I warned you. I told you this was an awful idea that would ruin me and irritate you. I begged to be talked out of it. And what do I get for my troubles. Twenty or thirty pats on the back and “atta-boys.” You guys are the nicest bunch of bloggers on the planet. Dang it.
So, if you get nothing else out of this upstart podcast/blog idea, you might at least get a couple of laughs. Because I was warning you for a reason. I am a talentless wannabe. And if my first day as a podcaster is any measure, you may be in for a string of reports like this one:
Yesterday sucked. I told you I was too busy for new ideas. Freaking peace day extraordinaire. My shepherding of the meeting to organize the gigantic local anti-war effort against our wing-nut war-monger elected official.
And the meeting was like herding freaking cats. There is no way to get three anti-war people in a room to agree on anything. That is my theory. I worked all day laying out the best plan I could. Forests were sacrificed for the various handouts and samples I passed among my comrades. A comprehensive plan based on months of planning with individuals and groups. And it was nit-picked ad nauseam from the outset. Horrible experience. Made me want to have one of those Korean parliamentary fistfights. But that’s not a very peaceful response. So I grinned. Bore it. And the idea is moving forward and evolving in new and fun ways. Vague, to be sure. But onward.
So I had to go get a beer or three to wind down. Raspberry Ale, followed by Blue Moon. And the obligatory late night cheeseburger. (Because I was working all day, preparing to herd cats, and forgot any meals — okay — back off about the New Year’s resolution).
Came home happy. Read all of your kind words. Sheesh. Ask for a little help from friends, to let the air out of an idea, and what do they do for you. Pump you up. Pat you on the back.
To be honest, I guess if I had wanted to get flamed about this, I would have posted it on dKos. Could have gotten enough hate-mail in the three minutes it stayed on the list to keep me out of podcasting for another year. So I guess I really do like this stupid idea. As evidenced by how I spent the late hours of last evening. Doing a podcast for you. A pilot program. Intended to be unveiled in this very diary. Oh my.
Got registered at a free site. Used your comments to refine my idea about what I was doing. Got a program idea together. And eventually started crafting my own show.
Thing was supposed to be five minutes long. A pilot, just to share with you all. For kicks. And further refinement.
Had some initial problems with Mozilla so switched to IE. Then hit record and did my first broadcast. Ten minutes of scintillating coverage from around the liberal blogosphere. I hit on Man Eegee’s take on Ford job losses. And tampopo’s trip to D.C. Cruised over to dKos, and checked out Georgia10’s take on Bushapalooza — the “war on terror” tour. And finished up with Cup O’ Joe from My Left Wing, and his rant on civility in the age of 24-hour cable news. Great line-up. Ran ten minutes long.
Then I hit stop. And tried to upload. And got nowhere. Initial indications from the tech crew (me) are that I didn’t even record anything. My sound engineer (me) says that I talked for ten minutes about the world of liberal blogging to an audience of one (me). Leading to the obvious philosophical question, if a podcaster talks about bloggers in a room with no one to listen, does he make any sound.
Tried to correct the technical problems until 2:00 a.m. My station manager (me) tells me that none of the fixes worked. We officially have no show for today. The pilot was a total failure.
Limped my lame ass off to bed. Where my philosophical question was promptly answered by Mrs. BostonJoe.
“Who were you talking to down there?”
I didn’t even bother trying to answer. And the question was good news, according to my station’s account executive (me), because my audience numbers had doubled after just one broadcast.
It only gets better today. Dentist. Drills. Two teeth to be repaired. And blessed nitrous. While I’m smelling the burn of the drill on my numbed teeth, I’ll be thinking of how to fix these technical issues, no doubt. And try another pilot tomorrow.
The show, for now, is called IMHO Radio. But there’s nothing to listen to. Yet.
More updates as they happen. And that is the last time I come to the good folks at the Booman Tribune to try to talk me out of anything.
And to answer that question burning in your minds. Yes, if I’m stuck doing this, you’d better bet your arse that you are doing it with me. As soon as I get some pilot material up and we refine this idea some more, I want Boo volunteers to help out. Take days. So I’m not up until two in the morning every night of the week. At this rate, I’m going to sleep through the nitrous, and fail to get my dental money’s worth.
Update [2006-1-24 12:15:55 by BostonJoe]: Oh shit. I’ve figured out the initial technical difficulties. You have to press the “record” button and not the “play” button. I know you won’t believe this, but I didn’t even have to call in for outside help to get through the first crisis for IMHO Radio. I just read the manuals a bit, and viola.
But the cool part. Game on. It is too fucking cool. I recorded a bit of last nights show. Until I realized a relative had come over to visit with Mrs. BostonJoe in the next room. Now, as I walk by and look at relative, I can see a special look in her eye. The look says, “Why were you just in the other room by yourself talking in a faux radio voice like some television news anchor?” I swear. All of that is in the look. Plus scorn.
But anyway. I listened to the snippet. And it is raw. But it doesn’t sound half bad. I will definitely get the first show up tomorrow. Barring of course, more technical difficulties like saving the file. Or the dreaded uploading of the file. There are many potential obstacles. But now that I’ve figured out the “record” button, it seems like the rest will be gravy. Smooth sailing. Game on.
Maybe if I beg you to recommend this diary, you will flame me and help nip this pitiful excuse for an idea in the bud.
How about this — it is completely unfair to those of us who only have dial-up and can’t download podcasts. No, instead we are left to suffer the pings and narrows of outrageous download times, denied knowledge available to others by cruel fate and crappy phone companies.
Agreed. I’m a “proud” member of the dial-up club as well. Podcasts! Podcasts are like flying cars and intergalactic space travel, something a long way down the road for me!
Ah the Jetsons imagery. I so wanted a Rosie the robot and a talking dog like “Rastro.” But alas. Stuck with iPods and podcasts. Who’d of thunk it. (William Gibson perhaps).
Now that is the kind of guilt trip I’m talking about. If you would have laid this on the line yesterday, AndiF, I wouldn’t be so tired now (didn’t sleep through the nitrous though).
I can’t just work up a really good guilt trip rant instantaneously. It’s really unfair of you to ask that of me and if you were really a good person, you wouldn’t have pointed that out (IIRC you, like me, are susceptible to the Jewish Mother Behavior Modification Gambit™)
That is freaking hilarious. You are channeling my mother-in-law.
You are channeling my mother-in-law.
Not unless I am very confused about who it is that gave birth to me and that has been reminding me, ever so gently for over 50 years exactly how a good daughter behaves.
What you are talking about here is kindof what I was driving in this diary a while ago:
If you chose to do it in a podcast than that is a great way to get to a group of people that may not read blogs.
The MSM is just a corporate mouthpiece. The Grey Lady is dead.
Those of us that see all of this happening are the only people we can count on to be the media now.
In response to what you wrote in your first “Be the Media” diary:
Jump damnit! 🙂
I’ve still got that story on my hotlist for inspiration.
I am humbled by that comment… Thanks!
Though you must enjoy the long path of torture that leads to inspiration if you read that entire diary considering it was a meandering rant that didn’t get to the point until about two-thirds of the way through. lol
I’m sure our Central Government in the Gremlin (CGG) must have listened in and the taxpayer’s organisation National Security for all Americans (NSA) could provide a copy of the ten minute diatribe to be relayed to the blogger’s world.
Perhaps you yourself hit the START button on an old-fashioned studio recorder?
In 1989, East Germany’s Ministry for State Security (the “Stasi”) had 91,000 staff members and 174,000 unofficial collaborators – a ratio of one spy for every 62 citizens.
That intensity of state surveillance was probably without parallel anywhere in the world. Neighbours spied on the people living next door and there were instances of one spouse spying on the other.
“But I will not let myself be reduced to silence.”
▼ ▼ ▼ MY DIARY
Your content did not include me. Therefore the effort was bound to incur technical glitches (a spiritual phenonemon), nor will it get you any hate mail.
Oh DF. I’ve got a whole weeks worth of podcasts just to introduce you to the entire iPod world. “The blogger, the myth, the legend: Durtape Fatwa. This week, on IMHO Radio.”
“To be honest, I guess if I had wanted to get flamed about this, I would have posted it on dKos. Could have gotten enough hate-mail in the three minutes it stayed on the list to keep me out of podcasting for another year.”
Gotta go wipe away the tears of laughter, and clean the sprayed coffee off the monitor.
BTW, with all of us typing our little fingers down to bloody nubs here in blogospace you could only find TEN MINUTES of material to talk about? Pretty tough standards, I guess. 😉
Another thought –
You should ask Arthur Gilroy and friends to do your theme music, LOL!
Maybe they can play backup to vocals by “Susanhu and the Raccoons…” True story: Speaking of singing raccoons, many years ago – I was living in Kansas City (Gladstone) at the time – our house backed on to a park. One evening about 11 PM as we were getting into bed I heard incredible screaming sounds coming from the park. I tried to get my wife to call 911, thinking a woman was being raped, but she informed me it was only a raccoon in heat.
I just want to learn how to press the “play” button for today. We’ll get to the advanced Arthur Gilroy intro riffs later. But it is a good idea.
So what is the point of the racoon rape story. Are you saying you would have helped the woman, but it is okay for a poor, defenseless racoon to get raped? I’m calling PETA. 🙂
Unbelievable how few words on the screen take up time in reading/talking. I’m shocked. But don’t worry. I’ll get to everyone. My days are endless. Or so it appears from here.
You are a gem in the blogosphere,Boston Joe.ROFLMAO.
Poor old hub just looks at me and says WTF are you laughing at NOW?
I think I’m just one strange dude. Which would make anyone laughing about these things a strange chick/dude. I wouldn’t admit to knowing me if I were you. Just tell your husband you are laughing to yourself. Worked for me last night.
Oh hell no,hub loves all my strange friends- he is a little strange himself-he just feels left out.
Well, let’s see. I’ve never done a broadcast in my life, have no idea how to go about writing a script that reads well over the radio, and have zero ability to create theme music.
Where do I sign up to help?
That is the spirit Man Eegee. You are our blog jockey. Just as soon as I get this figured out. And I’m not buying Knoxville’s plaintiff whining about his squeaky voice from yesterday, either. There are no whiny voices in the new media. It’s all about the message, man. Not going to let KP off the hook that easy. Who’s going to do the Jazz hour if not for him.
“Who were you talking to down there?”
Seems like I’ve heard that one a few times myself.
I think you have a great idea BJoe, I can hardly wait to see it implemented. And then, dang, another electronic device to add the purchase list… and more manuals to read, acckkk!!
Try Upstart TV
They will host video and audio recordings and they also host blogs. They even let you upload your video and audio so you are using their bandwidth.
They have been around quite a few months but so far nobody has uploaded a video or a an audio… You could be the first. They have a ten minute limit on the length of a video. I don’t know about audio length?
When I get as far along as distribution, I’ll look into this. Wouldn’t hurt if you remind me again later, CT. And thanks for the idea. Look what you’ve gone and started. Like dropping pebbles in a pond.
BostonJoe, I’m currently working on getting things together to do a VLog (video blog) for a comedy puppet duo that I work with here in New York. I’m also thinking about putting together my own online neo-Daily Show-type thingy once that’s off the ground. But, unlike you, I’m not just jumping in immediately (but I love the commitment) mainly because I don’t have all the technical necessities yet.
Let’s talk. ARe you anywhere near NYC?
For me, it is not called committment. It is called naivety. For you, it is called proper planning. Your show sounds cool. I’m not ready for video. In fact, I’ve got a face that’s made for radio. But look how far Cheney has made it. Nothing is impossible I guess.
I’m no where near NYC. You can e-mail me. I do my best talking by e-mail. Sound seven or eight times smarter when I’m writing as opposed to when I’m actually talking. As all are about to find out.
Tell me your comedy puppet show is not called “The ambiguously gay comedy puppet duo?” Having a SNL moment here.
All right. We’ll do lunch. Over e-mail. You vlogger you.
This is something that’s been ruminating in the nether regions of my mind for some time now. Not so much a “pod-cast” idea but more along the lines of low power, community FM radio.
Since the FCC has chosen to valiantly pursue those who have attempted to to Pirate Radio…one such venture in my hometown having been harassed out of existence…a friend of mine and I have been brainstorming ideas.
This may be the impetus needed to resurrect some of those.
Between ‘T’ and me we’ve got over 36 yrs experience in producing and engineering music programs as DJ’s on a community radio station, but neither of us has the computer skills, nor aptitude, to pull something like this off.
GREAT IDEA!…now stop yer whinin’. Keep us posted and as it evolves, and time permitting…I’d be happy to help…Blues wi da News…I could dig that. I’ll talk w/ T and some others about contributing.
Keep in touch.
Professionals. Now I feel like Timmy Turner. I wish I had a media empire.
“T” was a pro…me… I’m just a amateur, volunteer w/ a lot of music background and soundboard experience in clubs in my younger days…Alas, my hearing has suffered but not my enthusiasm.
Got a pretty good “FM” voice too…..Ha! :{)
he’s the accidental activist
Even though
Even though
he’s from Michigan
and not named Joe
or DC blast
either way
He’ll kick Red Ass
that’s our bowahwahwahwahstun JOE (um… I’m still working on it. I’ll get back to you with I have something more)
and in the meantime, if you need like a superdupe suit or something…
See, the hat is aero-something-dynamic. And if you step into any dog shit you can just easily wash it off.
Please note: duct tape suits are strong and washable but NOT BULLET PROOF.
Oh, God, I love it:
A duct tape suit with a tin foil hat.
I had to laugh. Hehehe. That is outrageously funny. Maybe if I talk about it some more, I can make it stop being funny. Hmmm. Nope. Still funny. Can I copy to photo and use it for podcast page?
As you wish!
I’ve got a few good Detroit riffs going on in my widdle bwonde bwain… along the lines of “Zero, Hero, Volcano and Gestapo” gotta let it marinate some tonight and see what lyrics I can come up with then. 🙂
I’ve got dial up…but soon very sooon I’ won’t. 🙂
Well I just wrote a very long and detailed post about ideas/suggestions and all kinds of witty banter in between my wonderfully super ideas…however instead of hitting post I hit delete and alas that kind of off the top witty banter can not be repeated.
Some things are meant to be. You are clearly meant to lead the next wave of citizen journalism. I can’t wait to hear it.