and rather unpleasant things I learned about the environment here, and so I’ve not been around for the past few days. I thought I’d only need a few days to think it over but as it turns out, my pondering is going slowly. So I’m just popping in here to let everyone know that I’m fine but that I will be taking a more extended break from this blog, from which I may or may not return in a day, a week, or eventually. But leaving this comment is a courtesy for my friends here in case anyone was wondering where I was/how I was, and in case anyone looks me up with the search feature to try to figure out what happened to me they’ll find this comment and have some clue.
If anyone wants to email me, please do! Other than that, I have nothing but the best of wishes for everyone here, and I hope you’re all as well as can be. 🙂
where you were, thanks for checking in, know that your voice is valued and needed around here. Hope you’re keeping warm in Flag, I was shivering down here in the desert this morning when I stepped out of the apartment.
What he said, except for the part about shivering in the desert. I’ve missed you, Indy, and I don’t like the news that I’m going to have to keep doing it. But I do have faith that you know what you’re doing for yourself and that it’s the right thing to do. Best to you.
Go get em tiger! Or what ever it is you’re fighting there in… Ohio(?) I truly believe that our children and ourselves are being poisoned by these RedRegimeRapture peeps. So glad you’re on Mother Earths side.
and if you don’t find your way back here… please know that… fuck it… I’m selfish and I want you back because I like reading your thoughts and knowing you in this short time has been an enrichment to my life. But… please know that regardless… I love you. And you are loved.
Like everyone else I was wondering also why I hadn’t seen you lately….and very, very selfishly on my part this sucks not having your voice around here. Ok, not so selfishly I hope are doing what you have to do and everything will turn out ok.
I could say the same about you bringing colour into my ottawa-winter-crappy-nosun life — and, in fact I will! Just look at your avatar pic: total colour. 😉
We’ve had two sunny days since Xmas and it’s really getting to me. I guess it’s the cosmic muffin’s way of letting me know I shouldn’t move to the northwest U.S.
…the sun came out from behind clouds and is now pouring through my cube window. I’ve got a nice view of the ottawa river, mostly frozen but some free running areas, with the sun setting all golden in the distance. I should bring my camera to work … hmmm. Like you, I haven’t seen the sun like this since before the Christmas break!
That’s certainly better than ‘some flower’. We’ll use blanket flower until we know for sure (I do have all my plant material listed on my garden landscape plan, but I was too lazy to dig it out and check!) 😉
not to creep you out or anything 🙂 but you’re part of my “resolutions”. Normally I don’t make em. I figure I quit smoking a few years back – so that’s enough torture out of this chickerita LOL but I decided to follow a new author and I’m going to start reading your work. I’m thinking of going with Ring of Truth and then who knows from there.
I thought I’d start sooner… but the move and all. Insert excuserama here 🙂
Great idea. We’ll kidnap her and then I’ll put the whole thing in a book. Only thing is, the kidnappers will never be brought to justice and we’ll never give her back.
Oooh thanks Andi!!!! I want to read the “chili” one, too. Gonna read em all. I enhale books. But lately I’ve been falling asleep with them and waking up to a book with GASP bent pages and the little light still on.
Instead of librarying it… and you know I LOVE LIBRARIES… I’m gonna go bug the B&N people that are… ohhhh…. just a few minutes from my house 🙂 Gawd I love being out of Northern Northern Calif : )
One at a time, ladies! 😉 Survivin’ and thrivin’. Shycat pinged me over the weekend so I thought I’d poke my head in briefly. Plus I’m twiddling my thumbs a bit at work right now, waiting on a colleague to finish her work so I can do mine. You know how that goes.
Just showed my mom tons of the photos from mine and Ry’s time with you, Tracy and Supersoling and of the march.
Gawd, I miss you!!! Every time I walk around the city here, I can’t help but think of you and your “tour” 🙂 I really do hope I can come back out, do some marching with you and bring the family along so we can also do the musuems. I kid you not folks, DC is a cool town… that is if you have the “right” friends to share it with.
The Few, the Proud, the Footsore. I fully expect that Portland is living up to your dreams? Hope you didn’t suffer whiplash, moving from Deep Red Hell to the Bluest of the Blue!
leave it to the Bush Empire to have the word “taint” used in something other than a really bad porn flick LOL
I will keep you ABREAST of plans to come out. You would have had to slap me silly to believe that one day I would consider DC a place to “vacation” with the family.
Next round: We’re buying!!!
I LOVE Hillsboro/Beaverton and the light rail that scoots me into Portland 🙂
Nervously awaiting Wesley’s school to call. He wasn’t supposed to be there this long but last minute we said, what the heck. ACK. I think I gave them a messed up cell phone number that’s a morph of mind and Mr. Damnit.s I’m sooooooooo not used to having a cell phone. It’s weird!
She did. She knows that I would be happy to talk about the D70 and photography. You have to realize though that I am the complete amateur regarding photography. I do it in a half-assed way with love.
I have learned to bracket my shots; digital and the D70 have made this easier and less costly. Envisioning a photograph before it is taken is still something I struggle with. I think my best photos are the ones that Andi has seen and coached me into taking.
Hey Olivia, if I’ve said this before chalk it up to brain drain but I am officially off the FenceSitters Club when it comes to your gorgeous flower power pictures.
By the way, how are you feeling today…you were bummed out the other day weren’t you about politics?..or was that someone else and my brain drain is still operating?
I’m okay today. Still a little concerned about the prospect of a conserv minority government. Oh, and realizing that my relations have vastly different ideas on social and economic policy, and we can’t talk about it because we both end up really mad at each other didn’t help either.
Friends — the people you can flake out with on the couch while watching a hockey game and discussing new verbs and adjectives and nouns to describe Bush and Harper!
That would be too fun though, if you and I went to a hockey game. We might be thrown out! And it takes a lot to be thrown out of a hockey game … 😉
I was onced asked to “return to your seat”… I wasn’t one of those Phallas Scars fans who STAND STAND STAND even stand for an icing the puck ACK…
I was … OUTRAGED that Johnson(?) some King dude during a faceoff whiffed and he then went to slap his stick in disgust and as he went to swing… our eyes met ( I had glass seats that night with some pals) and he hit the glass right.
I went … berserk. I stood up and started screaming at him. What was he thinking?? He could have hurt me… Was wild. and then… I realized I was back on earth… LOL But it was pure adrenaline I think. I was no longer at a hockey game… I was screaming at someone who could have seriously injured me or those around me.
I like your description better 🙂
OH!!! I got to go see the Winterhawks here in Portland WHL against the Kamloops. Fun game! We’re getting ST next year 🙂 Went with a hockey chat buddy whose son is also autistic.
I think are people who you overlook or find their personal quirks endearing while in other people they drive you fucken nuts. Not exactly fair or rational I know but that what I think.
I have a very strong and almost instant gag reflex to snot and other nasal discharge. As a nurse I could handle (not literally, well in some cases yes … but oh nevermind) any other bodily fluid except for that. Wierd, yes. True, totally.
Could you change that to: offer up their t-shirt if you’re bleeding and nothing else is available?
I’ve always kept open the possibility of getting a nursing degree here in my old age….except for one small fact. I hate vomit.
Give me blood, urine, snot…anything else but barf. If I see it, or witness someone else doing it, my sympathetic reflex takes over and I can’t help but gag too.
There were plenty of things that I had to get used to as a young nursing student. Body fluids was one big one. It was quite the enlightening time for many of us unmarried, single gals. I think I spent the first year in a constant state of embarrassment.
This is one of the quotes on the walls in my classroom.
“A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same.”
— Elbert Hubbard
Here are some others.
“An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind.”
— Buddha
“The only way to have a friend is to be one.”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.”
— Muhammad Ali
new computer with new navigator so you’re not getting any fancy schmancy html crap here from me.
The Last Supper (1995) grab it from greencine.com or netsucks.
Basically it’s about some grad students who are mega Liberals who accidentally kill a redneck racist piece of shit at their dinner table. They freak out. But… then they rethink and ultimately stop thinging…and go an extremist way and decide to invite to dinner once a month so extremist and poison them.
At times in the movie this seems like a good idea. LOL but other times one’s sense of reality pops in. I won’t spoil it for ya but FYI Cameron Diaz does not ruin the film with her usual dorkiness.
It’s a dark treat. Like a kiss in the dark and you’re not sure who is in the room with you.
Made me think of you guys for some oddball reason. Not because I think you’d be anyone in the film… but a part of me wished I had you in my apartment watching it with me. … with plenty of drinks and doritos of course 🙂
Coffee is served, hope you’re all having a great Tuesday
I’d say welcome back but since you are returning from vacation I think it’s more appropriate to say “Sorry you’re back.”
the pic above the fold tip you off? 😉
It’s great to be back online, but wrt work, well… the jury is still out on that one. Good morning Andi!
soooo glad your back, I missed the hell out of you..whatever that means exactly..the more I read that phrase the dumber it sounds but you get my drift..and I think I need lots more coffee.
doesn’t sound dumb at all, in fact it made my day to read it. Thanks for everything you contribute around here, I missed the hell out of you too 🙂
and you were so close to me when you were in the L.A. area…not more than an hour or so away.
I wish the trip was more fluid than it was, but we flew in and rented a car (there was a pseudo-itinerary involved too) I had fun but there’s nothing like a trip that involves open-ended plans, perhaps we can get you to the Left Coast meetup?!? 🙂
Thanks, M.E. Good morning to all! It was in the 60’s in NYC yesterday. (61 degrees, a new record.) I’m about 40 miles north of there. Woohoo! 60 in January! (Although the snow dino is paying the price.)
The weather is acting strangely this year. It was in the mid 70s yesterday here in southern Arizona. You can almost feel the hint of spring in the air.
I just hope it’s not related to global warming.
Quiet morning here on the left coast, a change of weather – rain is on the way, and an intense day of work.
I’ll hang around a bit to drop 4’s then see you all later. Alohaleezy will put together a diary about the SoCal tribber meet-up…sounds like a fun time.
Alohaleezy has posted the meetup diary, it would be neat to meet other BooTribbers. I wanted to make it to D.C. but work issues interfered. Hmmmm, I’m sensing a pattern here. Work trumps Blogging, looks like I need to quit working!
I’m already checking airfare to San Diego and Orange County….both are very doable for me!
Since we are try for weekends to keep work from interfering I hope to see you there!
Thanks Manny for linking diary about the meetup. Hope we can all get together. It is rapidly falling off the recent list but what with the hearing today interest is else where as it should be. I have to get into the shower(speaking of work :()! See you all later. Hope you all will consider this chance to get together and it’s not just for West Coasters!!
“Work bumps blogging.”
See, you can say that because you work in an office. Me, I’m alone in my house with nobody looking over my shoulder saying, “Why are you paying all that attention to your peace diary and none at all to your manuscript?” I’m not sure I can diary so intensely all week long and work, too! Obviously, work will have to go. My mortgage company will understand. I mean, jeez, we’re talking world peace here!
Glad to see your smiling diary back, ManE.
See just like the peace pilgrim, you are setting a good example for the rest of us. Keep this up and soon I’ll be doing a diary about you.
Will it sell more books? 🙂
Is there any chance of getting another Blue Dot photo any time soon? I miss the ol’ BD. It’s our Higher Power, after all.
I believe the Blue Dot was planning on making a visit to your Thursday diary (she needs some time to find just right iconic image).
Speaking of selling books, I saw an article about how some publishers are setting it up so that author can do book clubs by telephone. Seems like a really great idea for your upcoming book. (And if you do a book tour, The Mystery Company bookstore is just up the road a piece from my mom.)
That’s a great (and cheap) idea about telephoning book clubs.
That bookstore is one I don’t know, so I’m glad to hear about it.
The Blue Dot is welcome ANY time on Thursday.
And there is a fantastic deli near the bookstore which makes it own world-class rye bread, pastrami, wonderfully evil pastries (yum, rugelach), and garlic bagels you can smell across a room (and whole bunch of other stuff that I don’t care about).
Hey, I’ll buy a couple! 🙂 (Just waiting for the next paycheck…) Now I even have some time to read!
Hey, I’m perfectly content for people to buy my books and never read them. Joke. I think.
BooMan has asked for us all to help out with commenting and recommendations from our great diarists in the pond. Here’s something you may have missed yesterday:
Feel free to add your recommendations as a reply to this comment.
Duke1676 wrote a fantastic piece entitled, Immigration Reform: One Possible Plan for Progressives. He put a lot of work on it and is looking for feedback, I hope you’ll check it out and comment.
Second that. (ManE, I’m just going to follow you around today and say, “Ditto.” Now and then I’ll inject variety. “Word.” “True dat.” “What he said.”)
as long as you promise to refrain from fanning me with a palm branch, we’re good to go. That type of treatment is only worthy of the beach, which I am missing at the moment. sigh…
(does anyone else think ejmw should allow us all to tag along on his Acapulco trip next week?)
You don’t want a palm-front waver standing over you at work?
I’m trying to get over to this diary and will sometime today as that is a subject always of interest to me..and don’t know how I overlooked anyway.
Hey y’all.
I realized a few days ago that I needed to take some time off from this blog to process some unexpected and rather unpleasant things I learned about the environment here, and so I’ve not been around for the past few days. I thought I’d only need a few days to think it over but as it turns out, my pondering is going slowly. So I’m just popping in here to let everyone know that I’m fine but that I will be taking a more extended break from this blog, from which I may or may not return in a day, a week, or eventually. But leaving this comment is a courtesy for my friends here in case anyone was wondering where I was/how I was, and in case anyone looks me up with the search feature to try to figure out what happened to me they’ll find this comment and have some clue.
If anyone wants to email me, please do! Other than that, I have nothing but the best of wishes for everyone here, and I hope you’re all as well as can be. 🙂
where you were, thanks for checking in, know that your voice is valued and needed around here. Hope you’re keeping warm in Flag, I was shivering down here in the desert this morning when I stepped out of the apartment.
What he said, except for the part about shivering in the desert. I’ve missed you, Indy, and I don’t like the news that I’m going to have to keep doing it. But I do have faith that you know what you’re doing for yourself and that it’s the right thing to do. Best to you.
I miss Indy too.
You are an irreplaceable voice here, Indy.
Do come back Indy, you are missed. Take all the time you want – everybody needs a break. You are one of us, so it’s always good to see you.
Gonna be gone????
COME BACK SOON!!!!!!!!!!!
Go get em tiger! Or what ever it is you’re fighting there in… Ohio(?) I truly believe that our children and ourselves are being poisoned by these RedRegimeRapture peeps. So glad you’re on Mother Earths side.
and if you don’t find your way back here… please know that… fuck it… I’m selfish and I want you back because I like reading your thoughts and knowing you in this short time has been an enrichment to my life. But… please know that regardless… I love you. And you are loved.
Peace, Janet
Like everyone else I was wondering also why I hadn’t seen you lately….and very, very selfishly on my part this sucks not having your voice around here. Ok, not so selfishly I hope are doing what you have to do and everything will turn out ok.
I sure hope this is temporary break… we all need that now and then…
Hi Everyone! Good to see Mr. Eegee back!
Finally, it’s stopped snowing here, and the sun has made an appearance.
For some colour, going to the archives…
Spider on some flower–not sure of name, taken 9.28.2005 view large
Bee on aster, taken 10.02.2005 view large
I hope that the SoCal meet-up is successful. Sounds like a lot of fun.
oooooooo, I am constantly amazed at your ability to capture the vibrance of the colors. Thanks, as always, olivia!
Gorgeous as always. Thanks for bringing some color into my very gray life.
I could say the same about you bringing colour into my ottawa-winter-crappy-nosun life — and, in fact I will! Just look at your avatar pic: total colour. 😉
We’ve had two sunny days since Xmas and it’s really getting to me. I guess it’s the cosmic muffin’s way of letting me know I shouldn’t move to the northwest U.S.
…the sun came out from behind clouds and is now pouring through my cube window. I’ve got a nice view of the ottawa river, mostly frozen but some free running areas, with the sun setting all golden in the distance. I should bring my camera to work … hmmm. Like you, I haven’t seen the sun like this since before the Christmas break!
Indian Paintbrush?
Check that. I think it’s a blanket flower. They’re all over by the beaches down here.
That’s certainly better than ‘some flower’. We’ll use blanket flower until we know for sure (I do have all my plant material listed on my garden landscape plan, but I was too lazy to dig it out and check!) 😉
it’s an “orange flower” 🙂
I love your precious petals postings.
Orange Elation
Magical, marvelous magentas
Bumblebee’s Baffling brilliance
stalking spiders silent and siwift surefootfootfootfootfootfootfootfootedness
Olivia Ovation!
And Damnit Janet Jubilation!
What kind of universe gives us you back with one hand and takes Indy away with the other?!
not to creep you out or anything 🙂 but you’re part of my “resolutions”. Normally I don’t make em. I figure I quit smoking a few years back – so that’s enough torture out of this chickerita LOL but I decided to follow a new author and I’m going to start reading your work. I’m thinking of going with Ring of Truth and then who knows from there.
I thought I’d start sooner… but the move and all. Insert excuserama here 🙂
Maybe we can kidnap Indy and bring her back??
Great idea. We’ll kidnap her and then I’ll put the whole thing in a book. Only thing is, the kidnappers will never be brought to justice and we’ll never give her back.
then “Ring of Truth” and then “The Truth Hurts” — you really need to read these books in orde4.
Oooh thanks Andi!!!! I want to read the “chili” one, too. Gonna read em all. I enhale books. But lately I’ve been falling asleep with them and waking up to a book with GASP bent pages and the little light still on.
Instead of librarying it… and you know I LOVE LIBRARIES… I’m gonna go bug the B&N people that are… ohhhh…. just a few minutes from my house 🙂 Gawd I love being out of Northern Northern Calif : )
A zero-sum universe — Laws of Conservation and all that. Or to put it another way, “What Sir Isaac Newton giveth, Sir Isaac Newton taketh away.”
BroFel! How are you?
One at a time, ladies! 😉 Survivin’ and thrivin’. Shycat pinged me over the weekend so I thought I’d poke my head in briefly. Plus I’m twiddling my thumbs a bit at work right now, waiting on a colleague to finish her work so I can do mine. You know how that goes.
How are you!
Enthralled, as always, by your stunning macro shots!
Just showed my mom tons of the photos from mine and Ry’s time with you, Tracy and Supersoling and of the march.
Gawd, I miss you!!! Every time I walk around the city here, I can’t help but think of you and your “tour” 🙂 I really do hope I can come back out, do some marching with you and bring the family along so we can also do the musuems. I kid you not folks, DC is a cool town… that is if you have the “right” friends to share it with.
The Few, the Proud, the Footsore. I fully expect that Portland is living up to your dreams? Hope you didn’t suffer whiplash, moving from Deep Red Hell to the Bluest of the Blue!
DC’s not too shabby, particularly when you read about a high-powered lobbying firm closing its doors because of its “taint.” Made my fuckin’ day, that did.
leave it to the Bush Empire to have the word “taint” used in something other than a really bad porn flick LOL
I will keep you ABREAST of plans to come out. You would have had to slap me silly to believe that one day I would consider DC a place to “vacation” with the family.
Next round: We’re buying!!!
I LOVE Hillsboro/Beaverton and the light rail that scoots me into Portland 🙂
Nervously awaiting Wesley’s school to call. He wasn’t supposed to be there this long but last minute we said, what the heck. ACK. I think I gave them a messed up cell phone number that’s a morph of mind and Mr. Damnit.s I’m sooooooooo not used to having a cell phone. It’s weird!
All those double-entendres, and you let “Hillsboro/Beaverton” slip by???
You are sooooo good.
How did we ever survive you’re being gone?
deserves another.
I’ll see your “siwift” and raise you a “you’re”
Andi 🙂 I wasn’t gone gone.. just away for a bit.
Oh.. why do I have Chiliwacks(?) song “gone gone gone she been gone so long” TRYING to raise up in my head?? ACK
runs to nearest brick wall.
My typos reassure me. They keep me grounded… yeah… that’s the ticket. 🙂
Who needs colourful flower photos when we have you, DJ!!!???
You’re colourful and beautiful and witty and wise.
I’m just a WISE ASS 🙂 But truly, I just love your colorful photos! All I shoot, camera-wise, is black cats attacking my children 🙂
But… black cats are REALLY REALLY hard to photograph! 🙂
I like it. My sixth graders will be be reading it and seeing Olivia’s photos.
We’re famous!
Hi Jim. Did Andi tell you she volunteered you for question duty in the event that I end up buying the Nikon D70s? 🙂
She did. She knows that I would be happy to talk about the D70 and photography. You have to realize though that I am the complete amateur regarding photography. I do it in a half-assed way with love.
Half-assedness, with love of course, is my way as well. 🙂
And don’t forget I’ve seen your work: I can tell you know your way around a camera.
That’s kind of you to say.
I have learned to bracket my shots; digital and the D70 have made this easier and less costly. Envisioning a photograph before it is taken is still something I struggle with. I think my best photos are the ones that Andi has seen and coached me into taking.
amateur, eh? Great, that’s a load of my mind…
You guys had me seriously concerned that I was totally out of my league.
There’s always more to learn from how other people view the world as far as photography goes, or anthing else for that matter.
Hey Olivia, if I’ve said this before chalk it up to brain drain but I am officially off the FenceSitters Club when it comes to your gorgeous flower power pictures.
By the way, how are you feeling today…you were bummed out the other day weren’t you about politics?..or was that someone else and my brain drain is still operating?
I’m okay today. Still a little concerned about the prospect of a conserv minority government. Oh, and realizing that my relations have vastly different ideas on social and economic policy, and we can’t talk about it because we both end up really mad at each other didn’t help either.
See, your brain is working just fine! 🙂
Glad you’re doing better today and a relief to know my brain is functioning today..so far anyway.
It’s a kick in the head to know one’s “relatives” think you should have been shot in the head… in public no less.
Friends: The chosen family. ACK chosen sounds zealot-like…
howzaboot: Friends- the people you can flake out on the couch with ??
or… Friends – the people you can watch a hockey game with while discussing new verbs and adjectives to describe Bush. 🙂
Friends — the people you can flake out with on the couch while watching a hockey game and discussing new verbs and adjectives and nouns to describe Bush and Harper!
That would be too fun though, if you and I went to a hockey game. We might be thrown out! And it takes a lot to be thrown out of a hockey game … 😉
I was onced asked to “return to your seat”… I wasn’t one of those Phallas Scars fans who STAND STAND STAND even stand for an icing the puck ACK…
I was … OUTRAGED that Johnson(?) some King dude during a faceoff whiffed and he then went to slap his stick in disgust and as he went to swing… our eyes met ( I had glass seats that night with some pals) and he hit the glass right.
I went … berserk. I stood up and started screaming at him. What was he thinking?? He could have hurt me… Was wild. and then… I realized I was back on earth… LOL But it was pure adrenaline I think. I was no longer at a hockey game… I was screaming at someone who could have seriously injured me or those around me.
I like your description better 🙂
OH!!! I got to go see the Winterhawks here in Portland WHL against the Kamloops. Fun game! We’re getting ST next year 🙂 Went with a hockey chat buddy whose son is also autistic.
“Phallas Scars fans”
Oh DJ — I love it!!!
— people who laugh at all your jokes because they think all your jokes are funny.
— people who look utterly amazed when someone else says you are weird as shit.
— people who offer up their t-shirt when your nose is running and there’s no kleenex around.
Sounds more like a mother to me.
but definitely not mine.
Or more likely it sounds like you.
Yeah probably. It doesn’t sound like my mother either.
LOL Andi 🙂
Family: people you call when you’re arrested for protesting Bush Inc.
FRIENDS: people sitting with you in the cell giggling, “holy shit Janet, we got arrested!”
I think are people who you overlook or find their personal quirks endearing while in other people they drive you fucken nuts. Not exactly fair or rational I know but that what I think.
I have a very strong and almost instant gag reflex to snot and other nasal discharge. As a nurse I could handle (not literally, well in some cases yes … but oh nevermind) any other bodily fluid except for that. Wierd, yes. True, totally.
Could you change that to: offer up their t-shirt if you’re bleeding and nothing else is available?
I’ve always kept open the possibility of getting a nursing degree here in my old age….except for one small fact. I hate vomit.
Give me blood, urine, snot…anything else but barf. If I see it, or witness someone else doing it, my sympathetic reflex takes over and I can’t help but gag too.
… Word.
There were plenty of things that I had to get used to as a young nursing student. Body fluids was one big one. It was quite the enlightening time for many of us unmarried, single gals. I think I spent the first year in a constant state of embarrassment.
So smegma okay but snot not.
Okey dokey.
If there’s an uglier word in the English language I can’t think of it offhand.
This is one of the quotes on the walls in my classroom.
“A friend is one who knows you and loves you just the same.”
— Elbert Hubbard
Here are some others.
“An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind.”
— Buddha
“The only way to have a friend is to be one.”
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything.”
— Muhammad Ali
new computer with new navigator so you’re not getting any fancy schmancy html crap here from me.
The Last Supper (1995) grab it from greencine.com or netsucks.
Basically it’s about some grad students who are mega Liberals who accidentally kill a redneck racist piece of shit at their dinner table. They freak out. But… then they rethink and ultimately stop thinging…and go an extremist way and decide to invite to dinner once a month so extremist and poison them.
At times in the movie this seems like a good idea. LOL but other times one’s sense of reality pops in. I won’t spoil it for ya but FYI Cameron Diaz does not ruin the film with her usual dorkiness.
It’s a dark treat. Like a kiss in the dark and you’re not sure who is in the room with you.
Made me think of you guys for some oddball reason. Not because I think you’d be anyone in the film… but a part of me wished I had you in my apartment watching it with me. … with plenty of drinks and doritos of course 🙂
3 politcally dark thumbs up.
come on over to the new cafe. Watch where you step, some wise-frog planted a thistle patch by the entry way!