Even by European standards, America has always been greed-driven and violent. Founded on drug-running (tobacco), genocide, slavery, and religious obsession, America has always pretended to be generating wealth, while in reality it has always been extracting wealth. Game animals of colonial times were hunted to extinction before the nation was even established, the great forests of North America have long since been cut down, farming continues to be based on the mining of topsoil, the mountains of Appalachia are still being ripped up and destroyed. Just stray examples.
As we began, so we end.
When the United States was formed, concepts of freedom and justice were introduced with great fanfare. But there has always been ambiguity: Are these real aspirations or just a convenient cover for plundering and scamming? The US has wandered from one pole to the other. Those who sought justice have never quite succeeded, but those devoted to the great lie have never quite achieved control. Until now: The skills of modern advertising have been wedded to the needs of propaganda, and in the hands of a cartelized state this may well taken us beyond hope of recovery. The American people were happy to sleep through two national selections, and now are sleeping through the final corruption of the Supreme Court. The republic comes to its sorry, pathetic conclusion. Welcome the cartelized state.
Not that the cartelized state will survive: It won’t. But not much else will survive either. The great die-off that humans have perpetrated on the biosphere is soon to be visited upon the human world. North America has been on the forefront of one, and will be on the forefront of the other.
Americans have never quite wanted to confront the requirements of justice, as this might have meant reducing profits, and an expanding economy freed them from having to do this. The requirements of prosperity–that everyone have the means to obtain what they need–were always rejected as socialistic. The consequence, though–that some would always be destitute by the workings of the system–had to be had to be circumvented, and this was done by postponement: If wealth seemed to be increasing then justice could always be allowed to lie in the future, when there would finally be “enough.” This ignored, of course, that the future never comes, and that for the greedy there is never enough. It also ignored the fact that from the beginning the wealth was the result not of creation, but of endless imperial expansion. The last great American success–the post-war period–was actually the result of taking over economically Britain’s colonial possessions. The era of easy taking is over, and the horizon is revealed: The cheap resources which made it all possible can be seen to be running out.
Eventually endless expansion comes to an end, and we return to the beginning. America was founded not just on the chattel slavery of Africans, but the indentured servitude of imported Europeans. As we return to our beginning, we institute chattel slavery abroad and in our gulag of prisons at home, while the (mis)management of the economy and the changing of lending laws prepare America to become a land of debt slavery. This is planned and deliberate: It is part of the cartelized state.
One of the great puzzles of the 20th century was whether the rich were truly resentful that Franklin Delano Roosevelt saved American capitalism for them. The answer is now revealed, in the 21st century: Yes.
The cartelized state can create a virtual environment–a pretend reality–that surrounds the public entirely: The orchestration of media events with Republican-Party talking-points and corporate merchandizing tie-ins can create a seamless simulation of reality for the inattentive. But this cannot prevent that state from sliding down the slope it creates for itself: The poor seek work, but there is no work, and gradually the entire structure of merchandizing collapses, as the rich, despite increasingly ostentatious display, are never a sufficient market to keep the economy functioning. The poor starve; the economy collapses. This is one reasons the cartelized state turns toward war–to replace the failing market–but this is only a temporary solution, for as resources become scarce, war only increases the scarcity.
When the cartelized state has collapsed, what will be left?
That which the state does not recognize as a resource.
That which the state has not had time to exploit–before failing.
That which has been hidden or withdrawn from its attention.
These are clues to what needs to be done.
Thanks for dropping by.
Excellent to read, but I find myself wondering what your main thrust/impetus for writing this was? Is it simply a personal meditation on the State of the Union?
I read your piece and once again as a non-American, sat and silently counted the number of non-unique factors and correlations between the the American experience, and many other places. Your paragraph on the founding of modern western America on the labour of slaves and indentured Europeans is accurate, but not unique – modern western Australia was founded on the indentured labour of convicts, impoverished and enterprising Chinese, English and later other Europeans who had nothing to stay for and were desperate enough to make something of a marginal opportunity.
My point is, I guess, that the world can learn from the USA, and the USA can learn from the world. It’s an inane and obvious point, I admit, but I think that partly comes from my inability to grasp yours.
I wasn’t meaning to be cryptic.
I am trying to think through America’s current state and the implications. The US is well on the way to abandoning its Republican form of government in favor of a corporate-sponsored dictatorship. This has been a steady progression or trend over the last few years, including two national elections in which the votes that were counted were not the votes that were cast. That is corruption. What makes it a trend toward dictatorship is that legislation is now routinely introduced by the Executive and passed unread by the Congress, and when the law upon reading proves to violate the Constitution or international law, this is ignored by the Courts. The Supreme Court nominee who is before the Senate right now has said that he believes the President is above the law. Really! This should be shocking, but in fact it looks like he is going to be confirmed quickly and easily. This would tip the Court permanently. All of these things are tending to put absolute power in the Executive, which is why I use the word dictatorship.
This trend toward absolutism would not be possible if we were who we say we are, hence the review of our actual–as opposed to mythical–past. I do not mean to suggest the elements of this past is unique to the US, just that they are of greater import to US thought and policy than we is usually considered.
The US has already commenced a war for control of world resources–specifically oil. I suspect that this war will eventually involve most nations in the world, on one side or another, in one way or another. I think this war will bring the American state to its end. The American political economy will come to an end, regardless.
Progressives in the US have lost the battle of political discourse, however the field of discourse is itself being abolished by the rising regime. So another level of thought is needed.
thing several times a week, just not as compactly. 🙂
What is needed is not another level of thought.
What is needed is – well, we have to be sure to observe the Patriot Act at all times, even the Secret Provisions, in case we might be terrorists.
Still, I will accept the compliment of being concise.
However, what we used to call politics is becoming irrelevant, since it was predicated on a commonly shared notion of law. As the government becomes increasingly lawlessness, a new approach is needed.
Actually, you are right though: Avoiding the snares of the PATRIOT Act–including its secret provisions :)–and its like will become a useful skill. And whatever one accomplishes locally to mitigate impending disaster will need to be suitably covered or camoflaged.
I remember an example from the Russian writer Soltzenitsin (sp): Conversations should be doubled so when the police ask you and your friend (separately) what you were talking about, you can both give the same appropriately innocent (and realistically vague) answer. This basic tactic–having an official reason to cover the real reason–can cover a host of situations.
The secret provisions of the PATRIOT Act should be no harder to guess than the questions on a college course final exam. Someone should publish a crib sheet.
to all this… the resources for their continued greed, the loss of Mother Earth, the poisoning of our air, water, soil…
The Rapture.
Jeebus Cripes will come and SAVE them.
Never have stock in people who put more thought and belief into the “next life” than they do with the one they are supposed to be caring for NOW.
I kid you not, I met a man who sincerely believes there’s no point in recycling, or even worrying about his kid’s schools…. because his saviour is coming home in 15 years.
I hope that their Saviour, like any good parent, grounds their asses for not cleaning up and taking care of their “rooms”.
Now, for some of Guthries “this land is your land…”
Great diary, thanks G