It’s not an easy thing to write for this blog. It looks a lot easier than it is. Sometimes I have too much information floating around my brain and I have a hard time figuring out what to write about.
Tonight is a case in point. I just got back from a meeting of the local Philadelphia chapter of Drinking Liberally. And here is what I talked about.
I spent a good chunk of time talking to Delaware Dem and another attorney about the litigiousness of American society and the possible relationship of our law school and bar exam system to the frequency of civil suits. We talked about the differences between the American law system and England’s and the continent’s. We talked about a progressive flat-tax, and the lobbying efforts of accountants and lawyers.
Then I talked with Delaware Dem about the voter fraud wars at Daily Kos. We were sidetracked from that conversation when a candidate for state senate named Paul Lang introduced himself to us. Paul, who is running in a relatively blue portion of the overall red Bucks County, says he is big fan of ours. Bucks County is located just north of Philadelphia and ‘fighting Dem’ Pat Murphy is competing for a Congressional seat there. We talked about the demographics of the county, the different primary contenders, the Governor’s race, how Bob Casey was likely to do there…
This conversation ended when Bob Casey’s main primary challenger Chuck Pennacchio sidled over and started updating us on the state of his campaign for Rick Santorum’s seat. Chuck is optimistic and he is working hard. He gave me a thick pamphlet outlining his campaign strategy and pointed out some of its highlights. We discussed the different regions of the state, and about what concerns he is hearing about in different regions (he claims that Dems all across the state are really pissed off about the Dem reaction to Alito). I trashed Chuck Schumer for nauseating me at the Alito hearings with his hypocrisy. Pennacchio was diplomatic about it. But I think I detected sympathy.
Next I chatted with a man that heads up the Washington D.C. chapter of Drinking Liberally, and he made me envious when he told me that his group regularly hosts guest speakers like: Josh Marshall, Steve Clemons, and Dan Froomkin. As strong as Philly is in the blogosphere, we don’t have that kind of pull.
After that conversation wound down, I talked for a while with Duncan about his recent software problems, the intricacies of the Bush crime family, and the relative (de)merits of comedian Bill Maher.
All of this put me in weird state of mind. It, of course, gave me an opportunity to do some shameless name dropping (and here I will go whole hog and promote some of the sites of the people that frequent Drinking Liberally: Suburban Guerrilla, Young Philly Politics, Alternative Hippopotamus, DragonBall Yee, Up Yer Noz).
But it also clouded my mind with too much information. I got back home and I couldn’t focus on any one subject to write about. And I realized, the important thing is that there are a lot of us, working in lots of different roles, all emphasizing one thing more than another, all with slightly different strategies for success…but we are working. We are working toward a common goal. We all see this administration and this Congress as corrupt and incompetent. We all see the media as prostrate. We all are frustrated and we all think we can do better. And none of us are looking (any longer) to our elected officials to fix things. We’re working to fix things ourselves. So, I thought I’d write about that.
Let’s be the change we’d like to see. The media is prostrate? Let’s provide an alternative media. The Dems are listless? Let’s infuse the party with new blood…the blood of people, like you and me, that have looked around, that have given a shit, and that are insistent on change.
Let’s not leave the party. Let’s infiltrate and invigorate the party. And let’s have fun doing it…
I think I’ll stick to a more non-affiliated state of mind. I’d prefer for Democrat candidates to not take my vote or my financial support for granted. Instead of going to them, I say let them come to me. Show me as a potential voter that they have fire in their bellies and I might just be impressed. And they might just get my support as long as they continue to have that hunger, that desire to fight for a freer and fairer society. I think it’s harder to expect the party to field such candidates as long as it takes people like me for granted.
Well, I can’t quite say that I am leaving the party since I am an Independent. But I can sure as hell infiltrate it. 😉 My husband and I have been holding on to our voter registration forms here in ME,(still registered down in Fl) with one space left unfilled. If they filibuster it will be filled in with a D. If not…it goes right on back to Indy. We have called and writted snail mail and e-mail to the “Queens of Maine”. Not that it will make much of a difference…
I know what you mean — I went to the first Democracy Bond meeting this morning in Kansas City with Howard Dean. And my brain is spinning with ideas and energy from listening & talking to him.
(copying from the Cafe)
It was the first of a series of Democracy Bond events. I was going to write a diary about it titled Democracy Bonds = Healthcare.
Because the idea is that you can buy a Democracy Bond for monthly $10, or $20 or $30, or whatever amount. Dean has a goal of 1 million people buying bonds with an average of $20 a month (I’ve bought a $10 bond, for $120 per year commitment).
If they meet that goal, they’ll have $20 million a month to fund their 50 state program. They already have staff in all 50 states. But, they want to expand it and have the country covered with DNC-paid staff who can focus on voter registration & get out the vote in every precinct.
He said something in his “speech” about how after we elect a Democratic House & Senate they’ll pass legislation for Healthcare for everyone. That we can do it (as so many other countries do) without bankrupting the country.
So, afterwords I hovered until I could talk to him about it directly. And I asked if knowing the Senators and Congressmen who are there — could that really happen, is it likely? He said – ‘Yes’. I said, but they’re all millionairs, and sometimes I wonder if they get it. He said, that the Senators are mostly millionairs, but most Congressmen aren’t and they get it. They do.
And I went to Congressman Cleaver and asked him about how his fellow congressmen feel about it. And he said that 90-95 percent of them are committed to it.
I couldn’t go into more detail with either man. About how they’ll find the spine to stand up to the insurance industry. But, they both looked me straight-on and said that Healthcare for everyone was a priority.
I made it clear that I was talking about everyone. That I thought people should be able to quit a job to start their own business without worrying about healthcare.
I didn’t say this but, I’m sick of always talking about children & healthcare. Yes, it’s important. But grownups need healthcare too. Even childless grownups!
I’m so glad to be a part of the Booman Tribune and now Eat 4 Today so I can be a part of helping healthcare for everyone to become a reality.
Did you see the blogs Tim has up at the DNC? He has some video from the meeting, a short clip, and a few from the event at the church there yesterday.
There is a cute story about a trip to the bookstore with Howard there also.
And tomorrow he will stand on the capitol steps in Columbus to call them out on their culture of corruption in Ohio…a lead in to the DC event in the afternoon.
Yes! That’s me right in front in the green dress!
Just wanted to say…
Thanks for this wonderful place Booman. It hurts to hear how much of a struggle this whole “blogging” thing really is. You and Susan sacrifice so much for us.
I have been dying for a coffee cup and it looks like I may have saved enough pennies for one here real soon!! So I can finally contribute some actual funds to the pond!!
But either way, thanks for all you do. And give Boo a milkbone for me. 😉
Infiltration is a good goal. I’ve been a Dem too long to quit now — even when they drive me crazy. But it IS good to be reinvigorated.
You have now made me feel sorry that I hung up on BOTH calls I got from the DEMS tonight asking for money (I don’t give money over the phone so that wouldn’t have changed … but I”m feeling bad that I hung up on them. ) I’ll send them $$ by e-mail tomorrow.
Buy a Democracy Bond — Seriously
Excellent Idea. I’ll do it!
The media is prostate? I teach anatomy and I can’t do anything with that image . . . There should at least be a joke in there, but I guess I’m just not clever enough to find it.
certain errors that spellcheck doesn’t catch, and there are certain errors that have a strange poignancy.
Uh, no spelling error there. You said “prostrate.” Correctly. Very impressive typing considering you were coming home from Drinking Liberally!
I was at my local Democratic committee meeting last night, and must confess frustration at the incredibly small, local jealousy that pervades much of what we are trying to do in my township. A recent redistricting imbroglio (the ward lines of the township) has left certain people in a new ward or precinct. This has caused hard feelings, as certain committee people find themselves in a new precinct where they don’t know their constituents as well, etc. The meeting deteriorated into a half-hour long bitch-fest, in which people took the opportunity to air their grievances and vent about the injustice of it all.
Meanwhile, our chairman is Paul Scoles, who is running for U.S. Congress against Curt Weldon, and who faces a primary challenge in a couple of months. Instead of focusing our energies and attention to his campaign and organizing an air-tight ground strategy to ensure his primary victory by sweeping Haverford Township, the meeting was dominated by the redistricting gripes and the Scoles campaign became an afterthought.
Unless people start to prioritize the bigger picture and realize that we have to really WORK in order to win, too many people are willing to continue to bitch and moan about the injustice of it all, and the result will be that we continue to lose elections.
I corrected the spelling. So, Janet was not seeing things.
Get your act together over there BD. Tell Scoles to crack some heads.
No shit. I couldn’t believe it. These people have their heads up their asses. Scoles is stepping down as chairman because he can’t do both (run for Congress and run the township party). So he just kind of sat there and let the meeting deteriorate. He needed to shut people up and, yes, be selfish; focus on his campaign!
Yeah – it’s enlarged and slows the flow of useful information to a trickle.
We are having some successes in filling local positions in the party, and a hell of a lot of success at irritating the oh so comfortable Democrats who have lived in the same skin for ever.
They just get so frustrated that we won’t let them go back to doing what they do so well…acting like Republicans.
Long road, gonna be rough. I think the media discourages me the most of all…because you can’t get fair treatment even locally.
It won’t be pretty, but it is necessary. Once I hung up on the former county chair here for being so dense. Then he called me back, and we talked. He said it was just so much easier to get along with everyone. I informed him that wasn’t going to work anymore.
Welcome to being the change. It will mean some losses, but those losses won’t matter too much in the long term scheme of things. If we keep letting Democratic Republicans get elected, there won’t be change anyway.
I wish us all luck.
I am trying but here in Western Iowa, trying to get a fire under anybody who is a Dem is hard enough. I came back to the Party from the Greens (even though I will still support Green candidates when I need to)and they made me Precinct Captain, delegate to the County convention and put me on the Platform Committee. In March, I will seek the Vice Chairmanship of the County Party and hopefully with some power can put some fire under these people.
and we have to go from fighting the corrupt and foul to creating and living within the new structure of things growing out of this. I compare it to the day my son finally had his Titanium Rib surgery. I took the first shift in the ICU. When my husband came to relieve me I went to our hotel room and sleep would not come. I stared at the ceiling for a couple of hours. Everything before this was about saving my son’s life and fighting the hipocracy to do that. I had finally achieved success, what the hell do I do now? We have achieved so much in a short time. Some fights are coming to a close now as most of the nation is aware of the simple truths. Some are just beginning, and we are now free to hold our own party leaders a little more accountable because we have united and created a small but growing voice that practically demands accountability because we hold each other accountable on here daily. The Republicans in power no longer hold the people completely enthralled and mentally/emotionally tangled. The battlefield has changed. My son had to have all new clothes because he was three inches taller in four hours, two curves which were at his waist and between his shoulder blades meant new pants and shirts. Who would have ever thought that I would clothes shopping just to take him home from the hospital? This is our party and I am taking it back. My grandmother spent way too many hours on the damn phone every election day making sure that everybody got to the polls for me to just let some greedy self centered assholes with good haircuts take it over. I am holding all of those elected accountable and if they can’t lead with ethics first and hold their constituency’s and country’s needs in the forefront then get the hell out of my party!
Thanks for having me last night! It was a great time and I look forward to being there again.
Let’s not leave the party. Let’s infiltrate and invigorate the party. And let’s have fun doing it…
You know, it’s odd when I first started blogging I considered myself a Democrat. It was interacting with Delaware Dem and others and watching what they do to folks occupying the large territory to their political left which absolutely convinced me that infiltrating the party (much less having fun doing so)wasn’t a viable plan.
As I was talking to DD last night he said to me (goodnaturedly), “You know, you and I should be natural enemies.”
And I said, “Nah, only if we took things too personally.”
But we do have very different politics, strategies, and priorities. It’s part of what makes talking to him interesting.
And I said, “Nah, only if we took things too personally.”
Nothing about my estrangement from partisan politics was the result of a thin skin unless a reflexive, life long personal aversion to authoritarian and/or manipulative personalities is understood as personal.
It’s just that I think that threatening to beat up and/or ban people one does not agree with online is unacceptable and worthy of contempt.
did you see his Sunday ‘get the fuck off the site’ diary at dKos? Definitely a different approach than mine, even though we both get exasperated with people threatening to leave the party, which in a crisis is a lot like leaving your post.
did you see his Sunday ‘get the fuck off the site’ diary at dKos?
My reading of DD has been limited to his comments in threads for some time now. I stopped reading his diaries after he started threatening to beat people up online.
I did read his comments on that diary in a thread the next day.
even though we both get exasperated with people threatening to leave the party, which in a crisis is a lot like leaving your post.
Post? I think that the blog leaders think of us as what Petey envisioned as ‘an army of dittoheads’. We’re not an army and most of us aren’t inclined to dittoheadedness. It’s a fundamental misunderstanding of what makes politically inclined liberals tick.
I’m an anti-poverty activist, imagine the pain. From my perspective the leadership abandoned their posts a good long time ago and this angers me greatly because it’s poor strategy and poor public policy. There are some consequences to relying on strategies and policies which appeal to conservative white males to win elections(and looking at the coming SCOTUS white Catholic males must be filled with the joy of seeing themselves reflected so large and called justice) but, believe me, most of us don’t think justice has anything to do with it.
I get involved in politics because public and foreign policy has real consequences. (although I must also admit to the sort of pleasure in following politics that rabid sports enthusiasts must get from their avocation) These days I vote for the person who seems likely to kill the least number of people who are actually born and breathing. I want to vote for people with enough wisdom to represent all strata of society and who aren’t heavily invested in preserving an eroding status quo.
I don’t think of people as my soldiers.
I care about public policy…a lot.
But the battle now is to have a least one part of the government that is willing to insist that this administration is committing crimes and must be punished. I am putting all the other stuff to the side at the moment. And if you vote for anyone other than the Democrat you are not aligning yourself with the only plausible victor over Bushism.
In that sense, we are in the midst of a major crisis, and you are leaving your post. You are not on duty. You are wasting your time thinking about the merits of the Green Party platform when the President is torturing people, spying on them, stealing from them, appointing judges hostile to their interests, fighting unwinnable and incredibly expensive wars, destroying our image, tarnishing our history, flouting our laws.
I oppose anyone that wants to leave this party over the weak-ass resistance they are putting up. I’m just not about to be so disrespectful as to tell them to get the fuck off the site. I want to debate them and they are welcome here as long as they don’t mind me making my case for what I believe, too.
You are wasting your time thinking about the merits of the Green Party platform
Good lord.
When did I ever say I was considering the merits of the Green Party?
the royal we
My contribution to reinvigorating the party.
And by the way, if I was an evil anti-liberal DLC Establishment Democrat as I sometimes come off as or am portrayed as, I would have had to chance to take out Chuck last night. I didn’t. I told Liz that I am neutral as I will vote for any Democrat who can beat Santorum, as that is my only goal.
(Just kidding about the taking out Chuck part).
dragonballyee! not eye.