I just learned that former Georgia Republican representative Bob Barr will introduce former Vice President Al Gore Monday for his speech that, writes The Nation‘s John Nichols, “could be not just one of the more significant speeches of his political career but an essential challenge to the embattled presidency of George W. Bush.” Here’s a screenshot from Bob Barr’s own Web site:
I just spoke with one of the organizers who is sending me an electronic packet on the Monday event (noon ET) at Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C. He tells me that the speech will not be carried live via the ‘net or TV, but will be taped by C-Span and aired later. Update: C-Span’s Web site says the Gore speech will be aired live on C-Span 1 at noon ET / 9am PT. (My contact will also inform me of replay times on C-Span.) (Tickets are available.)
The following is not just a list of the groups behind this event. It also is a template — I believe — for us to use to begin to battle for “checks and balances” in this time of constitutional crisis. I believe that we need to connect with these groups (at EPIC’s site), learn all we can, and offer them our support and our ability to publicize their events:
Liberty Coalition
–> Join Liberty Coalition’s e-mail list
American Constitution Society
Patriots to Restore Checks and Balances
Al Gore “is expected to argue that the Bush administration has created a ‘Constitutional crisis’ by acting without the authorization of the Congress and the courts to spy on Americans and otherwise abuse basic liberties,” adds Nichols. “His aides and allies are framing it as a ‘call to arms’ in defense of the Bill of Rights and the rule of law in a time of executive excess.”
The vice president will, according to the groups that have arranged for his appearance — the bipartisan Liberty Coalition and the American Constitution Society for Law and Policy — address “the threat posed by policies of the Bush Administration to the Constitution and the checks and balances it created. The speech will specifically point to domestic wiretapping and torture as examples of the administration’s efforts to extend executive power beyond Congressional direction and judicial review.”
The EPIC site also lists numerous background documents:
Here’s a portion of what EPIC provides on the page:
Justice Department Defense of Domestic Surveillance Program (pdf):
Congressional Research Service Analysis of Domestic Surveillance Program
Legal Scholars’ Analysis of Domestic Surveillance Program
[2] National Security Agency Domestic Spying Revealed
Last month, President Bush admitted that he secretly issued an executive
order in 2002 that authorized the National Security Agency to conduct
warrantless surveillance of international telephone and Internet
communications on American soil.
Government officials have refused to give details about the program,
saying such disclosures could harm national security. However, the New
York Times has reported that the NSA conducted warrantless surveillance
on as many as 500 people inside the United States at any given time, and
that thousands of people within the country may have been monitored
since the operation began. President Bush has said that the
surveillance will continue.
The program operates outside the bounds set by the Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Act, which was passed after the Watergate scandal to
establish a legal basis for foreign intelligence surveillance within the
United States. Since the NSA program became public, Judge James
Robertson has resigned from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court,
which reviews applications and grants orders for foreign intelligence
gathering. Robertson’s resignation was reportedly in protest of the NSA
In related news, EPIC has obtained the first Freedom of Information Act
documents about the controversial program. The documents include two
internal messages from the agency’s director to staff defending the
NSA’s activities and discouraging employees from discussing the issue
with the news media. In the second of those messages, Keith B.
Alexander, the Director of the NSA, wrote:
The President authorized NSA to execute this program consistent
with U.S. law and our Constitution. To guarantee adherence to the
law the authorization has been reviewed over thirty times,
approximately every forty-five days, since inception. The
authorization and the operation were reviewed and deemed legal by
the previous and current Attorneys General . . .
EPIC awaits additional documents from the agency.
Transcript of President’s Radio Address on NSA Surveillance: …
Bow howdy, this is one big event!!!!!!!!!
I will be very glad to hear the speach he gives. I am also thinking that in doing so, he just might be giving a hint as to whether or not he will run again. One does not take this kind of stand without doing some serious deliberation in ones self.
All I can honestly say is WOW!!!!!
Excellent! Thanks for this. I’m going to send this (from your EPIC link) to my senators (Pryor & Lincoln, neither reliable blues from red state) and encourage them to attend. 😉
I used to find barr a bore. I guess we all can misjudge someone…naw…just kidding..
This truly has got to be bipartisan for this to be dealt with in this manner. anyhow, good for Bob..I may forgive him after all..I have seen him most recently on cnn and he really is taking it a steap forward for the good in the most part, I must say.
Good to see ya, Kiddo…hope all is well with my neighbor…
Desparate times make strange bedfellows.
Think anyone else will?
Bob Barr introducing Al Gore! Talk about a bi-partisan alliance of people who actually believe in the Constitution. Could this be a third party forming? People who believe in governing by compromise instead of combat? A coalition of conservatives and liberals for liberty?! This is very exciting.
DITTO!!!!!!!!!! does my heart good…
I had the same reaction, just, wow!
When does the swiftboating of Bob Barr begin?
Speaking of the NSA scandal, I just reviewed Amy Goodwins Democracy nows interview with Russell Tice. I highly recommend it for getting some understanding on lots of things. I know I found several revelations.
Let the Impeachment party begin.
Bob Barr has been one of the few early voices against the Patriot Act and other BushCheney mis-adventures. Splendid to see he’s joining with Al Gore. Restores faith there are men of courage ready and willing to call out the king.
you kow, idredit, I have to agree with you here on this..lying all jokes aside for now. I just hope an dpray that they both can get us back to being united to where we can function once again as Americans and for the betterment of our country. Something has got to be done and quick!
The strange thing is I have been Bob Barr’s e-mail list for quite some time. And I really can’t believe I agree with this man on any issue…but Bush is taking too many or our privacy rights away that I have chosen to side with Mr. Barr on his anti-Patriot Act Stand.
I’d be very glad to try to live-blog Gore’s speech — and I’m hoping that Steven D can pitch in too.
Then, I’ll ask my contact to get us an copy of the speech as soon as it’s available.
Susan is there any way you could find out if transcripts will be made available. I would love to see it posted as a blogswarm across the liberal blogs. (maybe conservative ones too, since Barr’s involved)
I doubt this will get the “real” press it deserves. Anything we can do to get this speech wider exposure would be a real good thing.
Can we do anything to influence CNN and maybe other major outlets to carry this speech?? E-mails to the major news outfits perhaps??
I’m gonna be in front of my tv on Monday afternoon. I want this live and unfiltered. Unlike the Senate Confirmation Hearing, this might actually contain some substance.
Warning: Bob Barr is a nut, a crank, a failed Newt Gingrich wannabe. And that’s the way the media is gonna play it. Two out-of-power has-beens trying to get publicity for themselves. But, you know what, that’s exactly what I need right now — two guys from opposite ends of the spectrum, from OUTSIDE, joining together in common cause to save our democracy. And I’m emailing Keith Olbermann right now to tell him to spin it that way Monday night.
Who says privacy rights can’t be an issue? Who says saving the balance of power can’t be an issue? Let’s make it so. Reid put a delay on the Alito confirmation to buy time to build awareness of what he means to all of our futures. The message is simple: We don’t want a king! Vote no on Alito! Republicans have got to get behind that or we’re lost. Barr will appeal to their basic philosophy and condemn them if they betray it.
Yay! There’s hope!
I read this at Redstate…hard to believe!
One can hope, but I don’t trust Barr so far as I can throw him with his friendly elephants attached. I’m about 95% expecting him to sandbag Gore, just because from what I can tell Barr doesn’t really support the Constitution either except as a political ploy….
I disagree. I think Barr believes deeply in these constitutional issues. I doubt the ACLU would have hired him if he’d been a poser.
Well, we already KNOW, based on his record, that his idea of First Amendment Religious Freedoms has more in common with Pat Robertson than it does with Thomas Jefferson, so…
When a man argues that you and your friends and family should be thrown out of your homes and jobs for your religious beliefs, even though they’re not in violation of ANY statutes, you tend not to want to trust the SOB.
‘thorn in the side of Bush/Cheney’ always gets the attention of the wingers. He just will not go away quietly enough for them. He springs up just often enough to remind them of the illegitimacy of Bush’s presidency.
Not to mention it will be good inspiration for the right people too.
I’m hoping to attend tomorrow – I have waitlist tickets so I’ll have to show up early to wait in line to get the seat of someone who doesn’t show up. So no guarantees. But if I do get in, I’ll take notes and blog it when I get back.
Best luck getting in! Keep us posted … you can call me if you’d like with reports! E-mail me for phone number.
Here’s hoping Gore knocks one out of the park.