This piece seemed to speak to so many diaries and comments lately, about everything from Ivy League elitism to the cultural accepability of crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing, the sad political reality faced by Those Opposed.
I may not always agree with Joe about everything, but I can tell you that I tried very hard to write a diary just using snippets from this piece, but the snippets became so much bigger than the parts snipped out that it seemed more reasonable to just let Joe tell you. He is an American as well as a white man, so maybe it will seem politer coming from him anyway.
“There are some things so disgusting that only a white man would be willing to do them.”
–Walter Wildshoe, Coeur d’Alene IndianMany years ago I worked at an industrial hog farm owned by the Coeur d’Alene Indian tribe in northern Idaho. The place stank of the dead and rotting brood sows we chopped out of farrowing crates — bred to death in the drive for pork production. And it stank of the massive ponds that held millions of gallons of hog feces and rotting baby pigs, and every square inch was poisoned by the pesticides used to kill insects that hogs attract and the antibiotics fed to hogs from hundred pound sacks. The Coeur d’Alene Indians refused to suffer those kinds of conditions; they wouldn’t even manage the place. They contracted it out. As my friend Walter Wildshoe said: “Only a white man would work there.”
The hog farm, however, offered one company benefit. The white manager gave employees any young pigs that developed large tumors — those with tumors smaller than golf calls went to market with the rest of the hogs — or were born with deformities such as heads scrunched sideways with both eyes on the same side, or a leg that stuck out of the top of their body instead of the bottom. We employees would butcher and eat them. Among hog farm employees, all of whom were tough descendants of the Scots Irish mutt people, free pork of any kind was prized, deformed with tumors or otherwise. You never saw a Swede eat the stuff.
So I took these pigs home and, using a huge old butcher’s knife, slashed their throats in the woods, right in front of my two kids — ages two and four at the time — without flinching even as the pigs screamed almost like humans and thrashed around, splashing thick dark glops of blood everywhere. It bothered me not one bit, just like it never bothered my daddy or granddaddy. Nor did it seem to bother my children as they watched, just like it didn’t bother me as a child when my uncle handed me sacks of barn kittens to drown in the crick. And Walter would shake his head and say, “Only a white man would wrestle a hog with a butcher knife. An Indian would shoot the motherfucker with a gun.”
My point here is that we rural and small town mutt people by an early age seem to have a special capacity for cruelty, compared say, to damned near every other imaginable group of Americans. For instance, as a child did you ever put a firecracker up a toad’s ass and light it? George Bush and I have that in common. Anyway, as all non-whites the world round understand, white people can be mean. Especially if they feel threatened — and they feel threatened about everything these days. But when you provide certain species of white mutt people with the right incentives, such as free pork or approval from god and government, you get things like lynchings, Fallujah, the Birmingham bombers and Abu Ghraib. Even as this is being written we may safely assume some of my tribe of mutt people are stifling the screams of captives in America’s secret “black site” prisons across the planet. Or on a more mundane scale of cruelty (according to CBS footage) kicking hundreds of chickens to death every day at the Pilgrim’s Pride plant in Wardensville, West Virginia, just up the road from where I am writing this. Or consider the image of Matthew Shepard’s body twisted on that Wyoming fence… All these are our handiwork. We the mutt-faced sons and daughters of the republic. Born to kick your chicken breast meat to death for you in the darkest, most dismal corners of our great land, born to kill and be killed in stockcar races, drunken domestic rows, and of course in the desert dusty back streets at the edges of the empire. Middle class urban liberals may never claim us as brothers, much less willing servants, but as they say in prison, we are your meat. We do your bidding. Your refusal to admit that we do your dirty work for you, not to mention the international smackdowns and muggings for the republic — from which you benefit more materially than we ever will — makes it no less true.
Literally from birth, we get plenty of conditioning to kill those “gooks” and “sand monkeys” and whoever else needs killing at any particular moment in history according to our leadership. Like most cracker kids in my generation, from the time I could walk I played games in which I pretended to (practiced for) killing “Japs”, Indians, Germans, Koreans, Africans Zulus (as seen in the movies Zulu and Uhuru!), variously playing the role of U.S. cavalry, Vikings ala Kirk Douglas, World War II GIs, colonial soldiers, and of course Confederate soldiers. As little white cracklets we played with plastic army men that we tortured by flame, firecracker, burning rivulets of gasoline, kerosene or lighter fluid. And if atomic bombing was called for, M-80s and ashcans. We went to sleep dreaming of the screams of the evil brutes we had smitten that day, all those slant-eyed and swasticated enemies of democracy and our way of life. Later as post-cracklets in high school we rode around in cars looking to fight anyone who was different, the “other”, be they black, brown, or simply from another school or county. As young men we brawled at dances, parties or simply while staring at one another bored and drunk. We bashed over women, less-than-weight bags of dope, money owed and alleged insult to honor, wife, mother or model of car — Ford versus Chevy. In other words, all of white trash culture’s noblest causes….
Said meanness is polished to a high-gloss murderous piety most useful to the military establishment. Thus, by the time we are of military age (which is about 12) we are capable of doing a Lynndie England on any type of human being unfamiliar to us from our culturally ignorant viewpoint — doing it to the “other”. Sent to Iraq or Afghanistan, most of us, given the nod, can torture the other as mindlessly as a cat plays with a mouse. That we can do it so readily and without remorse is one of the darkest secrets underlying the “heroes” mythology the culture machine is so fervently ginning up about the ongoing series of wars now unfolding…
About half of the Americans killed in Iraq come from communities like Winchester, Virginia or Romney, West Virginia or Fisher, Illinois or Kilgore, Texas or . . . . About 45 percent of the American dead in Iraq come from communities of less than 40,000, even though these towns make up only 25 percent of our population. These so-called volunteers are part of this nation’s de facto draft — economic conscription — the carrot being politically preferable to the whip. The carrot does not have to be very big out here where delivering frozen food wholesale to restaurants out of your own car entirely on commission is considered a good self-employment opportunity. I’m serious. One of my sons did it for a couple of months. Once you grasp the implications of such an environment regarding the so-called American Dream, the U.S. Army at 1,300 bucks a month, a signing bonus and free room and board begins to look pretty good. Even a nice long ass kicking tour of the tropics killing brown guys becomes attractive. Especially compared to competing with other little brown guys at home, humping “big-roll sod” across ever-expanding MacMansionland. In the process, we mutt people learn worldly lessons that the postgraduate set raving about the jobless economy cannot know. For instance, we know firsthand that there is no way to beat little brown sod balling guys willing to sleep in their cars and live on canned beans and store brand soda. Better to go “volunteer” for the army.
Along with the military come those big-bucks-for-college-later, up to $65,000, which according to current wisdom is more than enough to buy your way out of the beans and soda pop car camp at the edge of the new Toll Brothers development. Maybe some poor kids do go to college on their military benefits. But personally speaking, I can count the number on one hand I know who ever did. Most of them were black. The rest seem to go to the local truck driving school (rip-offs designed to collect government money) or the ITI “vocational career training,” again designed to hoover up federal dough. Let’s be honest here: graduating from the average American cracker high school here in the suburban heartland is not exactly the path to Harvard Yard. Your best educational option is probably the one you are looking at on the matchbook cover….
So we will either see that Americans, religious or not, get educated equally so they won’t be suckered by political and religious hucksters. If not, then we must accept that uneducated people interpret politics in an uninformed and emotional manner, and accept the consequences. America can no longer withstand the political naiveté of this ignored white class. Middle class American liberals cannot have it both ways. It has come down to the simplest and most profound element of democracy: Fairness. Someday middle class American liberals will have to cop to fraternity and justice and the fact that we are our brother’s keeper, whether we like it or not. They’re going to have to sit down and actually speak to these people they consider ugly, overweight, ill educated and in poor taste. At some point down the road all the Montessori schools and ivy league degrees in the world are not going to save your children and grandchildren from what our intellectual peasantry, whether born of neglect or purposefully maintained, is capable of supporting politically. We’ve all seen the gritty black and white newsreels from the 1930s.
A member of this peasantry, I quit school at age sixteen in the eleventh grade to join the U.S. Navy. I hated school, hated the social class differences in a small town that make life so miserable during adolescence, when one’s community and social status is being nailed down permanently for anyone planning on staying here. As a former young white cracklet I can say with all confidence that when you live with a rusty coal stove in the middle of the living room for heat, your old man smells of gasoline and motor oil no matter how much he bathes and your mom suffers from strange, unpredictable behavior due to untreated depression, you do not much feel like inviting the doctor’s daughter home. Or anyone’s daughter for that matter. Doctor’s son = College, career, golf, nice car and a bimbo. Redneck laborer’s son = Well, if you stay out of trouble, there’s always room for one more broad shouldered chinless pinhead stamping out bright yellow plastic mop buckets on the injection molds at Rubbermaid. Thus, at sixteen and choosing options, I decided that launching fighter jets from the deck of an aircraft carrier to kill gooks and the notion of pussy and booze on some exotic foreign shore looked damned good. When I think about what happened to my boyhood friends who stayed home and put in 30 years at Rubbermaid, my choice doesn’t sound that bad even today. They all became redneck ultra-conservatives, mostly out of some sort of fear and bitterness that I can never seem to put my finger on. But I knew these people in a younger and more hopeful time. I know they were capable of –not to mention deserved — more than they got out of life. Maybe their bitterness stems from that.
Meanwhile, their kids do the same as they did. Go uneducated. Sometimes I walk the street on which I grew up. And when I look around I see the same kinds of kids as ever. They are all fatter, but they are the same cigarette-smoking, know-nothing white punks that I was, the tough sons and daughters of the unwashed. In my old neighborhood where over one quarter of adults do not have a high school diploma, there are lots of yellow ribbons in the windows, Marine Corps and Army parent’s icons on the porches and scrubby lawns, evidence enough that you do not need an education to contribute something of value the far-flung perimeter of our expanding empire of blood and commerce. Pure meanness is highly valued in Caesar’s legions. Lots of Americans don’t seem to mind having a pack of young American pit bulls savage some flyblown desert nation, or running loose in the White House for that matter, as long as they are our pit bulls protecting Wall Street and the 401-Ks of the upper middle class.
The problem is this: pit bulls always escalate the fight and keep at it until the last dog is dead, leaving the gentler breeds to clean up the blood spilled. We mutt people, the pit bulls, have always been your own, whether you claim us or not. And until you accept that you are your brother’s keeper, and help deliver us from ignorance, you will continue to have on your hands some of every drop of blood spilled . . . from the sands of Iraq to the streets of East L.A. All the socially responsible stock portfolios, little hybrid cars and post modernist deconstruction in the world will not wash it off.
Well that was a decent punch to the gut. What is interesting to me, is that the context is transferrable across ethnic lines. I grew up in a small town that is overwhelming Latino, and while there aren’t the yellow stickers that Joe describes in the windows, plenty of my friends and peers have gone off to war. They made the same escape described in the commentary above, escape from a perceived dead-end life and the rut that can be found in a stagnant environment.
The words are chilling, and probably alittle too wide-brushed for my liking, but I can see glimpses of truth in what he wrote. Thanks for another thought-provoking diary Ductape.
that line I quote all the time from the Australian paper’s visit to Lynndie’s home town:
And yes, there are certainly economic parallels that can be drawn across ethnic lines, but that’s not what Joe is telling us.
He is reminding us that even though there is a demographic shift underway, it has not happened yet, that white people are still the majority in the US, and the majority of white people, well, that’s the way they was raised.
I’ll second you comment “the context is transferable across ethnic lines.” Parts of this remind me a lot of the mixed ethnic, big-city neighborhood I grew up in. Only there, the young people get to try out their skills on each other in gang warfare before taking off for the military or the mop bucket factory.
It’s the lot of the poor in all times and places to be uneducated, to be cannon fodder, to be cogs in the corporate machine: Listen to Bruce Springsteen, read Howard Zinn, watch for the next diary by Ductape Fatwa or Arthur Gilroy.
Recommended, because it’s the least another refugee from that world can do.
Big tent party. And while we’re at it, big tent society.
Oh DTF, here you go again! Making sense. What can I say other than this is a 5 star article. God this is so true in so many ways.
Thank you for this. It is going to be in my mind tonight as I go to sleep or at least try. For my generation, it was filled with this sort of cannon fodder for the military. I used my GI bill for education. I came from a upper poor class family. I had to struggle, in many ways to get beyond thsi way of thinking and living. Hugs, man…what a diary!
not mine. 🙂
Yes, this one will keep me up nights.
But it does explain behavior that has seemed “other” to me.
What I have to work out now is climbing down off my high horse and owning my part in it.
Ductape, have you joined the Unitarian Jihad ?
Are you the Relentless Cattle Prod of Perpetual Character Developement ?
Thank you for such a compliment. 🙂
do you have a Unitarian Jihad Name?
Are those Unitarians inclusive, or what?
Greetings from Brother Immaculate Cricket Bat of Acceptance.
Greetings from Brother Boot Knife of Quiet Reflection
lol, these are fun.
Sister Jackhammer of Enlightened Compassion says hello.
Sister Main Gauche of Enlightenment at your service. 😉
The Garrote of Reasoned Discussion
(I am the genuine article)
Nothing facilitates the condition within which ignorance is weaponized in a society than serfdom. The grinding poverty, the social ostracism, the stifling hopelessness that so often crushes the dreams of the disenfranchised; when these elements are institutionalized in a society, any society, they represent the flaws in that society that inevitably contribute to it’s ultimate downfall.
And the denial by the “haves” in such societies that the “have-nots” are actually the major contributors to their cushy way of life; well this is why the collapse of empire always takes the ruling class by surprise.
He took so many thousands of words to say it. 😀
Thank you for the implicit compliment.
Although few would suspect me of admiring such a quality.
Anyway, it’s not a gift Joe has, either. 😀
In Australia too, I see mutt people
In fact, this article has helped me clarify by writing from this perspective, another way of viewing what Howard and others are doing to my country -they are actively building and cultivating mutt people. They are creating a serfdom.
What a brilliant prose style too. Rivetting, and a punch to the gut.
Ductape, I don’t know where to start on this.
You’ve taken Bageant’s rant and nicely stripped it of the more odious parts. I read it all, and I frankly find it bigoted, and generalized from his personal experience to all who were or are poor – like fingernails across the blackboard of poor Americans in this country.
In fact, I think his screed reeks of self-hatred and condescension toward people of his own apparent background, and he appears to have swallowed hook, line, and sinker the myth that he seems to decry: the idea that education lies principally in the hands of a tiny number of Ivy League Universities and their graduates. And that poor persons, especially poor white persons are not only shut out, they don’t and wouldn’t use their opportunities to go there if they had a chance, preferring something he doesn’t even count as education. He may be writing tongue in cheek, but he is applying the butt of his sarcasm to persons who are too often held responsible for the shortcomings of the country.
And I want to say much, much worse. Other readers may insert here every profanity you’ve ever heard MSO write, which my Southern upbringing will never let me write. That’s what I said, having no ears nearby other than my cats as I read it just now, my husband fortunately being asleep. Neither small towns nor lack of education makes people have an appetite for cruelty.
I am extremely tired of hearing @#$@ about Southerners as the sinkhole of American culture, cruelty, ignorance,etc. Find Randy Newman’s record Rednecks, Ductape, and listen to it. All of it. If you don’t know where the places are that he is talking about, ask. The are not all in the South. It is as hostile as Joe’s essay, (though the music is much much better), and more to the point about racism and ignorance all over this country.
Now, Ductape, I do appreciate and admire your ability to take the truths of what he says, and sift them out of the larger chaff that is so offensive. Yes, we need to equalize education everywhere. Absolutely. And the schools in the South are largely a travesty.
Yes, education is being commodified. Some of us where I teach had to suffer the indignity of having Ford Motor Company come and tell us what and how to teach our college students so they would be good future auto industry employees. What a irritating bunch of __!
And as to small town & Southern schools being the worst of education, been to the schools in South side Chicago? Here in Detroit where my spouse teaches? Anacostia in DC? Hartford Connecticut? Philly? New Haven?. Go there, and then tell me that the problem is Southern or small town education education. It is education, period.
I wasn’t born wealthy, nor were my parents (one grandfather a share cropper for many years, the other a life long Ozark farmer on a tiny red clay & iron ore farm. And in those families 6 generations of Southern, rural and small town teachers of very mixed, “mutt” heritage.
Do not assume that poor persons read only the Bible and do not value education! I have the great pleasure of teaching many first generation college students. They aren’t dragging into college! I also see many young persons Black and white and Hispanic getting their college degrees with GI money. I have them in my classes every semester, and I’m not teaching at ACE school of Trucking. (And frankly, truck drivers deserve a lot more respect that he is giving them. That is an honorable occupation, sir, not worthy of being put down.) Perhaps Mr. Bageant isn’t fully adquainted the the reality of large metropolitan life. In contrast to smaller towns, in suburban areas attached to large cities, it is perhaps too easy to live in a very segregated world, where one doesn’t have to daily confront persons who are poor.
Calm down, KS, and climb off the soapbox, store the thunderbolts, push the Black Irish pol GGGrandfather back into the trunk.
Ductape, I apologize for the length, and the anger in this. There is much truth here in what you have excerpted, said both plainly and in sarcasm that you will likely say I have misconstrued (give it up, KS!).
I should have either let this pass by, or gone and made a batch of Aggression Cookies, or writtn a diary as a response, or simply say good-night. I am going to say good-night, with a final apology.
hands of the Ivy League, but as another diary discussed the other day, the ticket to positions of leadership, in both public and private sectors.
Mr. Danger loves to repeat after his earpiece on the joys of community colleges, and despite the “commodification” of education, it is certainly possible for people who have a desire to learn to do so in community colleges, state universities, etc.
However, there is a reason that the rich and powerful start their kids on the Ivy League track before they are out of diapers.
The corporate oligarchy oppresses also poor whites, and poor whites are the majority-minority. Whites are still (though not for long) the majority ethnic group in the US, and the majority of those whites are not on that track to leadership, and are not going to get on it.
I did not interpret the piece as being Southern centered, but this could be because I am aware that all regions of the US are teeming with Bageant’s “mutt people.”
I am not surprised that some of it makes you angry. He is telling some ugly truths, and the parts I omitted, I am assuming you refer to his mention of the percentage of Asians and Jews in Ivy League Schools, were because it does not, in my opinion, matter so much in the context of the main point he is making, the main danger of this mutt people culture that as sbj put so succinctly and beautifully, makes those affluent and luxurious lives possible.
So I cut out very little, and it was a hard choice which little, and I could not please everybody, but I feared that if I did not at least indicate snip outs, because of the length, people might not read it.
And people SHOULD read it. Not just white people, but all people.
They should read it because, once again, it is true. And it is a very dangerous situation that is responsible for many deaths and much suffering of mutt people right in America as well as other people around the world.
They will kill Mr. Bageant when the correction comes. They are not on his side, for all his advocacy of them, though he is one of them, and they will kill you, though you are of their blood.
It is not about ethnicity, or regionalism. It is about culture, it is about feudalism, it is about, one more time, “how girls like Lynndie was raised.”
Now, sadly, I am getting mad at you, because you are presuming to tell me why I’m mad. Sir, my field is emotion, and you are not in any position to tell me why I am angry.
I am not angry at his truths, but at his easy, twisted half-truths, which you seem to want to believe as fully true. I am also a scientist in the field of human behavior, and I have seen proof that cruelty is just as often found among educated people, likewise hatred, bigotry, etc. The degree of poverty or wealth is not correlated with the degree of cruelty. On the other hand, generosity and poverty are correlated: poor people give more of their goods to help others than wealthier people do. That hardly squares with this essay’s emphasis on seeing poverty and lack of education as a crucible for cruelty and violence.
No sir, I do not expect to be killed off by the “mutt people” if a correction comes. I can talk to a poor, uneducated person without assuming he or she is stupid, racist, uninterested in the surrounding world, conditioned to be cruel, unfazed by violence, etc. I don’t doubt for a minute that poor people are forced into the military by economic conditions and by the deliberate design of some scheming white people (For example, our inner city high schools here in Detroit, virtually all Black, have junior ROTC units, not found in the surrounding, mostly white suburbs). But if you think Lyndie England is typical or representative of poor uneducated small town or rural whites, then you have swallowed bigoted thinking that is as bad as any said about other minority groups in this country.
And that makes me angry, and also sad.
And I MUST stop for the night, as I’ve already raised my blood pressure far too much this day.
Good-night, sir.
I am sorry if I have misinterpreted your original post. What you and wilderness wench see as “self-loathing” in the piece, and the author himself obliquely refers to, but later implies is pride, I have mentioned myself several times, and not limited to poor whites, as the meekness of the underclass, what somebody on EuroTrib called the “supine American poor.”
Nor do I disagree with your previous defense of the honorability of truck driving as a profession. However I do disagree with a system that so severely limits the choices of such a large chunk of its population.
A very conservative, very mainstream business journal (sorry, name escapes me) did a piece a year or so ago, pointing out that this American generation would be the first to be less prosperous than their parents. That article was not talking only about the poor, but also the more affluent, whose children DID go to those state universities, small colleges, etc. and the degrees they spent four years getting, and frequently went into debt for, will NOT empower them to get “good” jobs and mobilize upward. It will instead empower them to live in their basements of their parents because they cannot afford housing.
One of the challenges faced by educators who work in America’s ghetto neighborhoods is the futility of encouraging (usually ethnic minority kids) to study hard to “get ahead” when the kids are politically sophisticated and reality based enough to know that their chances of “getting ahead” are about the same as their chances of winning the lottery – or becoming a star ball player or popular MTV singer. There is no one who works with young people in these neighborhoods who does not have at least one, usually several, sad stories to tell of promising students urged to drop out and produce income to help the family, students who endured the jeers of their comrades and DID study hard, believed the crap, got a scholarship, but one that did not pay living expenses, or was partial, and was unable to accept it and continue their education because the cost of the airplane ticket alone was so far beyond the family’s means that it might as well have cost a million dollars, let alone the cost of room and board, clothing, all the fees and expenses that every parent who has ever sent a child off to college can tell you all about.
The situation is no better for the mutt people. Poverty is poverty, the end of upward mobility is an equal opportunity destroyer of the middle class, and thus the social fabric of a society.
I did, and do presume, that you, like many people, are angry about the moribundity of the society, independent of ethnicity.
You may disagree with my speculations on the nature of the coming domestic conflict, and you may be right. Speculation is just speculation. I believe that it will not be, at least at the beginning, such a neat division as some may have seen in Latin America, read about in France, simply rich vs poor.
In my opinion, there will be several elements, ethnic, religious, and ideological as well as economic, at least in the beginning. I believe there will be a significant element of serfs who will be fighting to continue their own serfdom, and I believe that most of that element will be poor whites.
I am sorry if you think that is a bigoted view. It is not intended as such, merely a reflection of the fact that whites are still the majority ethnic population in the US, and as I often see bemoaned and debated here and elsewhere, those poor whites who vote consistently do so against their own interests, and exhibit a greater degree of devotion to the politicians and policies that keep them in serfdom. While their brothers of other ethnicities also do this to a degree, and in fairness, there are no politicians who have anything to offer the poor, white or otherwise, there is more ambivalence, at least in my view, as someone else mentioned, in the Latin American barrios, for example, one sees fewer of the yellow ribbons and Bush stickers.
Now the reasons for all that are closer to your field, and I will not attempt to analyze why that is, I mention it only to explain why I believe that both you and Joe will, despite your differences, both find yourselves on the “other side” than the mutt people, at least in the early stages of conflict.
Everywhere we turn for solutions, we run up against the Myth of America. The equal playing field is an ideal, not a reality. The American Dream is a wish for social justice, not a fact. Those who insist on believing we actually have freedom and justice for all can do so only by blaming those who embody the truth. “Poor people are poor because they make poor choices,” they say, without considering the limited range of choice available. More troubling would be to recognize the insulating power of money when the wealthy make bad choices; a shameful example sits in the Oval Office.
All the ills of society have a greater impact on the powerless. When those horrible pictures from Abu Ghraib came out, one of the first things that came to my mind was the spate of disgusting television programs that hinge on hurting, humiliating and embarrassing people. If we are judged on popular culture, laughing at the misery of others is an American value.
Have we become a nation of sociopaths ? That is the example set by this administration and countless corporations. Young men are encouraged to act like mindless jerks and young women to exploit their body parts. And who benefits…..
I know I’m rambling, but there are so many links in the chains that keeps the disenfranchised powerless.
A point, Ductape (I’m having to resist calling you Mr. Fatwa, to be sure that my anger is being held in check).
I will only deal in one small way with one thing, and only Paragraph Four: There is no time to answer all of the sweeping generalizations you have made here about children in ghetto neighborhoods, but I’ll say this: you are reading what is written by one who lives in the inner city right now, teaching, training others to work with and assist, listening to, doing research with children and families who are poor. And who is married to another,between us more than 40 years of work teaching children, parents, & adults in the inner city (and in some poor rural areas too).
Come visit us sometime, Ductape. And check out a few of your assumptions while you are at it.
I think what disturbs me most is your willingness to accept an “us vs.them” view of any subculture in this country; it doesn’t seem to be a characteristic that I see in any other aspect of your writing. That and the fact that the hostility of Mr. JB’s writing, the use of the term “mutt people”, echoes so closely the hideous language (“Mud people”) of the Klan. That’s likely exactly why JB uses the term, for shock effect. But your use of “mutt people” to refer to poor whites who voted Republican and any general use of that term on this blog to describe those people is unfortunate. If the term is used repeatedly, it will be a gift to persons who will quote that to show poor whites that progressives are elite snobs, looking down the nose in condescension at them. Because the vast majority of poor white people hold no truck with the Klan, and take great insult at being thought to do so.
in the US had the advantage of someone like you, with your committment and your passion, your country would be a very different place. And I know that you and your wife are not unique. There are many people who dedicate their lives to working with kids to whom the larger society sends one message: life is worth nothing, and yours less.
I would compare what you do to the work of dedicated nurses, who sincerely care for their patients’ well-being, and who do all they can to provide care in a system that is not designed for care and cure, but for profit.
Do not confuse my statements about the system with criticism of those who struggle against it. Your arrows are too valuable to be wasted on messengers. 🙂
And though I recognize that you do not like it one bit, the struggle is have vs have not, as it always is when the gap widens too much, and the ground is soaked with blood, strewn with too many bellyslit geese.
The term “mutt people” is Mr. Bageant’s, not mine. The only time I have ever used the term is in this particular diary, which references his article.
Go here to read more of Joe Bageant’s stuff.
An American treasure.
Joe and I share some genes. For sure. My people settled in the Long Island, NY area when IT was the Appalachians…the frontier….1600s + 1700s. Lived the same working class lives, save a couple of smart/lucky/creatively crooked ones who made some money in politics. So I can pass as Anglo/Celtic mutt people in the same white working class towns and bars lunch counters about which he writes.
All OVER America.
Ain’t just about the south.
From sea to shining sea; from northern Maine to Texas border towns.
Semi-Preznit Butch’s family ALSO had some even smarter/luckiermore creatively crooked people in it…thus he and his father get to be some version of President while Joe and I get to write and make art about the situation.
So it goes.
And Joe Bageant pins it.
He is RIGHT on the case.
Susanw writes “Yes, this one will keep me up nights.
But it does explain behavior that has seemed “other” to me.”
Myriad writes “In Australia too, I see mutt people
In fact, this article has helped me clarify by writing from this perspective, another way of viewing what Howard and others are doing to my country -they are actively building and cultivating mutt people. They are creating a serfdom.”
Sbj writes “Nothing facilitates the condition within which ignorance is weaponized in a society than serfdom. The grinding poverty, the social ostracism, the stifling hopelessness that so often crushes the dreams of the disenfranchised; when these elements are institutionalized in a society, any society, they represent the flaws in that society that inevitably contribute to it’s ultimate downfall.”
Fact is, the one single strongest action that the MSM have taken in support of the ruling class is to bury the existence of this class behind a wall of myth and derision.
Those trailer trash, good fer nuthin’ poor whites.
Who are fighting and dying in Iraq right next to the shiftless niggers and lazy spics because, as Mr. Bageant so aptly puts it, ALL of these “so-called volunteers are part of this nation’s de facto draft — economic conscription — the carrot being politically preferable to the whip. The carrot does not have to be very big out here where delivering frozen food wholesale to restaurants out of your own car entirely on commission is considered a good self-employment opportunity.”
I often see and hear middle and upper middle class liberals of ALL races and semi-cultures sincerely asking …completely in the dark…how middle America can possibly vote for George Butch.
You want the real answer?
Here it is.
That’s nasty ol’ Aunt Hett and her bad to the bone son JimBob there.
They are FAMILY!!!
Family that done good.
REAL good.
Get to put firecrackers up BIG toads’ asses now.
An’ blow ’em up good.
Real good.
THAT’LL teach them wogs a thing er two about messin’ wif US folks!!!
It’s all about blood.
ALL about it.
P.S. And watch out for ol’ Aunt Hett. She’s the dumbest AND the meanest of the lot.
explaining how in the world somebody with your brains, and your views, is a devotee of Hilary Clinton.
You are, or seem to be, one of the least right-leaning posters here or anywhere, and for the life of me I cannot figure out why you would choose Hilary as your preferred politician, indeed, why you would have a preferred politician, considering that the whole lot of them together is worth about a rupee’s weight of pond scum.
So please do a diary and explain this. But don’t do it in this thread. It’s about mutt people, not Hilary.
Oh, wait.
to her everlasting credit, Hillary married a mutt.
I believe that Hillary is a revolutionary mole.
I really do.
Not too loud.
“The bad guys might hear.
P.S. No diary. I don’ NEED no steenking diary.
Just look at her history.
Either she has made the biggest, most successful turnaround in the history of politics or she is playing the LOT of them.
No middle ground possible.
I choose the latter.
We shall see…
I WILL say that I am not necessarily a “supporter” of Ms. Clinton.
“Understander” might be a better word.
“Appreciator” as well.
I would be just as happy with Howard Dean or Russ Feingold as President. Maybe happier. (Less baggage. less people owed.)
I think…
But I do not believe that either one can get elkected. Or even nominated. They are both perceived by the real power in this country as threats to their hegemony. Which they WILL NOT ALLOW. AT THE PONT OF A GUN IF NECESSARY. I do not think that either one has proven to me that they have the sheer political chops to run the game long term. Which she has proven in spades.
And…I believe that this question is a moot point, anyway. Just as our screaming about Alito, Gannon/Guckert and the varous BushCo scandals has had very little real impact on what goes down…if it’s bad for business, something happens, otherwise it’s silent city…Hillary Clinton has already wrapped up enough chips to take home the nomination AND to give herself a damned good chance to actually win the presidency. Look at her support among upstate NY Ratpub voters. Constituents of Bageant’s mutt world, mostly.
She’s that good.
She may not be exactly “family”…but hell, bubba, she slept with family. And she didn’t desert him when he couldn’t keep his pecker in his pants, neither.
She’s got the JimBob vote.
She may very well be our next Bobby Kennedy.
Only better at the hustle.
Better at the ducking, too, I hope.
From most of your posts, I would not have taken you for one to be so easily appeased by rousing speechifying and designer suits, by impressive talents for putting the suicidal policies of US into more palatable terms to make the wine and cheese crowd in the gated communities feel better about everything from mass slaughter in far-flung lands to slow drip elimination of the poor and infirm at home.
Nor would I have expected you to be a practitioner of the popular magical thinking school of politics. (Oh he just said he hates oranges to get elected but if we will all just send him money and vote for him he will make apples illegal and everybody will have lots of oranges and they will be rounder ones because he really loves them and anyway he doesn’t hate them as much as Bush does and if we do not send him money the Diebold company won’t say he won so how will you feel then?)
And all this time I had suspected you of latent revolutionary tendencies. I apologize.
Thanks for the post, Ductape. Enlightening — not particularly for the portrait of a deeply institutionalized societal imbalance painted, but for the creative ways in which certain human behaviors & characteristics can be characterized as the ‘other’, the alien bizarre.
I know & live among ‘the mutt people’ and I don’t see them that way. Of course, I’m sure many of the moneyed, seasonal visitors to our Catskills valley see me that way — judging by their studied avoidance and/or imperial attitudes & due to my appearance, my clothes, my car — but that’s their issue, not mine.
In any case, of course we’re our brother’s keeper. To which of us is this actually a relevation?
Most apparently, the reek of self-loathing Kidspeak picks up on runs mighty strong throughout the piece, which happens to color my own receptivity to the valuable ideas put forth. This is my issue, but so be it: I’m simply not that impressed with toxic honesty.
I am all over the place on this one. I sincerely hope this makes sense as I’m trying to sort out how I feel.
It’s a weird amalgamation of compassion and fuck you. It’s like having a friend who you know–and him or herself knows–is getting played, yet they do nothing.
But when you provide certain species of white mutt people with the right incentives, such as free pork or approval from god and government, you get things like lynchings, Fallujah, the Birmingham bombers and Abu Ghraib.
Haven’t we had this conversation every generation for the history of this country? And yet. Same shit, different decade.
I grew up with the people that he describes, and yet, if you throw a suit on ’em, they become Sam Alito. In the club. The white skin privilege works as advertised. You even get a respectable “bimbo” (of course, women, no matter what class, being trophies–things, inanimate objects, inflatable dolls with benefits–to be “won” but I digress). And of course, more ass-sucking obeisant than the upper class themselves. No wonder he just hated all those upper class classmates who protested when he longed to be white like them. Fully.
And all is right in the world.
But we don’t speak plainly in this country.
He can’t say that he needs liberals to help him and his when they’re too busy whining about how folks look down on them while identifying with the ruling class. Because no matter how much they do, George Bush and the rest will have nothing to do with them. Shrub is the same whiny, lazy, spoiled, entitled punk ass worrying about his figure that he’s always been, and he still looks down his nose at them.
They’re always snowed, however, when he talks tough and clears brush. A real rancher’s hands are calloused, not manicured. But no matter.
Middle class American liberals cannot have it both ways. It has come down to the simplest and most profound element of democracy: Fairness. Someday middle class American liberals will have to cop to fraternity and justice and the fact that we are our brother’s keeper, whether we like it or not. They’re going to have to sit down and actually speak to these people they consider ugly, overweight, ill educated and in poor taste. At some point down the road all the Montessori schools and ivy league degrees in the world are not going to save your children and grandchildren from what our intellectual peasantry, whether born of neglect or purposefully maintained, is capable of supporting politically. We’ve all seen the gritty black and white newsreels from the 1930s.
And they bear no responsibility? The middle class or whoever the fuck is their “brother’s keeper?” They don’t even believe that. It seems quite clear they are pissed only because they’re not a part of the ruling class and will chew on any milk bone approval tossed their way. Why the hell else support every friggin thing they do even though it bites them in the ass? Are they that blind, that stupid–or that willing?
Sure I’m liberal. It’s the best insurance for whatever rights and liberties I have left. And I may have some, um, “refined” tastes about a couple of things here and there, but on the real, Bageant/his folks from home/Shrub/etc. see me walking down the street and I’m just another … my middle-class trappings and my “King’s English to the Queen’s taste” notwithstanding. I might as well as enjoy myself some time, right?
So I’m supposed to be concerned…why?
It’s harder and harder for me to fight the good fight when I have nothing to gain, and none of the future generations have nothing to gain. Shit, I’m not even respected…and if a bunch of “mutt” people don’t respect themselves but for the white skin privilege they’re promised but can’t fully exercise b/c they don’t have the cash to pull it off, tell me why, exactly, I should care.
Yeah dammit–I’m getting to be just as selfish as they. I’m MUCH less disappointed that way.
but please allow me to add myself to the long list of people I am sure have told you – you are one hell of a word writer!
Please write more of them more often. 🙂
Bet you didn’t think that was possible! :<)
Thank you.
from just past the paper bag to the Dinka’s midnight gleam – now those are fun folks to watch when they blush – or get sunburned 😀
You’re not too bad a wordsmith yourself, Ductape: “the Dinka’s midnight gleam” beeing a prime example.
Oh, I found out just how red I can be after a severe allergic reaction to a Tetanus shot.
The medical staff looked at me said You’re not black–you’re red!
Of course, my blushing is of the can’t-stop-the-silly-grin-on-my-face variety.
Yes. What Ductape said. Thankyou AP
Just wanted to say hello, and happy new year.
It’s been a while! How is it going?
Hi Sirocco — good to see you too! And Happy New Year. Things are much the same for me, though I don’t seem to be writing as much lately — hopefully that will change but work has been a bit stressful lately. BTW I’ve seen Avila posting over at dKos every now and then.
Hope all is good with yo
We are all mutts
We are all hairless apes
We are all capabale of doing all those things we like to condemn.
The main reasons we don’t are a.) because of consequences and b.) because most of us choose not to.
When there are no consequences or, worse, when the consequences are against those who DON’T commit atrocities, and/or when someone for whatever religious, societal, racist, sexist, bigoted or psychotic reason choose to commit atrocity, a line is crossed. I am reasonably sure that line can be crossed by any of us if circumstances were different.
The diary that drew me back into posting, a mixed blessing indeed. JB nails some of it but misses some too, it’s like dragging some moldy old antique carpet out of doors and into the sun, you see all the grotesque ugliness but miss some of the shining threads still holding on,frayed and dulled as they are at the moment. The anger we, and it is “we” from here, turn against those who we think got what we were promised can be terrible. But divide and conquer doesn’t work with all of us, or a goodly number at this point. The anger is spilling over to the suits too. The best and worst of populism I guess.
What’s missing in the words here is the odd “one of us” kindness that is there too. The Aunt who everyone knows is an Uncle but she’s one of us and you leave her alone. The Mexican guy who gave you a jump last Feb., he’s one of us too. The net of who “us” is can be pretty wide and the lines aren’t as strictly drawn as people seem to think. There is anger and energy there and if it isn’t being manipulated by the rr it can be used for good things. We’re ignorant, not stupid. The factory women who hide your money for you, never spend a cent and give it back when you’ve run off from that nasty husband, the dead eyed guys with dirty nails who will fix your car for a bottomless cup of coffee. The soup that is always enough for one more guest, pull up a chair, got a cig? I know this is disjointed but there truly is a beauty here that could break your heart if you find it. If you look for it.
There is nothing I can add to this… but Thank You.
I’m American. And to me… that means I’m basically a mutt. But I’m a mutt who has traveled outside of North Amerca and I don’t mean “just Hawaii” 🙂
When you get beyond the Apple Pie and Baseball glorification of this country… you realize just fucking SICK our governement and I’m sorry folks but our countrymen, our neighbors are. We took this soil from others, we worked this land with slaves. We did it all in the name of OUR freedom.
As I age and as I see the American Exceptionalism with each and every rightwing agenda… justifying torture and giving Presidents dictorial powers so that we can do away with torturing dictators just nails it for me daily that this country needs to grow the fuck up.
Yes we have decent people here. Yes we are charitiable but that goodness has a mean, cruel edge to it. Why??? Because we KNOW how we came to be. We KNOW they don’t hate us for our “freedumb” theyhate us for our apathy, our exceptionalism and how we are BULLIES. Our “friendship” to other countries is basically the schoolyard bully style. We’re nice to you till you get in our face and then we have you by the balls.
What GREAT country has to rule by fear and death? What great country has to spy on grandmothers of dead soldiers? One that is followed by the very people want the label of “great patriotic country” but never lifted a finger to make this world better for anyone else but themselves.
Ductape, after seeing the Sago mine crap. I say crap because it was this regime who lowered the safety standards for coal miners and yet the fuckers are the very people who support Bush. … My daughter heard these “adults” speak. She asked me if they had schools there at all.
Wanna make this country great? We need to clean out the closests and accept and apologize our skeletons NOT justify them. We need to educate and provide health care for ALL.
The red regime wants em dumb, poor and hurting – that’s how you can keep em afraid and in control.
We won’t win this with votes and trying to explain to them… we need to build schools and colleges. We need to ensure that every coal miner’s daughter, wife, son, finds it easier and more worthwhile to go to school than it is to work in a shaft or get the shaft while working at Wal Mart.
Ack I rambled. Sorry.
OOps lots of typos but one main thing… the people who don’t care about anything but making sure their needs are met and their lives are enriched… are bitter because they FAILED in that as well.
I don’t know why they wouldn’t want a better life for their children? You hear so many snigger at “going to school” or “gettin an education like some fucking libera”… maybe it’s because they’re afraid their children will see just how much of a failure they the parents are?
It’s a bloodline self-fulfilling prophecy of sorts perhaps?
What’s odd is that I want both my kids to grow, experiment, search, find… I”m always asked what my goals are for my one child… I always have to explain my reply as it sadly seems foreign to most…
My goal is for him to make his OWN goals. My dream is for him to create and fulfill his own dreams.
I think the “mean people of the Red side of life” find it a failure if their children grow up to be anything other than a younger version of themselves. I dunno…
Thanks for the food for thought. Some of it was bitter and some of it had to be choked down… but it’ll help us grow.
A few years ago, I attended an event where Benazir Bhutto was the speaker.
One of the things she spoke about had to do with literacy efforts in rural Pakistan, where the feudal system remains basically as it has for centuries.
Bhutto mentioned that one of the greatest obstacles to making progress with these projects are landlords who are anti-literacy. And not just for women. Just anti-literacy, period.
Later, I overheard a well-dressed, affluent young white woman who was just overwhelmed by this idea. How is it possible, she asked her companion, that anyone, anywhere, could be anti-literacy?
What she, in her sheltered experience, did not understand, is that the rural Pakistani landlord is just more upfront about it, and other than that it is essentially a matter of degree that separates him from the American educational system.
While US corporations have learned that for their purposes, some degree of literacy can actually increase profits – for example, if the workers who unload the trucks can read the label on the boxes, it can save some time and therefore money – going much beyond that is not seen as a business-friendly model.
While it may be true that a loading dock worker who can read the labels on the boxes in three languages and tell you the chemical makeup and manufacturing process of every product they contain might offer some slight advantage, that will be more than offset by his invariable insistence that he be paid more for having this knowledge, and when refused, go off to do some other kind of work that will be more of a challenge to him and utilize his exceptional knowledge, thus causing the company to have to train and process a new employee.
Anyone who works in human resources departments of companies who hire workers for repetitive, low paying jobs will tell you that people who score too high on the “aptitude” and “intelligence” tests given to applicants will not be hired any more than someone who scores too low.
And it’s hard to find college grads and downsized n’ outsourced erstwhile good wage earners, desperate for any job at all, who have not heard the dreaded O word in their rejection – overqualified – meaning that no we will not hire you because as soon as someone else offers you a dime more or a couch to sleep on, you will be outta here, and we won’t even recoup the cost of the paperwork to process you, and even if you stay, you will be so bored you will either fall asleep or you will make too many errors because this job requires not only that you do not think, but that you not know how to think.
And so the education policy-makers, increasingly up through the university level, since a four year degree is now required to sell shoes in department stores, obligingly do their best to teach the bright young minds what they are supposed to learn – to sit quietly in one place, follow instructions, and not think.
Despite the best efforts of many good and well-intentioned teachers, who themselves require near constant seminars and retraining to help them understand that paperwork is their first priority, and that “teaching” means drilling students to achieve a certain average score on a certain standardized test so that the school will continue to receive funding.
Why don’t the parents, you ask, want a better future for their children? Someone could probably do an entire diary on this, but I believe it is like I said in a previous post, they may want a better future, but there is little evidence in the environment of most to give much credence to the theory that education will provide that better future.
There is, however, a great deal of evidence to indicate that believing that it will will provide almost certain disappointment, heartache, and can even jeopardize realistic “career” opportunities like selling the frozen food on commission, or in some cases, exacerbate already crushing family poverty by depriving the family of additional income, as the starry eyed student stays in school past the legal drop out age.
If s/he has the opportunity to work in a coal mine, or on a rooftop, and earn $15 an hour at age 16, it is difficult to sell the long shot of getting a student loan for a community college one cannot even afford carfare to get to, in order to acquire a debt that $15 an hour could not pay off, and after four years, the job one is likely to get as a college graduate will be selling the shoes, for $8.
As housing and medical treatment become increasingly luxury items affordable by only the more affluent, the priorities naturally revolve around obtaining and keeping those high-profit commodities on a month to month, day to day basis. Talk of long term investments and slow climbs to a higher rung of the economic ladder are the stuff of people with dental plans and savings accounts, people who live three or more checks from the street, not one.
I hear ya! I don’t have all the answer, hell, I’m still learning new questions 🙂 but I think a good answer is educationg and timely and appropriate health care.
I heard some lady in line once who was just “outraged” that the “Tallyband” didn’t want women going to school… in the next breath she discussed how she hope her daughter found a good man to marry and take care of her. ACK
It’s sad that to reach our “dreams” we must count on others getting the ass end of the nightmare.
I meant// I think education and health care are a good START. Not answer.
Thank you Ductape, and also to the commenters. This diary contains some of the most compelling and also accurate writing I have read on this site.
So much to say/comment on, but no time to do so now as daughters have just woken. I see so many parallels in Australian society with what you describe, but I think things are not quite so hopeless here… yet.
I’d be interested in taking up Ductape’s prognosis about the “coming domestic conflict”, for I, too, see this as the likely result when the system eventually collapses under its own contradictions and/or resources run out and the environment fails.
The comments about how the US is viewed in the world were significant, too. We are destined to see more and more ‘police actions’ by the US Government on behalf of corporate interests in failed state after failed state. How Europe deals with this will be very interesting.
More later.
Dammit Janet is RIGHT!! No ramblin’ that I can see…you are so totally on point.