It is the prohibition that makes anything precious.
– Mark Twain’s Notebook
What’d you find this morning? This came via e-mail list from today’s LawCom news:
Feds’ Cell Phone Tracking Divides the Courts
Judges grapple with DOJ requests as law struggles to keep pace with technology
Tresa Baldas
The National Law Journal
01-19-2006But what about allowing federal investigators to monitor a person via his or her cell phone without having to provide evidence of criminal activity?
That question has got privacy advocates on high alert as several courts in recent months have received requests from the U.S. Department of Justice to track people through their cell phones with no showing of probable cause.
But most recently, on Dec. 20, a fourth judge, in New York, ruled in the government’s favor, finding that the USA Patriot Act and federal wiretapping laws allow police to track cell phone signals without showing probable cause. In re Application for the U.S. for an Order for Disclosure of Telecommunication: Opinion and Order Authorizing Use of Pen Register and Trap Trace, No. 05 Mag. 1763 (S.D.N.Y.).
Add ’em if you’ve got ’em.
Area high school student proposes random drug testing of student body: LINK
And there’s more…
Here’s the daily headline list on science, energy, medicine and all that nerdy technical stuff. Enjoy:
Science Headlines 19 Jan 2006
Very Bad News du Jour: Due to reduced convection currents, warmer seas will have less plankton; a positive feedback on climate change and harmful to the oceanic food chain.
UN experts warn bird flu could devastate Africa
Scientist studying tropical clouds to improve precision of climate change models
Scientists open capsule containing comet dust; estimate over a million particles inside
Sediment samples and orbit calculations reveal asteroid collision 8 million years ago rained dust on earth for a million years, possibly affecting climate
Brain scans reveal men’s pleasure in revenge
Nine-fold increase in air pollution in China over last 50 years decreases sunlight at ground, despite fewer cloudy days
Six former EPA heads urge action on greenhouse gas emissions (NYT)
New coral bleaching event at Great Barrier Reef blamed on high temperatures; raises fears
Avian flu found in wild birds in Crimea (Ukraine)
EU prepares for WTO ruling on genetically modified food ban
Canada’s supreme court upholds legality of local pesticide bans
Sunscreen compounds may be endocrine disruptors in fish, Swiss find.
Acetaminophen forms toxics during chlorination
Vatican – via newspaper L’Osservatore Romano – weighs in on evolution debate again; sides with science in Dover, PA case.
Longer article:
The January issue of Environmental Health Perspectives has a feature article following up on the effects of Hurricane Katrina. (Can also be downloaded as pdf file)
and says something about a truce with the US and rebuilding Afghanistan and Iraq. Also something about more attacks inside the US if the truce isn’t accepted.
Waiting on the tape/ transcript from al-jazeera.
San Francisco Chronicle – AP Breaking News”
Found this in my local paper on the Bin Laden story. More info shortly from other sources I’m sure.
I heard that on NPR news just a bit ago, but didn’t get any details Will you post them when you find more?
Here’s the al jazeera transcript/ article
The truce quote:
/Here’s a quote:
“In response to the substance of the polls in the US, which indicate that Americans do not want to fight Muslims on Muslim land, nor do they want Muslims to fight them on their land, we do not mind offering a long-term truce based on just conditions that we will stick to.
“We are a nation that Allah banned from lying and stabbing others in the back, hence both parties of the truce will enjoy stability and security to rebuild Iraq and Afghanistan, which were destroyed by war.
“There is no problem in this solution, but it will prevent hundreds of billions from going to influential people and warlords in America – those who supported Bush’s electoral campaign – and from this, we can understand Bush and his gang’s insistence on continuing the war.”
Addressing Americans again, he said: “If your desire for peace, stability and reconciliation was true, here we have given you the answer to your call.” /
Why isn’t the traditional media pointing out that such an attack is clearly impossible. We attacked Iraq so that they couldn’t attack us here. Huh?
as MSN, AOL & Yahoo roll over:
Why does the DOJ want these records?
Why should this matter to us?
Meanwhile, anti-porn activists are blathering on & on on cspan’s coverage of congressional hearings today. These 4 pictures pretty much says it all regarding our levee’s and how other countries have protected themselves from flooding.
Shows picture of London, what the Dutch have done, the Italians in protecting Venice and how the supposed richest country in the world protects their people.
It just seems so bizarre that there is no planning to undertake some sort of similar project for New Orleans. Instead it seems we are just going to patch up the old levees and hope the over a hundred year old water pumps last what..another hundred years.