From the Humane Society:

In a hard-won battle last year, the American people convinced Congress to stop the use of tax dollars to promote horse slaughter. Never did we imagine that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the administrative agency charged with carrying out Congress’ will, would ignore this mandate and work to find a way to continue its involvement with the cruel and un-American horse slaughter for export industry.

 Shockingly, as 2006 begins, it appears that USDA is seriously considering a petition submitted by the foreign-owned slaughter plants that would create a whole new manner of paying for horse slaughter, an effort that directly undermines Congress’ mandate.
Please tell U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Mike Johanns to stop bucking the will of Congress and implement the horse slaughter ban here

The Washington Times suggests an email to or a call to his office at 202-720-3631.  Let’s tell the gentleman that sometimes Congress does speak for us and we are not to be ignored.