The legal proposal known as the “unitary executive” is much in the news. President Bush’s Supreme Court nominee, Samuel Alito, argued for it in November 2000 at a panel sponsored by the rightwing Federalist Society. The proposal, as Walter Shapiro summarized it in, argues that “every part of the executive branch (including regulatory agencies like the Federal Trade Commission and, yes, independent counsels like Kenneth Starr) should be legally under the control of the president.”
The media too seldom notes the synergy between the religious right’s current desire for codified Christianization of the United States and the concept of the unitary executive. That synergy is very important; it is a threat to liberty and a reason why both the unitary executive concept in general and Samuel Alito’s nomination in particular should be opposed by progressives and anyone concerned about the power and influence of the religious right on the republic and American culture.
The basic idea of a super-powerful or all-powerful president (akin to the concept of an “imperial presidency“) is not new. Some early Americans thought the presidency should be an office held for life; some supporters of George Washington wanted to make him our king. Looking more aptly to modern comparisons, we see Franklin D. Roosevelt (a Democrat) and Richard Nixon (a Republican) both embodied relatively super-strong presidencies. Roosevelt attempted to radically alter the nature of the Supreme Court without a Constitutional amendment. Richard Nixon sought the power to declare war (which–though the casual observer would never know it–is a power wisely reserved for Congress) and the power of full immunity from legislative oversight. Motivated largely by personal vindictiveness, Nixon acted illegally on his beliefs about the executive branch’s would-be special privileges. Fortunately, the media had active investigative reporters back then who exposed Nixon; also fortunately, Congress was not controlled by Nixon’s own political party, and the cumulative result of those two realities was that Nixon’s abuses caused his downfall.
That was then.
Today, many of Nixon’s more powerful admirers, like Vice-President Dick Cheney and Sec. of Defense Donald Rumsfeld agree with Nixon and want to craft an imperial presidency.
They have succeeded hugely. (See here, here, here, and here; also, a broader overview wisely including President Clinton’s administration is here; also, Cheney’s love of the imperial presidencyrecently caught the attention of The New York Times.)
What makes the imperial nature of the Bush presidency especially dangerous is that it comes at the same time when much of the religious right believes, probably correctly, that a tipping point has been reached in their struggle to formally Christianize America in brazen defiance of our Founding Fathers’ enlightenment ideals and in opposition to our Founders’ dreams of what America might be at its best.
The religious right is basically a marriage of socially and theologically conservative Christians (including fundamentalists, conservative evangelicals, and others) with the Republican Party (including neo-conservatives within it, represented by Donald Rumsfeld among many others). When Republican candidates win, the religious right wins.
And now, the religious right sees that the Republican Party controls the U.S. House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate, and the Presidency. (Consider also that the culture of the Republican-controlled executive itself is expressly conservative Christian: after all, Bible studies occur in the Bush White House, Bush consults “rapture Christian” shamans on foreign policy, and Bush adheres strongly and openly to his version of Christianity.)
What is more, the media has also been variously tamed or purchased by the conservative Republican movement in America. (See Michael Massing’s “The End of News?” and “The Press: The Enemy Within.”)
It might be said that only the Supreme Court is the only serious player among great socio-political estates that remains to fall to pro-Christianization conservative movement in the U.S.
Enter Samuel Alito, and enter the great hope for a living “unitary executive,” which under this president could be used to steamroll ahead the religious right’s beloved Christianization agenda, and would almost certainly also embolden George Bush in his own public religiosity (Won’t Alito’s confirmation be evidence of Jesus’ divine endorsement of all Bush stands for?), thereby foisting onto The United States of America its first Commander-in-Chief and de facto Pontifex Maximus.
So, for the religious right, what now is not to like about the concept of supreme executive power? Yes, FDR made the presidency even more powerful, but he exhibited merely a genteel Episcopalian sort of Christianity; what is more, he wasn’t a conservative; he backed progressive ideas from racial integration of the military to Social Security, Medicare, and the FDIC. Nixon was a conservative, but he also seemed not very religious. (His language made at least one evangelical literally cringe when he and I considered together a transcript of an unedited Oval Office recording. And you thought sailors could swear?)
But today is very different: it’s the era of near Republican hegemony and a pop evangelical president born of a multi-millionaire Big Oil dynasty and born-again of a multi-million person Big Jesus nationalistic piety. This era is a great threat to the health of America, including to the hope that our children might come of age in a truly informed, democratic republic committed to defending and expanding liberty, justice, and human rights for all.
So, what are some of the things we can do to counter this trend?
More on that soon.
Recommended. Looking forward to part 2.
Good analysis and it makes a lot of sense as the “religious” right basically wants to make the White House the new Vatican with the President as Pope, but not a kinder-gentler Pope, but a Spanish Inquisition kind of Pope. Absolute power vested in the man who speaks ‘directly to God’ (sound familiar…). With powers to wage war by summoning the monarchy (read modern day head of state… Blair, Berlusconi, Howard…) to bring forth their troops to fight the Holy War. I’m sure they’ll be looking for tithes as well.
But it makes perfect sense and it is already under-way by virtue of the blatant slap-in-the-face to the Constitution by the actions of Bushco the last 5 years… and by prepping the public to only accept their version of religion… (if you ain’t as pious as me you ain’t shit… oh, and do you speak to God?? Ha! Thought not. Heathen.)
I liked your reference to Washington as it is fully accurate, but as a parable for modern times it would be interesting to contrast Washington’s “opening the door” (ie. Nixon) to W’s walking through it (ie. Adams)… Jefferson, Madison & Monroe thought Adams to be the greater threat to the Republic because he pushed through the Alien & Sedition Acts, which Jefferson called:
Adams also presided over the Reign of Terror in Philly during the war with France that forced Jefferson to flee for fear of his life.
Last but not least his statements about dictatorship… remind you of anyone…
Perpetual Religious War. George Bush’s America.
Go right to the top, and tell ’em “No” to Alito’s confirmation:
Phone, fax, and email addresses for the Judiciary Committee.
Here’s another “Veto Alito” tool:
Write a letter to the editor of your local paper and contact your congress critters — all with one click.
Also: gathered 300,000 signatures in their Anti-Alito petition — in a day!
They’re shooting for 500,000, please sign if you haven’t already:
Move’s stop Alito petition
People for the American Way have sent over 60,000 letters to the Senate:
Save the Court Petition
American Rights at Work also
Oppose Alito Petition
Defending the Constitution’s Stop Alito Petition…
Democratic anti-Alito petition:
Democratic Party’s Reject Alito Petition
Stop the NRA is also getting in on the party:
Stop the NRA’s Oppose Alito Petiton
And while you’re at it: sign Planned Parenthood’s anti-Alito petition, too:
Planned Parenthood Petition
NARAL is shooting for 500,000 signatures, please add yours:
Naral Anti-Alito Petition
And don’t forget: urge Congress to support Plan B:
Plan B Petition
It’s not just the imperial presidency — it’s the whole top-down authoritarian model of society. The Religous Right has this authoritatian hierarchy hard-wired into their theology: Children are supposed to obey their parents unconditionally and without question (and according to Dobson, should be beaten into submission if they don’t). Wives are expected to obey their husbands, without question (hence whole idea of either daughters or wives getting abortions without permission from their “natural” figure of authority is anathema to them, even if the whole topic of abortion wasn’t to begin with — it’s letting disobedient women “get away with” sin without paying their proper penance — possibly without even confessing it, which is unthinkable!). Servants obey masters, employees obey employers, and members of a congregation obey the pastor, without question. Citizens obey the government, without question. And of course, people obey God without question — that’s where the top down model starts. Disobedience or dissent anywhere along the chain of command is thus seen as insubordination to God, because one is “rebelling” against the hierarchy of authority that God has ordained.
So yes, the Religious Right considers ANY notion that dissent or challenge of the “natural” hierarchy of authority is not only “disrespectful” but a threat to the very stability of society. Because once people begin asking questions at any level, where will it end? How will that authority maintain control?
Ever worked for a boss that wasn’t secure in his or her authority or position? The kind of person who interprets any deviation from his exact orders to be a sign of insubordination — who treats questions as to his actual intent on a project (when directions are unclear) as a challenge to his authority? Who uses that authority as a bludgeon, not to get the job done, but to make sure everyone beneath him (or her) “knows their place?” That’s the kind of mentality we’re looking at here. The whole notion that disagreement or dissent equals insubordination and rebellion, not only against one’s “superior” but against God.
So from that mindset, establishing the absolute authority of the president makes perfect sense, as it simply reinforces this top-down hierarchy and chain of authority — so long as they believe the president believes as they do. And Lord knows, George Bush is insecure enough as a person and as a leader to buy into this absolute authority bullshit all the way.
Thanks for this. I’m for diaries that ask WHY.
This is a key connection. It sheds more light not only on Alito but Bush’s last attempt with Harriet Miers, which was a stealth attempt to install a Justice who would support Bush’s kingship and be a good Christian in the Bush interpretation.
Good comments so far too.
because they’re troglodyte simpletons, duh!
Brilliant. And frightening.
Just as the Bush regime’s enthusiasm for imperial power represents a throwing over of the principles of democracy in favor of tyranny, so to the power wielded by religious leaders is always authoritarian in nature.
This is the core element that unites these two anti-democracy forces. It’s Ur-Fascism.