Lest it pass by, floating down the page, I repeat what Jonathan Alter wrote today in Newsweek: “”A Power Outage on Capitol Hill” — “We are in danger of scrapping our checks and balances—not just for a few years (as was done during the Civil War), but for good.—What if we faced a constitutional crisis and hardly anyone noticed? … It’s so much easier to talk about Joe Biden’s big mouth or a right-wing Princeton alumni group or Mrs. Alito’s tears than to figure out how the country should prevent a president of the United States from castrating the United States Congress …”
Today, Al Gore admonished Congress: “I call upon Democratic and Republican members of Congress today to uphold your oath of office and defend the Constitution. Stop going along to get along. Start acting like the independent and co-equal branch of government you’re supposed to be.”
Today, Al Gore admonished us — the citizens: “We the people are-collectively-still the key to the survival of America’s democracy. We-as Lincoln put it, “[e]ven we here”-must examine our own role as citizens in allowing and not preventing the shocking decay and degradation of our democracy. Thomas Jefferson said: ‘An informed citizenry is the only true repository of the public will’.”
What will we do? What will we make Congress do? And might I add, when will we stop grousing about our listless Democratic leadership and inspire THEM TOO — and give THEM HEART that we will stand behind them, and we will not allow them to be turned into clowns and buffoons — and that includes taking on every media outlet that so dares to paint the Democratic minority in a negative light?
This morning, while Al was speaking, someone wrote this to a list I’m on:
It’s already a done deal that there will be no filibuster on Alito. And if that is true, it doesn’t matter what Gore or anybody else says about Bush. The Democrat party should just dissolve, pay off its debts, and distribute its assets. They say they’re going to work on the congressional elections? They don’t have anything to go to the voters with, after wimping out on this nomination. Bush & co go home with all the marbles, and the elections won’t matter a hoot. Please correct me if I’m wrong.
And Chad Lupkes replied to him:
You seem already convinced, so exactly what the hell can I say? If we give up on our efforts to influence the Democratic Party, then we give up on our Constitution. If we give up on the Constitution, then you can kiss the world that our children will be living in goodbye — because of the incompetence shown by this administration and those that support and contribute to the efforts that are going to undercut our rule of law and that are going to potentially destroy all life on this planet.
If that’s not important enough to fight for, then I have nothing left to say. This single nomination on the Supreme Court might take us back a hundred years. But giving up on the development of progressive and people-based infrastructure to encourage individuals to get engaged, educated and empowered to bring our country back in line with the original ideals as put forward by the Founders of this country will do much worse. 1929 will look like a joke. The thousand-year depression following the fall of the Roman Empire will be the only possible comparison in our history.
Am I going over the top? You tell me. But don’t tell me you’re going to give up, because I’m not willing to set fire to the only hope this planet has.
Read all of Gore’s speech at Raw Story. I will post replay times on C-Span when available. Tape this speech and share it with all. Al’s delivery makes the words come alive, so it’s far better to listen than to read it. (Drudge has it on top, with Bob Barr’s involvement featured. Not bad!)
That was the best speech I’ve heard from any politician in at least five years.
Hands down absolutely! My hubby compared to him JFK. His speaking abilites are astounding. He had you all the over the place with that one.
I’ve been fighting this for over an hour … and now I’m just going to let go …
I am crying. He is my president. He is your president.
That goon in the WH is a menace to the planet.
I have to say that I have fought the tears pretty hard myself today. I think I wait till everyone’s in bed til i let the floodgate’s open. Don’t need to get the man-cub upset cause mamma’s cryin 😉 He did sit on my lap and watch the speech with me though. Gotta learn ’em young I suppose. 😉
no time at work for headphones today, but i’ll surely catch a replay on tonight or watch it online later.
a must
This can’t be a one time speech and then he fades into the shadows again. Gore has the clout that can attract the kind of media attention this issue should be getting. Newspapers and TV will follow him if he keeps talking, and he will draw others out as well. He needs to be the one shouting from the mountaintop, so that the echoes fill the valleys.
He needs to play this as if he were preparing to run for office again. Hit the campaign trail, so to speak. Go on TV weekly, for the next few months.
If he disappears immediately following this speech, I will be quite disappointed.
I’m 61 now. It was the best political speech I’ve heard since JFK. Rather than abandoning ship and encouraging the Democrats to disband, I think we should continue to encourage them to take a stand. Not a whole lot at stake, except our Constitution, the Republic, future of the “free world” and things like that.
Every once in awhile I find myself giving a 4 and thinking, Damn! Here I need a 12!
If this is a complement directed at me, thank you.
I definitely think that it should start with the media first. Call them all out. Just like Dean did dammit. I will admit that I am an independent, but I feel that I am democrat at heart. I think it should be soild and mounted effort…no one breaking ranks…yadda yadda.
I like that Gore left no one unscathed. He went after everyone. I just wish he would have said so sooner.
Practical ways we can help … besides writing the media and complaining …
we can give TIPS to Media Matters. They constantly ask people to send them tips. I’ve sent them a few.
We can all subscribe to Media Matters + read their site regularly because it will inform us and we can share that info with others.
And — this is just a preview — but JPol and I are working on a series to “out” the members of the media whose real agendas are mostly concealed from the general public … stay tuned!
oh susan, what a great idea about outing/exposing members of the so called media..I can’t wait. I know I said long ago that the list of reporters/media people who aren’t on some sort of secret payroll/kickback, whatever is probably a lot lot shorter than those who are.
And yes, everyone should check in with Media Matters daily. It’s an invaluable resource for finding out just what is being said and by whom and how we can counteract any of that crap -except keep your blood pressure meds handy when you do read it as it invariably gives me my mad for the day.
We could USE SOME HELP! Only JPol and I are doing this series, and we would both welcome more people … if you’d like to go after anyone in particular, send me an e-mail … the MORE, the MERRIER!
There’s a hell of a lot of work to do on some of these characters.
drop me an email sometime. would love to help.
Absolutely agree about Media Matters. I started reading blogs with Atrios.(who also works for media matters) I learned about the media’s complicity, then I learned about politics. It has taken me a bit to get up to speed, but now that I feel somewhat knowledgable about the process…it pisses me off.
I’m really looking forward to this one!
Glad to here your an Independent who is a Democrat at heart. I will be deliriously happy when I here you are a Democrat. I urge you to contact your local Democratic office. Write a check! Get involved! You will be welcome, and you won’t be sorry. (PS, you don’t want to look back at 2006 five years from now and say I shoulda, woulda , coulda. We just don’t have any spare room left to wait!)
Diebold, Es&S, and Karl Rove will be glad to see more money going to democrats.
Here’s what affected me the most:
“So the willingness of Congress to challenge the Administration is further limited when the same party controls both Congress and the Executive Branch.”
Many of us as members of the Progressive Left have identified the Democratic Party, warts and all, as the standardbearer of our hopes for a return to sanity in America, since our system of government makes it difficult if not impossible for minority (“third”) parties to have an impact. We have repeatedly stated our desire for the Democrats to take back Congress in the upcoming mid-term elections, and to regain control of the White House in 2008. But if/when this occurs, it will be important for us to remain consistent and vigilant, and call out our own leadership on abuses of power just as we criticize the current leadership, lest we inspire another “conservative backlash”.
I’ve been very pessimistic about the state of the Dem party for the last few years, and recently, ho boy, it’s been even tougher to not think they should just fucking throw in the towel at pretending to speak for ‘their base’ and just join the Bush cheerleading squad on a full time basis. I have always found the idea of a third party viable because it works so well in Canada… you get so many diverse viewpoints and each party keeps the other in check… so I am definitely not opposed to those suggestions.
However, all that being said, if Al Gore and Howard Dean decide to pick up the mantel and lead the charge to reform the Dem party and bring it back to its roots then I will stfu and help them any way I can.
Sam Seder’s exact words, but one night on “Majority Report” he told a story about a friend asking him why he stays in the Democratic Party if he’s so pissed off about the direction it’s going, and he said something like, “If I leave, what right do I have to bitch about it?”
We have to make our voices heard, whether it’s by email, letters to the editor, or merely by closing the checkbook when the next fundraising letter comes in the mailbox. I for one am waiting for the party solicitations — I plan to enclose a letter, the approximate size of a check so they’ll be inclined to open it, detailing why I’m not sending any money this year. However, if/when there are candidates that I feel speak for my interests and the interests of the Progressive Left, I’ll happily zap them a buck or several…
Go to CNN and MSNBC and tell their asses to get this story up NOW!
I have it on deep background that someone at MSNBC has been told about this speech, and got the info from someone on this site.
I have this huge lump in my throat and my heart is racing wildly after reading what you all live blogged today and with this post SusanHu. I am in the middle of work but as soon as I get a chance I will email/call/fax msnbc, cnn and all major media outlets to start telling the f’in truth and put this speech on tonight!!
Me too. I’m on fire! We have to go all out … I didn’t tape Al’s speech but I’ll watch for replays, and I’ll be sure to give all of you an announcement so you can watch again and/or tape it.
It’s great reading, and I’m glad we have the text .. but Al Gore’s impassioned delivery is what made those words COME TO LIFE!
We have to fight.
We’re the last hope.
We really are the last hope.
We’re all that prevents the dissolution of this nation’s founding principles.
We have a heavy burden and we must NOT let any one failure let us down.
As MaryB pointed out the other day — George Washington faced a LOT of failures and defeats during the Revolutionary War — he did NOT give up.
(And we must not indulge in a lot of Dem bashing — god knows they deserve it at times, but it saps our energy towards fighting for the most frightening, most important battle in this nation’s history.)
Let me make clear what I’m getting from this speech and what I’ve been seeing in the news over the last few years.
The “War on Terror” is a War against our Constitution.
Every time you hear someone say War on Terror, change it in your mind to keep your motivation high. And if you have the chance to speak back to the person saying it, simply say that, and be ready to explain it. We are at war against our founding father’s ideals, and if we lose this war, our country is delegated to the history books, because it will no longer be a true government. It is up to us now, just as it was up to the people in 1776, and just as it will be up to our children’s children in the future if we fail, to take charge of our country and save our future from destruction.
This speech was a good first step, but even on rawstory where you can read the text you have conservatives saying that it was just a political speech during an election year. We have to raise the noise, and correct this misconception. We have to fight.
that the aim of terrorists is to cause people to change their way of living, to live in constant fear.
So, if we disregard the Rule of Law and throw out our Constitutional protections in response, it’s over…the terrorists have truly won.
I’ve been listening to American speeches for almost 50 years. Al Gore’s speech today was the best I have ever heard, by far. I don’t think he was reading. He was speaking from memory. And he wrote it himself. And it was the sheer, unvarnished truth, informed by tremendous learning.
He’s the real president! He’s also 10 times the man that John Kerry is.
I was so excited by the speech…and now, as expected, I’m absolutely horrified to see that it is being completely ignored by all the news media.
Al Gore has incredible courage to make that speech. I wish I had a small fraction of his claimed hope and optimism.
That was, without question, the best speech I have ever heard. His eloquence, knowledge and command of language and information is astounding. Where was this Al Gore in 2000?
The complicit, enabling actions of his running mate, DINO Joe, must be incredibly galling to him. The utter dismay and lack of respect that must accompany his thoughts when he looks back to the events of the 2000 election, and their consequences, must be overwhelming.
The lack of coverage by the MSM will insure that this never reaches the majority of the people who need to hear it. That, and the short attention span of the average american voter will serve to limit the awareness of this brilliant oratory to those who populate the blogs and a few policy wonks.
I wish I could share his optimism. I am hopeful…but not optimistic…that these abuses can be stopped before we descend further. But it will require more outrage than what I’ve seen on the part of the voters, the re-emergence of a viable media willing to take those responsible to task, and a bipartisan awareness in congress which, currently, is nothing more than a corrupt and vulgar extension of the executive branch.
Why not start today? Can we all pool our energies and time and make notes on who if anyone mentions this speech on any of the news outlets tonday/tonight? Or if there are any articles mentioning it in any of the big newspapers tomorrow morning?
to be covering the speech at the top of the hour (meaning after the next batch of commercials)…
I think I blinked and missed the coverage — did anyone see anything?
No but I am home for lunch and MSNBC just gave it about 45 seconds with a response from the right wing spin machine saying Gore has once inserted himself into the days headlines and that he has no idea of the real threat of terrorism. Excuse me while I vomit! God they are fast!
does that mean that American citizens can’t speak out about the way that the country is being run into the ground? That we should just pay our taxes and STFU?
Maybe it’s good I just had popcorn for lunch…less to lose from the stomach…
Great plan … if anyone can coalesce this into a summary of the coverage, we should front-page it …
WaPo: “Gore Critical of President Bush Over Warrantless Eavesdropping“
Drudge: top headline
We need to get this out ASAP- I think the news outlets are waiting for the Republican spin before they put it out.
Get on the keyboard folks and tell CNN and MSNBC to put this out there NOW!
Start emailing links to the speech text to your friends, your enemies, your family. Hopefully the “and they told 2 friends” phenomenon will take hold and we can get this speech out to the masses – since our corporate owned news isn’t going to do it for us.
Emailed to the spouse (so he can read at work if he gets a break, and maybe he can leave it up on the driver’s room computer) and to my dad-in-law (who will probably send it very far and wide).
Oh, and my mom-in-law’s brother and wife are Republican voters, who have evidently turned VERY anti-Bush. Let’s hope they last till 2008…
sory about the link but my tag to link is on home computer. Ap via Yahoo has this up already!!!!
I don’t yet, but how about those who do have one burn a DVD for distribution to one’s circle of friends, relatives, and acquaintances.
The speech was just posted on Common Dreams.
Keep pushing it into the media. The right wing spin doesn’t work if we ignore it.
I loved this,
Well folks, there it is, in a nutshell. He said “bring it on” to us, the American people, cozy in his faith that nothing will happen. Hell, it’s worked for him so far.
I wonder what it’s going to take for enough of America to wake up to the fact that they’re serfs now.
God, I hope this speech gets some real coverage.
out of all others spells out our problem. It is the people of this country who will take it back or let it go. We are being ignored. It’s going to take a mass uprising, either in the streets or in a tax revolt or some other way that shows in a physical way that we’ve had enough.
The Alito vote is off till next week. Will you come to DC with me this weekend?
How many of you here will come to DC?
Can’t go to DC, but I am willing to start raising hell here in Chicago. Protests should be nation wide, not just centralized in DC.
Gore just gave us our marching orders. WTF are we waiting for???
Thank you.
I don’t care if it’s DC, Chicago or Rigby Idaho.
I can’t tell you how fucking completely disgusted and heartbroken I am.
My mother taught me to say what is on my mind. To tell the truth, and to never be afraid to make myself heard. I’m sick. But I’m breathing.
I hear you! It’s time to get pissed off. Time to take the streets and show our prescence. Not just one day, but weekly. Time to let them know that we are not going to go away. And if they are going to threaten us to send us to jail: BRING IT ON. AND THEN SOME.
Man, oh man, I wish I could. I’m in the middle of some insane work stuff. Scream a scream for me while you’re there. I’ll scream one here.
in petitioning the U.S. attorney general to appoint a special counsel.
To contact the AG’s office:
Also, contact members of Congress to call for a special counsel.
But have been picking up the Snippets and have read it!
Found the Following over at AfterDowningStreet, a Brief Writup leading to BradBlog and this:
there are a few Imbedded links I didn’t pickup because I was sending this out to my E-List, visit the site for the Imbeds!
What if you were Iraqi, What would you be doing in present situation/occupation?
I have a very simple question to ask.
How badly do you want your country back?
Do you want it bad enough to make a sacrifice somewhere?
Can you go to DC this weekend?
I’m fucking serious. I keep asking and I keep hearing almost nothing.
Your country is being sold and stolen out from under your feet. Your children and my children are facing a future filled with warfare and internment camps. Think that sounds crazy? It sure as fuck does but that’s where we’re going. You think the Goddamed democrats are gonna come riding to the rescue when the best they have is Al Gore?
From all available evidence, the Bush administration doesn’t give a flying fuck in a rolling donut about expressions of popular will, like marches and demonstrations. We’ve had those and they’ve been totally ignored. MAYBE if the demonstrations were really, really massive – on a scale that we haven’t seen here – but I don’t think that’s going to happen by this weekend.
The brilliance of Cindy Sheehan’s protest was that she took it to Bush, at a time when Bush wasn’t making any other news. This truly rattled him.
I’m not sure what I think the answer is, these are just some thoughts going through my head right now.
It won’t happen at all if we decide that it’s pointless.
I don’t think that’s what I was saying. It’s just that, so far, the Bush administration has pretty much ignored popular demonstrations. So what is it that would have to be done to change that?
the only thing I can see that’s even a remote possibility are really HUGE demonstrations, on a scale that hasn’t been seen here before, and on a purely practical level, how is that going to happen by this coming weekend? How can you mobilize massive numbers of people that quickly?
I’m just asking.